The Protecters

Is there any spots left? I counted five already joined and there is seven slots altogether, but I don't know if there are reserved ones or what?
She looked up her eyes low as she red the news paper" ...It seems fine if you want to do it im up for it"
he catches the news paper jack holds out of the courner of his eyes, he turns to jack, and speaks in a irritated tone. "the south side, AGAIN?"
Athos was walking down the streets when he saw the other protectors talking about something. He was wearing his standard outfit. His katana stored in it's black sheath was tucked into his belt and he had his bow strapped over his shoulder with his black quiver and arrows on his back. His quiver held thirteen all black arrows like it always did. He walked up to them quietly and saw they were discussing something. "Is there something wrong?" He asked plainly.
i know but its been three times this week they invaded the south side.

"fine..." he replied "i get the first one on sight"
she jumps up toward a biulding pulling herself up then sprinting on the rooftops speeding past the others." right...whoever wins buys dinner"
Athos fallows slowly behind at a more jogging pace, not reducing himself to their childish running but not wanting to be left behind. "You guys are so childish..." He says a bit annoyed. "And there is no way in hell I am buying dinner for this!"
he looks back smirking "childish is how boring people describe fun people!" he starts to float and he flies toward the south side at break-neck speeds.
"Oh come on not buying dinner." She bit her thum then slid it across the roof. " Open the gate of flight". She jumped back closeing her eyes as she merged with Athos. " Sorry your takeing to long..." The dragon flew out with a mass amount of wind. The dragon picked up Athos and sped up past the other two.
I arrive at south side seeing that the stores were destroyed. "guess im buying dinner.." i start to walk around the town finding no sign of mutants. i pick up remains of debris, then chunking it to a trashcan. Noise attracts mutants. a few come out of destroyed buildings. "This is just too easy.." I point my revolver at them and kill them in one shot.

Then more come out. i shoot them too. more and more keep coming. "Need a little help here!" i yell at them
She unmerged with Athos now landing on teh dragons head. As a heard would charge for Jack their bodies would instantly stop. Their limbs would move in different directions screaming as they fall to the ground. The drgaon landed by jack as she got off looking at the ones on the floor.
"Thanks." i tell her. I smirk and point at a big plaza. "That's where they're coming from." i reload my pistol and start walking there.
"yeah. thats where all the attacks were at last." A group of mutants come out of nowhere, but i make them fly backwards with my mind, and they hit the wall hard.

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