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Realistic or Modern The Selection



Ellie laughed full-heartedly at Natalia's comment on her 'looking like part of the competition' that was obviously a bit of sarcasm and joking. Sighing at first in response to Natalia's question of if she had a friend, she listened to the advice the guard had to give. Smiling back at her for a moment she stood, figuring she could at least head in the general direction of everyone else and heed her guard's advice.

"Well, I'll keep that in mind I think," she responded before leaving, all with a kind-hearted attitude and smile towards her first, at least in Ellie's opinion, friend at the castle.

As she approached the other girls who were all staring in the direction of the prince and the lady he'd led out, Ellie looked around to find a friendly face. Most of them seemed the type to only be here for the competition and nothing else, but there were a few who she considered talking to. Finally approaching a brunette who seemed more relaxed than the others, she sat down. Noticing the girl's two-toned eyes, Ellie was intrigued. She'd never met someone with the condition that created the difference, though she'd always been in awe of how striking it made one look.

"Hey, you're Meridian, right?" she greeted, a bit nervously running a hand through her hair for a quick moment," I could tell by your eyes. They are rather amazing."

@Redamancy @Opalescence



Beatrice held her breath as he approached her. She dropped her hand and inhaled sharply as they were close enough to see each other clearly.

She took half a step back as he bowed, not anticipating the movement. Was she supposed to do it back? Surly this was something she was supposed to know.

After he asked her to go with him, she was about to reach for his hand, when she saw it was shaking. She covered her smile poorly with her hand, and when she took it, she said quietly, "I'm Bee- I think its best if we both establish right now that we don't know each other, and that's fine. I'm sure you'll be happy whatever happens, so don't be nervous. I don't bite." Though she couldn't bring herself to smile as brightly as she wanted, she still appeared sincere in her words.

She squeezed his hand once, like they were old friends, and said as cheerfully as she could, "So where are we going?" She looked at him alone, trying to pretend they were the only ones there.


Tags: @Iskolde

Mentioned: Prince

Mood: Excited/Calm/Supportive





The prince approached their table and Meridian was finally able to see his features up close. He wore a smile and oozed effortless charm. She couldn't claim to know him, at least not personally, but the stiffness in his shoulders and the faint lines of tension around his eyes belied his own nerves and anxiety over this process. Meridian watched absentmindedly from further down the table as he approached the girl whose hand had nervously shot into the air and invited her over for a more personal discussion on the settee across on the opposite side of the room, all the while her fingers worrying and spinning her tiny silver nose ring she had stubbornly put in this morning.

Meri turned, hearing a voice at her shoulder, her fingers still touching her nose jewelry, as a visage of wild blonde curls and brilliant blue eyes meeting her. She grinned in response, an open, friendly, if slightly mischievous grin and dropped her hand into her lap.
"Thanks, I grew them myself," she teased, winking playfully. "I'm so sorry, but I'm absolutely horrible with names and I never really got a chance to memorize the rest of the Selected's names or even learn them at dinner last night! What was your name?" It was a truthful question, and if it came off as callous, meri would never have known. She had been so caught up in the pomp and circumstance of arriving at the palace and being thrown quickly into lessons and gowns and formal dinners.
@Smoaki [/uSER]



She laughed along with the girl at her comment on her unique eye coloring and listened intently as she spoke. Smiling kindly she understood the girl's questioning of her name, after all Meridian was one of the only names she'd been able to memorize.

"Oh it's no problem, I'm Elizabeth," she responded kindly," but you can call me Ellie."

~Sorry for the short post I am at a friend's house~



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