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Realistic or Modern The Rosefeild Family



sweet lil cinnabun
The Rosefeilds are just your typical family. They live in Limerick, ireland they are a rather nice family in a nice house in a beautiful yet rather warm city. And that is where our role play will take place. I want this role play to cover all the ins and outs of a family. family outings, friends and other families. The good the bad. That being said never be afraid to have your characters separate from the family to do there own things as I said I just want to play the life of this family and those they may encounter, there can be romance, friendship, all that good stuff xD.

I don't want the main family to be to big Mom, Dad,maybe like 3-4 kids I will be playing one of the kids and any other roles needed though,

Roles in the main family:

Oldest child: Billie rosefeild (( xXSunnyXx xXSunnyXx )
Middle child: Jack rosefeild ( johndoe johndoe )
Younger child: Emilia rosefeild ( Texangamer Texangamer )
Youngest child: westly rosefeild ( AsherConte AsherConte

Rp Rules:

1: be kind ooc
2: don't fight over positions
3: keep ooc drama to a minimum
4: romance is allowed just dont make it the main focus and dont make it to dirty
5: follow the rpn guidelines and have fun

annnnd thats it I guess

(I will have a pm for ooc talk)
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The Roleplay shall now begin
the month is early january and the frost and snow has set in for the year, making it bitter cold outside, billie -As usual- is sitting in her room bundled up with her favorite friday the 13th hoodie and her horror movie blanket sipping at hot cocoa as she watched 'Jeepers creepers' on her TV​
"Billie, that movie is scary, and isn't this like your third time watching it?" Jack said as he walked past her room. He paused and leaned on the door frame "Have you taken your meds today? You and I both know you can get a little unpleasant when you don't have them." Jack adjusted the neck of his hoodie and smiled at Billie
she nods "yeah, i took em' and hey, you cant hate on me for loving a movie heheh" she lightly teased, turning off the movie and turning to face her brother, normally, if it where anyone but her family she would have gotten tense and....unpleasent"

She just looked at her hands as she was looking for her hearing aids she saw snow outside as she smiled she went to the bathroom to look for her hearing aids as she found them she don't talk very well she put her hearing aids on both ears she was born deaf she just sighed sometimes she felt lonely that she was the only one in her family that couldn't hear today was her birthday as she was happy​
Jack smiled, recognizing that Billie was in a good mood "Good, and hey I can't judge, I've read a few books like 5 times." He walked into her room and sat on her bed "it's Emilia's birthday and I got us both cards, sign yours and lets go give them to her." he pulled out the card from his hoodie's massive front pocket and handed it too Billie "I've got mine in my pocket already signed."
Emilia just looked at her sister room the door was open as she saw her big brother as she waved to them as she just bit her lip" jck" she say trying to say his name she wasn't used to talking she usually signs' whats that' she asked as she smiled looking around she was really happy that it was her birthday' i wonder what we will do today" she thought johndoe johndoe
"Happy Birthday!" Jack said standing up with his usual smile, he walked over to Emilia and picked her up in a hug and put her down. "This is for you." He pulled out his card and handed it to her. "And how old are you again? 20?"

She just looked at her big brother as she got picked up as she giggled' no i'm 12 today' she signed as she looked at her sister and brother than the card as she was happy" tank yuu" she say trying to say the word' what are we doing today' she say looking outside as she saw the snow her hair was pretty long she hadn't had a hair cut for a long time​
Jack chuckled and stroked her hair affectionately "Well, Mom and Dad are out of town, so I figured that you, me and Billie if she would like could go out for ice cream after lunch, which I'm going to make right now." He bent down and kissed her cheek "And maybe there will be a present when we get home." Jack walked out of the room, heading to the kitchen.

She just looked at her brother as she smiled” um but it’s cold outside and ice cream is cold can I have hot coco instead’ she signed as she smiled looking at her brother as she followed him” a present” she say happily” do mama and papa has to work” she asked trying to use her words as she was struggling a bit to speak some people make fun of her when she speaks she usually get made fun of’ I don’t want to go out I mean some mean people make fun of me cause how I speak and I’m deaf’ she signed a tear going down her face​
"Yes hot coca is fine, I'll make it with lunch, and your present is in the living room" Jack said smiling grabbing her hand "And mom and Dad are at a friends fathers funeral. Don't listen to anyone when they make fun of you, you are a sweet, adorable little girl and I love you." Jack continued walking, holding her hand, hoping she'd like the teddy bear wrapped in the bow.
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billie sighned the card and chuckled then sighned to emilia knowing she cant hear well 'happy birthday hun, heres your card" she then handed emilia the card with a proud look and then began thinking of what to get emilia

maybe one of those kid tablets or something?

she thought to herself and decided thats what she will get her.
"Lunch and coco is ready." Jack called "It's chicken sandwhiches, come get it while they're fresh." Jack sat down and began eating his sandwhich.
Emilia just looked at the card as she hugged her big sister as she liked when her sister or any of her family signed to her she just looked at her siblings she just sighed’ will there be cake for my birthday’ she signed to her sister she couldn’t wait for her presents but she wanted to wait for the cake she didn’t hear what her brother say she just looked confused
Jack saw Emilia look confused so he signed "Lunch is ready, cake will be served after, when we open presents." Jack hated having to sign but he would do just about anything for his kid sister.
Emilia just looked at her brother as she signed saw he didn’t like signed she just held her sister hand’ why do you not like signing how can I communicate I can’t speak well’ she signed to him mad as she ran up to her room as she was frustrated she liked when her family signed but she knew her brother hated signing she felt tears coming down her face
Jack sighed realizing he had offended her and chased after his sister, when he got to her room he saw she was crying on her bed. "I'm sorry, signing is just difficult for me, not all of us can be as good at signing as you" he signed, he put his arm on her back and started stroking it comforting her. Thinking about how he had almost been more of a parent her than their actual parents.
billie saw emilia run off and chased after her and her brother and saw emilia on her bed "next time be more careful jack, shes sensitive" she explained softly and sat next to her on the bed, holding her close and stroking her hair
Emilia just looked at her sister as she just hugged her big sister as she smiled she was more close to her big sister than her brother she just closed her eyes as she start toca down a bit’ I’m sorry’ she signed to her sister as she wipe her eyes
she smiled down at her sister 'don't be sorry, you did nothing wrong sweetheart, now cmon lets get lunch and then we will have cake and open presents' she sighned and got up, carrying her sister to the kitchen and they ate lunch together
Emilia just looked at her sister sign as she smiled as she saw the food' why don't big brother like signing to me i mean i can't hear it makes me sad that i can't really communicate with big brother i try to talk but it hard sissy' she signed to her big sister as she was happy eatting the sandwich she was wandering if her parents be back as she shrugged as she smiled she didn't like her dad since he's kinda scary
she sighed 'sighning is hard to learn and i know someday you will learn, in fact I can sign you up for speech lessons if you want' she signed as she ate her food softly smiling, she was more of a mother figure to emilia than her own parents in all honesty
Emilia just looked at her sister' can you come with me billie' she signed looking at her sister as she eat the food she liked the sandwich" i wuv yoo" she say as she said it wrong but she said it she understands a little bit but not much she watch a lot of tv to understand the words as she looked at her' i like to learn to speak more' she signed to her sister
"ok ill sign you up for speech lessons, ill even go wih you' she signed and smiled as she watched tv with emilia, nibbleing on a sandwich "I love you to" she said, heavily enunciating her words and raising her voice so she could hear

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