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Fantasy The Pub on the Edge of the World || Characters


keep precious things
You may create any kind of character you wish, and this encompasses species, occupations, and reputations. However, magicians and magic-users are strictly prohibited. You may code the form if you want.


Species Details: (put some things here on what your species is like. if you are using a species that is well known, such as humans, elves, dwarves, etc., then delete this section)
Short appearance description:

NAME: Delastarh Nagahoshi.
AGE: 25 years old.
SHORT DESCRIPTION: Dashing young man, a height of 6'2'', lean and muscular.
OCCUPATION: Bounty Hunter / Adventurer.
HISTORY: Young son of a noble family that decided to leave in search of adventure. Heavily inspired by stories of heroes saving kingdoms. Became Bounty Hunter after meeting one of them, but still often dreaming of a grand adventure.

~|| Va-Heda ||~

"Better the heartfelt devotion of a free soul than the grudging obedience of a slave."
- Common Githzerai Saying


|| Full Name ||
Va-Heda Kilthok

|| Age ||

54 years
(young adult in human years)

|| Gender + Pronouns ||
( she / her )

|| Species ||

Githzerai *

|| Species Description ||

The Githzerai are a seclusive and harsh people. They are extremely wary of outsiders and tend to keep to themselves when they can. They are more suspicious than not, and it's a rarity indeed to ever see them smile or crack jokes. They are short-spoken and to the point. They will not sugar-coat or dance around the issue, no matter how delicate others may see it. Despite all this, they are strong and steadfast allies once earned, with unwavering loyalty, often to the point of endangering themselves. Outside of their homelands, they are sought-after as bodyguards and personal assistants for this very trait they all seem to share.

Physically, they are taller and leaner than the average human, yellow to grey skin tone that is rough with bumps and ridges, slits for noses and pointed ears. They braid or shave their hair, keeping it close to their heads, though most have bronze or russet coloured hair when they do grow it out. Their features are sharper and more alien than humans, longer faces and heavy brows. The only adornment they will allow themselves to have are swirling green or brown tattoos, carved into their thick skin.

*I've taken inspiration from the D&D version of the Githzerai, but I've adapted them slightly e.g., they don't live in limbo, and don't have psionic powers.

|| Occupation ||

Bodyguard / Mercenary



|| Height + Weight ||
6'4" and 160lb

|| Eye + Hair Colour ||
Light green sclera, dark brown-green irises

|| Clothing Style ||
Plain and simple. Dark green and brown leggings and leather under armour. Masterfully crafted, but drab and plain compared to human standards. She wears plain silver jewellery, and grubby white ribbons are braided through her hair. The most colourful or striking piece of clothing she may wear is her polished silver scale mail or a silken wrap around her throat.

|| Distinctive Marks ||
She has sprawling and swirling tattoos from her navel, up her sides, chest and back. They are hidden under her mail and leather.

|| Physical Description ||
She is average in weight and height for her species, with dark copper hair pulled back in a tight bun, a few coiled braids escaping around her ears and the nape of her neck. She has slanted and sharp eyes, with green-brown skin, splotches of darker green covering where she is bonier - kneecaps, brow and cheek bones, elbows, etc. Her claws and teeth are well-maintained and sharp, her hair longer and freer than typical of her people.


|| Family ||
No biological family is known to remain
Lady Amelda O'Keefe

|| Background ||
From a very young age, Va-Heda grew up surrounded by humans. According to those who raised her, a small village of her people was attacked by orcs when she was young, leaving only her and a handful of other survivors. Somehow, she was swept away to the O'Keefe's castle, where she was raised among the human servant's children. Though she was around 10 years old, this was considered practically an infant among her people, and she had not yet begun any form of schooling. Thus, she remembers very little of her native tongue. When she was almost 25, considered an adult among the humans but only a teen to the Githzerai, the noble couple gave birth to a young girl.
Soon, Va-Heda was being raised alongside the young Lady, Amelda, and as they both came of age, Va-Heda became her personal bodyguard.

The reasons Amelda's viciously loyal guard left her side will be revealed during the roleplay if it ever comes up!

|| Languages Spoken ||
Common, a basic amount of Gith, some rudimentary understanding of a handful of the more common race's languages, taught to her so that no one may plot her Lady's assassination right under her nose.


|| Basic Personality ||
First impressions are often of an intimidating, if not a bored or disinterested woman, often found leaning against her sword or apparently lazily scanning her surroundings.

Though sterner and more straight-laced than a human, Va-Heda is loose and free by her people's standards. She will occasionally crack a dry-witted or sarcastic joke, and she allows herself to wear some plain and unassuming jewellery. When it comes to the humans that raised her, she is undyingly loyal, though she has no such attachment to her people, or even to other humans. She is suspicious of outsiders, though not to the point of hostility, such a thing being taught out of her from the time she was picked up and raised by humans.
Despite being less harsh than other Githzerai, she is still cold and brash by human standards, preferring to stay distant, or borderline interested.

She hates being confused and hates being wrong even more. She will not stand down from a fight, even when it is clear she has lost or was proven wrong. She prefers not to engage, and will only stand up or speak out when she or her family are being personally attacked, or when her beliefs are on the line. She is not overly intelligent, though she has a sly and secretive air about her that may convince you otherwise.

Most find her either immediately unlikable or fairly uninteresting and boring. For this, she has few friends, but will easily enough defer to a proven superior with little fuss.

|| Strengths + Weaknesses ||
+ Strong and loyal when she wants to be
+ Straight-laced and truthful, hardly ever lies
+ Has a dry and quippy sense of humour
(a strength compared to the Githzerai's general lack of humour)

- Brash and aggressive when provoked
- Inherently selfish, won't assist unless given a good reason
- Detached and cold at first glance

|| Quirks ||
She spends any downtime she has cleaning and maintaining her gear, or fiddling with a plain silver bracer around her left wrist.


|| Training ||
She was trained to be a guard. Observant, strong and hard-hitting. Stab first, ask questions later. Most of her training focused on close quarters and hand-to-hand combat, sticking close to her liege.

|| Skills | Weaknesses ||
+ Proficient in hand-to-hand combat
+ Skilled with a sword
+ Can manage a bow, though she is hardly a master
+ Has thicker skin than most

- She is a slow and cumbersome fighter
- Will focus on self-preservation, or the protection of her Lady over anything else
- Githzerai have lower blood pressure than most common species, which mean some wounds can be much more fatal to them than what might be expected

|| Gear ||

She uses a large two-handed weapon, though she carries a couple of daggers as well as a longbow with the accompanying arrows. Her armour is heavy around her torso, though her legs and feet are left light and unrestrained, for better pursuit of foes.

boo. boo. Sorry, I went a little overboard! Tell me if you think anything needs changing/clarifying!!
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Mountain Giant 22.jpg
Name: Torik
Species: Giant
Species Details: Large creatures that lack intelligence excluding basic arithmetic and common speaking. Usually docile.
Age: 19
Short appearance description: A bulky creature that stands 9ft even and weighs 410 pounds, carrying a mixture of muscle and fat. Lives with a scar crossing his right eye and has a beard that helps cover his sun damaged face
Wears a mixture of leather/fur skull armor and carries primitive weapons such as rock axes.
Gender: Male
Occupation: Vagabond/Mercenary
History: Distant traveler that wonders with different groups, creating uneasy friendships along the way. Often seen intimidating at first but has the biggest heart (Literally). Still is easily capable to crush a skull in one hand.
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Name: Ama Da'Thorn
Species: Elf
Age: 131 (Appears Mid 20s)
Short appearance description: A elven woman who stands at 5'5". Her eyes and shoulder-length hair are both auburn. She is seldom seen without her mask.
Gender: Female
Occupation: Rogue / Assassin
History: Ama was once the ring leader to a group of lowlifes, thieves, and anyone else on the underbelly of society. Exiled from her position, she now keeps a low profile while wandering the lands. Occasionally she rears her head to do a heinous mission.
Name: Silvette Marshwillow
Species: Human

Short appearance description: 6'1 and broad shouldered, accustomed to outdoor work with tanned skin and calloused hands. She has gray eyes and long red hair usually braided down her back. She's quite muscular and could certainly take a man down wrestling and she doesn't mind showing it.
Gender: Female
Occupation: Huntress, adventurer, woodswoman, bow for hire, scholar
History: Her mother was an herbalist and her father a hunter and trapper. Her days were spent in the woods learning her father's skills at hunting, trapping, and bartering at market. Her evening were spent with her mother learning about various plants and lessons on respecting life and the natural world. The combination of both made her out to be a skilled woman with a strong set of morals. When she came of age she set off to make her mark on the world by writing about different animal and plant life she encountered in different areas of the world. While she hunts and traps to live and make profit on the furs off the animals she eats, she isn't opposed to becoming a bow for hire as long as the mission in question requires her to do something within her morality. Her main goal, however, is to travel across the land to write her books.

Name: Albaran Aezer

Species: Terebrian

Species Details: Terebrians are tall, demon lookalike creatures. Their skin is as red as blood and they have two black horns on their head. Their eyes are either yellow, or red, while their hair is almost always black or grey. However, they age and acts like normal humans being.

Age: 29 years old.

Short appearance description: Albaran is a tall man, and looks like a very common Terebrian, meaning he has a red skin, black short curly hair, and yellow eyes. He grows a small beard on his chin, and have one horn smaller than the other.

Gender: Male.

Occupation: Jobless mercenary. (newbie.)

History: Albaran was destined to be a ruler, as his father was the leader of a small, but proud Terebrian’s clan, named Albaran. However, two years before Albaran was born, he has been excluded from his clan, because of a putsch against him, planned by a rival. His father ran away until he found a small farm, where he met a young woman, that accepted he lives into her house. The two of them eventually fell in love and two years later, they had a baby, the Terebrian decided to call Albaran, so he could know from where the young boy came from.

Albaran grew up in the small farm, helping his father and mother the best he could, oftenly dreaming of the day he could go out of this place, travelling, and discovering new places, and who knows, know more about himself and Terebrians. However, his father never allowed him to go on an adventure, mostly because of a tradition of his clan. Poor Albaran had a smaller horn, and that traditionally meant the Terebrian was a weak one, that’s why his father fobid his son to go out of the farm.

But Albaran didn’t listen. He wanted his adventure, he’ll have his adventure. One day, soon after his 28th birthday, he packed his stuff and left his childhood house, looking for adventures.

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