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Realistic or Modern The pizza boy

Charlie huffed. This man was ridiculous. With a sigh, he replied. "Anything else? Also, can I get an address?" Charlie said in exasperation, running his right hand through his messy, black hair. 

"That'll be 30mins at least..." Charlie mumbled before hanging up, slapping his cap onto his head and grabbing the pizza box. Hopefully this wouldn't be a prank, and this guy gave a good tip for making Charlie drive out so late. After putting pineapple, pepperoni, mushrooms and grilled onions onto the pizza, Charlie headed outside. God, this guy has a weird taste in pizza. Pineapple and mushrooms?! The delivery car was anything but impressive, as it was the most beaten up piece of junk car Charlie had ever laid eyes on. The delivery car was also on its last legs, and refused to start half the time, as Charlie jammed the key into the ignition it took four tries to get the sputtering car to start. 

After about 25mins of driving, Charlie found himself in a rather spooky neck of the woods. Not figuratively either, literally. He was driving down a forest path, the leafless trees hanging low. Charlie was almost convinced he was lost until he came upon a rather large, gothic-style gate. Upon the gate read in gold letters- Fang Residence. "Huh. So this weirdo is actually real." Charlie mumbled to himself, cautiously driving forward until Mr. Fang's house came into view. It was just as large and gothic as the gate. I bet this guy gives some serious tips. Charlie thought to himself as he exited the car and slowly strolled towards the door. Using the large, knocker which was shaped like a wolf's head, Charlie gave the sturdy door three knocks. Knock, knock, knock...
@John Raptorfist

(Err... Next time let ME describe the place okay? Now I have to change the character entirely.)

What was really creepy about it all is the fact that one could see glowing eyes staring at them in the distance. What was even creepier was at a certain point in approaching the home, some dark theme music started to play.

The heavy marble door did not swung open so much as SLID. When it opened one could see a tall figure of a man looming at the doorway. A darkly dressed man.

"You are the pizza boy no?" The man said in rich and dark smooth voice with a graceful and polite bow.
Sorry, with the lack of any and all context you were giving me, I decided to guess what he'd be like. I kinda imagine him as super rich, but kinda crazy.) 

Charlie jumped just a little when the grand door slid open. A dark figure, silhouetted against the backdrop of the mansion behind his wraithlike figure. Wait! Is that...music?! Charlie thought to himself as a creepy tune began to play seemingly out of nowhere. "Uhh..Yeah. I'd be him." The dark-haired pizza delivery boy said rather distractedly, offering the large box to the tall name. "That'll be $25." 

@John RaptorfistFrom within his cloak sleeves he produced 25 dollars , though noticeably it was from one FAT stack of money. The man looked powerful... And handsome... Like some dark wizard or something. His costume was... Well very theatrical to say the least.... But he didn't stop there. He then gave him the whole stack.... Enough to live on for more than a century... He'd never have to worry about paying another bill ever again... He could quit this job now and with this money, survive the rest of his life without having to do ANYTHING...

huh? This guy was confusing... Him and his surroundings are all dark gloomy and evil... But here was this man standing there setting someone up for life... So he was creepy AND generous?

"Please come in" he said in an elegant and surprisingly kind voice. From outside the house the boy could see that the house was well lit with candles and very fine and rich looking.

Charlie eyed the excentric man with curiosity, and gulped upon seeing the huge wad of cash he produced from his baggy sleeve. Before Charlie knew it, the giant pile of money was thrust into his palm. Eyes wide, and mouth agape with dumbstruck suprise, Charlie managed to stutter out a few words. "I-I can't take this! This is to much! Y-you really are kind sir, but..." Suddenly, the pizza boy found himself inside the mansion, the door softly shutting behind him. "Uhhhh...." 

@John Raptorfist"Oh you certainly MUST take the money." The man said kindly.

"Sebastian!" The man called out.

"Yes master?" A man standing nearby replied regally. Ah, a butler.

"Tell Molly she simply MUST get this man some refreshments" he said with a flair and a wave of his staff.

"Right away sir, anything else?" Sebastian said with a bow.

"And perhaps some cookies to go with it before we prepare dinner?" The wizard said, giving the pizza boy a charming smile as he walked gracefully through the long halls of the mansion along side the pizza boy.

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Everything was moving so fast. First the butler came, then he was gone. Now, the strange cloaked man was practically dragging a still dumbfounded Charlie down a rather posh and elegant hallway. "S-so...you've got a nice..." Charlie desperately searched for the right word. "House." He ended up blurting out, and sounding like an idiot whilst doing so. "I'm sorry, but I've really gotta go..." The pizza boy muttered, mostly to himself, as he was escorted down the long and beautiful hallway. 

@John Raptorfist"Wouldn't you like to rest here for the night?" He said disappointedly.

"LuxUUUrious guest bedrooms are PLENTY and the hospitality of this home is UNMATCHED. You look tired and hungry after a long day at work." The man said proudly as he sat the man down in the huge banquet hall.

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Charile let the man's offer sink in for a moment as he was sat down. He didn't know this man. But the thought of his tiny apartment made him grimace. He had given Charile all of that money, maybe he was lonely. Looking back up at the eccentric fellow, Charile responded. "Sure, why not?" Charlie knew this might turn out to be a mistake, but what is the worst that could happen in a creepy old mansion in the middle of a spooky forest where nobody could hear you scream? He glanced at the impressively large chandelier that hung in the center of the banquet hall. "Seems like a lot of trouble just to eat a pizza."

@John Raptorfist"Hahaha! Well as one singer put it... 'I'm so fancyyy! You already knooow!'" He sang the last part.

Huh... This house was a lot bigger on the inside than it looked on the outside.

Sebastian set down a silver tray in front of the boy and bowed deeply. He took the pizza off him and took it to the kitchen presumably.

on the tray was a cute little array of fancy plates and silverware... And by silverware... It was really SILVER. A cute little cup of hot chocolate had been poured for the guy. Some cookies were there.

People began to pour into the banquet hall. All kinds of people sat down in preparation for the feast. Some of them the pizza boy recognized. People that he hadn't heard from a long time. It is rumored they had come in to the house and only occasionally left. And when they came out the sometimes had changed... They had become much richer than they had been before. People who came into this house as financially struggling drug addicts and hobos, came out as members of the elite and aristocratic. They come in with rags and come out in silk robes... Went in pale and gaunt, come out completely rehabilitated from addiction....

what was this place?...
Charlie tentatively sipped his small cup of hot chocolate as the people poured in. This may have been the strangest thing that had ever happened in his nineteen years of life. The hot chocolate was good. Very good, in fact. It was extremely rich though, so Charile set the small teacup down on a equally as small China plate. His brow scrunched up as he saw a familiar face among the posh crowd. "Skinny Pete?" He mumbled, remembering the homeless man who'd sit outside Charile's apartment during his stoner days. One day, Skinny Pete just vanished into thin air. And nobody seemed to notice, not even Charile for that matter. Skinny Pete no longer looked like skinny Pete, though. He looked more like a...Posh Peter. "Can I ask you something?" Charlie asked his strange host. "What exactly is going on?"

Charile just squinted at his host for a moment before returning to his tiny cup of hot chocolate. He guessed he'd just wait to see how everything unfolded.
(well you never gave me a place for me to start, or the fact that you even acknowledge me, so I am just going to go in here)

Angelica sat in her room, staring up at the ceiling. She laid there on her plush bed and twiddled her thumbs. Earbuds in, listening to some electronic music. What could be taking her dad so long? He ordered pizza like half and hour ago... suddenly furious with her father, she got up and walked downstairs to talk to her father. She walked down the stairs, but then stopped when she heard the sound of people talking together. She tuned her ear towards the conversation and realized that after looking out the huge foyer window, an old beat up van sitting outside on the driveway that someone was here... She peeked around the corner and then she saw an Asian guy who looked quite dashing in a pizza uniform. Wait. Pizza uniform? YES! Pizza is here! Angelica ran into the room, her hair swishing around her as she shouted PIZZA! FINALLY PIZZA!

(Honestly I was just waiting for you guys to let me in, but seeing you just kept going on by yourself, I had no choice but to butt in sorry... I just couldn't take it any longer.)
Sorry, I was kinda sucked into this magical place. I almost thought you had left or something. huehue) 

I'm just gonna wait for xp, then I'll respond to both.
Charlie looked down at the plate of egg rolls. They looked delicious, but he simply wasn't hungry. Charlie was honestly still trying to comprehend what exactly was going on. That was when some girl dashed into the room screaming about pizza like a madwoman. Damn...these people really take their pizza seriously. Charlie thought to himself while eyeing the ecstatic younger girl. 

@xpstitch @gentoxic
A band was present in the room playing classical music. Fancy piano, violins, etc.

"you are not hungry?" He asked the boy as he ignored the excited girl.
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This cute boy stared back at her and Angelica was taken a back, leaving her pizza fantasies for a moment. Her father still doesn't acknowledge her that she had just burst into the room screaming for pizza and now this boy was being served egg rolls. Angelica wondered in her head, Why is this boy in my home? My dad only lets in "Certain" people... Angelica sees the pile of pizza boxes left on the floor and she picks one up and takes a peek. MMMM, Pineapple and mushroom, her favorite! She takes the box in her hand and with a wave of goodbye, she walks out.
Charlie glanced back at his eccentric host. "Eh...nah. I'm gonna...go use the bathroom right now if you don't mind." Without waiting for a response, Charile shot up from his seat and walked in the direction that the girl had gone with one of the pizza boxes. Peeking into the room the girl had gone into, Charile saw nothing. "Hello?" 


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