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The Orders of Heaven and Hell {Private}

No I need to make one. ^-^

But just post yours when you are ready and I will do the same. C:

((In character sign up tab xD ))
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I always put name, age, gender, sexuality, species, appearance, personality, background if you want.

For appearance, you don't have to include a picture, but if you do include a picture then I would prefer it not being anime. But if you REALLY REALLY REALLY want to use an anime picture, then do. C:
Lilith smoothed down her dress, trying to suppress the surge of adrenaline she always felt before a big event like this. They had told her that everything was covered, that there was nothing that could go wrong, but she still felt that familiar thrill of danger. She took a deep breath, forcing her face into a polite, slightly worried smile instead of the grin she felt like, and walked up to knock on the door. As she waited for someone to answer, she silently ran over her cover story in her head, making sure she knew everything off by heart. She was Lily, not Lilith, she had just died and she was unsure where to go or what to do. On no account was she to tell anyone who she really was or who she worked for. She tried to relax and waited for a reply.
Michael heard a knock on the door and wondered who it would be. Could it be an angel looking to be a new recruit? Michael did not know anything about new recruits as most just turn up unexpectedly and the first thing he hears about it is when they just turn up on his doorstep.

He got up from the sofa, not bothering to put on his shirt. Michael stayed in within the order, so anyone that came to his door was an angel. He was always annoyed when someone would come knocking on his door. But Michael couldn't stop it as the order had made it clear that any new recruits would come straight to him. He shook his wings as he walked to the door, making sure that his soft caramel feathers laid properly on his wings. Michael opened the door to whomever was on the otherside. "Who is it?" He snapped before he had even opened the door fully.
Lilith stepped back a little - she hadn't been expecting such a sudden reply. She hoped this was the right place, but there was only one way to find out. She looked up at the angel who had opened the door and, seeing that he was shirtless, quickly lowered her eyes. She had seen much worse things, of course, but she knew that the average angel probably wouldn't and she didn't want to appear to conspicuous. She clasped her hands behind her. It's now or never, she told herself.

"Umm.. Hi. I'm Lily, I was told I was to come here to join the order.. is this the right place? "

She stole a glance up at him, mentally sterling herself to run like hell (so to speak) if anything went wrong.
He then remembered that there was a new recruit meant to be coming today. "Come in." Michael grumbled before opening the door fully and walking into the room himself, expecting her to close the door behind her. "So, you are the new recruit." The truth was that the order had been looking for him to have a partner to work with since they had now been fed up with the countless times that they had caught him flirting with the human women. "There are a few things you need to know about me. I will work you until you drop dead... So to speak." Michael smirked at that comment. "I also don't get on with people whom have no manners towards me. Am I clear?" He asked her, stretching his wings and still not bothering to put on a shirt. Michael stood up and didn't sit down in her presence.
Lilith followed behind him, looking around the room as though she had never seen it before and deliberately forgetting to close the door - she wanted to appear a little absent-minded so nobody would suspect her. She laughed, a little nervously, at his attempt at humour. She hadn't found it funny in the slightest, but there was no harm in a little flattery. As he finished his little speech, she nodded obediently, resisting the urge to mutter a sarcastic comment under her breath like she normally would. He is actually quite handsome, for an angel, she thought, but quickly pushed the treacherous thought aside. She was here for information only, nothing else.
He turned around to face her and then noticed that the door wasn't shut. Michael then sighed frustratingly. "Close the door." He muttered to her under his breath. Michael paused for a moment before starting to talk again. "So what brings you to the order? What are your reasons for joining?" He asked, wanting to build a bigger picture of what kind of a person- an angel- she was. This time however, he sat down on the sofa, waiting for her to both shut the door and answer his question.
"Oh, right! I'm sorry!" She turned quickly and closed the door then turned back towards him, taking a few steps into the room. She stopped, seemingly unsure of whether to sit down or not, whether that would be too formal. In the end, she opted for staying standing. It gave her a little bit of power, in her mind, and it also meant that it would be easier to run if anything happened.

Lilith told the cover story she had rehearsed. "Well, I died, as you can probably guess," she smiled nervously at him "and, well, I got told about this place and I wanted to come here, you know, to help out humanity and fight against the demons and that kind of stuff. So I just volunteered and, well, here I am." It sounded really lame now she heard it out loud, but she hoped it would be convincing enough.
Michael nodded slowly at her as her story was just...well normal. "Right...okay." He said, really not sounding pleased at all. "So this is my understanding. You have no clue what this place is really like and the fact that you were told to come here, then turning up is just plain stupid." Michael sighed, quite annoyed about who they had sent over. "Now I can teach you the ropes of this place and what we do. But know this. Demons are not to be taken lightly. They will destroy you given half the chance." He continued, wamting her to know the risks, but god! Her story was just plain boring...
She nodded, seeing the irritation on his face but just glad he'd believed what she'd told him. She knew it probably wasn't very interesting. She wondered briefly at what would happen if she told him her real reason for being here, and allowed herself a small smile at that. He didn't seem to like her much at the moment, she mused. Well, she could soon change that. Soon. For now, she focused on making him believe that she was who she said she was, and nothing else. "Yes. I understand." But do you? she wondered. Never, ever, underestimate a demon. She tried not to smirk at that.
He nodded at her again, slightly more impressed this time. "Good. That is one of the most important things to remember on this job." Michael then thought about what else to say. "Seeing as you have just died, do you know how to use your wings?" He asked her. "Please say that you do. If not, i'm not teaching you and you will just have to learn the hard way as I am not going to baby you." Michael said harshly to her. She seemed pretty hopeless in his eyes and if he was going to be stuck with her, he was doomed. But perhaps he had got it wrong and he hoped for that.
"I can use them a bit," she said. She didn't know how well she could feign incompetence while flying - it had always been one of her favorite parts of being an angel and she had spent ages testing out flying tricks during her time as one of the order. Besides, he looked like he was going to give up on her if she was any more useless, so she decided to make herself a bit more useful at least. "You might still have to help me a bit, you're probably much better at this than I am." She could show him a thing or two knowing most angels' flying skills, but again, flattery never went to waste.
'Well at least she can use them a bit.' He thought, but still wasn't very impressed, even with her last comment. "Too right I can use them better than you. I have been dead for longer." He said, sounding so full of himself. "But that still doesn't mean that I will teach you. I'm more of a do or die sort of teacher." He continued, almost saying it like a warning. "We start training tomorrow." Michael stated. "Get some rest." He then said, sighing to himself on how useless she seemed.
Lilith nodded, and turned for the door again. She paused, wanting to check something genuinely that she'd just realized. "If I'm going to be working with you now, or training, or whatever you want to call it, am I going to be living here, like sleeping here as well, or should I go somewhere else or something?" She sighed. "Sorry this is really awkward but it kind of needed to be said."
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"No, that is quite alright." He replied, not being harsh at all this time. "And you will be staying and sleeping here. If you have a look around, you will see that it is actually made for two people." Michael sighed, not wanting his space to be invaded but it was the order's orders and he had to abide by them. "Just don't touch any of my things." He warned.

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