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Fantasy The Pub on the Edge of the World || OOC


keep precious things
Oreo Cookie Oreo Cookie Mystikelh Mystikelh Hachi Machi Hachi Machi Sammv Sammv Obi-Wan Kenobi Obi-Wan Kenobi Lixy Lixy FireMaiden FireMaiden Twyllvarlais Twyllvarlais Steff__legit_trash__ Steff__legit_trash__

Okay, here we are. I have my opening post completely ready, but I'd like to go over a few things first.

Obviously, not all of you have created characters yet. Those whose forms I have like have been accepted and are completely ready to post in the IC thread when it comes up. For those of you who have not, or are still working on their sheets, please have them finished and posted by 6/10/17. That shouldn't be too difficult, as the forms are simple and are just to give a layout of your character. Those who are not posted and/or completed by that time are considered out of the roleplay.

I would like your opinion: Would you like me to post the IC thread now while we're waiting for everyone to make characters so we can get a feel for things? Or would you like to wait until 6/10/17? Tell me below.
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Sorry I'm taking so long, I'm just in the middle of school stuff. I should have time to finish my character this afternoon.
Okay, I'm sorry, but someone who hasn't made a character yet has to make a gnome or pixie or something and you have to ride this:

It's so cute I think I'm gonna die

boo. boo.
I just wanted to inform you that I am moving this weekend and will only have internet installed on Monday.
So I won't be able to read and post on the RP until then. Probably won't affect very much, but just a heads up.
boo. boo.
I just wanted to inform you that I am moving this weekend and will only have internet installed on Monday.
So I won't be able to read and post on the RP until then. Probably won't affect very much, but just a heads up.

Okay, thanks for letting me know!
Oh damn I hadn't realised we'd started!!
Mystikelh Mystikelh Glad to see you're back!

MuskyMuscovado MuskyMuscovado Oreo Cookie Oreo Cookie Sammv Sammv Lixy Lixy

Okay guys, I'm starting my next post now. This will bring us to the next part of the story, so better hold onto your britches. It's gonna be a bumpy ride.

Obi-Wan Kenobi Obi-Wan Kenobi FireMaiden FireMaiden If you still wanna be in this, you'd better post before I do. I'll have my post out within the next day or so.
It's not that I don't want to be a part of this, it's that I don't have time to be. I've been trying, but there's too many things on. Sorry, I'll have to bow out. I hope this goes well, though.
boo. boo.
Since we have a few people who can't make it, I have a friend wondering if she can join in.
Her character could arrive at the pub quickly and sit down in one post. But it's understandable if you prefer to roll only with the people we have.
It's not that I don't want to be a part of this, it's that I don't have time to be. I've been trying, but there's too many things on. Sorry, I'll have to bow out. I hope this goes well, though.

Thanks for letting me know!

boo. boo.
Since we have a few people who can't make it, I have a friend wondering if she can join in.
Her character could arrive at the pub quickly and sit down in one post. But it's understandable if you prefer to roll only with the people we have.

Sure, as long as your friend posts a CS and writes a post soon, that's cool with me.

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