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Realistic or Modern ♚ The Royal Games ♚


true neutral
Roleplay Availability

Welcome to the....




The Royal Games is an annual event that's held every year in the royal palace, located in Quebec, Canada. Princes and Princesses from countries all over the world, varying from ages 16 through 19, come and celebrate their strong-willed alliance that has remained since 1992. The nominated princesses and princes will go head to head for a month in a social competition to strive and become the most popular prince and princess of the year, with a prize of one million dollars rewarded to their place of ruler ship, and a trip all over the world to visit other countries, with an addition of endless respect and a huge rep bonus to their name.


First, they will all arrive in beautiful gowns and suits to come and attend the Grand Ball, where the evening event will take place. The Ball will be consisting of only the wealthiest people, including the royal heirs. This will be a chance for them to come and show off their amazing looks, and greet each other. When it is mentioned that each of the princes and princesses have arrived, Sir Stewart Bose, the conductor of the entire event, will show up on the podium, and he'll announce the ten nominees for the Royal Games, which will also appear on live television. As soon as he does this, the ten nominees will join together on the stage while facing the crowd. Then, comes the pairing. Since the previous year was females choice, this year will be males choice. Stewart Bose will dip his hand in a random bowl that consists of the five names of the nominated princes. He will pluck a name from the glass bowl, and when he does, that prince will be able to choose the princess that he wishes to be paired up with for the games. The princess must respectfully walk up next to him, and she may not refuse him as it will be seen as disrespect. This will go on until all of the the princes and princesses are paired up. Once that is over, the pairs will go down in front of the crowd, and perform the traditional finale dance that will end the night, and mark the beginning of the competition.

!! You guys don't have to join if you don't want too !!



Japan: @ShurikenPhoenix








@P U R I T Y

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Sunkissed said:
I love this idea! Maybe there could be princesses and princes from different countries, too?
Each prince and princess will be from a different country.

There won't be two princesses/princes in the same country :)

Makes the characters diverse, because they're all brought up differently.
not characters, but defiantly countries.

FRANCE IS OFF LIMIT THOUGH (cus i have France)


but any other country is okay :)

Are we assuming all countries have prince/princess'? If so, I call USA since no one else has. If not, I got Belgium or Luxembourg. Idk what countries still have princes.
Lurker said:
Are we assuming all countries have prince/princess'? If so, I call USA since no one else has. If not, I got Belgium or Luxembourg. Idk what countries still have princes.
Yes, we are assuming that all countries have Princesses/princes, but I wasn't really leaning on the States, because being one who actually lives here, it's not really elegant like. I don't suggest you use it, but legit any other country than France, Japan (someone already reserved it), Canada, and The US.

Belgium iit is!

...Wrong reply. Oh well.
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omg thank you for letting me know the due date! <3.

Hmm. Is England taken? If not, I'll take it (:

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