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The Princess and her Knight

As Sidney watched Rei left he badly wanted to speak to his princess, if not for the sole reason of just hearing her voice. He watched as she moved her bed roll to be farther away from him and it upset him but he knew better than to let his emotion show. Approaching the princess he looked her over before speaking, "How are you fairing Farryn?" His face lacking any emotion so his true feelings would not betray him.
"I'm fine," she said through clenched teeth. Then she let out a sigh, her shoulders slumping. "I'm fine, Sidney," Farryn said again, this time without the bite in her voice. "Just a little hungry," she admitted to him. Taking her bow, arrows, and protective gear, she went to practice a little away from the camp. The moon was full and provided her with enough light to see by.
Sidney quickly rummaged though he pack and pulled out a portion of bread before following the princess to watch her practice. Handing her the bread before sitting down to watch her practice. "You would get the most out of your training if you have an empty stomach Farryn." There was so much more he wanted to say to her but he could not let those feelings get the better of him as she needed him to be a pillar of strength.
Farryn nodded and ate it before she took her stance and began to fire her arrows. By the time Rei had found fresh water and returned, an hour had past. It had been hard to find the stream. She'd fired five hundred arrows. Of course, she didn't have that many, but she kept retrieving them and starting again.

When she'd finished the last round, she headed back to the camp without a word to Sidney. Finding Rei, she took one of the canteens from him with a word of thanks and sent to her bed roll. Then she took a drink and laid down to sleep.
"I will take first watch Rei." Sidney said as he took out his sword and began to sharpen it with the whet stone. Trying to keep his mind busy from his thoughts from the princess. It was a beautiful moonlit night with not a cloud in the sky. A couple of hours into his shift Sidney made his way over so he could watch the princess sleep. Her beauty captivated him and he wished that he not acted so foolishly and ruined their friendship. He would wake Rei soon for his watch but he wanted to spend a little more time watching over the princess.
"Stop staring at her like a lovesick pup, sir knight," Rei said, rising from his bedroll. "It's clear to me that something happened to rupture the connection you had when we first met. It's regrettable, seeing as anyone would crawl over broken glass to be as favored by her as you were, but imposing your hurt feelings on her is not gallant in the slightest." He didn't care if Sidney wanted to fight him. Rei was simply calling it as he saw it.
"You would do best to keep your mouth shut Rei." His words struck deep because Sidney knew they were true. His feelings would only hinder the princess so he needed to get rid of them so he could serve her to the best of his abilities. "I'm going to sleep, it's your turn to stand watch. When your watch is over wake me and I'll stand watch for the princess." with those words Sidney made his way to his bedroll and laid down looking up at the night sky before falling asleep.
Rei raised his hands in surrender. Whatever. As long as he was going to sleep, Rei didn't care. And of course he'd wake the knight. Who was going to let Farryn even lose an ounce of sleep. She was their priority. That much, they could agree on.

In the morning, Farryn woke well rested and pissed. She looked at Sidney and glared at him. "Why didn't you wake me? I told you to take shifts with me, so that we all share the burden."
"You have been left physically exhausted due to your training with the bow so you needed as much sleep as you can get. You would be no use to the group of you are too tired to fire your bow." His voice was calm and assertive. Knowing that his reason would win him the conversation. In truth even if she had not been training he would want to take her shift but this gave him an excuse.

"Now of everyone is ready shall we move on?" Rei inquired as he tried to shift the focus onto himself as he didn't like when the knight got attention wether it be positive or negative. At this Sidney nodded his head and made his way over to his horse.
Farryn was so angry with him, she was shaking. She gathered her bedroll up and packed everything onto her horse before climbing on. By the gods, he was impossible! If it wasn't one thing, it was another, and it was always for her own good. She hated that. People coddling her just because she was a princess. She might have been angry because he was actually right, but Farryn was too mad to be rational at the moment, so she just spurred her horse forward and started on their journey again.
Sidney followed Farryn but gave her enough space so she could vent. He knew his words had angered her but he knew what he was doing was right by her and would be beneficial in the long run. Rei wore a smug look on his face as the group traveled as he knew it would be easier to fall into the princesses favor, but Sidney cared not as this situation was his fault. Had he not been so weak the princess would not hate him now as she did and he himself would not be left feeling empty and pained as if being stabbed in the gut.
When they stopped for the midday meal, Farryn sat down away from Sidney and ate her bread and fruit silently. She'd been quiet the whole ride, only talking to Rei when she wanted to. She couldn't being herself to forgive him for his scornful rejection. She had almost been willing to give him everything, and he had thrown it back in her face as if she were a stain on his honor.
Sidney watched as Farryn ate her meal making sure she got enough to eat. She was still upset with him and he could not blame her, he had acted unprofessionally. Decided that he should try and talk to her he made his way over dispite the glare from Rei. At that moment the sound of cavalry could be heard. It had seemed that ten horseman were coming at break neck speed towards the group with their weapons drawn. "What is a patrol from the castle doing out this far?" Sidney exclaimed as he drew his blade making his way in front of the princess.
Farryn was on her feet, bow drawn. "I don't know, but we're not dying here. I have too much to do."

Rei looked at Sidney and then to the princess. Guess this was his time to shine! He ran at the group, his large dragon's arm slicing through the saddle straps without injuring the horses. He figured the princess didn't want that. Then he went to the first guard he found and they began to fight. Farryn practiced every night, but it hadn't even been a week yet. Her aim was terrible and if she used her bow, she might hit Sidney or Rei. The bow and arrow were only for if someone got past Sidney. Maybe she'd be able to hit them if they were close enough.
Sidney watched as Rei tore though the ranks of the cavalry. Qucikly mounting his horse Sidney positioned himself in front of the princess to catch anyone that made it though the cracks of Reis onslaught. While drawing his blade Sidney watched as Rei showed his prowess in combat, even if he hated the man he had to admit he was a valuable ally on the battlefield. Defeating a majority of the cavalry Rei looked back to see four of them had made it past and we're charging at The princesses location.

"Now it's my turn!" Sidney roared as he spurred his horse onward, finally able to vent his frustrations of his on stupidity on the enemy. The first soldier that engaged Sidney tried to ride past but was to slow as Sidney's blade caught his side, disemboweling him and causing his comrades to halt and focus their attention on him. Another foe took the offensive trying to strike from overhead but the blow was easily parried and met by a strike to his sword arm then follow up with another strike to his unarmored side killing him instantly leaving only two soldiers left.
The two soldiers scrambled to their feet, looking at Sidney and then Rei. What monsters were these? They were human, weren't they? Farryn stepped forward, shouldering her bow. "You have two choices. You can return to the palace, or you can fight here and die."

They both looked at each other, nervous for what their fate would become. The moment passed and they both lowered their weapons.

She nodded. "Then go. We aren't murderers. Your backs will be safe if turned to us." Farryn gave Rei and Sidney a look telling them that if they disobeyed, then she would be furious.
Sidney compliantly sheathed his sword and turned to make sure the princess was alright. As he walked over he heard the familiar sound of a bow being drawn behind him. Quickly turning to meet the threat he realized that enemy they had let go had already scrambled back to their horses and one of them had drawn an arrow aimed at the princess. With out think Sidney spurred his horse to place himself in front of the princess before he could loose the arrow. The arrow cut through the air striking Sidney in the abdomen.

The two enemies quickly got on their horses after the shot was fired and rode of back the way they came. Sidney examined the princess and was overwhelmed with joy seeing she had not been struck. Noticing his vision was starting to blur Sidney looked down seeing an arrow in his side. It has been poisoned and Sidney could feel the effects of it paralizing his body. Cursing himself for his lack of insight on the situation, those men knew if they went back without killing the princess their own lives would be in danger. So even with their lives spared they would resort to such tactics as this due to their fear of Lawrence. As he looked up in the sky he could feel himself falling as everything began to fade to black.
Farryn watched in horror as Sidney fell to the ground, an arrow in his stomach. How could she have let his happen? It was her mercy that did this to him, her reluctance to spill more blood. She cursed herself for that. Tears welled in her eyes, but Rei's shout reminded her that now was no time for tears. "Quick, Farryn! Start a fire and put his sword in it to heat it up."

She nodded, not questioning it as she took Sidney's sword and brought it over to the fire. It was truly heavy. She felt it's weight clearly with two hands, and he sometimes used one. Not a time to marvel at his strength, she got the fire started, having learned from watching Sidney do it before. Sliding his sword into the fire, she turned to see Rei carrying him over.

"Help me remove his armor and we'll have to get his arrow out of him."

She nodded, her hands trembling as she helped Rei get his armor and then his shirt off of him. Farryn didn't even blink at the nudity. It didn't even register. What she did see was the arrow that was sticking out of his stomach. "How do we save him?"

Rei looked at her grimly. "We have to push the arrow through his back and break off the head before pulling the shaft out of his body."

"You mean you have to injure him more?" she asked in horror.

"Yes, it's the only way to save him. After we pull the arrow, we seal his wounds with the sword."

"All right. What do you need me to do?"

"I want you to hold him up. He'll be dead weight, so I need you to be strong Farryn and don't let him shift or fall as I do this."

"Okay, I understand." She got behind and held Sidney up. He was heavy, as Rei had said, but no matter how hard it became, she wouldn't let I'm die.

"I'm going to push the arrow through. Make sure you're no where it comes out, all right?"

Again, she nodded, words escaping her for the moment."

Rei shoved the arrow through and quickly broke off the arrow head before pulling the shaft back out. Next, he took the sword and pressed the searing hot tip to Sidney's skin to seal his wound. It was crude, but effective.

"N-Now what?" Farryn asked him, her voice cracking.

"Now," he said, looking over at the shaken princess, "we wait. If he's not up by night fall, which I don't expect him to be, we'll put him on the horse and travel at night. Those soldiers will be back and probably with reinforcements, and we don't want to be here when they do."

She sat down, Sidney's head in her lap, but she didn't cry. She didn't let one damn tear fall. Not this time.
Sidney found himself laying down in a grassy field looking up at the bright cloudless sky. Farryn was laying beside him, laying on top of him her head on his chest. She seemed to be asleep and he had no intention of waking her, as everything seemed right. He couldn't quite remember what he was doing but right now in this moment he was experiencing pure bliss. Alone with the woman he cared of most with no one for miles to disturb their peace.

Suddenly the plain scape began to decay as the grass died and the sun began to be eclipsed by darkness. Realizing Farryn was no longer beside him he quickly stood up to be met by soldiers in black armor with their swords drawn, a captured Farryn being taken off before his very eyes. He reached for his sword drawing it to fight those that stood before him, fighting every inch of the way to his princess but making no progress. The swords of his foes being driven into his body before everything going black.

Opening eyes Sidney realized it was just a dream and tried to get his bearings. The blurs around him slowly taking shape as he frantically tried to find his princess as he was rendered unable to move.
Farryn was sitting by the fire, the sun low in the sky. Sidney was to her left, a blanket supporting his head and bandages wrapped around his torso. Rei had a healing salve to help the skin, but it was going to hurt for awhile. She hugged her knees to her chest, wondering what in the world she would do if Sidney didn't wake up. Rei had assured her he didn't think that was the case, but it wasn't something he would know until it happened. So, she was left to worry about her strong, brave knight while the dragon got more firewood. They had three hours of daylight left. If Sidney didn't wake by then, they would head out under the cover of darkness with him on one of the horses.

She glanced behind her and saw, to her utter surprise and joy, that he had woken up. Farryn beamed at him, the fire's warm light glowing on her face. "Sidney. You're awake I wasn't sure if you would. Rei didn't think the arrow was poisoned, but he wasn't sure either." Moving over to him, she tok his hand gently between hers. "I was so worried. I thought it might have been the end for you," she whispered, her voice cracking.
"It would take more than an arrow to end me Farryn." He gave a small chuckle that was short lived as pain shot through his side. Sidney then attempted to move but only succeeded in floundering about. "The arrow had been poisoned but I had as a knight you go through conditioning to build up a small immunity to poison." He then took a pause with a serious look on his face. "Farryn could you lean in close there is something important we must discuss and I fear I do not have the energy to speak very loud."
She nodded and leaned down closer to him. "What is it?" she asked her knight softly. Farryn wondered what he wanted to talk about in such a dire situation. The man had just woken up from being shot with an arrow. "You really shouldn't try to move now though," she chided lightly. "I don't want you damaging yourself more than that arrow already did. If you couldn't tell already, I care about you a lot." She smiled down at him, having put her anger aside for now. He'd almost list his life protecting her. She could hardly hold anything against him now. Tomorrow was another story though.
The second Farryn leaned in close to Sidney's face he lifted up his head and kissed her on the lips. It was a kiss with as much passion as he could muster in his current state. "If things had went differently today I may have never been able to tell you how I really felt. So if you would allow me this small privilege." He took a pause taking a deep breath as if preparing himself to face some unknown foe. "The truth is Farryn I love you, I think I always have. Not just as a guardian but in the way a man loves a woman. I know these are feelings that you might not be able to reciprocate but that is okay. I am content just being in your presence and would like to protect you for the rest of my days." Sidney seemed flustered as if at a loss for words. In truth he had never confessed love to anyone and hearing the words come out of his mouth seemed almost foreign. "Today's experience made me realize that I might as well put everything on the table, one day my time will come to give my life and when that happens I would like to go with no regrets." Once he had finished speaking he laid his head back down trying to meet the gaze of the princess to gage her reaction to his words.
Farryn was deeply touched and her heart swelled, wanting to tell him of her own feelings, but when she opened her mouth, Rei thought that was the best moment to return with the firewood. "Farryn, has he woken up yet?"

She turned to him and nodded. "Yes, actually, just now. You have more wood? Night will be coming within two hours." The princess wanted to look back at Sidney, to tell him every feeling that had been born inside of her for him, but not now, not with an audience. She reached for his hand and squeezed it before getting up and walking over to Rei. "Were you able to catch anything for dinner? If not, I'd like to try my hand. If I take too long, please let me know."

The princess picked up her bow and arrows and walked out of their camp to hunt for some food. She knew nothing about hunting, but she couldn't remain useless forever. So, she crouched low in the brush and waited for her chance.

Back at camp, Rei set the firewood down and looked at the knight. "She worried about you a great deal, you know. Glad to see you're awake." He knew it was strange coming from him, but he only shrugged and said, "She's happier with you around. I want her to be happy, that's all."
"Regardless of your reasons thank you have saving me Rei. I know the the majority of the aid must have been administered by you and I owe you my life." His voice sincere as he told him this. If he hadn't saved him he would've never had to opportunity to tell the princess his feelings. Sidney then attempted to stand but failed and laid back down, still not having the strength to stand. "I do regret making myself a burden to the two of you. Hopefully I will be fully recovered by tomorrow and we can get to moving to the next dragon."

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