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Realistic or Modern The Rain- taxi RP

"No problem," I say as I fiddle with the phone to plug it into one of the many charging ports. When I plug it in, a few seconds pass before the light signal pops on. "Looks like it works. If your phone is one of the more recent models, it'll probably charge to about 20 percent by the time we reach the end of traffic. While we wait, you know any cheap but good food places around here? I moved in not too long ago for work when the company went belly-up." I cough a bit after realizing I let that out, "That is to say I'm not too familiar with the area," I finish.
"Im glad it works, hopefully" The boy leaned back in the seat, "I mean there should be something but i havemt been here a while so im not sure whats close sorry"
"Ah, that's too bad," I chuckle, "It's cool though." I stay silent for a moment, and then a moment becomes half a minute before I speak up again. "I can't think of anything else to talk about, so what would you like to talk about?"
"there use to be a pizza place on the next exit that use to be good im not sure if its still there." he leaned forward on his hands. " I mean i can always come up with something. My horses name was Wings. will i mean the gelding i was talking about earlier. :
"I'll keep note of the pizza place when I drive by, and interesting name for a horse. Might as well call him pegasus or something!" I stay silent for a few seconds before speaking up again, "Now that you mention the horse again, what was he like?"
"Good idea. pegasus is a common enough name in horses ." The boy smiled bigger, "He was born on this dark night alot like tonight. His mom was one of those one and a millon horses this honey colored mare with a on feather shaped white marking her head. His foaling was trying and his mom never stood up after the fact. She had lost too much blood. I was 12 and i had stayed with her for the whole foaling, even when it had gone wrong. My dad tried to send me up to the house, but when was born i was the one to see the fact he was a colt. I dried him and even with the dark baby fluff i knew he was a gray. My dad gave me charge of him in that moment. We went every where together i fed him bottles and walked him and played with him. He loves poeple, kind of think he thinks he is one. He loves to run and play . When i show up through he has eyes only for me. " The boy puased biting his lip, "I was the one who trianed him. When you step on his back he is this back powerful thing all lean and muscled. He Is serious all work. Some horses prance and snort. but not wings he stays so level. Jut this big kind guy with soulful eyes that can stare into your soul. He would do anything a human asked... no that i asked." the boy bite his lip.
I couldn't help but have a sparkle in my eye as I heard the story of wings. Of course, since I'm driving, the boy couldn't see my face. Though, as he finished up the story, I saw in the rear mirror that he looked trouble. "Must be hard leaving him behind." I remark giving a slight frown. "I certainly wouldn't want to give up a pony like that, especially since you're the one who took care of him. Though, I don't really have much to say about this situation since there are a few conflicts with my own principles, but I do hope that you're able to make amends between you and your parents. Sorry to push this again, but try to keep in contact with your parents. I don't know what'll happen, but you just have to work things out. As always, relationships are..." I take a second to think of a few words, "messy, complicated, and overall a hassle, but yet they're incredibly powerful, especially those between family. Anyways, that's my shpeal to you on that matter."
"It really is he is a special horse that's for sure.' He fought the sadness that was coming over him. " I mean my family helped but he was my pet prodject . I hope so too . " He sighed biting his lips, " I want too but for right now its best we alll cool down, I feel the same way about that. They will be coming through in a few weeks on there way to the track, wings will be with them. I might have to go out and watch him race. He should be retiring this year. We where supposed to start his second career together. "
I nod in silence as he continues to speak. From then, I remain silent, finding it appropriate to stay silent.
At this point, you may continue talking or do a time skip to when the traffic clears up.
The boy leaned back lost in through's of the way wings danced into the winners circle or came to met him in the pasture after a hard day at work. Wings was such a key member of his family and it was hard to image not having him there. After a while he leans forword, and about then the traffic clears up and starts to move slowly, "It looks like we are getting moving at last. "
"Indeed. It's never nice getting stuck in traffic," I mention. I take a glance at the GPS again. "It looks like we'll be there in about 15-20 minutes. Too bad the exit was right after the traffic," I grumble. I remember something else as well, "Oh, here's your phone." While keeping my eyes on the road, I unplug the phone and reach my arm back to give the phone back to him.
"No its not, Through i have to say its worse when you have a load of horses and they are stomping and wiggling and you cant do anything. Wings isnt the best trailer rider in the world." the boy took the phone when ut was offered back to him, "Thank you and things agian going out of your way to give me a ride. " he flicked on his phone and it started to ding and buzz a bunch, "Sorry its been off a while. and im sure at least one of those was my mom ."
"Eh, it's cool. Though, after you check up with your mate, you should at least tell your mom that you're okay," I mention. From that point forward, I leave him to do whatever he needed to do.
" I will" THe kids fingers flew over the key boerd the drive seemed to be going a mile a minute over the keys. "You can just drop me at the end of the road."
"No problem," I say, pulling over when I reach the end of the road. As I do, somehow, the rain stopped completely. "Huh, looks like the rain stopped. Looks like you won't need to get soaking wet to get to the inn." I give a wide smile. "Ah, the toll is listed on the meter here." I point to the meter which displayed the amount of money. "Anywho, it was nice talking with you, and best of all skill and fortune in your future endeavors. Ah, and don't forget anything here in the cab."
"Thanks for the ride, gald to see im not going to get too wet" he said reaching into his wallet and pullling out the money handing it too him and shouldinger his bag. he jumped out of the taxi and vanished into the dark

(This was pretty fun thinks for having me)
No problem. Also, I have my own little ending as well ;)

As soon as the taxi door closed and the boy turned around, I began to drive off. As I did, my taxi began to fade from existence, moving forwards to pick up its next passenger.

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