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Fandom The Sanguinian Heresy



Ten Thousand Club

M.31 the ending days of the great crusade

This was perhaps the last great xenocide and Ixia knew it. The galaxy was a much smaller place these days than it had been all those years ago. The imperium of man had expanded and expanded till it stretched wide in all direction. That lead them to this last great fight, one last pure evil alien race to wipe out instead of just fighting to make humans rejoin their kin. That was what most wars had turned into some fight against people who had been out of touch for far to long and had decided they would stay out of her father's work. It was in truth saddening for they were here to help humanity, not destroy it. Still none could know that what seemed like a closing chapter, a last footnote before the book on war was closed was really just the start of a new chapter. Today however was no day of war but a day of celebration.

Ixia stood looking out the window into the void aboard her flag ship The Ark of knowledge. The ship was no imperial STC craft, or at leats no STC they had normal access to, as with all her devices she had needed to have her fleet made by her home system away form the mechanicum and their dogma. The Ship was far more advanced for her home had been an ark as well and it had kept the knowledge of the old days that all others had forgotten. Where other human ships where blocky and crude hers were more streamlined and refined almost like the Eldar and their bone ships. Ixia knew her brothers would soon be translating out of the warp for this crusade was done, the humans they could save had been liberated, and the xenos purged. Here at the edge of the galaxy, just before the endless void of intergalactic space, there had been a xenos that were like no others before them. They had wielding a mix of technology, warp craft, and gene manipulation. The Xenocide had taken it's toll for they had fought time and space as the foe could undo the battled they lost. These creatures had truly been nightmares that had tasted everyman that looked upon them and had found many lacking. Such creatures were best forgotten by all but some, their tainted worlds marked as quarantine till the end of time. That was in the past now, the war had not been long and losses had been minimal, yet it lacked something and brought little joy like victories of old had. The galaxy was no long that mysterious place it had once been and while there would never ben an end to war, it was clear the great days were over now was the time to start turning swords to plowshares.

Ixia looked over her chambers decorated in countless little inventions, some half made, some little more than sketches. She had never thought she would have time to make them all, as till now she had always been distracted by one war or another, or building up this world or that. Things would calm down and the primarchs could perhaps return to what they had done before their father had comes, or perhaps it was to late. Ixia's mind went to all the legions that knew nothign but war, those men that had dedicated themselves purely to death like the iron warriors, how would they return to normal life? What of the dreadnaughts, those marines that had given theirs lives and now gave their deaths to fight for humanity, what was their reward, to be left to gather dust? There had to be more the imperium had been made to conquer and it had, but had anyone thought about what came after? Ixia sighed and looked back out into the twinkling void, this was not the time for such depressing thoughts, and many of her brothers already knew the answer to her worries, their skills more than just war just like her, there was a future, a golden future just beyond the horizon. Ixia looked to the chronometer, if her calculations were right then her brothers and their support should be here soon.

Ixia looked once more to the void waiting for the tears in space to appear, for her brother to arrive with their legions. This was not protocol, but what they had done deserved some celebration, they should remember this all before it was hidden from all. These aliens would be like the first and sixteenth forgotten. There should bo no more forgetting after this, no more lost brothers, the only thing they should forget is war and perhaps humanity could bring the galaxy back to its golden age. That was for another day, for now Ixia had some of Russ's most potent ale to share with her brothers while marine, solider, and artist shared in their own celebrations. The final celebrations of this long far and a toast to a golden age.
After a millennia of war, it would soon be over. Tiberius looked out into the immaterium, awaiting for his Flagship The Hyperion along with the rest of his fleet to transition into realspace. According the the navigator, it would only be but a few more minutes in the warp. A small smile graced his visage as both his First Captains stood beside him. Unlike his brothers and sister, he had two high ranking captains due to the fact one was for the Kiin Mobile Infantry Reserves, and the other to aid in the command of his sons. Despite the Segregation by imperial mandate, the two groups fought and bled side by side proudly, and soon they would celebrate together. It was this thought that made the Primarch smile. Like his legion, he too was raised with an open mind and open heart towards non-humans, beliving that when working together they could achieve much more. It was during this crusade, he had been able to suppress any violence with a few xenos races with words and diplomacy, and now they too, serve the imperium as either a protectorate or as second class citizens. Many flocking to his home system due to their lack of suspicion and hatred of non-humans. While none serve in the astra militarum, they do happily work in the manufactorums and mining colonies.

His mind was soon brought back to the present when a tear into the material void of space opened up to reveal a fleet of streamlined ships. Unlike the blocky and garish ships produced by the Adeptus Mechanicus, his sister, to the Ad Mech's consternation produces her own. Some believe it is to merely piss them off, but in reality, they are just better. And it was just an added bonus for her to be deemed a heretek by the gearheads.

Upon seeing his sister's flagship The Ark of Knowledge, he ordered his Communications officer to hail her on the Vox, and request permission to rendezvous upon her voidcraft. As this was happening, he and his retinue of Astartes and Mobile Infantry followed him to the hanger to serve as both honour guard and friends/council as they celebrated with their fellows. There was a hum of excitement upon The Hyperion, as they boarded Tiberius' own personal Stormbird. Upon hearing confirmation via vox, the primarch and co, rocketed out into the void towards his sister. It had been centuries since he and his legion had a chance to celebrate.

Karcen Karcen

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