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The Prison of the Gods


New Member

I've had an idea that's been boiling over in my head for a while, and I feel like this is the place to bring it.

The party is grabbed from the material planes by the gods themselves and placed into a prison where only the worst and most fearsome beasts of all eternity reside. Upon their arrival, they are informed that a powerful sorcerer has found their way in by their own power and is attempting to unleash the full fury of the monstrosities locked inside upon the world. Will these adventurers be up to the task?

I'm only saying 3.5E because, while I like 5E's mechanics more, 3.5E has far more content. I'm also fairly unfamiliar with Pathfinder, so DMing a Pathfinder campaign would feel arduous.

Post in the thread if it sounds interesting, and thanks for reading!

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