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Fandom The Sapphire Path (private)


New Member

Ahri Ausiph


Ahri has shoulder length dark auburn/red hair. Its just long enough for her to pull back, aside from her bangs which will stay tucked behind her ear. Aside from that, Ahri has gold/yellow eyes that could be described as honey. She stands at 5 foot 9 and dons the a modified typical Rider outfit. It doesnt have any frills or fluff, and she never dons the hat. A small dagger was given to her as a child and the twenty year old carries it to this day, along with a machete.


Velocidrome - Burr (Blind in left eye)

Nargacuga - Aleu

Silver Rathalos - Rhyne (Like rhinestone)

Riders nowadays only heard of the Frenzy virus in stories told by elders around a campfire. The stories always detailed a chosen Rider going on some wild adventure to put a stop to the virus. Unfortunately, the stories were vague, never detailing exactly how the virus came to be and the end changed depending on who told it. It had been so long since the Frenzy was around that many just viewed it as some wives' tale, or a story to scare children into listening. Unfortunately, that just meant that Ahri's village was unprepared when it hit them. Aptonoth, usually even more docile than a well fed poogie, were not attacking everything that came close. They had an appetite of a Rathalos, and surely matched the temperament of one. It was terrifying to see, especially for people who usually so in tune to monsters.

Ahri was no stranger to adventure and mystery, however. She was the one who got her friend group in trouble for pulling them away from camp, using her small dagger to pull bark away from the trees in order to get bugs for monster lures long before she got her kinship bracelet. There were too many times when the young girl had been scolded for trying to capture monsters, even though the traps were so mediocre that they would never be able to catch anything. And when she got her bracelet, the girl disappeared for a couple days, only to bring back her second monster, a young Nargacuga who would become one of her closest friends. Somehow, despite getting into so much trouble all of the time, Ahri's life had been rather smooth sailing. Until the Frenzy virus that left them homeless with one of their family favorite monsters dead. It threatened her village, her friends, her family. So, she embraced the chance of another adventured, immediately geared up, and set out.

That left her here, in some strange new world forest. Ahri had seen plenty of monsters that she had never seen before. As nerve wracking as that could be, Ahri was far more focused on getting a bite to eat. The sun was just starting to reach the middle of the sky and yet, Ahri had nothing to eat. Burr had been trilling all day, sticking his nose into Ahri's bag to search for scraps. Aleu seemed to be in a worse mood than usual. The new place had made the large creature nervous and unwilling to leave her rider's side to hunt. On the other hand, Rhyne was perfectly fine. She had left shortly before Ahri got up and the rider assumed it was to go hunt.

Ahri's gaze flicked up to where Aleu was making her way across the trees. Speaking of unnerving, Ahri never understood how such a large being made hardly a sound while climbing trees. All she could hear was the soft scratch of nails, the rustle of leaves, other wildlife, and sometimes the scrape of Aleu's tail spikes along the bark. No one would even know that she was there unless they were looking. It made Ahri want to sit down, sketch out the graceful creature and wonder at how she got so lucky as a child, but the hunger pains were only getting worse. Burr's trill came once again and Ahri was nearly pushed into a tree. That earned him a shove back, which he only cocked his head at.

"I know you're hungry," Ahri started, nearly grumbling. "I am too."

Suddenly, Aleu didn't try hiding herself. She was crashing through the branches as she moved forward, tail spikes on full display. Ahri knew that was her danger signal. She slowed, putting a hand on Burr's neck to tell him to do the same. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Aleu was looking ahead of them, but Ahri couldn't hear or see anything. After a minute of waiting and nothing happening, Ahri left out a soft sigh and continued on her walk despite Aleu's warnings.

A minute later, the trees suddenly cleared, opening up to reveal a plains of sort. There were a couple of ponds scattered throughout, with plenty of Aptonoth to feed an army. Ahri's stomach growled again, this time louder than ever. They could finally eat! Burr seemed excited as well, running toward his prey. A flash of shiny scales caught Ahri's eyes.

"Rhyne!" Ahri called, half to herself out of relief. It was always a relief to see that the bad mannered Rathalos was okay, as stubborn as she could be. And it looked like she managed to get some food, which was another relief. After a couple of bites, Rhyne suddenly perked up. Aleu snarled from behind Ahri, sticking close. Something was bothering them. Was it a monster they had never encountered before? Ahri wasn't sure if she had enough supplies to put them through another fight.


Rhyne cried out, rearing on her back legs before roaring. From where she was, Ahri couldn't see what was happening, but a sense of dread filled her nonetheless. Without another thought, the woman took off at a sprint, hoping to stop whatever was hurting her monster.


Rhyne opened her wings and took off into the sky, nearly flattening the grass around her. Aleu got in between whatever was attacking Rhyne and Ahri, blocking the rider from any harm, but Ahri ducked under the Nargacuga. The sound was strangely familiar...

"STOP! That's my monster!!" The cry was filled with desperation. Where were they? What type of rider would attack another monster? That went against everything they lived for! Especially when Rhyne had done nothing wrong. Even if this was some type of farm, which it really didn't look like it, could they not spare a single Aptonoth?

While Ahri just wanted to talk things out, Aleu wasn't fond of playing nice. With a quick snap of her tail, the giant toxin filled spikes were thrown toward the hunter, not that Ahri could see anyone quite yet.
Name: Evarcelle

Gender: Male

Role: Hunter

Weapons: Light Bowgun/Heavy Bowgun

Rank: 20's/30's

Fair skin complex.
Azure blue eyes.
Claw scars around his left eye. (Nobody really knows what exactly caused the scar.)
Short-medium black hair

Armor: During his early hunting ranks in the New World, he would be caught wearing mix of the:
Anjanath helmet
Great Jagras chest armor
Anjanath waist armor
Anjanath gloves
Anjanath leg armor


Early Morning, Today

"Hunter! Hunter!! HUNTER!!" The familiar voice called out to the sleeping gunner that slept through his breakfast with a piece of sweet roll in his mouth.

"Hmm..?" The hunter grumbles as he was trying to open his azure eyes to notice that someone was standing between his sleepy self and the bright sun about to reveal itself soon.

"There you are, sleepy head! I thought you were gonna give yourself some sleep last night after that hunt with the Anjanath.. Anyways, come on! We've got an urgent situation!" Ah yes. The one and only. The handler who usually gives him the quests to take on the monsters that proves themselves to be dangerous to their society.

"Hmm? What's this "urgent situation"? I thought we got rid of the urgent situation yesterday.." The gunner hunter barely said, trying to wake up fully as he yawns and stretched before spotting his new-made light bowgun that specializes in rapid-firing lightning ammo. Great for monsters weak against them. Immediately grabbing the hold of his gun before heading to the command center where they usually have their meetings at as he walked alongside with the handler.

"I'm afraid this situation is TEN TIMES the urgent than yesterday! We've got a lot to discuss." The handler explains, showing concern actually.

"Oh boy." The gunner says with no reaction whatsoever.

"Evarcelle! This is not a joke-"

"Ah there you two are. We can finally start the meeting." The Commander greeted the two as starts the discussion.

"We just got the message just an hour ago from our scouts that some sort of monster is lurking around the Ancient Forest. But, this time, this one might be a bit too much. Apparently, we have Rathalos on our hand."

Gunner already not looking spooked as he has faced Rathalos in the past with a big success in the hunt thanks to the handiness of flash pods he would carry in every hunt he would go. Just a flash to their flyers and BAM! Faceplant to the ground.

"But, not just any Rathalos.. Silver Rathalos. Already lurking in the forest."

..Okay. Now, that got him fully awake now before turning to the Handler. "You sure you ain't joking?" He asked in somewhat serious in his tone.

"It's true. Datas don't lie. Something is going on.. Remember that one Tobi-Kadachi that went total nuts than usual and almost killed us? Well, just last night, we figured out a theory of what could be the cause of it.. Apparently, Tobi-Kadachi got infected with some sort of a disease. But the worst part is that-"

The lead researcher comes to talk.

"Yes. The worst part is that we figured out the symptoms of the disease to be similar of a long-lost disease known as the Frenzy virus."

The gunner's eyes was ignoring all the tiredness it has due to the face that he know full on surprise. "Wait.. Frenzy Virus? You gotta be joking! That's just some tales that the older hunters would tell to scare us! What's next? That this virus is caused by some scary monster?!"

"Worst. Could be caused by an elder dragon." The researcher added in.

And the gunner's breath was holding to what he just heard now.

"But, again, we have to research more. However, that Silver Rathalos have something to do with that Tobi-Kadachi. As we know how viruses works, they spread like wildfire. Tobi-Kadachi could not be the only creature infected by the disease. Hunter, you would be doing a great service for the Guild if you could find out about that Silver Rathalos. Capture the monster if you can in case of research. And that goes for any monster that shows any symptoms we have told you before. Now, get it done, Hunter." The Commander says before giving the gunner thumbs up in reassuring.

To The Current Time

Silver Rathalos. A variant of the Rathalos that has the power that could match the power of a Teostra. The True King of All Skies.

Weak points:

Tail. Stay caution of the poison tail.
The legs, doing enough damage can cause the monster to fell on the ground to leave itself open for attacks.
And the head, if enough damage to break its armor, the damage to the head can be sever.
And the wings, possibly the best attacks to hit on due to Rathalos's nature of flying to try to take advantage of their flying ability on their prey.

Elements weakest against? Water and thunder.

Best bowgun to bring? Possibly the Tobi-Kadachi light bowgun with its paralyzing ammo and rapid-firing thunder ammos.

If luck and my aim on my side, I could try to paralyze the Rathalos in hopes to capture it with traps. Best scenario at least.

However, I might have to weaken and tire it out first. Happy Hunting.


A paralyzing ammo was shot to the left wing of the Silver Rathalos. The battle was about to start after the roar. The ammo has no effect yet. More shots needs to be fired.


His focus on his hunt started to fade out as he heard a cry of a woman who seems to be sprinting towards him.

'What in the Sapphire Star?! What's a human doing here? She don't look like a hunter yet she says that's her.. monster?' His thoughts confused himself as his azure eyes through his Anja helmet spotted as he halted his fire for a moment as he wanted to speak out to this lady on what was she talking about?

"What are you-!" Before he could try to make a sentence, all the sudden..


The swishing sound was coming from the strange monster that somehow throw these razor sharp looking spikes directly at the gunner, in quick reaction, he slides his way out of the projectiles with the spikes hitting nothing but the ground. When he looked at the culprit, his azure eyes widen in shocked to see the shadow monster itself. "A.. Nargacuga as well?! I thought they only stayed around in the Old World." In awe but realizes that he now probably has to face the True King of the Sky and the Shadow Wyvern at the same time. What a scary situation he was in but the realization of this challenge made him chuckle.

"Alright then. You want some too?" Asked the question towards the Nargacuga as if it could understand him at all, now loading in his thunder ammos. Knowing that Nargacuga are also weak against thunder, he would have a fight for sure.

"Bring it on!" Already taking aim at the Nargacuga as he waits for the monster's next move to make.


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Rhyne was in the air, exhaling smoke and sparks. It was clear that the Rathalos was tempted to attack, gearing up for it if the hunter dared to shoot again. And Rhyne wouldn't listen to Ahri once she decided to kill the hunter. At least Aleu's attack made him stop for a second, though his next words nearly made Ahri's heart drop. Why was he so bent on killing them? He had obviously heard Ahri, if his response was anything to go by. And yet, he readied his weapon, pointing it straight at the defensive Nargacuga.

"Stop!" Ahri yelled out once more, voice tinged with desperation. Burr was starting to get anxious, pressing himself against Ahri on his blind side. At least he wasn't stupid enough to go running straight into danger. "They're friendly! Put down the weapon!"

It might've been too late to convince the hunter that they were friendly, especially with Aleu's attack, but she had to try. She couldn't just stand by and watch him kill her friends! Ahri felt pretty defenseless, nearly tripping over the Velocidrome as he continued to look for reassurance, and Aleu still being aggressive while Ahri herself hardly had a real weapon.

"They're friendly!" At this point, it felt useless and like she was some broken record, but hopefully he was open to reasoning. "Look- friendly." Ahri had to step around Aleu again since she was still trying to get in between Ahri and the hunter, but eventually Ahri got to place her hand on Aleu's face. The Nargacuga left it, not bothered, but she still had her sights set on the stranger. "You just scared them." In response, Aleu shook the end of her tail, creating a sound that still gave Ahri anxiety. It was only a sound that she made when she truly hated something, and that only happened when they were up against a monster who wouldn't leave them alone.
Ready. Aim.. FI-


There it was again with the girl crying out to the gunner. Was she.. telling him to stop? To stop using his bowgun against the monsters? Why though? What was this all about? Was she really serious? Or maybe just delusional? Again, he turns his helmeted head to the young lady with his weapon still at readied mode. "What?! You need to get out of-" The Hunter stopped his sentence when she protested some more, even demand to lower his gun. Hearing that from a fellow human sounded crazy as hell. Telling a hunter to put down their weapon, especially against aggressive monsters near their home?

"What are you on about? This Nargacuga threw the first shot! I'm just only here to do my job as a Hunter since these two are a danger near the Guild!" He argued before hearing some more counter argument from the girl. Though, he realizes something strange about this girl that the monsters isn't really paying attention to the other human as if she was ghille mantle. Except she wasn't. What's going on?

"Friendly?!" Almost like it was joke. However, what he witnessed made him blinked for a few second. Confused that the girl was literally in front of an aggressive Nargacuga as if she was invisible to the monsters. Not only that, but having her hand on the Nargacuga's face despite the fact that the monster could effortless rip off the girl's arm if it wanted to. Kind of scared for the girl when he couldn't imagine that happening. But again, the angry Nargacuga wasn't paying attention to the girl. Only setting their glowing yellow eyes on the gunner as well as his azure eyes set onto the creature. Still hasn't fired the gun yet but still was ready to fire at either the Silver Rathalos or Nargacuga. He was still cautious.

He honestly couldn't find the right words or even the right sentence to say in this situation. So confused and cautious about having to confront a Nargacuga and Silver Rathalos. Should he trust this strange girl's words? He will admit, he'd never seen a human actually get that close to a Nargacuga to the point of petting the creature without worrying to getting stung or bitten. Plus, she don't seem like a hunter like himself with an armor like his yet she has the skills to.. not have the monsters attack her?

"W-what's going on here..?"
Unfortunately, the weapon wasn't lowered, but they were making progress. Ahri took a deep breath in, steeling her nerves. Everything would be okay. As long as neither one of her monsters did anything, they would be okay. He did seem scared and confused though. Ahri understood that. If he was used to killing monsters, it was obviously not commonplace to befriend them. Seeing someone who had multiple listening to her must seem like a hallucination.

Ahri dropped her hand from Aleu when the man accused Aleu of starting the fight. If she remembered correctly, he was the one who started shooting at Rhyne first. Aleu was only protecting the Rathalos. Still, she had to understand it from his perspective so she held her tongue. It seemed like as time went on, he only got more confused, which was better for Ahri's team.

"W-what's going on here..?" Burr raised his head, looked at the hunter, trilled, and then started walking toward him. Ahri jumped forward, holding him back as he made friendly rumbles. Though it seemed like Ahri and the man could have a conversation now, she didn't know if Burr running toward him would lead to Burr getting shot. With how he's reacted to everything so far, she wouldn't be surprised.

"I'm Ahri, a rider. These are my monsties. Burr is friendly and wants to say hi. The Rathalos is Rhyne." Seemingly knowing that her rider had everything under control now, the hungry Rathalos landed, pulled the dead Aptonoth closer to her, and then started to eat, raising her head to watch the one who attacked her in between bites. "Nargacuga is Aleu. She's the one who's scared because you attacked Rhyne. She'll calm down if you put your weapon away." The last sentence was said with an underlying "please".

Saying that Aleu would calm down was sort of a lie. Well... Aleu would calm down, but she wouldn't trust him and would be ready to tear him to shreds in a second if he ever pointed the bowgun at them again. So half a lie. Ahri hoped that when he found out the truth, he wouldn't be that angry. Hopefully it was just a passing encounter anyway, though where this guy came from and what he was doing did pique Ahri's curiosity. Not that it mattered when it was possible that he was still going to kill Rhyne.
While he would observe the monsters and this girl who seems to be sticking for each other for some odd reason, he would detect the Velocidrome coming at him as he instinctly points his bowgun at the creature. But, when the creature got closer to the hunter, he focuses his attention onto the blind eye of the creature. Curious on what happened to that monster that caused it the left eye to go blind. Watching as this raptor monster's rumbling while listening to the woman's claim to be a Rider in the background. Blinked as he tries to recall where he heard that meaning from.

"Rider? You mean the Rider? The ones back in the Old World that could actually tame any sort of monsters, including elder dragons. I honestly thought those were just rumors from my fellow hunters since I have never met one.." He says as he watches the Silver Rathalos seems to have calm down by having its lunch. Then, to the Nargacuga who was standing there, ready to fight the Hunter if needed to be. A mutual agreement in a way.

"..." He was silent for a moment as he observes the situation once more, realizing that all three of the monsters seems to not charge in to attack yet probably because of this "Rider". Feeling like an hour yet it was only ten seconds or more, he decides to take her word for it and finally lowered his light bowgun as the barrel of it was pointed to the ground as he stood still where he was for now.

"Alright. Rider. As long as your.. "monsties" don't attack or try to damage our Guild, we should be good. The Guild would want to hear about this. Especially with a Rider. But, I would like to ask. What are you and those monsters of yours doing in the Ancient Forest? You know it's not really safe. Well.. Wasn't really safe to begin with but it gotten a LOT worse. Especially with a dangerous virus that can get monsters into full on massacre mood with no questions asked."
Ahri's brows furrowed when he mentioned the Old World. She wasn't sure where or what that was, but it must've been wherever he was from considering he said "back in". So he wasn't from here? That would explain a lot. It seemed like the title that she had given him actually fit too, which left her feeling a little pleased.

"They're more our companions than anything." Ahri explained, referring back to the tamed comment. In a way, it did make sense, but she didn't like to think of it like that. Rhyne left whenever she wanted, Aleu didn't have to protect anyone, and it definitely seemed like Burr viewed Ahri as a friend. She didn't actually force them to stay, right?

The rider breathed a sigh of relief when the bowgun was finally pointed away from them. Aleu definitely relaxed a little. She stood taller and relaxed her spikes. Of course, she was still dangerous and untrusting. Soon they would be out of this place and then Aleu would actually be able to relax.

Ahri brushed off how he used 'monsties' and focused on the talk about the Guild. There was an entire settlement here? If he was a hunter, that must be who was hiring him. Unless they hunted for supplies? But the Aptonoth were right there... Seemed a bit silly to go after something as dangerous as a Silver Rathalos just for food, hide, or bones!

"I can't promise anything," instantly replied Ahri, as if they had already decided that they would be going to the Guild. "We're all hungry and Burr will go after anything shiny. Nargacuga's are just big and I don't know how big your town is." She mentally noted the name of the forest and with one hand, brought out the husk of a Bitterbug. Burr was still pulling and she needed to distract him. After waving it in front of his face, still listening to the man talk, she threw it in the opposite direction. Burr took off, pouncing on where he thought it landed.

"...a dangerous virus that can get monsters into full on massacre mood with no questions asked." That sounded like exactly what she was looking for! Excitement coursed through her veins as she realized that she might've found another piece of the puzzle. This guy already knew about the virus, so what else did they know? Maybe they could help her figure everything out.

"The Frenzy virus!" Ahri exclaimed, obviously excited. "That's why I'm here! I've been following the path of the virus. Frenzied monsters were getting closer and closer to my village, so I went out to put a stop to it. You know about it?" Forgetting all about the danger she was in seconds before, Ahri began to walk closer. They were far enough that they had to raise their voices to talk, and Ahri was starting to get tired of it. "Are you hunting because the Guild is being threatened by the frenzy?"
“Companions huh?” The Hunter asked as if he was dumbfounded by the fact that humans can make a companion out of monsters, especially with Rathalos or Nargacugas. He has seen domesticated monsters before such as Aptonoths for herding or even a smaller one like a Jagras for wyvern riding around the forest. But, Silver Rathalos? It felt bizarre just realizing the reality. He looks back at the calm monsters, they weren’t even looking like they are hostile anymore. With Rathalos, Nargacugas, or any territorial monsters, they would almost immediately turn aggressive towards anyone or anything that comes near them to the point of fighting them. It just how monsters were to him, just nature itself. “Them vs Us” thinking.

“Well, we got plenty of supplies back in the guild if everything goes smoothly for the both of us.. And your..companions.” Looking up at the monsters he mentioned that word before turning back his azure eyes to the girl as she mentions about making room for the monsters. “Well, I am sure we got plenty of space for maybe one or two monsters. The guild should have plenty of room.. I hope.” He muffles the last part out as he wasn’t really sure how the reactions of the commander after he finds out about this “Rider” and her monsters.

“Who knows? Maybe you could actually help us. Or help each other out in this case since it seems the path of ours is crossed when it comes to recent pandemic of these creatures. The only reason why I have come here was to find any monster that was in a Frenzy. Maybe even capture one and bring it to the Guild for research purpose on this virus. Not to mention, some reports of monsters getting too close to our home. And here your monsters, a Silver Rathalos. That caught the guild’s attention. No doubt, the commander would want to hear this. He is sort of the leader of our guild. We got our own researchers that is trying to figure out this whole thing really. One mentions a theory of the possible cause of this Frenzy virus would be because of this monster that hasn’t been heard of in a long time. Stories of mayhem and destruction caused by an elder dragon back in the Old World.” He explained as he tries to maintain himself from getting the chills about this theory.

“Anyways, enough rambling and standing around. Seems like everything is calmed down between us for now.” He sighs in relief about that. Glad to see that he doesn’t need to waste his ammunition or have to shed blood. “So, you and your monsters mind if y’all come with me to the Guild and figure something out? Hopefully, not cause any ruckus?” He asked in offering.
Ahri tilted her head a little at the mention of the long lost monster. Was there a monster that could do that? There weren't any stories of anything like that in her village. At least not that she could remember. Now she was really intrigued. So far her investigation had led to dead ends, just an endless loop of following leads, but now it felt like it was getting somewhere. Having others to help would make everything go so much faster! Then her village would be safe, and so would the hunter's home.

If an Elder Dragon did cause all of this... they would have a lot on their hands. Ahri glanced to his weapon. She might even need to take up the ways of her new friend to avoid putting her own monsties at risk. She didn't plan for the cause to be an Elder dragon.

"Hopefully, not cause any ruckus?” Finished the hunter. Ahri nodded, letting go of Burr. The Velocidrome instantly took off toward the hunter. Now that the rider knew he wasn't in any danger, she let him go and just walked behind him.

"I can't promise that there won't be a ruckus." Burr slowed down a mere couple of feet from the male, cocking his head to the side to get a better look at him. Then he trilled, instantly going to bite at the shiny bowgun. "...Will everyone attack them? I don't think Aleu will put up with anyone else raising a weapon at us." Hearing her name, the Nargacuga let out a huff, accurately summing up her feelings at the moment.

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