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Fantasy The Scourge of Eridanus

The J

I'm trying, damn it
The signup process:

To avoid cluttering the signup thread, please try to refrain from posting here except after having PMed me your character sheet, and then having gone over it with me and had me approve it for posting.

Please redirect questions over to the OOC for the same reason.

Feel free to add sections, special bb code, extra pictures, etc. to pretty up your CS, but you must include the preset sections given here.

Character sheet skeleton:


Name –

Title, nicknames, etc–

Age – (Over 18)

Sexuality / Gender –

Relation Status –

Occupation –

Fears –


Appearance – (Picture very much preferred, detailed description allowed)

Equipment –

Weaponry –

Scars & markings –

Tattoos & piercings –

Other details –


Type of magic –

Fighting style –

History – (Try and demonstrate some personality within this, rather than writing personality separately. Include place of origin, how they came to join the force, and how they managed to get selected. Try your best to avoid clichés, and remember, flawed characters are far more interesting to play than any Mary Sue. Minimum 3 paragraphs of decent size)

Extra –
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Note: I will most likely close the signups once I've got a decent number, the maximum being 10, so best get your places ASAP.



Title, nicknames – The Sleepless Nightmare

Age – 19

Gender - Female

Sexuality – Demisexual

Relation Status – Single

Occupation – Some would say she's a thief, but that makes it seem far too professional. If she needs money and sees someone who has a lot of it, she'll just take it. Her jobs are rather messy though...

Fears – Sleep, nightmares, memories.

Type of magic

psychic = can see into others’ thoughts while they sleep so, at night, she’s wide awake, studying them and planning the best way to use their fears against them in battle.

Shape-shifter = can change her form to that of her opponent’s fears (seen with her psychic powers).

Fighting style – Erratic and unpredictable. Kayla will lull her opponent into a false opinion on her, using basic attacks with her daggers. Once that is done, she will transform into their worst fears and attack ferociously.


  • Edibles that are tough and need a lot of chewing. An ocarina pendant.

Other details – Has bags under her eyes.


Kayla was born into a normal family. She had a loving mother and father and they all cared for each other deeply. When Kayla was five, her little sister, Mia, was born. Kayla was as overjoyed to have Mia enter the world as their parents were. At the same time, Kayla was showing promise in shape-shifter magic just like her father. Kayla would often turn into animals to keep her baby sister happy. However, she had actually seen all the creatures she transformed into in other children's nightmares in her own dreams.

Things began to turn sour as time passed. As Kayla grew older, her psychic abilities grew. However, she did not tell anyone about this. The young, twelve-year-old thought that there was something wrong with her and didn't want to worry her parents. Every night Kayla would hear whispers of voices that no one else seemed to notice.

It was, in fact, the thoughts of her family members as they slept. Kayla was unable to hear the voices of others while they were awake due to unknown reasons. Over the next few months, Kayla was able to hear the voices more clearly. She could decipher the emotions they spoke with. Once voice in particular seemed very afraid of a specific person. Kayla felt sorry for the voice and wanted to find out if there was any way she could help. To do that, she needed to find out who the person was. Then she could find out why the voice was afraid of them.

Kayla asked her mother who the person was. After hearing the name, Kayla’s mother questioned the young girl for an hour straight. She realised what her daughter was hearing. She made Kayla promise to never mention the name again as well as ignore the voices. Despite her curiosity, Kayla agreed. She was a well behaved child and was mostly obedient.

The voice that night was louder than it ever was. It was so frightened that it made Kayla scared. Ignorant of what was happening, Kayla ran into her parents’ room. “Mama, the voice is really scared of Artus.” She said between sobs. Her parents comforted her until she fell asleep. The next day, there was a tense silence between the adults. Kayla’s father took Mia out to do the weekly shopping, leaving Kayla and her mother at the house.

Kayla was trying to figure out how to use the pristine white ocarina that her sister had gotten her. She had promised that she would so she could play tunes for the younger girl. That was when Kayla’s mother walked towards her holding a dagger that had come out of the family coat of arms. The woman had eyes that could only be seen on a person who would be considered crazy. “It’s all your fault.” Was all she said before attacking Kayla. Kayla fought back. She won – killing her mother – but not before getting a cut along her throat that, luckily, wasn't deep enough to kill.

The two lay in a puddle of blood. Kayla was barely holding on to life when her father came home. Seeing what happened, he instantly ran with Mia, assuming Kayla to be dead.

Somehow, she lived through it. Her body somehow healed the worst of the gash. Once she had recovered enough energy, she took the dagger her mother had attacked her with as well as the second identical one that was still on the crest on the wall. She tied the ocarina from her sister; now sporting multiple blood splatters; around her neck which she had to stitch up herself.

Through later inquiries, Kayla found out that her mother had been off with another man and the guilt ate at her so much that it drove her to madness with aid from drugs. Kayla never saw her father or Mia ever since that day where they left her to die.

Extra – Kayla does not sleep. She chews things to help keep her awake.

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Name – Winston Samson

Title, nicknames, etc– Wint

Age – (Over 18) 24

Sexuality / Gender – Heterosexual/Cis Male

Relation Status – Single (Laaaadies...!)

Occupation – Hitman-for-hire

Fears – Dogs, enclosed spaces, bugs


Appearance – (Picture very much preferred, detailed description allowed)

, skinny, quite short. Pretty average-looking guy, really

Equipment – a series of books on magical wildlife, a wallet full of cash

Weaponry – A primitive, ether-powered assault rifle, fifteen ammo magazines and five boxes of spare bullets, a box of small daggers

Scars & markings – A lot of long, red scars on his torso and legs

Tattoos & piercings – a large, ornate tattoo on the left side of his face consisting of swirling patterns and technicolour shapes

Other details – Likes to wear a dark purple hooded cloak


Type of magic – Arcanist

Fighting style – Ranged, with a firearm

History – (Try and demonstrate some personality within this, rather than writing personality separately. Include place of origin, how they came to join the force, and how they managed to get selected. Try your best to avoid clichés, and remember, flawed characters are far more interesting to play than any Mary Sue. Minimum 3 paragraphs of decent size) Was born in a small town near Geraniden into a family of five, with a younger and older sister, both of whom grew up to be successful arcanists.

When he was about eighteen, he was shopping in Geraniden, but soon found himself in the middle of a massacre. A pack of Crimson Flesh Golems (bestial, dog-like golems with slick, deep-red skin) had been let loose by a local gang and started slaughtering the locals. Wint had just bought a set of kitchen knives ("Kitchen" knives ;) ) and was able to fend most of them off (not without a good few scars). A particularly vicious golem ended up trapping him in a public toilet cubicle, and he was saved only by a nineteen-year-old girl who had just been shopping at a hunting shop nearby. Wint was smitten, and offered to buy her a drink, but she declined and left. Wint was bitter for a year, along with having a crippling fear of dogs and tight spaces.

He decided that he wanted to practice magic, and found that arcanism appealed to him the most, and so practised that. His first project was a primitive assault rifle, called the ARC (Arcanical Rifle for Combat), which he holds dear and relies on to this day. He leased himself out as a hitman, with mixed results. Wint often failed with his hits, but he persevered, worked hard and earned a fair amount of money. When he heard about the force trying to stop The Scourge, he was interested. Wint worked even harder on his fighting skills and, when he thought he was good enough, he signed up. After a week of consideration and looking at his track record for combat, he was accepted into the force

Extra –

One part Genius, Two parts Insanity

"That's three total."


Name || Gwyneth Estella

Nicknames || Gwyneth the Grey, Three, The Mad Healer, Crazy, Gwyn

Age || 23

Gender || Female

Sexual Orientation || Pansexual

Birth Date || December 22nd

Occupation || Herbalist and General Shop Owner

Type of Magic || Vivomancer

Fighting Style || Defensive; Usually she prefers to outlast opponents by healing herself and others and doing small amounts of damage to her enemy until they lose the strength to fight.


Height || 5'1"

Weight || 132 lbs.

Eye Color || Light Gray

Hair Color || White

Hair Style/Length || Somewhat tousled hair that falls to her mid back

Complexion || Pale, somewhat translucent skin

Build || Ectomorph

Scars/Marks || Scars all over her body in threes. (If Gwyn were to cut herself by accident, she would create two more so it would amount to three total wounds)

Tattoos/Piercings || Lip piercing, Tongue piercing, Three ear studs along each ear, A tattoo of three silver slashes on the back of her neck

Equipment || A leather bag containing cups, jars, spoons, and other items for crafting and containing items for selling in her small shop (There are three of each)

Weaponry || A blessed silver dagger


History || Gwyneth grew up with her Grandfather in Geraniden. When she was young, her parents left her with her Grandfather to go adventuring. They were very young when they had her and could still even be considered children themselves. Gwyneth never blamed the two for deserting her because there were many of times she often felt compelled to journey out into the world and explore. Her Grandfather had always been a quirky fellow and she did what he said most of the time despite thinking his eccentric ways were not the most efficient. When she was young, he would tell her stories, some she found hard to believe, but enjoyed all the same. Even as old as she is now, she sometimes asks him to tell her stories while working the store.

The Grandfather and Granddaughter could not be more alike in character; stubborn, eccentric, sharp tongued people. Because of this, when they aren't doing things like sharing stories, they are arguing. Even while the store is running, regular customers can come in and often hearing the two snap at each other about the most pointless things in the silliest of fashions. Sometimes, the grandfather will toss merchandise, be it soft or small, at Gwyn when they bicker enough. But it is who they are and often the only way they can convey feelings to each other. If one of them is unhappy with the way the other does something or if they are upset, they won't tell each other until they break out into an argument and only then will they resolve the problems. Gwyn can be like this with most people. She will likely resort to a passive aggression if she is angry and remain indifferent until it is brought up.

It wasn't until Gwyneth was about ten until her Grandfather taught her about her abilities through telling a story that ended with Gwyneth being the main character. Her mother was a strong priest and her father a strong necromancer. Because they themselves equaled in strength, it seemed Gwyneth held both powers inside her. Her Grandfather tried to teach her to use her abilities but only she herself could learn in a hands on way. Instead, he would tell her stories about some adventures her mother would go on when she was younger. Through the years, with a strange priest of a Grandfather and her own messed up view of reality, Gwyneth was taken by the fear of punishment at the end of a human life. She had heard many different versions of religion and it seemed most of them believed in the punishment of wrong doers. Gwyneth had decided she would do anything and everything to be considered good in essence before her life was over; which she knew could be at any time.

So, when the tournament of mages was held to decide who would help figure out the cause and prevent future Scourges, Gwyn got it in her mind that she needed to be apart of that group because nothing could be more good than preventing something so immoral and wicked as the taking of lives. Nothing could amount to her determination and resolve, along her with her stubborn way of thinking. Because of this, Gwyn was, at the end of the tournament, in the top ten. She didn't celebrate or feel relieved when she found out because she had already decided and "knew" she would be. Gwyneth felt bad leaving her grandfather to run the shop but before departing, she had stocked up on many items beforehand and made him promise to keep everything in sets of three.

|| Fears ||

- Great Heights

- Live Burial

- Hadephobia or fear of Hell/Eternal Punishment

|| Other ||

Gwyneth has an equivalent of a severe case of OCD. Everything she does has to be in threes and if it is not, it will make her uncomfortable and may send her in a panic.



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Rin Suzume

Death's Angel


  • Age – ) 22

    Sexuality / Gender – Female, Bisexual

    Relation Status –Single

    Occupation –Mercenary, Assassin

    Fears – Being perceived as a burden or weak, becoming emotionally dependent on another only to be rejected or to lose them.

    Tattoos, scars and piercings – Tattoo of a black lotus on the back of her right shoulder, signifying her affiliation with the Umbracii. Obscured by a heavy cross-shaped scar from a self-inflicted wound. A series of thin criss-cross scars run over her back. A thick scar from a deep wound runs along the left side of her abdomen, starting just below the rib cage on her back and running round to the top of her hip.

    Theme song: Will add when I get permission to post links :P


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