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Fantasy The Promised King


Just Me
Hey guys! I was wondering if anyone would be interested in this plot.

The Promised King

The world is a place full of war, famine and plague. One where only the rich and powerful prosper, while the rest are nothing more than a means to an end. The gods have promised a king to the world, a man who will give a voice to the voiceless, a man who will unite all the warring kingdoms under his and the gods power. A man that will make everything right.

"He will be born lower than the lowest, but one day he will rise to power.

On his left hand he will have a priest with the voice of the gods

On his right he will have a warrior gifted with immortality

To his back will be the power forgotten by men

And on his chest will be the brand of a thief"

This is the prophecy carved into stone, the promise to those who must suffer. It has come time for the promised king to rise and find his champions, but it isn't as easy as it sounds. He will have enemies at every turn, and most of all doubt in himself.

{Character Positions}

The Promised King- Taken

The Priest with the voice of the gods-Taken

The Immortal Warrior-Taken

The One with the Powers forgotten by men-Taken by me

After reading the plot

Ok so this is pretty much a rough draft, I'm not completely set in stone with everything. What I was thinking is the king was born to some low means and had to resort to becoming a thief, thus the brand mentioned. The story would start with the priest finding the main character and the gods telling him/her that he was the one promised to come. The king would already be friends with the character who has the power forgotten by men(my character) and they will find the warrior gifted with immortality very quickly. This would be their story of trying to figure out what their actual destiny is.

I would love help working out the kinks in this and making it an actual rp!
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It all seems very self explanatory, my only question is: will they be traveling to discover what the prophecy means? That would lead to then developing and maturing more as people if we did go that route.

Like I'd say have them all somewhat amateurish in their fields of practice. And have them grow and learn more about the prophecy so they can all decide how they wanna go about it rather than accepting their fate

So more like a self discovery type of thing before just simply giving in, it's kind of a meshed together idea but we could work on it a bit
Yes, I don't want them to jump in and exactly start believing they are the ones in the prophecy (Other than the priest of course). I was thinking that every side character could also have a quest they are looking into. Like my character I was thinking is an amnesiac with no memories up until they became friends with the future king character, and they want to figure out who they were before. You could come up with something for your character too. This way we would have a much longer plot with more character development.

Your thoughts on this?
That could definitely work, kind of like personal arcs for each individual in a way that helps them overcome something drastic that keeps them from reaching their true potential.

And maybe as they travel and help people along the way, (making new allies for the future king) they forge a deeper bind with each other before thinking of ways to get the true king back on the throne

Again I'm just spewing out ideas
Oh hell yes I want in on this. Particularly the priest's role if I am able. I even kind of have an idea for the individual arc kind of thing though it may be a bit cliche so I might work on it a bit before just spitting it out. But yeah anyway. Definitely interested!
If you had some other minor roles in mind I would love to hear them, but don't go out of your way to accommodate me. Playing the king position makes me slightly anxious, but stepping out of your usual zone allows room for improvement so I am not totally against it.
Well there could be a couple other roles I was thinking of.
Maybe a sibling to the king, a friend of the warrior, we could always use a nurse/doctor? Maybe a priest in their own right, but one that is focused on the healing sides of the gods.
I second whitepaperplates on this. Or is the religion one of the kinks you still have to work out?

Actually while we are asking questions, is there anything that I can do for you as a player to help things get started?
I haven't fully gotten the religion formed, so yes it is one of the bigger kinks I need to work with. Have any of you guys read His Fair Assassin?

Emmie-inactive Emmie-inactive If there is anything you thought you would like to add I would love to hear it. Other than that there isn't too much we can do until we find a king character(Or I give up and play that character too :D). If you wanted to maybe think up a little side quest for your character that we could go on at some point during the rp that could maybe help.
His Fair Assassin sounds extremely familiar but I don't think I've actually read it. Will make a side quest for my character though and get back to you when it is not nearly 1 AM in my timezone.

Oh wow! We got the whole gang :o
:O I just remembered I have to perfect character for a thief from another website I could remash in to this.
Great you guys! I'm super excited. I'm creating the basis of the religion and I'll post here for you guys soon, then I'll create the character sheets and rp!
Religion plays different roles for different people, but in this world almost everyone believes in the gods. Some more so than others. The farmers pray to the gods for good crops and etc for other livelihoods. Those who anger the gods in some way it is shown by negative things happening to them. Symbols are everywhere for different gods, and different blessings. Some gods are praised more than others, and the more followers and more prayers a god/goddess receives means the more powerful they are. The nine main gods are as listed, the other minor gods may be created by you guys as long as you post them and keep note of them in the ooc thread.

The god of sun and power/war(Is followed by all. Head of the gods)- Anthros

The goddess of earth and fertility-Leana

The god of death- Varyn

The goddess of wisdom (Known for protection of women)-Aryia

The god of trickery and mischief- Ovton

The goddess of time- Emira

The god of love- Ides

The goddess of creation(Created earth and human kind. Is rumored to be sleeping and if she is awoken before the promised king is on the throne she will be so saddened by the world she will cry and flood the world, ending it forever)-Ethys

The god of prophecy-Mickros

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