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Fantasy The Revolution (reboot)

Onyx look at her and smile "thought... very though" he said as he look around "Kalista woudnt do that and most of all were in the Angels lair now..." he said as the viw of the heaven appeard "woah... its huge" Onyx said as they landed in the heavenly cloouds so no one can see them "hmm.. there must be a way to get out of here" he mumble as he look at her.


Chi hug Kamina "please dont die" she said with tears in her eyes. Yami sign "he said he will live idiot" she mumble as she saw someone staring at them "hey i know who you are!" she said as she walk to him "were do u think your doing here all staring up like that" she said to the kid as she saw Doctor "oh how funny its you again" she said crossing her arms

@Alaster Von Grim @Zeldafangirl @NickTonCutter @MrEvilMexican

Kalista  sat in the throne room as she muffle her hair and remember something "ophh... right " she mumble to herself as she look around and tap her pocket. looking at the paper, removing the tie  and started reading. wondering what was in the note

Seeing Kalista's gone, the Raven stretched out it's wings, neck and feet and raised up from its original position. It was a bit cramped stuffing itself into a ball like it had just did. In reality, this Raven was the size of a fully mature eagle, and it wouldn't be surprising if it ate eagles. It flew outside as it landed on Faust's shoulders. The plague doctor proceeded into the hallway where he witnessed the Titan bleeding to death. He swiftly dived into hiding, hoping nobody had seen him. But with his F- grade luck, he would find himself right next to Finch. Even worse, there was a huge Raven on his shoulder. Oh... Uh... Hi. @NickTonCutter @Astaroth Suzumiya @Zeldafangirl @Alaster Von Grim

Finch was so scare by the Raven that is accidentally throw the mouse on his hand to Yami face "Oh god..." Finch though.

@Mrevilmexican @PsYcHo.TrOlL.nOoB   @Alaster Von Grim @Zeldafangirl
Kiro thought to herself..." I may be wrong but we may have to fighgt to get out of this. As a demon i can stand on the clouds,,,i just go through," Kiro stated as she smlied. " Lets move," Kiro said. " I can fly in my denomic form, Unfortunantly..my denomic form takes a good amount of energy"..  kiro said looking up . " Too damn bright for a demon like me. " Kiro said gig,ing at onyx, @PsYcHo.TrOlL.nOoB
Yami look at the mouse in her face and a moment of silence " ... ... ... ... ... " she she got into her sences "MMMMMMMOOOUUUUSSSSEEEE!!!!!!!!!" She jumped as she dash away from the castle then back into her castle. Were she will plan to seek revenge of what humiliation she have gotten into herself today.

@Alaster Von Grim @NickTonCutter


Onyx smile at her "we should better find a way out of here... or we can sneak up on what they are planning to do." He said to her with a grin of exitement with the mix of evil... on good purposes.

Zcara packed some supplies to give to kamina and the others. She planned to leave all the bags in the throne room, one for each person full of food, maps, Weapon supplies and medical things like bandages and thread. She carried the bags to castle on a small horse. She held the reins on the horse while it carried the bags.
Kalista sat in the throne room. Sitting in deep thought as she look at the paper. Suddenly she heard a loud scream "what was that?!" She thought as she stood up and walk to the door with a bit of struggle from her wounds.

Zcara waited for Kalista to move away from the window and slip in to the throne room through the window with the bags. She placed each bag in a row on the stairs to the throne. She smiled knowing these would be useful to her friends. In the bag for Kalista there was a map to the temple incase of emergency. She made sure everything was in the bags and began to walk to the window.
Finch run trough Kalista "Careful Kalista...Your wounds can open again!" Finch sigh "The situation didn't went well.A big raven surprise me and i had to throw the mouse in Yami face,she run out from the castle.But Titan is bleeding as hell...And i don't know what happens!" Finch say worry looking at Kalista 

Kalista look at him with a surprised face "a big raven?... and what happen to the titan?" She ask him as she walk to him "ill check up on him and can u show me to the raven?... also u did a good job to the Queen our next job is to kill the two royals... without the eye of Royal Chi they are a bit helpless"

Finch sigh scratching his hair "The problem is that the Raven went away...I guess it was link with the Plague Doctor from before for sure..." He then look back to Kalista "For titan well...A Women and Chi was next to him.I guess is time has come...I don't know how did he get hurt though."

"Strange..." she tought as she look at the glass window "bring me to him and let us check what might have couse him pain" she said as she look at him "let us not waste time.... he may be a traitor but i cannot let anyone die.."

Zcara quickly got out the window looking back and closing it once more. Even if she wanted to she could not stay as she wasnt made to kill or fight anyone even at Kalista's orders. She held the horses reins again and walked back to the temple with her head down to hide her face incase anyone saw her
Faust sat on a statue in the courtyard of the castle, looking upon a rose bud, still yet to bloom. 

"Ring around the rosie, A pocket full of posies, ashes, ashes, we all fall down. 

Ring around the Rosie, death's embrace it's left me, and eternal torment's all's left for me..."

He sang in somewhat a soft and rather depressing tone.

"I wonder if she's read the message yet..."

he wondered to himself.

If Kalista checked the paper, nothing is written on it. In fact, in order to read it, she has to burn the paper.

@PsYcHo.TrOlL.nOoB @NickTonCutter
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As Kalista and nick ran her pet wolf suddenly bit up on Kalista dress and the letter flew "oh Sonata look what u did" she said as she rach up to the letter but the wind blew more stronger as it landed in the fire "oh my..." kalista place her hands to her face in panic "OH HELL!" She jump and when bire the fire 

Letters of flame burst from the surface of the paper, and when the paper was completely burnt away, the flaming letters remained floating in the air. It read:


(Kal'Thazaan alert. He's turning people int zombies again. xD )

(Okay eheeh and lllooolll)

Kalista look at him and grab hold to his shoulder so she is on full secure "the letter!" She said pointing to the fire near the window "what if it was important what if it was something to defeat my sisters" she said in panic "now its burn i havent eveneen the full of it Finch" she said as she look back and notice up the papers forming some words that made her rethink of her mistake. As she read the letter she gasp "a litch in the Kingdom! This is insane no this cant be" she said in panic as she look at the guards who walk pass by and some maids who were cleaning " Litch... zombies... finch keep your eyes open." 

@MrEvilMexican @NickTonCutter
Zcara got on the horse half way to the temple and rode back to the kingdom to buy more supplies for the temple as she put most of the supplies in to the bags. She pulled the hood up on her cloack and rode through the streets searching for medical supplies and food for the temple. She looked around spotting Kalista and another man , Zcara quickly pulled her hood up even more .
Kal'Thazaan strode (floated) down the streets, murdering all the idiots who tried to sell him crap. He's just here to get revenge for Yami. Apparently, she got hard time humiliated.

"Insignificant morons."

He said as he froze a fisherman into a block of ice.

Faust appeared behind Kalista.

"Zombies? You mean flesh eating ghouls?"

He asked her.

"Honestly, zombie sounds like something what a three year old would call a Ghoul."

He continued.

"And yes, there is a Lich in your town. I'd keep wary."

His voice echoed unnaturally and gave chills and shivers down spines.

@PsYcHo.TrOlL.nOoB @NickTonCutter
Kalista pull herself up "thank you Finch and yes im alright im just worried for everyone ... as more chaos to struc we must be more aware of now than my sisters." She said with a sign as she saw  the Doctor who have helped her recover a bit from her wounds "how did u know all of this stuff?... " she ask him wih worry "we must stop that lich what ever happen and i dont care if its a Zombie or a Ghoul... we can talk about that later for now everyone is in danger and i shall need some assistance to lets everyone out of the empire and the city at once."

@MrEvilMexican @NickTonCutter

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