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Fantasy The Pub on the Edge of the World || CS || CLOSED



keep precious things
You may create any kind of character you wish, and this encompasses species, occupations, and reputations. However, magicians and magic-users are strictly prohibited. You may code the form if you want.


Species Details: (put some things here on what your species is like. if you are using a species that is well known, such as humans, elves, dwarves, etc., then delete this section)
Short appearance description:

Name: Trahan of Clóncairn
Species: human
Age: 25
Gender: M
Occupation: Warrior
History: Trahan has pretty much always been a warrior; it's how he's supported himself and gained fame amongst his people, from the far off realm of Clóncairn. However now he answers the mysterious summon to the Pub he heard about in legends. He is eager not only for more glory and riches for himself, but perhaps some recognition for Clóncairn as well. Traditionally he has proven himself to be extraordinate with his fighting style (especially according to Clóncairnish legends), which emphasizes agility to avoid and counter attacks, active use of the shield to deflect rather than passively absorb full-on strikes, and even use the shield as its own weapon, and of course dispatching opponents with his falcata sword. He is decently versed in using his spear, but truly prizes his falcata.

(Also we can just say he doesn't have the horse unless we all plan on having horses, but I doubt it)


~|| Va-Heda ||~

"Better the heartfelt devotion of a free soul than the grudging obedience of a slave."
- Common Githzerai Saying


|| Full Name ||
Va-Heda Kilthok

|| Age ||

54 years
(young adult in human years)

|| Gender + Pronouns ||
( she / her )

|| Species ||

Githzerai *

|| Species Description ||

The Githzerai are a seclusive and harsh people. They are extremely wary of outsiders and tend to keep to themselves when they can. They are more suspicious than not, and it's a rarity indeed to ever see them smile or crack jokes. They are short-spoken and to the point. They will not sugar-coat or dance around the issue, no matter how delicate others may see it. Despite all this, they are strong and steadfast allies once earned, with unwavering loyalty, often to the point of endangering themselves. Outside of their homelands, they are sought-after as bodyguards and personal assistants for this very trait they all seem to share.

Physically, they are taller and leaner than the average human, yellow to grey skin tone that is rough with bumps and ridges, slits for noses and pointed ears. They braid or shave their hair, keeping it close to their heads, though most have bronze or russet coloured hair when they do grow it out. Their features are sharper and more alien than humans, longer faces and heavy brows. The only adornment they will allow themselves to have are swirling green or brown tattoos, carved into their thick skin.

*I've taken inspiration from the D&D version of the Githzerai, but I've adapted them slightly e.g., they don't live in limbo, and don't have psionic powers.

|| Occupation ||

Bodyguard / Mercenary



|| Height + Weight ||
6'4" and 160lb

|| Eye + Hair Colour ||
Light green sclera, dark brown-green irises

|| Clothing Style ||
Plain and simple. Dark green and brown leggings and leather under armour. Masterfully crafted, but drab and plain compared to human standards. She wears plain silver jewellery, and grubby white ribbons are braided through her hair. The most colourful or striking piece of clothing she may wear is her polished silver scale mail or a silken wrap around her throat.

|| Distinctive Marks ||
She has sprawling and swirling tattoos from her navel, up her sides, chest and back. They are hidden under her mail and leather.

|| Physical Description ||
She is average in weight and height for her species, with dark copper hair pulled back in a tight bun, a few coiled braids escaping around her ears and the nape of her neck. She has slanted and sharp eyes, with green-brown skin, splotches of darker green covering where she is bonier - kneecaps, brow and cheek bones, elbows, etc. Her claws and teeth are well-maintained and sharp, her hair longer and freer than typical of her people.


|| Family ||
No biological family is known to remain
Lady Amelda O'Keefe

|| Background ||
From a very young age, Va-Heda grew up surrounded by humans. According to those who raised her, a small village of her people was attacked by orcs when she was young, leaving only her and a handful of other survivors. Somehow, she was swept away to the O'Keefe's castle, where she was raised among the human servant's children. Though she was around 10 years old, this was considered practically an infant among her people, and she had not yet begun any form of schooling. Thus, she remembers very little of her native tongue. When she was almost 25, considered an adult among the humans but only a teen to the Githzerai, the noble couple gave birth to a young girl.
Soon, Va-Heda was being raised alongside the young Lady, Amelda, and as they both came of age, Va-Heda became her personal bodyguard.

The reasons Amelda's viciously loyal guard left her side will be revealed during the roleplay if it ever comes up!

|| Languages Spoken ||
Common, a basic amount of Gith, some rudimentary understanding of a handful of the more common race's languages, taught to her so that no one may plot her Lady's assassination right under her nose.


|| Basic Personality ||
First impressions are often of an intimidating, if not a bored or disinterested woman, often found leaning against her sword or apparently lazily scanning her surroundings.

Though sterner and more straight-laced than a human, Va-Heda is loose and free by her people's standards. She will occasionally crack a dry-witted or sarcastic joke, and she allows herself to wear some plain and unassuming jewellery. When it comes to the humans that raised her, she is undyingly loyal, though she has no such attachment to her people, or even to other humans. She is suspicious of outsiders, though not to the point of hostility, such a thing being taught out of her from the time she was picked up and raised by humans.
Despite being less harsh than other Githzerai, she is still cold and brash by human standards, preferring to stay distant, or borderline interested.

She hates being confused and hates being wrong even more. She will not stand down from a fight, even when it is clear she has lost or was proven wrong. She prefers not to engage, and will only stand up or speak out when she or her family are being personally attacked, or when her beliefs are on the line. She is not overly intelligent, though she has a sly and secretive air about her that may convince you otherwise.

Most find her either immediately unlikable or fairly uninteresting and boring. For this, she has few friends, but will easily enough defer to a proven superior with little fuss.

|| Strengths + Weaknesses ||
+ Strong and loyal when she wants to be
+ Straight-laced and truthful, hardly ever lies
+ Has a dry and quippy sense of humour
(a strength compared to the Githzerai's general lack of humour)

- Brash and aggressive when provoked
- Inherently selfish, won't assist unless given a good reason
- Detached and cold at first glance

|| Quirks ||
She spends any downtime she has cleaning and maintaining her gear, or fiddling with a plain silver bracer around her left wrist.


|| Training ||
She was trained to be a guard. Observant, strong and hard-hitting. Stab first, ask questions later. Most of her training focused on close quarters and hand-to-hand combat, sticking close to her liege.

|| Skills | Weaknesses ||
+ Proficient in hand-to-hand combat
+ Skilled with a sword
+ Can manage a bow, though she is hardly a master
+ Has thicker skin than most

- She is a slow and cumbersome fighter
- Will focus on self-preservation, or the protection of her Lady over anything else
- Githzerai have lower blood pressure than most common species, which mean some wounds can be much more fatal to them than what might be expected

|| Gear ||

She uses a large two-handed weapon, though she carries a couple of daggers as well as a longbow with the accompanying arrows. Her armour is heavy around her torso, though her legs and feet are left light and unrestrained, for better pursuit of foes.

boo. boo. I may rework parts of her character but I think the general concept will be the same!


Ash Raven

Mystic Vampire.
*Information In Link*


--Short appearance description--
Standing at 5'10, Ash has a six pack and awesome muscles. He has inky black hair and hazelnut eyes. He has a velvet black eyepatch.



Ash Raven was born in a very wealthy family of pureblood vampires. His life was perfect, however, when he was ten years old, he found out that his parents were evil vampires trying to destroy humans and/or enslave them. In their eyes, humans were only "livestock" and "prey". Ash couldn't let that happen, so he ended up killing them. It worked, but he lost an eye in the process. He felt no sympathy. Rather, he quite enjoyed it. Not the fact that he killed his parents, but the feeling of killing. He ran away that night.

He was found by a group of bandits who took a liking to him. They needed an assassin, and when they found out he was a vampire who loved to kill, they scored big. They offered a place to stay, which Ash happily accepted. The bandits treated his eye injury and gave him an eyepatch.

To this day, Ash is an assassin, killing those who the bandits request.





NAME: Chuluujsan (but Chul is enough)

SPECIES: Cervitaur
Cervitaurs are a sub-species of the centaurs, possessing a deer body instead of a horse.
They are very rarely aggressive, unlike their cousin.

AGE: 43 years old.

HEIGHT AND LENGTH: 5'11" in height (excluding the antlers) and 4'7" in length.


OCCUPATION: Wandering Druid.
This cervitaur left his herd a long time ago to wander through the lands. His knowledge in herbs and how to mix them lead him to become a healer. He seeks people that he can help ease their pain and sickness, brewing potions with the ingredients from nature. Those potions aren't magical, though. They are medicines that slowly help its user. He learned first aid throughout his experiences and always keep the necessary material in his pouch around his body. He also has the habit to collect all kinds of useless trinkets on the sole basis that they look interesting or pretty.

HISTORY: Chul was born and raised in a herd of cervitaur. They usually kept away from civilization, preferring the depths of the forest to live peacefully together. But Chul always had been a curious and active child, often trying to catch glimpses of other species from the nearest town. His mother always forbid him, only because they didn't want to associate with others. He learned from his people how to recognize and mix herbs to make medical potions. When he reached adulthood, Chul couldn't simply contain himself and decided to leave his herd to wander the world. He goes where his hooves take him, helping people on the way and learning more about the world.
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Name: Minerva "Mina" Briggs

Species: Human

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Appearance Description: Standing at 5'8" and weighing in at 130ish pounds, Minerva is a slim, lean, fighting machine. She has raven colored hair and hazel eyes. Her attire makes her a walking safety hazard and causes some to question her fashion sense. A simple shirt, loose fitting pants, and boots are typically worn. Layered over her clothing are a variety of leather straps and belts meant to hold her collection of knives and other pointy objects, most of which lack a proper sheath.

Occupation: Rogue

History: Minerva is a foul-mouthed miscreant with a thirst for rum and hunger for gold. Originally a pirate in her early years, she now travels the lands doing what she pleases while stirring up trouble along the way. Her list of hobbies include but are not limited to: robbery, bounty hunting, treasure hunting, and mercenary work. Naturally she's made many enemies during her adventures, some of which are good, many of which are bad, and a select few she owes a debt to. Fortunately it seems luck is on her side as she received an invitation to the Dragonbone Pub. Although somewhat skeptical, Minerva travels to the pub since she has nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Wyx Quill

  • Name: Wyx Quill

    Species: Mantid

    Species Details: A rare and ancient fey race, mantid communities typically were based in drier, more arid settings. However, the few established cities that do exist are scattered throughout the world and are located anywhere others would hesitate to tread, such as mountain tops and rocky canyons. Mantids prefer to keep to themselves, in the past they were a self sufficient and peaceful race that lived in harmony with the world. However, their numbers began to decline as others encroached on their way of life, and these passive beings struggled against the forces against them. Mantids are often hunted and captured for sport, a dead one can fetch a fair amount of coin, a live one even more so. Most may only see this race in captivity, or stuffed and posed on the wall of some noble.

    Like their distant elven cousins, mantid are long lived, some have lived to be 800 and beyond. They reach adult hood at age ten, upon which time they undergo what is known as the Revelation. It is at this time the young adult with awaken to their true name, which is usually a reflection of their family heritage. From here the mantid has a choice, they can remain within the safety of their home or they can venture out into the world, and attempt to establish their own unique way of life. Given how often they are pursued by hunters and collectors most prefer to remain in the relative safety of their cities.

    The average mantid has a chitin shell, four limbs and a pair of wings. Most have two humaniod hands and then two scythe like blades on the other arms, though some are born with four functioning arms.

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Species Details:
Half human half bird species, vicious and often unfriendly, but not unable to make nice. A rare species as was first made note of by greek cultures, most went into hiding and many died out, not continuing their lineage for one reason or another. They are always women as they are known for seducing others, specifically men. Carnivorous creatures and are not picky about what they get. They always have the power to control the weather, but in varying degrees. More powerful harpies can control any aspect of it, while some younger or less powerful may only be able to control specific parts. They are usually archers if they hold weapons, but often just use their claws as they are most effective in close battle. They have extremely long lifespans, usually living to be several hundred years old, but the oldest are in the thousands.
Short appearance description:
A white/silver body with pale purple/lavender feathers. Her claws are an orangey/brown color. Her eyes are completely white, lacking pupils.
Bounty Hunter, but she only takes more advanced bounties
Cera was born to a home that she cannot remember. She never knew her parents, as Harpies give up their young at an extremely young age. It is thought that if you are not strong enough to survive then you cannot live as a Harpy. Anything less than exceptional was not acceptable, and she knew this growing up. She was alone, but this was a part of her nature and she knew what had happened and why. She had little reason to want to meet her parents, and it was never on her list of things that she should do. She doubted if she met one of them, they would even recognize her. On top of that, she would never find them both. Harpies could mate for life, but given their attitude's and lifestyles often didn't.

Cera was exceptional from the beginning, though, and she knew it. She grew adept at everything she tried to, and although she rarely met another Harpy she knew that she was more impressive than many of them out there. The lifestyle was easy to her, and what was easier was hunting and killing. She took up bounty hunting at a young age, and it wasn't hard for her either. No one would turn down a harpy going after who they wanted, and she had never come back empty handed. Scared the shit out of countless people, sure, but she didn't do it without it being worth something. Cera didn't fuck around, and she didn't stay around long either. When the work was done where she was she would move on, only returning to places once or twice when she was in desperate need of something. No matter how strong you were, in the dead of winter when there was nothing to eat, nothing to kill, you had to do what you had to do.

When Cera caught word of the pub, and the treasures that were promised, she didn't hesitate in heading out. She thought she knew where the place was, even though she had never been there herself. The woods was a place she had not yet ventured, not because she didn't think she could but simply because she had had no reason. She was confident in herself but she wasn't stupid, she knew that whatever was out there was not a walk in the park, even for the strongest. She would not put herself in stupid danger if she didn't have good reason. Well, this was good reason.​
Please check the attached gallery for more images.

samurai 3 (2).jpg

Name - Ryoto Nakahara

Species - Human

Age - 41

Short appearance description: Ryota is a man of Japanese decent (or whatever equivalent exists in this world) and has features typical of the region, such as his black hair, dark brown eyes and light tan skin. He stands at 5'11" and is in good shape, weighing in at 176 lbs with minimal bodyfat.

He has a moustache that works itself into a goatee, and his hair is close cropped.

He wears plain and loose fitting clothes of earth tone and is never seen without his wide straw hat, hanging low over his eyes.

A katana is visible on his left hip, peeking from beneath his baggy brown kimono.

He has no outstanding markings, scars, tattoos, deformities or standout features.

Aside from his sword, what can be seen from the outside is very benign, bland to some extent and non threatening, contrasting the man himself.

Gender - Male

Occupation - Ronin, Wanderer, Mercenary, Bodyguard, Consultant, Teacher.

Personality - Outwardly he is casual, benign, and carefree, but this façade hides a serious and dangerous demeanor. This demeanor is that of a warrior, one who does what has to be done despite morality. This makes him decisive, capable of making hard decisions quickly, sometimes at the cost of his humanity. This also makes him surprisingly violent, capable of elevating gears and going from passive to brutal in a matter of seconds before returning to his base level, after staining the area with the blood of an opponent.

HIs mathematic, rigid approach to moral quandaries and his quick trigger when he decides to kill make him less than popular with some people. Although he is generally appreciated by those looking through a strict pragmatic lens.

He isn't particularly charismatic, funny, charming, or magnetic in any way. Instead he is cynical, sarcastic, aloof and extremely competent when the situation calls. This is often a surprise to those around him, for his sheep's clothing and floating outward personality contrast with his inner beast.

Ryota is extremely patient, studious, and measured. He has been called an old man in a young body many times throughout his life as his pace is that of a senior.

His preferred state is to be alone or in small groups. Although anonymity in a large crowd doesn't bother him either.

Ryota is an excellent teacher, able to explain anything to anyone, provided that he has the knowledge. His controlled and patient nature mixed with his inherent intelligence make him a very good instructor, one of the best in his homeland of Nasu in fact, before his exile.

History - Having prodigious skill with a blade and multiple feats of greatness on the field of battle, Ryota was renowned as one of the best swordsman in the land of Nasu. His great skill and reputation as an intelligent strategist attracted the attention of an ancient and wealthy noble family who's head hired Ryota as a Captain and Military Advisor.

Despite being of common birth, after being hired by nobility he lived as they did, and because of how powerful his employers were, he was far wealthier than many lower nobles, a rarified position for a commoner. Not only did he receive considerable wages, he also took on students, for a price. Training them during his then plentiful down time in the ways of strategy and the blade.

Between the salary from his patron family and pay from training the children of wealthy commoners and the nobility of Nasu, Ryota saved a considerable sum with aspirations of founding his own Dojo to achieve true satisfaction as both a samurai searching for an outlet and a person seeking existence without a master to answer to.

This dream however, would never come to fruition.

A coup executed by middling noble families had evolved into all out civil war. For the next year war raged to decide who would rule Nasu. During this year of war Ryota was called to act as a Field Captain for the forces of Ryota's wealthy employers, forces that supported the loyalist side of the conflict.

When the smoke cleared, the seated powers who had ruled for over a century were displaced from power. In a state of disgrace they were stripped of all noble titles and exiled from Nasu, only allowed to survive due to ancient codes that protected nobles on the losing side of a war. However, for a high profile commoner like Ryota who had fought against those now in power, only one verdict existed, execution.

Fortunately for him, Ryota saw this coming. Knowing that his head would be called for he vanished days prior to the surrender of his city.

Using his humble appearance to blend in he eventually escaped the country of Nasu, and ever since he has wandered the earth without a home, using his skill as a swordsman and his strategic mind to help those in need, provided that they have the means to hire him.


  1. Master Swordsman, specializing in the use of Katana, Wakizashi and Tanto.
  2. Capable hand to hand fighter. Nothing spectacular, but certainly a competent fighter.
  3. Master strategist in individual fighting, group skirmishes and even total war.
  4. Strong mental fortitude, capable of withstanding failure, defeat, fear etc.
  5. Rudimentary battlefield medical care.

  1. No ranged weapons other than two throwing knives.
  2. Limited armor, he only uses three pieces of armor. A thin plate on his chest and two forearm guards.
  3. Age, at 41 he is not as limber as he once was. When in peak form he is superior to his youthful self, but his issue is recovery, which takes much longer at 41 than at 21.
  1. Katana, Wakizashi, and Tanto - Roughly translated to Longsword, Shortsword and Knife. Pictures in gallery.
  2. Two throwing knives.
  3. Steel weave wire/rope.
  4. Basic first aid kid including some medicinal herbs.
  5. One thin chest plate and a pair of forearm guards, all hidden underneath his robes.
Theme (lol why not)



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