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Realistic or Modern The Organization OOC

Alright, here's what Jacob probably thinks of everyone:

Zorgi Zorgi Jacob is very much like a stern older brother to chase. He's critical of his more boisterous traits, but ultimately wants to see him succeed, and sees protecting Chase as redemption for his first heist.
Viper Actual Viper Actual Jacob isn't very fond of the military, but he's probably pretty chill with Farhad, usually calling him nicknames like "Cap'n Far" and "Duke of Wellington"
Reynarda Reynarda In all honesty, Jacob is most likely terrified of Zann. But in the end, he doesn't let it interfere with the job, and is mostly friendly to him.
Vi_Vi_ Vi_Vi_ I can see Jacob having sort of a brother-sister relationship with Leo, seeing as they often work closely together. He would definitely want to look after her.
RoseThorn RoseThorn Jacob has a pretty professional relationship with Lux. He respects Lux's skill, but Jacob is also most likely pretty cautious, seeing as Lux is a turncoat.
Becker Becker Jacob has nothing but respect and admiration for Chloe. She was most likely the one who inducted him into the Pack, and he looks up to her immensely.
And I'm excited to see whether this heist will force Leona to leave her laptop and use her gun.
But a level 30 laptop gives you +5 nerd strength 😲
First, I'm gonna go over the first heist, get an idea of what you guys think about it. The RPs gonna start with the crew about to bust into a bank. It's pretty simple: vault near the back on the first floor, with second floor having a few offices and the security room. The general plan is that Snake will sneak in using a security guard disguise the Organization procured. After subduing the guard in the security room, he'll plug a flashdrive into the computer system, giving Leo a backdoor so she can disable the alarms and and cameras. That's when the rest of the crew bust in. Crow and Jackal subdue the hostages while Raven gets working on the door. Fox is located in a building across the street, on the lookout for cops. Raven will drill four holes in the vault, before inserting four liquid nitrogen canisters into each of the holes. This makes the steel much more brittle, and it is then blasted open with some plastic explosives. Leo helps Raven bag the cash, and once they've gotten it all, everyone makes an exit through the back door, and Leapard gets them the hell out of Dodge. Once they lose any cops that may or may not show up, they'll switch vehicles in a parking garage, and splitmup into groups of two, each driving a different car, before meeting back up at their safehouse. That sound okay?
Sounds like a solid plan though this Jackal-character sounds like a loser, you're better off hiring someone like Hyena... ;)
Welcome to the penal battalion, Jackal will be your guide :xFwink:

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