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The Orphanage

[QUOTE="Cat Fitzpatrixk]"Let's go somewhere." Indie suggests. "You can't heal being in the same hellhole that did this (points to his scars) to you." She looks at him hopeful.

"I left there a while ago. I've been cycling through orphanages. Every time I get belted I'm sent somewhere new." Jacob said softly.
"No I mean.. Let's leg it. In 3 days. I know a place we can stay. I have money. We just need supplies to live on for a bit." She clears her voice and stands nervously.
She cheered right up. "Perfect. Now let's get back to the home." She quickly shifts her attention to walking the next mile or two back.
When they finally arrive back to the home Indie sat in the far back of the living room."So, what do you plan to do once you hit 18?"
"I don't plan on living that long." Jacob laughed. Then he thought for a moment. "I think I'm gonna publish some of my writing. Yeah, that's what I'll do."

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