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The Return of the Cult

[QUOTE="Golden Glow]"What are you implying?" asked Ammy.

"Just watch and you'll see" said Veyd and all of a sudden imperial guards come out to see what happened to the man. The fighter had stopped screaming but he had strange writings all over his body and red eyes. The man slowly withered away and the crowd began screaming. "Alright who did this?!!" shouted on of the guards.
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[QUOTE="Golden Glow]"How... what?" Gold stuttered, confused.

Veyd took Gold's arm and they teleported to the arena, right in front of the guards and out in the open.
"What the?!" exclaimed Amaterasu, jumping down.

"Veyd, what the fuck?!" exclaimed Gold.

Marmar3124 said:
Akira was out of the battlefield leaving the other gladiator almost dead.

(The dude you were just fighting was obliterated by Veyd's random hex.)
[QUOTE="Golden Glow]
"What the?!" exclaimed Amaterasu, jumping down.
"Veyd, what the fuck?!" exclaimed Gold.

(The dude you were just fighting was obliterated by Veyd's random hex.)

The guards charged at them with everything they had and raised there shields up to bash the 2 of them. A few of the guards noticing the girl fighter and running after her as well.
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She glares at the guards coming towards her and she quickly pulls a dagger out of her boot ready to fight them.
"Well, here we go again, Gold," said Amaterasu, slowing time, after jumping so that she touched their hands, therefore making them immune to the time stop.

(Basically, Ammy made both of us pet her so we wouldn't be affected by the time slow.)

Gold draws his greatsword, and slashes at the guards.

Amaterasu uses a Power Slash to damage the guards before they got to her, and both of them continue fighting.

(So all of what just happened prior to the time slow looks like the Flash did it.)
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Marmar3124 said:
She glares at the guards coming towards her and she quickly pulls a dagger out of her boot ready to fight them.
[QUOTE="Golden Glow]
"Well, here we go again, Gold," said Amaterasu, slowing time, after jumping so that she touched their hands, therefore making them immune to the time stop.
(Basically, Ammy made both of us pet her so we wouldn't be affected by the time slow.)

Gold draws his greatsword, and slashes at the guards.

Amaterasu uses a Power Slash to damage the guards before they got to her, and both of them continue fighting.

(So all of what just happened prior to the time slow looks like the Flash did it.)

Veyd unleashed his scythe and engulfed the blade in black fire, slashing at the guards and spinning his scythe. The guards began running at the 2 with as much as they had, firing arrows at the 2 and coming from all directions.
Ammy slows time again (It only last for 4 seconds of our time at a time) and blasts the arrows back with her Sub-Reflector.

Gold slashes the arrow Ammy missed with his greatsword, cutting it in half.
(Okay, I forgot about this. :/ Maybe let's just turn this around a bit from the current course of action because this is not a good beginning....Sorry for the god modding but I gotta get this moving again)

As Gold, and Veyd, continued battling there was only one other option to get to the imperial tower now because they'd already made enemies with the guard. This wouldn't be the best idea but it was better than nothing. Veyd ran to the exit, searching for some metal piece on the grown that would lead to a drainage where the water drainage would be. "I'm not to sure how to get out of here now. The guard will be every where..." he muttered to Gold whilst trying to think of where else to go. He ripped off the metal cage that lead to the drainage, motioning for them to go down first.

@Golden Glow
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"Should've taken the mirror with me!" exclaimed Gold.

"You forgot it?!" exclaimed Amaterasu in surprise.

"Ammy, we can make one at almost any time, anyways. Besides, who knows where the mirror in Skyrim is now? People there have a nasty habit of picking up random stuff off the street."

Amaterasu groans. "Whatever. We must go."

The two of them went through the drainage. "Where are we going anyways?" asked Gold.
Veyd looked back at Gold perplexed at the question. "I suppose...to wherever the Most amount of guards are" suggested Veyd. Wait, That would make sense...

@Golden Glow
(Going to force a time skip right now because why the hell not!! We gonna get some good shit!! xD )

Emperor's Palace, Imperieal City

Half an hour later

Veyd walked down the pathway to the Emperor's palace with his scythe in hand, walking as if he were a soldier standing mighty and high. It made some of the guards question if they were sane after seeing the tall hooded dragon. "Gol'diir do you have an idea on why we are going here?" Asked Veyd as they walked to the front gates, or doors.

@Golden Glow
(I'm gonna use the Roosan + Orivia fonts for Gold and Amaterasu.)

"You're the one who suggested we go to where the most amount of guards are. I just told you about here," replied Gold.

"That is true. I mean, I see where you are going with this idea, but here? There are hundreds of guards," said Amaterasu.

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