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Realistic or Modern The Rosefeild Family

Jack threw his ball and hit a strike "I guess I'm as good as my little sis." He signed with a smile
Emilia just loked at her sister as she giggled as she was happy" it jack jack turn" she sayas she giggled at the nick name she just looked at the other kids playing as she bite her lip as she was happy" when do you think mama nad papa come home' she sighed to her sister" yay we beat big sissy' she signed to jack as she giggled
she giggled and took her turn and got a strike and she smirked pridefully "think again hehe" she said with a grin on her face, her eyes practically shining
Emilia just smiled as she laughed as some little kid yank her hearing aid off her ear' owwww' she thought feeling blood' sizzy ow my hearing aid' she signed as she point to the little kid that took her hearing aid" big bother" she say tears in her eyes trying to be strong she was feeling a bit better after few moments
Emilia just looked at her brother" it's okay big bother don't yell i'm okay' she signed as she got the hearing aid back as she smiled" nothing can ruin my mood hey big bother lets beat big sissy' she signed as she giggled as she made another strike
Emilia just looked at him' i am happy what is school like for you' she asked as she just looked around as she just yawned a little she was a little sleepy it was almost night time as she just waited for her sister she was dozzing off a little ' must stay awake' she thought
"It's fun, I get to meet lots of people. I think you are tired, we should head home."
Emilia just looked at her brother as she just smiled' i wish i can go to school too' she signed ' but i'm homeschooled by a teacher' she sighed' i'm not tired' she signed a bit as she yawned again rubbing her eyes sleepy
Emilia just was whining a bit" no" she say as she yawned falling asleep on her brother shoulder as she was holding onto her teddy bear she was tired" mama papa" she say as she just smiled a bit as she slept
"Shhh, it's ok, we'll head home." Jack said smiling as he carried her and waited for Billie to follow.
she grinned "yeah we should get you home" she said and went to return the shoes and follow them out, getting into the car and driving them home
Emilia just slept in the car as she held her teddy bear so close as she smiled she had a good day as she was happy she was in a good moodthey were driving home she didn't want to leave but she was having a good time but she was so tired
they pulled up to the house and she got out and carried emilia inside and to her bed before going back to the kitchen and made her and jack some ramen and then she went and watched a horror movie while eating ramen
Emilia just was asleep in her bed she didn’t wake up as she was a heavy sleeper she was very happy hugging her bear she was scared for the doctor appointment she had so she just wanted to sleep for a long time hopefully her sister and brother will forget about it xXSunnyXx xXSunnyXx
the next morning she woke emilia up "cmon we have to go to the doctors today, im cooking you special breakfast right now" she said going downstairs and making a special breakfast
Emilia just yawned as she just was tired as she put on the clothes on as she just frowned’ I don’t want to go’ she thought as she just was already she brushed her teeth and her hair she went downstairs rubbing her eyes as she was hungry” mor......ning sizzy” she say trying to speak
she smiled handing her a plate with her special breakfast on it "goodmorning" she answered in sign
Emilia just looked at the pancakes and bacon as she eat as she was happy as she had her hearing aid on as she wanted her brother too he promised to go with to the doctor appointment with her she just finished the food as she went to her brother room as she sat on him” wake...... up...... brother..... pro......mis....ed..... come...... to....... doctors “ she say johndoe johndoe & xXSunnyXx xXSunnyXx
she followed emilia inside and sat next to him as well "I swear to god wake up or I will dump ice water on you" she threatened, already having the bucket in hand which she got on the way there, holding it over jack

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