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Realistic or Modern The Selection

Amare te stesso

Someone Who Loves to Write


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cc04a084b_TheSelection.png.99c98b7a8971020c4ab885307c7e5b27.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145536" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cc04a084b_TheSelection.png.99c98b7a8971020c4ab885307c7e5b27.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

For fifteen girls, The Selection is the chance of a lifetime. The opportunity to escape the life laid out for them since birth. To be swept up in a world of glittering gowns and priceless jewels. To live in the palace and compete for the heart of the gorgeous Prince Alex.

In a dystopian world where war has given rise to a kingdom named Illea from the United States, society is divided into castes. Each caste has a role whether it is as an artist, a farmer, or a factory worker. One is the highest caste and contains people like royalty, while Eight is the lowest caste and contains the poorest people who do not have means of employment. While it is possible to climb castes, it is very difficult and does not happen often.










Each selected rooms are accustomed to the needs of the selected and that includes providing instruments they may play, music, changing paint, or furniture. Each selected will also get a maid and a guard.



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cc8de8b8f_PrincessesBedroom.jpg.bdc39f17f6617ee93138d6210abb61a0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147085" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cc8de8b8f_PrincessesBedroom.jpg.bdc39f17f6617ee93138d6210abb61a0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Something the selected need to know is that there will be people who will get sent home int the selection and if that happens to your character you have the choice of dropping the RP completely, or becoming a maid or a guard instead. The Selected girls that get sent home will be the Prince's choice, not mine. So good luck, we will be starting soon!



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~News Report~

"The lovely ladies of the selection will soon be arriving at the castle for their life changing experience and to live in the magnificent castle with the royal family. You will be able to talk to these lovely ladies in three days for the next capital report."

The selected ladies are in the castle now getting their make-overs before they meet the gorgeous Prince Alex the following morning. They have the option to change their hair color, pile on as much make-up as they want and to get their nails done. All they have to do is instruct the people around them, then they will be given their evening dress and escorted to their rooms before dinner. Then tomorrow, the games will begin.


~Queen Julianna~

The Queen was with the maids in the Women's room making sure everything was in perfect order before the girls got here. She knew it was the maids job but she liked double checking everything for herself. Walking through the walls of her castle she came to an area where she heard a bunch of bustle and noise knowing the girls were getting ready before they even enter the main castle area. Walking up three flights of stairs, she reaches the third floor where all the royals bedroom were. Knocking on her sons door, she waits for him to answer just wanting to see how he was doing with all of this and if he was ready to meet all of these ladies.



~Clary Brookes~

Everything that was around her was going by in a blur. They were each given an outfit of a white shirt and black pants when they were heading to the castle but she didn't know what to think of everything and how grand everything was. Yet, she loved every second something new came around and was thrown at her. With the make-up and hair, she wanted to leave her hair the same since she loved her full blonde hair and to have light make-up. She couldn't stand the feeling of piles of make-up on her face. It honestly just made her feel fake if she wore a lot of make-up. Her hair and skin felt so soft since it was typically just rough and her hair typically dry. Then she was instructed to pick out a dress she liked and put it on before moving over to a couch where she will wait until a guard or a maid will come and grab her, bringing her to her room. Finally deciding on a lilac colored dress, a maid over their led her to a changing room where she got the dress on and it looked lovely on her. Walking over to a couch she was supposed to sit on, she was handed a pair of 1-inch heels that go with her dress before she simply has to wait.

"Thank you" she says softly to the maid that brought her the shoes and she just had a smile on her face yet she couldn't help but miss her family and her little sister, but honestly she was just excited to be here and she didn't mean meeting the prince but she knew every moment she was here, they were getting money and getting better instead of barely keep their heads above water.











@Tola @Iskolde @Smoaki @Valk @Redamancy @Snowflower @labyrinthecho @Radiohead @Tsiwentiio @Opalescence

Natalia Farriah you are assigned to Elizabeth Green

Michael Gray you are assigned to Bee Rai

Seong Alice you are assigned to Callie Parks

Amanda Clarke you are assigned to Theresa Laurent

Todrick Okoye you are assigned to Winnifred Maden

Kelsey Holland you are assigned to Clarissa "Clary" Brookes

Vivienne Kemna you are assigned to Meridian D'Novack (Sorry!)

Let me know if I missed anybody!
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Prince Alex

Alex stared out his window nervously, hands folded behind his back. He knew the girls were here, he'd watched as they pulled up to the castle, catching glimpses of the tops of their heads. Alex hoped none of them changed themselves too much, he wanted to see the real them. The idea of what he was going to have to do tommorrow haunted him, he honestly did not wish to send any of them home for fear it would break their hearts. Blue eyes closed and a sigh escaped his lips, he was ready none the less.

Knocking on his chamber door startled Alex from his thoughts, turning around, he swiftly made his way to the door and pulled it open. A smile graced his face at the site of his mother.

"Mother, come in, come in." Alex stepped aside, allowing the Queen entrance and closing the door behind him.

"Have you seen any of the girls? Tell me, do they look like they could ride a horse?" Was the first question that left his mouth.

Interacting with: Queen Juliana




Oh sure, Meri had seen plenty of pictures of the royal palace throughout her lifetime. The palace and its inhabitants were regularly featured on the covers of magazines and cheap tabloids and the Report. But seeing it in person was another thing entirely. It was towering and imposing and had the most beautiful green gardens she had ever seen in her life. Already her feet were itching, dying to roam throughout the twisting paths of nature and see just how high she could climb in the well-manicured trees. A silly grin turned her lips at that particular thought. But it morphed into a small frown of consternation as she remember her surroundings. She was in a car, a limo at that, on her way to the palace because she had been Selected. She, Meridian D'Novak, of all the hundreds of thousands of eligible young women who put their name in for the Selection, had actually been Selected. She was still astounded by the very thought. Both of her parents had looked outright frightened at the idea of her going off to the palace, perhaps rightly concerned at their whimsical, free-spirited daughter being unleashed upon the palace and palace inhabitants and staff.

In the back of the car, Meri petulantly crossed her arms.
"I'm not ill-behaved," she told herself, eyes once again drifting to the window and the passing scenery as the car made it's way towards the entrance. She was just immensely curious and sometimes didn't know when to stop in her desire to learn and understand, not a troublemaker at heart. Finally, the car rolled to a stop and before she could utter a few words in greeting to the guard meeting her at the car, she was ushered into the palace, through several winding corridors, and into a room with all manner of mirrors, buckets of cosmetics, and racks and closets stuffed with glittering opulent dresses. Meri's jaw dropped ever so slightly at the blatant display of luxury. Her father was a talented jeweler, creating splendid pieces for all kinds of Twos and Threes. But nothing made by his hands, or even her own, compared to the beautiful delicacy of everything in this room.

A handful of girls walked over to her, smiling. They said something about a makeover, she thought, though her brain was still in a bit of a euphoric daze to hear much. She was coherent enough to turn down any excessive changes to her hair or makeup routine. She allowed a few caramel colored highlights to be put in her hair to make the brown of her hair look richer and her nails to be painted a shimmery white. But she rather liked her odd eyes and olive skin tone and didn't want much done. She may be living in the palace for however long the prince wanted her to stay, but she still wanted to look and feel like her. After being presented with an array of dresses to choose from, Meri almost collapsed. Never mind the fact she had never worn something so extravagant in her life, but she had never been particularly fond of dresses either. She liked pants and stretchy fabrics that allowed a full range of movement. Flustered, she finally picked a glitzy, sparkly gold number, really too audacious for her taste though it certainly would complement her skin tone at the very least. Plus it looked like the only option that would allow her the most amount of movement... at least underneath several layers of tulle. She had put her foot down at the frightening spindly looking heels they had wanted to put her in and the maids had been forced to put her in the tiniest heel they had in the room (in a a bright shade of fuchsia that contrasted vividly with the pale champagne gold of her dress, much to their frustration).

Dressed and primped to their standards, Meri flopped onto the couch with a groan, struggling to look ladylike and proper in the width of the dress. She turned her head to peer at the girl seated elegantly beside her.
"I forgot that dresses were a part of this whole process," she whispered, the current of a laugh underlying her voice.


Beatrice smoothed out her already flawless dress. Though she wasn't at all poor, it was difficult to picture herself in something like this before she put it on. Even so, she acted like she wasn't used to anything less, and glanced around the room, her excitement not apparent.

Surely, he wouldn't like someone who was excited to see something he saw daily. That was just strange.

Still, many girls were visibly impressed and excited. Not her. Just a complete nervous wreck.

Bee had so much makeup to make it look like she didn't have any make up on. She stood up, bringing her hand to her hair before remembering she couldn't mess it up. Walking on glass here, she thought, standing up like a nervous kid going up to the stage. She'd seen so many people today, and wouldn't mind going to sleep for a few months. It wasn't that she needed sleep. She was just... exhausted. Had they told her what to do after she was ready? Something about... She couldn't remember. So, she stood motionless and practically paralyzed, trying to look like she knew what she was doing. Her eyes darted up to the staff, seeing that many were busy. That was fine. She, ah, needed to straighten her dress some more.


Tags: @Valk (Assigned)

Mentioned: None

Mood: Nervous

Other: The formality of the post is how the character thinks and acts like, if that makes sense. For instance, this is more formal than Vivienne's.

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Winifred Maden
Winnie stared out the window, her elbow on the window ledge and her chin in the palm of her hand. Her cheek rested on the warm glass, whilst she sighed at the passing sights. Everything looked normal for a hideously ginormous palace! Sculpted bushes and shrubs could be seen in the distance. A dashing statue spouting out water into a fountain stared at her. Deciding to roll down the window to get some air, she closed her eyes at the wind's harsh kisses. This... this was probably the worst decision of her life. A naked statue whizzed by. She whistled.

Nevertheless, she might as well make the most of it!

||||||[ skip ]||||||

The blond sat cross-legged in a sinking couch, arms folded across her chest. It made her look like she was slouching. What she was really going for was a sexy look, but no. With her dark as night dress, the light freckles sprayed across the bridge of her nose resembled the stars. A soft amount of makeup glitter made her collarbone and freckles stand out a teensy bit more. She didn't want to look like some sparkle-freak princess; but she loved cosmetics! Still, she wore lighter shades compared to what she usually wore.

(Lol it's so short ; - ; )


~Queen Julianna~

Walking into her son's room, a soft smile forms on her face. "Well thank you" she says before looking around his room and peaking out the window before turning to Alex. "I have unfortunately not seen any of them but I will be meeting them tonight, remember you're not allowed to see any of them until tomorrow, against the rules" she says the last part in most of a playful tone. Looking around his room once again she meets his gaze again. "Good luck with all the girls though, I still remember some of the girls in my Selection, they were.....a handful." Juli says with a small laugh while she reminisced on the memories of her Selection remembering the time she smacked a girl and surprisingly she didn't get kicked out for it. "One thing I'm going to warn you of is not to kiss one of the girls in front of all the other girls, you will regret that move" she says really just trying to give him the best advice she could. "Are you ready for this?"



Vivienne stood a comfortable distance from the girl, helping whenever a task came up. She was a bit frustrated that she wasn't able to do more, between everyone crowding around and trying to get the job done. Viv understood that she was named Meridian, but not much else.

She generally thought all of them were beautiful, albeit very dim. A marriage where you had to wear four pounds of eye shadow every day wasn't worth it. That would be hella expensive. And if you didn't, you'd just one day go from being Glenda to Witch of the West. Zero to holy shit real quick.

The woman ran a hand through her hair, standing up straight. The women's room was stuffy, and crowded. Two months in and she already had to actually work. This was a very sad day.

Her eyes fell on a dark haired girl she didn't like at all. It was one of those people you hated for almost no reason. She looked at her for a second, and strung together an interesting combination of insults, taking satisfaction that she could cuss her out as much as she wanted, and the selected chick would be none the wiser.

Remembering the Meridian girl, she turned back towards her, seeing that she was sitting down on a couch nearby.. she didn't know her name. Seriously, did she have to remember all of it? She forgot things in the fridge for hours. She noped the hell out of that idea.

Vivienne flashed the brunette a smile, and asked, "I don't think I've said so yet, my name is Vivienne. Is there anything else you need? I'm always here for you."

She was convinced she was the number-one-pantie-dropper in Illea, and very confident in that.

And her eyes. She was a sucker for blue ones. Or... whatever those were. She was now raising her standards. She could only date people with eyes like hers.


Tags: @Opalescence

Mentioned: Meridian

Mood: Calm

Other: She'll be kind of vulgar at times; Sorry if you're offended by it. Also, kind of confused on what the servants are doing, so most of this is filler.

Feel like I messed something up.

Prince Alex

Alex pulled a pout at his mothers words, pulling a chair away from his desk for his mother to sit on,"Well, that ruins my plans." He smiled, a brilliantly white smile, offering his mother the chair and leaning himself against the archway leading to his bed.

Alex did not plan on doing anything inappropriate with one girl in front of the others, and he nodded at his mothers advise,"I wasn't planning on doing that anyway, I'd like to keep drama to a minimum. If only for the sake of Michael, Todrick, Natalia, and the maids. Well...except for maybe, Vivienne, I fear for the girl she is assigned to." Alex laughed, crossing his arms over his chest.

Alex's laugh fell when his mother asked him if he was ready, he honestly wasn't. The amount of emotional strain this would bring him, did not sit well,"No. I don't think I ever could be." He turned his head to glance out the window,"Mother, do you think I'll like any of them?" That's what he feared most, going through all of this strain, only to marry someone he didn't love in the end.

Interacting with: Queen Juliana

Mentions: Natalia and Vivienne
@Redamancy, Todrick @Radiohead ,and Michael @Valk
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Theresa sat still as the maid brushed out her hair. She had elected to leave it as it was, because it was a reminder of home. Her father and older sister had taken leave today just to see her off, while her mother had told her that if she was excused, she could always come home. Thinking about her family made her want to go home and stay with them, Selection be damned.

Pull yourself together, Theresa! she thought, mentally slapping herself across the face. You chose to participate, and you will gain the Illean throne and the prince's love, or make a good effort. Steeling herself, she noticed that the maid was done. She then stood up in her electric-blue heels and took a long look at herself in the mirror. I look better than I did at home! she thought , in awe of the palace staff. She wasn't wearing much makeup, only a little blush and lipstick.

Her dress was a stunning electric blue, with several sequins adorning the bodice and skirt. It was widely shaped, but that was okay. She was always good at carrying herself in dresses. Patting it, she turned to the maid. "Thank you very much. I have to go now, they want us to meet on a stage."

She walked out, and saw several other girls standing there, milling around with little to do. I should find someone to talk to...

@Opalescence @ScarlettRose16 @Redamancy

*~•Katilina Hart•~*

Katilina had arrived at the castle a few minutes ago. She stood in awe, it was just so beautiful. Even the room they were to get ready in was still better decorated than her whole house. It made her want to fangirl, which she obviously didn't.

As a model it was quite normal to get her makeup and hair done though she hardly wore any. Her agency was all about natural beauty, she didn't even wear foundation or concealer. She instructed the people responsible for makeup to do nothing other than blush, mascara, a nude lipstick and a simple smoky eye. Once that was done she herself braided her ginger hair and didn't bother to look at her reflection. She didn't really care about her appearance even though she was a model.

Next was the dress. Katilina immediately saw one dress. It was a fain gold colour that almost looked pink and strapless. The top was sparkly and it was floor length. She thought it was gorgeous. Even though it clashed with her ginger hair it would look stunning on her. She picked up the dress and was soon shown to a dressing room. There she slipped the dress on and looked at her reflection. It was perfect. For a second Katilina had forgotten that this wasn't for a show, but for something bigger than that. Once she came out she sat on a couch and waited for whoever would get her.

This doesn't feel right.. But I don't really have a choice.

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The sounds of steps and clattering of armor were soft,almost completely numb. The guard were preparing for the assignments of the day,and Todrick himself was mostly enjoying the calmness while it lasted. The castle would soon be filled with bubbling young women,and he had to prepare himself. A few of his fellow guards looked nervous for the sudden responsibility,but Todrick was simply focused.

Winnifred Maden.

That was the name of the lass under his protection. He wasn't exactly expecting trouble. His job would probably consist of answering questions and showing the facilities of the castle. But just in case,Todrick had his sword sharp and prepared for any occasion. His hands had killed to protect nobility and their guess before,and he wasn't afraid to do it again.

His eyes turned to glance quickly at the mirror,staying on the reflection only for the time it took him to check if his appearance was presentable. Going back to the slow pace around the room,he bit his lower lip lightly while waiting for the time to come. When he finally had the order to leave,Todrick walked out in a professional posture. The fact that the room with the girls would probably be crowded made him hold back a sigh. Crowds sucked. And of course,paranoid as he was,he was starting to be concerned about assassins hidden in the middle of the ladies.

Again. Paranoid.

It wasn't long until he was standing in the salon,glancing around at the girls. The fact that he was good with physiognomy would come in hand right now,mostly because he didn't have much idea of who exactly he was looking for. The description of her face came back to his mind. Beautiful. That wasn't much help,all of the girls here were somehow beautiful. Blonde,blue eyes. Again...hard to tell. His eyes fell on a certain woman talking to the selected,and Todrick couldn't hide his smile. Vivienne. What kind of trouble was she up to now? He didn't hold his sight for long though,turning back to the ladies. Did his prince really need so many girls around? Prince Alex probably had high standards,one of these girls
were going to be queen,after all. The amount of responsibility in that title wasn't something to be taken lightly. The huge amount of requirements made even him hesitant,let alone this girls who were about to be judged.

His thoughts turned back to the presence when he detected a girl that
seemed like his assignment. The description in his mind matched her perfectly,so he would have to risk it. If she wasn't actually Winnifred,he hoped that her temper wasn't bad enough to be offended by his mistake. Pulling the dreadlocks of his hair back to place,Todrick walked over to the girl.

"Miss Maden." Todrick bowed his head politely,offering one hand to help Winnifred stand up. While he was being completely formal,Todrick couldn't help but wonder if the woman in front of him would be his future queen. If Alex liked her,definitely. "Your room is ready,waiting for your presence. May I take you there?"

Interacts with: @labyrinthecho



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Meri turned her head away from the blonde girl next to her, noticing the young maid approaching her out of the corner of her eye. She assumed that this would be the maid, or at least one of the maids, assigned to her during her duration of time at the palace. She smiled broadly in response, somewhat flushed at the sudden attention and fuss being made over her. Life wasn't terrible as a Four. Her parents were business owners, catering to the elite circles of the Twos and Threes, and they enjoyed a comfortable living with their fine jewelry business. Her mother just had a certain eye for glitzy, glamorous things and could design the most beautiful pieces of jewelry and her father and his team of jewelry makers were adept at turning the paper creations into beautiful solid pieces. Meridian was expected to follow in their footsteps and they had already begun training her in their craft, thus the small burn mark on the back of her hand, a leftover from an unfortunate experience with the soldering iron. They would have been horrified if she had told them that she really wanted to be a Five. She didn't care much for jewelry or metal working or any aspect of the business really. She wanted to dance. She had been taking classes without her parents' knowledge and was overjoyed to find that she had a rather natural talent for it. Unfortunately, she would never be a Five, and her dreams of dancing in beautiful ballets or ensembles were effectively dashed the day she was born into her Caste.

Shaking the dismal thoughts from her mind, Meridian tilted her head, idly admiring the body art visible on the girl's sturdy arms.
"Hi, Vivienne! You can just call me Meri. And unless you can find some sort of reason or excuse to get me out of this dress, I think I'm about as good as I'm going to get. This really is an overwhelming experience, isn't it?" She mused aloud, half to herself, caught up in her own thoughts again.
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~Clary Brookes~

"Huh yeah our telling me" she says with a small laugh looking at the girl who spoke and she was gorgeous. This competition was going to be steep but honestly she didn't even want to be here. "It's almost like their trying to change us to meet the royal's standards." Clary says with a smile on her face. Clarissa figured she would get along with most of the girls fine since she honestly did want any trouble with any of them. Drama always drove her nuts a=but she had a feeling she might clash with somebody.

Seeing what she presumes to be a maid walk over to the girl who she was talking to so she falls silent hearing the bustle around her and it almost overwhelmed her in that moment and it almost felt like every minute someone walked over to ask her if she needed anything but she always excused them kindly saying, "I'm perfectly fine, don't worry about me." Speaking of maids she was curious where hers was, to take her to her room since she really didn't want to sit there with all of the noise.

@Opalescence (I also believe it's your maid character who is assigned to mine)

~Queen Julianna~

"Vivienne is defenitly a character, I hope to god the girl she's assigned to isn't going to run off just because of her" she says making a small joke out of it. Looking at her son her smile became a sad one. "I hope to go you do find the girl you love but don't decide right away give it time. But you'll know if there is a girl you want to spend your life with, you may not believe me now, but you'll know." she says sitting down on the chair he pulled out for her. Juli looked at her perfectly mannered nails remembering when they were all cracked and awful because of what her job was.

"You'll be fine plus you will get a day off....maybe every week but not really. Those girls will be all over you, if you ever need a break you can take one, the girls will understand. I'll let you know the gossip since I will be sitting in the Women's Room with them all day everyday. " she says trying to get the mood back up in the room.

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Prince Alex

Alex nodded at his mothers words,"Thank you, mother." He looked down at his black shined shoes and sighed. Alex had never known any life other than this one, as a kid he'd wanted to become a horse trainer or a jockey, but had learned as he grew that wouldn't be happening. But, all these girls had. They hadn't ever known a life like his, they most likely thought he was the happiest teenager in the damn world. He wasn't. Alex didn't want to be King, he didn't want that pressure put on his shoulders. He just wanted to ride horses all day long.

"Mother, do I get to choose where to take the girls on dates?" He questioned her, already planning and plotting in his head where he'd take ten if he did. The tower was most likely the best place, it had a wonderful view and was secluded from the hustle and bustle of the castle.

Interacting with: Queen Juliana
Selene De'Luca

Selene was being kissed all over her cheeks by her over-protective and loving mother who was sending her off in a car that would take her to the palace. Selene was one of the few out of thousands and thousands of girls to be selected from the list, which is why it surprised her when she got the acceptance letters. Selene wasn't the one who had put her on the list of being selected. It was more of her mothers doing since she had hardly gone out to meet someone and make a connection. Selene wasn't worried about that kind of stuff since she mostly focused on her work of becoming a/an astronomer. It's been her long life dream to study about the wonders of space and the things that might actually be out besides earth. Selene had secretly packed another bag that was filled with all of her books, notes, and a small portable telescope that was in a travel size so that she can carry it wherever she goes.

When her mother was done hugging and crying, she moved towards her father and gave him a long look before he had pulled her in and held her tightly. Selene was going to miss her 'big rock' when she was at the castle. Selene did nothing but hug him back before he sent her off with these final words,"Never be afraid to be you." Her father said as the car drove off with her. As she was being driven to the palace she began to think about what it would be like to be living with royalty for a while and how they would treat her. The thing that scared her the most was meeting the other girls, she didn't know if they were as vicious as the magazines would say there are whenever they come across a man. Selene has been reading that women will do anything to win the heart of a man that they are deeply interested in, which made Selene worry a little bit. It took a good forty-fifty minuets to get to the palace and when she got there, the door to the car opened and she took the hand that was offered to her and stepped out. Selene was amazed and breathless when she saw how beautifully designed the palace was.

Interacting with: Nobody (free to interact)

Mentioned: Nobody

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Matthew, like normal was up early, with everything going on with his son plus having a whole country to run, he didn't have time to sleep. First things first he had a meeting, being king was no easy job, he would have loved to have his son here, he should be at every meeting learning how to run a country. Of course there are issues with the countries along the borders, the threat of a war was being passed around, not with their country of course but with their allies. Some of the guards kept coming in, announcing that the ladies were starting to arrive, he knew himself and his wife were to meet them first before Alex was scheduled to. Finally after a few minutes the meeting ended, he figured his wife was up in their sons room, so he headed up there before anyone else could get his attention. He simply walked in "My son" he said loudly and walked over to the two "Are you ready" he looked at him and stood next to his wife "Remember being king isn't easy, but having a good and strong queen is important" he wants his son to marry for love, but he won't be successful if his future wife can't handle the pressure of being queen.

@Iskolde @ScarlettRose16


Callie sat in her cab, looking at her Twitter. Suddenly she jumped at the sound of her phone ringing. She looked down at her phone to see the name "KATE" on the screen. She sighed and picked up the phone, "Are you there yet?" her manager said. "Well hello to you too" Callie said sarcastically. Suddenly the car stopped and she saw a huge palace. " I gotta go bye!" she said and ended the call without her manager getting to answer. Callie got out of the cab and took a deep breath. Then she hesitantly opened the door and entered the castle.

After finding her way to makeover section she was sat in a chair to do her hair. She decided to have her hair in loose curls, which was surprisingly not bad on her. Next was makeup. She was so used to having her makeup flashy for show, that she forgot about natural makeup. So that was what she chose. She had a beige-pinkish matte lipstick. She had a small smokey eye that matched her bold eyelashes. Finally she chose a white dress with sparkles on the top. then her makeover was finished and she walked over to the waiting area with some other girls already there.

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Prince Alex

Alex glanced up when his father entered the room, all loud and assertive. Alex admired his father for his bravado and his capability to command a room as soon as he entered it. He, unfortuanatley, did not inherit that ability. Alex smiled at his father and straightened his posture.

"Yes, father, I know." He glanced over at his mother,"I want to marry a girl like mother, no one could be better." He grinned at his father, rubbing the back of his neck. "Oh, but I can't help but be nervous. These few weeks will be emotional train wrecks."

Interacting with: King Matthew and Queen Juliana
@Tsiwentiio and @ScarlettRose16

~Queen Julianna~

"You will get to plan the dates but someone else chooses who they are with." she says her voice calm and soft. "These girls are going to expect you to swoon them and I would say don't kiss them right away, wait until you start to figure out who these girls are. " she says and sits quiet for a second before hearing the king walk into the room. "Why do you always have to talk so loudly? We are right here" she says slightly playfully before standing up and smoothing out her dress. Thinking back, she couldn't remember the last time she had worn pants but she had only worn dresses for years.

"The next few weeks will be exactly that but you'll figure it out, like you have always done" she says. Listening to how he wanted to marry a girl just like her it just made her smile. "I was not this calm when I was younger, It's a miracle you're father married me for how much of a pain in the ass I was" she says with a smile.

@Tsiwentiio @Iskolde



Kelsey had spent the better part of the morning going over her assignment. She religiously sorted through the available information she had on the girl, rifling through her application, closely studying her photograph, and attempting to glean any sort of information she could from the paper documents. The girl didn't look like some horrible demanding and terrible person, but it was always so hard to tell with pictures. Sighing, the young girl put the papers back where they belonged and, satisfied that the room was clean and presentable, she marched over to the salon where the Selected would be arriving and then made to undergo a rigorous makeover. She helped where she could, pinning hair or painting nails, pulling dresses out of closets and strapping on heels. It was busy work and though it wasn't particularly glamourous, it kept her fingers busy which was all she ever asked out of life.

As things eventually began to calm down, Kelsey placed her hands on her hips, and surveyed the room. She hated the noise and chaos of the salon. It was a flurry of fabric and hairspray as the litany of maids worked to get the Selected presentable for their meeting with the queen and, eventually, the prince. It had been tidy and neat this morning, showcasing the beautiful dresses and expensive makeup products, but the arrival of the girls had been akin to a tornado flying through the room. Spotting her charge on one of the plush couches set up about the room, she made her way to her side, standing demurely and nodding in acknowledgement.
"If you're feeling ready, miss Clarissa, I can escort you to your room now. And perhaps a glass of water? Sometimes it helps with the nerves and other overwhelming emotions just to have something to hold on to," she advised, indicating the glasses and pitcher set up on a table a few feet away.
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"This is exactly what you need to feel" he took a step back "Being nervous is something you will always feel as a king" he said, he wasn't going to sugar coat anything, his father had done that, so Matthew learned the hard way. He didn't want Alex to go through that, he of course still had time but the earlier he learns the better "I know how you feel son, I've gone through this, but trust me when I say that you will know, it may take a little time but the person you are meant to be with will find her way to you" Matthew knew he had to be supportive, in his own way of course. He could hear a knock at the door, Matthew walked over, it was one of the guards saying that he was requested in the board room, "Not now" he said before shutting the door

@Iskolde @ScarlettRose16
Prince Alex

Alex smiled at his father,"I know, Father, and I sincerely hope that one of these girls is that girl." He watched as his father walked to the door, and creased his eyebrows when his father told the guard that he would not be coming to the board room.

"Father, you must go see what they need you for. I'll come with if you want me to." He glanced over at his mother,"Do you need to talk to me about anything else? I'll stay if you do."

@ScarlettRose16 @Tsiwentiio

Where?: Heading to her new room | Time?: idk |

Status?: Bored, relaxed | With?: Todrick @Radiohead

;;No one in the room seemed chatty—the exception being the maid, of course. A couple of the girls, she found, that she could possibly get along with—the maid included. But seeing her would probably rare, considering she was not put in her charge. Opening her mouth, she expected to say something witty and hilarious in front of them all. Or perhaps an idea. One that the maid would be in. Her attention was pulled away suddenly when a man appeared in front of her.

;;"Let me guess.. my knight in shining armor?" Winnie couldn't help but offer a winning smile along with a sweet tilt of her head. It was a horrible joke, she knew, but she loved all jokes(*cough* most). It didn't look like he was budging, though. Taking his hand, she not-so gracefully got up from her place. When he offered to take her to her room, she simply nodded. "Why, of course, my good sir," she told him with such class, Queen Victoria would be proud—from wherever she was right now.

;;As soon as the two were out of the Women's Room, she cleared her throat to speak. "Well, it'd be funny if I continued calling you my "knight in shining armor" all the time, but I highly doubt the Prince—let alone the King and Queen—would approve," she admitted with sigh void of the drama she used before. "So, I'm Winnie—you already knew that, of course," she paused, wanting to add a joke at the end. '"Stalker!"' He'd probably feel shocked, though. "What's your name?" finally came out, sounding more like an interrogation. Then again, a lot of her questions did.
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She tensed under her eyes, knowing she was looking at her tattoos. They had mixed reviews, so to speak. When Meridian spoke, she became visibly more comfortable.

She's so sweet. She was so pretty it made her angry. Not like jealous angry. Like I-want-to-stab-people-and squeeze-her-to-death angry.

Viv laughed softly, a smile touching her lips again. She was about to say something but paused, feeling like she had to say everything just right.

"Yeah. I'm not used to it either. There usually aren't so many girls ar- Anyway, if you're ready, we can go to your room... I think." How did one look classy and confused? Vivienne briefly wondered at what point it was okay to act like your actual rank, and not royalty. Putting on her prettiest, "Let me see..." face, she added, "We can go to your room and get you settled in. Just be careful not to mess up your hair. It looks so pretty; I don't think anyone else could wear it as well as you."

Her smile dissolved, leaving her with a serious but not unkind expression. She took a few steps so the girl could stand, and was about to offer her arm, but didn't extend it, not sure if they were allowed to touch them. It would make sense, a little, at least. Instead, her eyes swept around the room to see if anyone else was taking the selected away.

A bit more confident, she started towards the door slowly, giving the girl plenty of time to catch up.


Tags: @Opalescence

Mentioned: Meridian

Mood: Calm, Charmed

Other: Been having a really interesting discussion, so I wasn't able to reply for a bit,

(Sorry it took so long. Some freaks keep messaging me @Iskolde @labyrinthecho @Valk )

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