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Fantasy The Phenomenon (Magical Apocalypse)

I assume this is still joinable?

Edit: After reading some accepted characters and their abilities, I'm not really interested anymore.
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The super charge powers of stopping/freezing time is a bit much lol but men least I had the most reasonable supercharge abilities XD
The super charge powers of stopping/freezing time is a bit much lol but men least I had the most reasonable supercharge abilities XD

Actually I'm pretty sure freezing time for "twenty minutes" is just a blatant paradox.  But clearly you chose lame supercharges.  They're just more of the same stuff.  
I debated about it, I might actually change that, because part of me didn’t actually think it was fair...then I thought well I won't be able to use it for seven days. But clearly it's a problem so how long do you believe is a reasonable amount  of time to stop time? Everyone?
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I debated about it, I might actually change that, because part of me didn’t actually think it was fair...then I thought well I won't be able to use it for seven days. But clearly it's a problem so how long do you believe is a reasonable about of time to stop time? Everyone?

Well any amount of time would be forever if time stopped.  But other than that, it depends on what kind of stuff your character does in that time. 
Dude just give me a reasonable number  seriously,  and please for the don't get technical about how time works, you know what I mean by freezing time @Collinbu98  B/
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If it's about me freezing time for 20 minutes, I'm changing that @Yggjar
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Dude just give me a number reasonable seriously,  and please for the don't get technical about how time works, you know what I mean by freezing time @Collinbu98  B/

Lol, sorry.  But honestly, I don't know.  Conservatively a minute, generously ten~ish.  I'd personally say closer to the conservative side, simply because with too much time you could simply walk around and stab everything to death.
I changed it to 5 minutes,  I won't be able to use it for seven whole days and I already expressed you need to be smart about when you use these things to be honest I was only planning to use it in an emergency like if she's surrounded in and needs to escape or something. While I was at it and went and changed inferno as well.
Actually I'm pretty sure freezing time for "twenty minutes" is just a blatant paradox.  But clearly you chose lame supercharges.  They're just more of the same stuff.  

Rude much? Excuse me for being unique and not taking advantage of a super charge ability lol
Most of the listed Supercharge Abilities really need reconsideration, and others need a more in-depth explanation as to what exactly it is they are doing or both. If you aren't planning on allowing player characters to battle each other, especially players of different factions, then maybe it'll be fine allowing abilities that are that unbalanced and unfair, but otherwise, it's very unlikely going to be a fun experience. But even then, a lot of these abilities need a more clear and concise description as to what they do. Let's take a look at WickedKents Character for a second as an example:

" Sin is able to precisely map out the 2-mile radius around him and is able to know where everyone/everything is. In addition to that, he is also able to see the future of everything and process various information inside this two-mile radius. "

So not only can he "map out" a two-mile radius, see the future of everything inside a two-mile radius but also "process various informations" inside it.  I can understand the appeal of a sniper that is able to 100% accurately foretold everything and it's feeding into one of the hugest and worst power fantasies I've probably witnessed in a long time. Am I the only one looking at this ability and being like, wtf is going on? It would make some fights very trivial for this character, especially ones that are very important for the progression of the plot. And to top it all of, you don't even know what else he could pull out of his ass to make the ability even stronger. 

I'm all for powerful abilities but somewhere, one has to draw a line and reconsider how powerful something actually is and if it is hurting the RP and its potential lifetime. And like I've said, his ability is not the only one that needs reconsideration and others need more information because otherwise it's really not saying anything. For example, one character has the ability called "Tarot Mimicry", which from my understanding is something that grants user abilities from any major arcana which is so widespread with so many potentially over-powered powers that one has to wonder what the character is actually capable of. Also very laughable that someone was this lazy to write a one-liner for his ability that is basically a copypasta from a comic without much thought put into it. How are you going to check such an ability, will you remove his post when an ability of his is just so dominating or what?

Also, you showing that you freezing a one-mile radius area for five whole minutes every 7 days is alright, just shows that this RP is doomed to fail the moment any real fights begin. Sorry, this just not worth investing my time into. Sadly seemed like a good idea but will probably just fail because of poor execution and moderation.
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I'd...like to think mine are reasonable...maybe

I wouldn't worry, it's always how you portray your character that makes it count no matter what people who aren't in the rp think of your character just continue to rp your character how you portrayed them and you'll be fine :)
Most of the listed Supercharge Abilities really need reconsideration, and others need a more in-depth explanation as to what exactly it is they are doing or both. If you aren't planning on allowing player characters to battle each other, especially players of different factions, then maybe it'll be fine allowing abilities that are that unbalanced and unfair, but otherwise, it's very unlikely going to be a fun experience. But even then, a lot of these abilities need a more clear and concise description as to what they do. Let's take a look at WickedKents Character for a second as an example:

" Sin is able to precisely map out the 2-mile radius around him and is able to know where everyone/everything is. In addition to that, he is also able to see the future of everything and process various information inside this two-mile radius. "

So not only can he "map out" a two-mile radius, see the future of everything inside a two-mile radius but also "process various informations" inside it.  I can understand the appeal of a sniper that is able to 100% accurately foretold everything and it's feeding into one of the hugest and worst power fantasies I've probably witnessed in a long time. Am I the only one looking at this ability and being like, wtf is going on? It would make some fights very trivial for this character, especially ones that are very important for the progression of the plot. And to top it all of, you don't even know what else he could pull out of his ass to make the ability even stronger. 

I'm all for powerful abilities but somewhere, one has to draw a line and reconsider how powerful something actually is and if it is hurting the RP and its potential lifetime. And like I've said, his ability is not the only one that needs reconsideration and others need more information because otherwise it's really not saying anything. For example, one character has the ability called "Tarot Mimicry", which from my understanding is something that grants user abilities from any major arcana which is so widespread with so many potentially over-powered powers that one has to wonder what the character is actually capable of. Also very laughable that someone was this lazy to write a one-liner for his ability that is basically a copypasta from a comic without much thought put into it. How are you going to check such an ability, will you remove his post when an ability of his is just so dominating or what?

Also, you showing that you freezing a one-mile radius area for five whole minutes every 7 days is alright, just shows that this RP is doomed to fail the moment any real fights begin. Sorry, this just not worth investing my time into. Sadly seemed like a good idea but will probably just fail because of poor execution and moderation.

That's cool, man.  I have some concerns of my own over that part of things, but I feel like it will work itself out so long as everyone plays fair.
Rude much? Excuse me for being unique and not taking advantage of a super charge ability lol

It's not unique to make your "elemental" character have a supercharge that can be adequately summed up with "lots of elements".  You wanna see unique, check out my abilities.
@Yggjar Well if that's how you feel then quite honestly I'm not going to try and convince you to join, you're not interested then you're not interested. Do I think it's rude for you to talk about certain people and how they make their characters yes, do I think it's kind if rude of you to assume my RP is going to fail as soon as a real fight goes down, yeah. However; I'm not mad, but I'm going to explain  something to you and take it as you will. However. 

1. I'm editing my abilities,  not done editing them yet actually because even now I still don't believe they're quite fair and I have plenty of time to do so as I haven't posted the RP page yet because I'm honestly still waiting on 2 people to make their characters. However; let's be honest I'm the creator of this RP and if I so chose I could be omnipontent if I wanted to and no one could tell me I couldn't,  but I don't for two reasons 1 it's a dick move and 2 I have no interest in it.

2. Do you want to know why I allowed such in a phrase OP abilities in my RP? It is because before I made this RP I made a thread and had a serious discussion with people about when it was your character had too many abilities/skills, when is your character too OP? And you know what the majority told me, including some very smart, well known and very good role players told me? It doesn't matter how many powers or how strong your character is, what matters is how you role play with that character on rather or not the rp will be fun or interesting. See you are thinking about rp from a competitive standpoint as opposed to a narrative stand point, you forget that RP really isn't about fighting it's about the story,  sure we have fun and fights are cool but that's not what it's about. I trust that these people understand that.

3. I know exactly what @Wickedkent and @Melinoe Dark can do. How do I know? Because they came to me and talked to me about their abilities and I helped them with it. I can tell you for a fact that @Melinoe Dark does not have every power in Tarot Mimicry and she has actually nerfed herself to a great degree even from what we both talked about and I don't  care if she wrote 3 words that's no reason to be rude to her about how she decided to make her CS. I can tell you for a fact that @Wickedkent is not nearly as OP as you think he is because we talked about it and at the end of the day, knowing the future does not guarantee you can change it.

3. I planned on talking to certain people about shortening the range in their super abilities for the simple fact that so don't believe building level warrants two or even one mile range. However; that is something thought about and will talk to people involved with the RP about.
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I changed it to 5 minutes,  I won't be able to use it for seven whole days and I already expressed you need to be smart about when you use these things to be honest I was only planning to use it in an emergency like if she's surrounded in and needs to escape or something. While I was at it and went and changed inferno as well.

I'd suggest for a time manipulation ability like stopping time, that even if your Character can stop time they maybe couldn't really interact with other while times stopped. So like they couldnt kill someone while times stopped, only use it for escape, or whatever else anyway.
@Yggjar Well if that's how you feel then quite honestly I'm not going to try and convince you to join, you're not interested then you're not interested. Do I think it's rude for you to talk about certain people and how they make their characters yes, do I think it's kind if rude of you to assume my RP is going to fail as soon as a real fight goes down, yeah. However; I'm not mad, but I'm going to explain  something to you and take it as you will. However. 

1. I'm editing my abilities,  not done editing them yet actually because even now I still don't believe they're quite fair and I have plenty of time to do so as I haven't posted the RP page yet because I'm honestly still waiting on 2 people to make their characters. However; let's be honest I'm the creator of this RP and if I so chose I could be omnipontent if I wanted to and no one could tell me I couldn't,  but I don't for two reasons 1 it's a dick move and 2 I have no interest in it.

2. Do you want to know why I allowed such in a phrase OP abilities in my RP? It is because before I made this RP I made a thread and had a serious discussion with people about when it was your character had too many abilities/skills, when is your character too OP? And you know what the majority told me, including some very smart, well known and very good role players told me? It doesn't matter how many powers or how strong your character is, what matters is how you role play with that character on rather or not the rp will be fun or interesting. See you are thinking about rp from a competitive standpoint as opposed to a narrative stand point, you forget that RP really isn't about fighting it's about the story,  sure we have fun and fights are cool but that's not what it's about. I trust that these people understand that.

3. I know exactly what @Wickedkent and @Melinoe Dark can do. How do I know? Because they came to me and talked to me about their abilities and I helped them with it. I can tell you for a fact that @Melinoe Dark does not have every power in Tarot Mimicry and she has actually nerfed herself to a great degree even from what we both talked about and I don't  care if she wrote 3 words that's no reason to be rude to her about how she decided to make her CS. I can tell you for a fact that @Wickedkent is not nearly as OP as you think he is because we talked about it and at the end of the day, knowing the future does not guarantee you can change it.

3. I planned on talking to certain people about shortening the range in their super abilities for the simple fact that so don't believe building level warrants two or even one mile range. However; that is something thought about and will talk to people involved with the RP about.

It's not unique to make your "elemental" character have a supercharge that can be adequately summed up with "lots of elements".  You wanna see unique, check out my abilities.

You have entirely no idea what you are talking about once again so once again I will ask you to stop assuming things, please and thank you as for your 'unique' character , time manipulation as a main power can be considered OP if not used correctly and for the fact that you've been badmouthing me recently also for the fact that our 'debate' showed that you'll go any lengths to back up your words, another thing is we haven't rp'd before as far as I know, so I'm rather worried that when push comes to shove between our factions, you'll play dirty and go OP with your time magic so you can win.
Yes your religion is approved @Solemn Jester and to be quite honest working on my own character made me realize that we all need to talk about our Super Charges to keep the survival aspect up in this RP. @ShadyBlaze @Collinbu98 @Melinoe Dark @Shirochankun @Damafaud @Wickedkent we need to talk about what we all believe is a reasonable range and amount of time for a Super Charge to be active, and how far it's range should reach. I try but obviously I'm not perfect and I would like for us all to have fun doing this. 

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