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Fantasy The Purest of Dark - Magic


You can call me Amy
I'd love to see what the reactions are & how many people would really be interested in it. I would be more than happy to answer any questions about it. I've explained everything in a bullet system as best I could. I have no problems updating what's below to potentially clarify anything.

· Once powerful in leadership & strength, kings grew comfortable & lazy, accustomed to luxury, with no new enemies to challenge them & wide lands in their control. However, they remain cruel, greedy & harsh in public punishments; treating them as social occasions often times.

· Small armies & few true warriors. Those truly skilled are either directly protecting the royal family or partaking in ‘The Games’.

· The games are similar to the games of Roman Times where men would battle exotic animals & other men, often to the death. Although part of the region's culture, The Games are not a main plot point but may be mentioned, played in, previously won or planning to enter.

· Most of the empire is considered poor. Only %40 are moderately wealthy. Slavery & ‘The Games’ are comprised of mainly that higher percentage. Most everyone is either Farmer, Merchant or Slave. The wealthy are comprised of Politicians, High-Ranking Military Officers, & Scholars; obviously below royalty.

· Time & Government passes this way for over 10 generations or more.

· Few major cities; housing the luxuries, schools, arts & the finer shops. A handful of large villages; main outposts for trading, suppliers to the major cities, they circle the cities to allow a constant thread of supplies, only a couple weeks travel between them at most. Anything smaller is far & few in-between, they are usually considered to house the free poor. These smaller settlements are often raided for new slaves.

· Silently an army grows in the outreaches of the Empire. Collecting in secret; formed by men collected in tribes & clans not ruled by the long-standing empire & secretly allied with the Elves.

· Elves remain hidden & thought to have vacated the land completely. It has been so long in which an elf has been seen within the empire that they have grown ancient in stories. Thought not to be real alongside with magic & other creatures of magic lore.

· Small group of spies hidden throughout the Capitol. No more than 5. Two of which are elves.

· Dragons & other magical creatures thought to be extinct due to past mass-hunting; possibly not mentioned. If so, such creatures are rare.

· No technology.

· Possible Plot; A family in one of the oldest, largest villages has produced two children to merchant parents, nearly 8 (this age gap is created to allow the siblings to be more likely to butt heads) years apart in age. Both children born with magical abilities thought to have died when the Elves left the region to return to their homeland, taking all magic with them; long enough in the past to be thought of as just elaborate stories woven by the elders to entertain restless children at night. The eldest of these siblings was born into dark magic, which eventually ended up killing both parents. It was thought to be a natural accident in which the eldest died alongside the parents, leaving the younger sibling an assumed orphan at a very young age; eventually it’s revealed many years later that the death of the parents was murder on the eldest’s part. The youngest was born into pure magic, is forced to grow under the apprenticeship of a merchant in a village far from their birthplace. The younger sibling was barely old enough to remember their parents, therefore having no real knowledge of the eldest sibling. Somehow the younger sibling gets a basic hold & understanding of their power while keeping it secret. At some point it becomes known the youngest wields magic & the king seeks them out, fearing the fresh new magic. The youngest is warned of such plans within mere hours of being collected by a stranger that claims to be from within the royal court but against it. The two begin to travel where it becomes known to the youngest that the stranger is an elf disguised by strong magic to appear as human; therefore, revealing to someone within the Empire for the first time since their fabled departure, that elves still remain in whatever number. The youngest is taken outside the borders of the empire, taught by the elf in the way of magic in a secret location, alone. This is when it’s revealed that the royals have plans to interfere with the food & resources of the region, implementing famine & disease that would dwindle the public that was growing tired of the violent leadership. The king would rather opt to kill off the population with disease & famine, then provide a solution when all seems lost which would propel the king back into favoritism, instead of facing a possible civil war were there king would be forced to defend himself from his own kingdom & risking the assassinations of his family. It’s then that the youngest sibling is forced to fight with the resisters whether the magic training is complete or not. Soon, the resources are affected & word spreads across the region of a single individual that is profoundly skilled in dark magic & bears a similar face to the younger sibling, who at this point has become equally known as a pure magic user. This news travels faster than the burning supplies & carries with it a fear that this dark magic user is working for the king. Nothing is sure until the dark magic user finds out the younger survived the accident meant to kill them as well & that they are in fact the second magic user. A new mission erupts for the eldest to kill the younger while silently manipulating people & events to gain power & ultimately control over the region. The final goal is for the younger sibling to defeat the elder, the ever growing twisted & violent king, the armies accompanying them both & the influence of the elves, the resistance & potentially the elder sibling.

· Necessary Characters; The King, Eldest Sibling (Dark Magic User), Younger Sibling (Pure Magic User), Elf One (Personal Trainer to the Pure Magic User & Spy), Elf Two (Spy) Three Human Spies, Rebel Leader (Current king’s eventual replacement), Misc.

· The Political Activists Rebel Group; This group is responsible for placing the 5 spies in the royal court & secretly allying with the elves in support. They operate in means to tear down the current king and his family & replace their reign with a government created in the favor of the poorer percentage. They plan to achieve this by announcing a new king in place of the old; the Rebel group leader.

· Why the Elves are involved; Their lands, which have been hidden since the dawn of the empire, are in growing risk of being exposed. If that were to happen, the king would undoubtedly feel a new profound sense of hunger for power & call a war to the Elves, claiming not only their land, but their culture, freedom & most prized above all, their magic abilities. It was common that all elves knew some measure of magic, whether it be great or small, while the it was a rarity for a human child to be born into magic.

· How Magic is initiated for Humans; While Elves can pull on their magical stores at will & often without mouthing the words, humans are born with specific birthmarks on either the palm of their hands or the back of the neck. The visibility varies from person to person, but typically if one is looking for such a mark it can be seen. Unlike the level of visibility of the birthmark the actual shape & size of it will be one of two images; one representing Dark Magic & the other representing Pure Magic. It’s said that the first Elves, under circumstances known only to them & initiated through magic placed over the region, allowed a small number of human infants to be born with the mark that would separate them from the rest. When Magic and the Elves walked the land freely, it was a common routine for newborns to be checked for such marks; but when it was believed the Elves had abandoned the region the mark never appeared again & eventually it was translated into legend & parents stopped checking for it. It’s been thought, by the most savage of enemies, that if the birthmark were to be cut from the user’s body, they would be rendered unable to channel their gift for the remainder of their lives. Assuming they were meant to live through such a process. However, said act has no record of happening outside of scared, ancient whispers. The Elves believed in balance and paired the gift of Pure Magic with that of Dark Magic. However, the fear of Dark Magic was so strong infants were often killed upon discovery of the Dark Magic mark.

· Dark Magic Mark; This birthmark is 2.5 inches tall by a 1-inch wide. Designed in the same Celtic Knot fashion, the lines of this mark are thick & jagged. Points random spots of the lines, resembling thorns. With so many right angles & points, it was equal thick line as it was negative space & was boxier in shape than its counterpart. Instead of being symmetrical, the knots look randomly placed in confusing twists. This mark can sometimes protrude from the skin to feel like a scar from a deep wound. However, only one mark resembling scar tissue has ever been recorded. It belonged to a woman with the mark upon her palm. She has her own stories in legend as being evil incarnate & there had been no Dark Magic user like her before or after her time. It’s said that it gained its scar tissue texture after years of hard magical practice. The mark glows black when magic is being used.

· Pure Magic Mark; This birthmark is slightly larger than its counterpart, reaching a full 3 by 3-inch mark. Thin smooth lines curve & weave around each other in a gridlock of loops & curls, giving it an overall circular shape. The design is very similar to a Celtic Knot. The entire thing is intricate in detail leaving little negative space. When cut in quarters, each one mirrors the others perfectly. It’s meant to hold an overall graceful beauty. The Mark glows white when magic is being used.
What you can expect from me;

· Regarding the plot skeleton – The major points of the plot are touch upon in the summary, but I am willing to listen to ideas of others and possibly implement one or two. I love a bit of surprise and I’ve found that doesn’t always come from just one person(myself). Don’t be afraid to send me a message, I’ll always reply.

· Poking a player – If a few days have gone by and the next assumed person has yet to reply, I’ll politely send them a private message. If after another day passes and I haven’t heard back, I will send another warning I will turn that character into an NPC for the term of that RP within 24hrs of that message. From there I will control the NPC for the rest of the RP.

· My post length and speed – I write everything in Microsoft Word prior to posting to get a good handle on my post length & grammar. I’m a very detailed writer where my posts in a regular flowing RP can reach several hundred words. It takes me sometimes several hours to write a single post, as I want to make sure I address everything correctly.

What I would hope to expect from you;

· If you have a question or idea, don’t hesitate! I’d love to hear them and do my best to address them.

· Please follow the site rules and respect each other and their characters. Don’t be rude, argue or try to control anyone.

· I don’t expect everyone to match my length in posting, I can sometimes get a little carried away. However, I do expect at a post that is at least two decent paragraphs or more. Each post should contribute to the progression of the story & not hinder on any one person due to having nothing to respond to. I find it difficult to respond to a six-sentence post, with or without dialogue.

· This is geared for 18+, everyone should act that way.

Pay attention to the rotation of replying. I don’t want anyone to get left behind because two people or so happen to be on and posting at the same time. Add your post, maybe even a second, then give it just a bit of time. I’d hate for someone to only be gone a couple of days (because life happens to everyone) and come back to find they are ten posts behind, and their character has this journey to go through just to catch up; that could potentially hinder that person’s ability to write to their potential.
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I’m very interested! Specifically in Elf 1, or the younger sibling, or even Elf 2 for that matter. But I’m open to more roles :)

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