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Fantasy The Rookies- Main Ic Thread

"If you think I'm powerful now, you should see me after I've had a little too much champagne..."
Jude decided to keep her thoughts to herself, giving Victor a blunt shrug of the shoulders and a dry smile.
"I don't really see it at a competition...more like a learning experience. Perhaps you'll teach me something, or vice versa." Her voice was soft and unendearing. Some saw her docile demeanor as being shy, whereas the more judgemental people found it mildly threatening, like she was faking her innocence. She wasn't quite sure how Victor saw her, but for the sake of optimism she hoped it was the former.

She trained her eyes on him for a brief moment, her analytical mind soaking up the details of everything she laid eyes on like a sponge.
"Victor Vermillion...can't say he's particularly interesting. I don't really like or dislike him, since he never gave me any reason to do either, he's just always been...there. Certainly enjoys being the center of attention, I'll give him that. Then again, who doesn't? Aside from me, and other more introverted folks...but at least I have probable cause."
"Above all else..." Jude continued, this time addressing everyone who was in the car, "I'm just glad that we're finally done. Hero School was a bit of a pain, I'll admit."

SunWukong08 SunWukong08 WitworthGold WitworthGold
Cass had only half been paying attention to the conversation taking place between Victor and Jude, it was only when Victor had ceased speaking that Cass diverted her attention fully to what was being said. "No need in polluting my ears with any more of your garbage than I have to..." she'd spoke just audibly enough for them all to hear her clearly. " Sometimes, I guess... It was more our class than it was the actual studies." she'd paused for a moment to gesture toward Victor before she continued on, "I never gave it too much thought. I always looked at it as a means to an end; a stepping stone." She turned her attention back to her pad for a touch longer checking to see if there were any details that she might have missed. Having found none she turned her attention to checking her equipment.​

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