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Realistic or Modern The Serial Killings of Keatonville


now i know how joan of arc felt
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

October 4th,2020,

North Keaton High (NKH)

The sky is a dismal gray, it rained all through the night, leaving the lawn of North Keaton High a muddy mess. This was terrible timing from Mother Nature for it was picture day and most of the students were dressed formally; White button-ups, black dresses, suits, ties, fancy white shoes, etc. But despite the fact that it was muddy outside, there was a large crowd gathering around the entrance of the school.


At first, it seemed odd as to why they were not entering the school, then came the lights. Blue and red strobes to be exact; the police were blocking the entrance as an ambulance made its way next to the crowd and abruptly parked. Three EMS workers ran from the vehicle and barged through the doors. Loud chattering could be heard for several minutes, theories, speculations, and conspiracies began traveling around as to why the police we'rent letting them in and what exactly was going on, then a stretcher could be seen exiting the school.

The three EMS were slowly pushing the stretcher towards the ambulance as the crowd started screaming loudly, and the police began calming everyone down. What had just happened?




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V I . B A B I N E A U X
Vi had woken up extra early that morning, considering the fact that it was picture day and she had to look her best. She took a long shower, letting the how water cascade on her body for longer than usual. She dried her hair and left it in its natural style; slightly wavy, and put on only a slight bit of makeup; mascara, lip gloss. It had taken her a while to pick the outfit she was going to wear, but finally, she settled on a pale white dress with frills on the sleeves. She put in some silver earrings, and set off downstairs.

Leon was sat at the table, sipping his black coffee and scrolling away on his phone. He looked tense, his posture straight and uptight. Vi didn't bother to ask him what was the matter; there was always some unsolved crime on his mind. Slowly, Vi went over to the cupboard and got herself a bowl and some cereal.

"Picture day?" Leon said as Vi got a spoon from the drawer.

"Yep, wish me luck." Vivienne shoveled lucky charms into her mouth. She walked around the kitchen a while, her bowl in her hand, chatting to her brother, before going to the door, taking her coat and walking outside.

The short walk to school didn't take long, but the sight that greeted Vi was unexpected. Crowds of kids waiting outside, the doors to North Keaton High locked. Vi walked cautiously across the gravel and towards the grass, which coated mud onto the soles of her boots. For a while, she just waited there, staring- and then the lights came. Police.

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