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Fantasy The Rise Of Heirs - IC

Chapter One
  • Chapter One - Taking Aneor
    Only a few more minutes of talking and questions progress, before Duncan had to take his leave. But, he told you that you would find a message talking you where to go. But after that, once you exited the room rushing to try and find him, he was gone. Nobody at the party seemed to remember the man except for you and the others he summoned. Looking At who were now your allies, the same questions seemed to run through your minds. What happens now? Aurelia rejoined the party, not having spent a good bit of coin on her dress to leave early. Some of you decided to stay as well, while others decided to go home and process what happened. Or, to prepare for the hornet your were given little notice of. What was Duncan's big idea? And his people? Who could they be? These were questions mostly left unanswered, that would eventually fade to the back of your mind. Abendrot Abendrot Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe Elle Santiago Elle Santiago The Hero The Hero Jean Otus Jean Otus

    For those that didn't come, unable to attend because you were either late or doing something more important, a man in dark blue robes would approach at either your in or camp and tell you it's time. He would hand you a letter sealed with a intricate insignia and blue wax. You knew this mane to be Duncan, someone who contacted you weeks before with the notion of taking back one of the fallen kingdoms. You nearly laughed him off u til he told you the heirs still lived, which gave you pause. Of course you asked, but he didn't say much other than the price he was willing to pay for your help. Such a large amount of money...you agreeded reguardless of how you felt on the matter. Opening the letter, it told you to head for Caerhayes, to a large oak outside the city. The one with golden leaves. You knew which one the letter spoke of, but was still unsure wether to go. Nevertheless, you packed your bags that night, and started off for the capital. Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom DankWaffles DankWaffles Field Marshall Field Marshall Inheritance Inheritance @ArisenMoon @Dargo

    The next morning, the party goers would find another letter with instructions to go the Golden Oak at 7am sharp. Then, to waut an hour for the others who wsre supposed to arrive before together, begainngin the nearly week long to Aneor. Aurelia, to make things easier, bought a few horses, which would cut down the trip by some time. However, there weren't enough for everyone so hopefully some of the others possessed some as well. If not, she was sure that the others wouldn't mind dual riding. There were a few towns and villages between the capital and Aneor, so maybe they could even buy some more. So, Aurelia, with her armor on and equipment at hand, was the first to arrive at the Golden Oak. She had to wonder why this was the spot for them to meet, and not one of the various taverns or inns locates in the city. Another question that may not ever be answered.