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Fantasy The Order ( New RP Made for this )

  • Oden glared daggers at Gurak as he mentioned building character, lifting his still shaking hand and pointing at the orc, "I'll remember this. In a few hours when your skin is roasting in wyvern flames and your reach your hand towards me in one last desperate plea to live and you beg me to pick you up so you can make it back home! I'll just look back at you and say, 'No'..."

    Oden's banter with Gurak was quickly shut down by Isabel, who's voice momentarily became rather....intense to put it lightly. Oden nodded in thanks at Isabel, "Thank you for answering me! All I ask is to be acknowledged sometimes, not much else!" Turning his head back to his left briefly, Oden noticed Gurak was moving, and with a groan, the young man picked up Gurak's bag once more and stumbled his way back towards he orc. After seeing his new slaver stop before the worgen who was leading the mission, Oden looked between the two as Gurak spoke and nodding occasionally at the orc's words. Once Gurak finished, Oden spoke up as well, "By the way sir uh...Silverthorne I suppose, might I suggest that even if we have any of the information Gurak mentioned that we send in a few scouts before we all rush in the cave? If nothing else, knowing the layout of the cave and the position of the wyverns would help those of us with no abilities whatsoever actually survive this mission."

    Lotusy Lotusy Light Light DVationz DVationz
Oren stepped back in shock as Isbael had her sudden out burst. Luckily however he wasn't that bothered by it that he shot flames in all directions thinking it was an attacker. Nodding at her words Oren started to think about the Wyverns and the species that he could remember: there were The Fire Wyverns themost numerous and harmless ones- well atleast to Oren, The Poison Wyvern which spat acid and had venomous spikes, teeth and claws and was the smallest but fastest, The Lighting Wyvern which shot large bolts of lighting and was the strongest of the four main species, The Ice Wyvern which shot out a mixture of snow and ice, wherever it stepped a small patch of frost was left, and the rarest were The Alpha Wyverns of each species, they were twice as big and twice as deadly. After his train of thought he started to pick up the pace a little bit as he saw he was falling behind from the group. Pulling out his Khopesh he started to flip it in the air catching it by the hilt with ease, now however he wished he had his two handed Flachion. Throwing it in the air once more he pulled over his hood and pulled his mask up and catching it again keeping up the beat.

A woman of modest height- being only around five foot six - stepped into the guildhall with a quiet motion. She'd be wearing nothing particularly special- a green peasant dress, showing she was some random villager....hopefully. Oddly enough, she looked rather well-fed compared to most peasants, with odd golden blonde hair, and eyes of sapphire that gleamed with a faint light. Their feet were covered in boots- seemingly made of soft leather, as well as a book bound in black metal hanging on her hip. Overall, her dress hides her figure, yet from what could be seen, this would most likely be someone that men lusted over.

Her features were locked in the type of smile that looked like a mother about to discipline her child for shooting the dog out back, as she stomped her way over towards Aril. Anyone could certainly stop her...she didn't have any special type of mana radiating off her, in fact, it was barely any mana at all in her, to those who were sensitive to this sort of thing.

[Open to all within the guild]
A second woman stepped in right behind her. She blew her hair off to the side in disbelief (and partial disappointment). She held her head low, and threw her hood right over her head to avoid any confrontation. She was in deep thought, as she often was. Her purple sweatshirt was well over-sized, the sleeves curled and the cuffs rolled. It slung over her legs like a dress. She scratched her hooded head, then looked onto the rest of the crowd. She seemed confused but also unwilling to rectify this confusion.

Fortunately for her, this was how she liked it. Unfamiliar setting, but inability to contact any strangers.

As Aperion and Valexia entered the guild hall, another figure cast her shadow on the doors, letting out a little sigh of relief upon her arrival. Obviously ragged, tired, and exhausted, she nonetheless straightened up, staring down the guild's doors with some unwarranted defiance. A small red cloth, wrapped carefully around her arm, unfurled and billowed in the wind like a small cape, and the woman took one last deep breath before tipping the brim of her hat down. "Let's do this."

Thus, Maria Guerra, swordswoman extraordinaire, kicked open the doors of the Order's guild, becoming the third woman to make her entrance in a row. As a total stranger to the guild and its operations, everything, from the knocked-over tables to the broken room and the shattered wall captured her wonder and awe. Maria had only heard of this guild in rumors, due to it's continued decline, but the hall seemed to hold more enchantment and power than anything she'd seen in her life. It was certainly worth the arduous journey, full of false leads and wild goose chases. As she marveled at the hall, she could only imagine what brave warriors had stepped foot in here, or what epic battles must have taken place to give this guild its multiple battle scars. And now, she was going to assimilate with these awe-inspiring folk.

"Well hello there!" Maria's shout, along with her explosive entrance, rang soundly across the guild hall, but the swordswoman hardly waited for an answer. At this point, she could practically burst from all the excitement pent up over her journey. Nothing escaped her wonderstruck eyes, combing over every detail, from the two geezers coking up a storm in the kitchen to the strange girl playing with a beartrap near the destroyed wall. It was all so... amazing. "What a crowd," she muttered, before remembering her primary goal. "But I'm not just here to marvel, am I? I'm here for glory!" Deciding to show off just a little bit, Maria bowed to a nonexistent audience, waving her red cloth in the air before whipping out her sword and carving a messy-looking "M" in the wood next to the door. "Hah! The swordswoman of you dreams and nightmares has arrived!" She shouted again to this imaginary audience. "No need to fear! I'm here for one purpose only. Glorious, glorious... glory." Narrowing her eyes with her last word, Maria finally set her sights on an actual person to approach. "You, in the purple... dress? May I request your audience for a minute?" Brash and insensitive to others as always, the woman and her booming voice quickly found their way to Valexia without any sign of agreement. "Are you a member of this splendid guild? More importantly, would you be willing to help a little traveler out? I'm here for dangerous hunts, glorious quests, and honorable rewards. Could I find those in this wonderful hall?"

darknano darknano


If it was legal to acquire a couple hundred tons of weapons-grade explosives and blow this guild hall to smithereens, Pandora would gladly done it. The legal state of that action didn't really hinder her want of it, really - it was more of the feasibility of that plan. Either way, her day was going that badly. In a similar manner to the witch previously squashed beneath her, Pandora fumed silently to herself. Out of all the times my traps could fall perfectly, it just had to happen when I was in them. And out of all the ways I could go out, it just had to be like this. I really wished it was dynamite, honestly. While she seriously considered the prospect of bringing out a stick and her lighter, Fola's frightened voice roused her from this half-stupor. Damnit, she cursed to herself, realizing the terror of the situation from Fola's perspective. Surrounded by traps, attacked from nowhere, and told not to move - at this point, Pandora wished she could assassinate Fola just to look cool. Of course, she decided to take the less cool route.

"No, no, don't worry, it's-" Pandora stopped before she could say her name, a lump forming in her throat. There was nothing that really made her think she couldn't tell Fola her name, but the fact that she'd seemed to try and kill him by complete accident was sort of embarrassing. If, by some miracle, she could escape from this hell-made situation with her life intact, it would be more harmful to give Fola her name, wouldn't it? Maybe he'd want revenge, or answers, neither of which Pandora could give.

While Pandora panicked (as she usually did), a certain dragon decided to take things into his own hands and save (or doom) her. Cursing Zane under her breath, she turned at the greatest angle she could to lock eyes with the dragon man. "It's... it's a very long story, Zane," she said, hissing his name like it could be some sort of payback. "And of course I know that! The whole reason this happened is because something else in the guild got destroyed and ugghhhhh! I don't want to die today!" With that, Pandora turned back to her accidental victim. "Yes, I'm Pandora. I wouldn't worry about a knife from me - these traps can be much worse."

With that, she paused for a second. "You're Fola Keryn, right? I've rigged up your room - er, seen you around this guild a couple of times. And don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you, either. Just don't move for a second. Or do, if you have some sort of magical way to disarm these traps." Pandora glanced at her surroundings again before cursing under her breath. "Actually, I might need your help. Could you trigger some of these traps so we can get through? Just do it like so-" she ordered, picking up a board of wood and throwing it like a beanbag towards the center of the trap, landing with enough force to cause the metal jaws to spring shut around the plank. "Put a little bit of arm into it. I just need you to get the two in front of you - I can't reach those." Looking back up at Zane, Pandora gestured for him to come over. "You can help out too, dragon dude. Could you pull those traps out of the way when we're done with them? I don't want them springing on each other." With that, Pandora threw another chunk of wood at a trap, which glanced off harmlessly, before triggering the trap with her second shot. "Well, c'mon. We don't have all day!"

Loony_Bin Loony_Bin The Elder The Elder

(I'll change Gurak's color to soething like Green or Orange the next time - I just feel like Maria really deserves red.)
Life in Hell wasn't what others would imagine, in fact it may be the opposite. Most people make the assumption of red-hot flames, layers, and screaming spirits. Others say that Hell is cold and unforgiving, freezing even the most passionate of souls. As the granddaughter of Lucifer, Alexia knew the realm truth behind the pit. Hell was what the visitor makes it through experiences and distaste. If one were to have a personal low point or hated point within their life, they'd be eternally bound to live through that reality once they enter Hell. If they personally didn't have a low point in life, then a reality made up of their fears and negative emotions would be their torture. Of course there would be points of intervention in which a demon tortures you...maybe even a previously loved one.

"Julie!" That snapped the girl going by the name of Julie out of her writing trance. Turning around upon the couch she was sitting on, Julie took the owner of those words into vision. Mammon, the archdemon of avarice, stood behind her with great annoyance upon their features.

"Were you calling? I'm sorry but you know how I get when I write, Mammon." As rude as Julie may have been for previously tuning the archdemon out, she still didn't appreciate yelling. They were both inside of her room brightened by torches. In the center of the room was a U-shaped couch with the inside facing the large golden sheet bed. Other than that, the room was mostly plain with grey walls and green flamed torches. Books, diagrams, and medical tools were littered across the floor.

Mammon had no problem stepping on these sheets, especially after the way she responded. Granddaughter of Lucifer or not, Mammon knew Julie was beneath him. "Your...ahem...grandfather requests that you leave both the castle and Hell itself. He'd like for you to meddle in mortal affairs for a change and convince your sister to join his legio-"

"Mammon, may you and him both be damned twice! I will not step foot in the same building as that wretch, ask one of your other spawn. Tell Lucifer I said that." Julie gave her back to the archdemon, who resisted the urge to bash her head in. As much as Julie wanted to help out Lucifer, she wouldn't lift a finger if it involved her elder sister. "Do you know how hard it is to deal with a spoiled brat who thinks they're above you because of their upbringing?"

The archdemon eyed Julie skeptically, trying to sniff out sarcasm. "Yeah I can only imagine." At that sentence he rolled his eyes at the living description of what Julie just said sitting before him. "He assumed you might respond that way. He told me to have you work with Apeiron and throw him off his future trail after you get on it with him. I don't know what that entails but if he says it then it has meaning. You are to leave Lion's castle as soon as possible and breach the surface. That is all." Mammon turned to the door and made his way out, leaving seconds later. Leaving Julie alone to think on the task she had at hand. "Apeiron...hm."

As Mammon walked through the halls he thought to himself, remembering one detail in the last message. "Oh! I forgot to tell her that Aperion is now at the same guild as her sister...or did I? Oh well."

( Lion's castle. The castle of pride )
The flapping of wings in the sky just above him unsettled the demonic man to a small degree. There was no telling when one of those dastardly beasts would swoop down and attack both himself and his companion. Evidence of this worrying was in the style of his walk, which had become much more rigid and less fluid prior to this little debacle of a trip that he was forced to partake in. Sure, the final destination was most likely going to make up for the adventure, but what was the point if Lu was going to be shipped to their doorstep as a charred corpse? Well, maybe he'd at least make a good meal for those who didn't mind where the meat came from- what was he thinking in a time like this? Putting more speed into his step, Lu would find himself leaving his golem behind in a rush to escape the clutches of the wyverns.

Noticing the lack of heavy feet clattering against the ground, the man would turn around, eyeing the golem carefully. There were no words shared between them. None was needed. The creature followed his order with perfect precision at all times, even going out of its way to carry all of the supplies that the two had gathered throughout their journey together. If it weren't for the fact that the golem was bland enough to be considered an inanimate object, Lu could even say that they were close partners. Not that it was important or anything. Just something his mind drifted to in the silence of their travels.

Adjusting his slightly tattered white t-shirt and pulling up his (even more ripped) jeans, the young individual would pull out a small notebook and pen, attempting to think of something to write on it. Lu was, after all, a mute. He couldn't talk in the slightest. Well, he could, but that didn't bode well with others. Deciding that writing down nothing was the best way to go, Lu would just as quickly pack away the parchment from when he took it out. Forcing his gaze to the ground, the onyx-haired man simply motioned for the servant to follow.

LokiPokie LokiPokie
Despite what most people believe, Aril is a very caring and understanding man. Putting his hand on his brother's shoulder, he would enthusiastically pat his twin a job well done. "I think you're doing a great job, Kirit. If it weren't for you, I don't know where I would be right now. Which makes this next sentence a little easier on the soul," he would state, giving an anxious glance back at the woman who was ready to ram down anyone who got in her way, a somewhat disturbing presence radiating off of her person. Whatever it was, Aril wanted no part of it, and with that, he would clasp his brother's shoulder one last time. "Tag you're it."

Hurling himself at the nearest cabinet, he would attempt to shove himself into the furnishing, his hardly exposed figure being put in full view to any who bothered to look at it. "Why the hell did we make these things so small?" he would grumble, approximately hitting his head three times before giving up on his presumed hiding place. Now that he thought about it, why was he the one running away? He did absolutely nothing wrong, so why did this oddly good-looking woman approach him in such a manner? He owned this damned place, so why was HE the one running from HER.

While these were great questions, none of them were answered. Aril couldn't explain his fear, well, except for the fact he was never that good with women. Take Kirit, for example. He got more action than Aril, and he was arguably the worse of the two. He simply couldn't understand his lack of appeal, but maybe he could turn that around? Standing tall at a whopping 5'11" (which isn't bad for an old man), he would extend his arms. "Hug me, you fool!" he would exclaim, bracing for impact. If he was going to die by being run over, he might as well have something to remember the event. Even if that meant getting crushed by some farmgirl.

LokiPokie LokiPokie HTCOR HTCOR
As the old man dove into the closet, she'd pat her book once, the cover embossed with an Infinity Loop, and then cracking her knuckles. Her dress flowed behind her, the emerald green fabric being kicked up as her steps got faster and faster. Each step carried her closer, as he struggled his way out of the closet...and said 'Hug me you fool!' It took only a moment before her smile widened, and she spoke up in a sing-song voice.

"Oh, dearest brother~! Why shouldn't I outright murder you right where you stand for being an immeasurable jackass!" Her words would carry over to her sibling. She'd detach her book from her hip, as she patted its onyx metal cover once. "So you stand still, and take your punishment like a proper idiot."

Their admittedly pitiful mana began to flare up, channeling itself into the book as to toughen it even further. And so she got all the way over....giving a quick swing with the book towards Aril's head.

"YOU EXORCISED ME. ME. YOUR SIBLING." She'd borderline shriek, her smile breaking down into a viscous snarl.

TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity
First, there was a smile, then there was a book. If Aril had five cents for every time he had gotten hit by a book, he'd have five cents. If you put that variant along with the fact the book felt more like a concrete slab being slammed into your jaw, it'd be an even more rare occasion. Yes, Aril has never been hit by knowledge itself, but he was sure that it wasn't going to feel equal to having his entire skull being run over by a stone-wheeled wagon. No, that is not something that people tend to think, let alone expect. Thusly, Aril was in no way prepared for this random peasant girl to be throwing around what he presumed to be some teenage romcom at him at speeds that even he couldn't comprehend.

His body left the floor faster than Isabel when changing his diapers, being flung directly onto the kitchen counter with a loud THUD. Dazed and completely flabbergasted, Aril took a moment to stare at the ceiling, his head spinning in more ways than one. When he could feel his toes again, the masked (half naked) man would sit up, grazing his skin with a soft touch. "THE HELL WAS THAT FOR? I ASK FOR A HUG AND YOU GIVE ME THIS!?"

Jumping off the counter with a less than appealing fail at a front flip, Aril would crash on the floor before this new mystery girl. Slowly rising to her level, there was a brief pause. Was it him, or did he hear her say sibling? Stroking his chin in a pondering fashion, Aril could only come to one reasonable conclusion. "Did Kirit dump you or something?"

Valexia was utterly confused by this audacious and annoying personality that seemed to just burst through the door. However, she was also very enlightened by the fact that she had at least some kind of personality. She hadn't seen that in a long while. Nonetheless, Valexia looked onto Maria with opportunity and pushed aside her tiresome expressions. "You're asking me?" She questioned Maria. "I'm not apart of this guild, no. In fact, I just arrived a few seconds before you did. I'm surprised you didn't see me waltz through the door." She fixated her hood, grasping the ends of it with her index and thumb. "And this isn't a dress. It's a sweatshirt." She sighed mentally, then went onto searching through the crowd. "Not to be rude. I see many others here, but perhaps you and I could partake in a certain beneficial opportunity, if you're willing."
Valexia kept her gaze onto the community, and hugged the wall as a benefactor of the outsider personality. "I suppose it could induce some glory." She paused for a moment, then leaned her head against the wall. "While many others look for glory here, I want to travel the stars. I want to search for life elsewhere. Perhaps, we could get glory elsewhere. Maybe, we can invent great things that could change this world as we know it. Who knows, but I have some brilliant ideas and I need other brilliant people to help fulfill them."

Lotusy Lotusy

The young woman paused, looking down at the Guild Master for a few moments. It took a moment, before she took a step back, looking at the scum at her feet. Her features slowly calmed into docile look, as she looked up. "Hope that you kept my coat intact Brother." She'd shake her head lightly. "By the Abyss, couldn't you just keep my host alive for ten seconds, before I have to-" They'd pause. "...I can't just conjure a set of clothes, can I?" They'd ask of themselves, murmuring. They'd step back, tracing a few runes in the air- burning the last dregs of their mana to burn them into the atmosphere. It took only a brief moment, but the magic was complete- Apeiron's entire outfit was changed, this one into far more formal attire than before.

Their new outfit consisted of a black silk vest, with a white shirt underneath. They wore onyx dress pants, with a pair of oxford shoes. They'd remove a pair of gloves from their front pocket, before sliding them on. "Now where was I again...?" They'd murmur to himself, as they looked down at Aril. It only took a moment before they just dropped their heavy tome upon Aril's head. Now, contrary to popular belief, this book - even if it seemed light - tended to hit the ground fairly well. Or in this case, Aril's face if he didn't move. They'd casually step around the fallen figure, glancing about the Guild Hall. "...This place needs some love and care." She'd shake her head in disappointment, before glancing back at Aril. "Are you going to give me back that book, or what?"

TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity
Zane O'Conner
Zane chuckled as Pandora somewhat explained herself, but her statement only made him wonder what else did she destroy. "It's alright Pandora, whatever you broke I'll help you fix. Hopefully we'll get it done before the geezers fine out." He said as he started to lean against the wall. "But this hole in the ceiling" he points up to it. "You'll have to fix that yourself, or with witch boy over here." He said. He started relaxing on the wall as the two chitchat still surrounded by bear traps. His eyes were closed and his arms were crossed, letting his mind wonder. The first thought that came to mind was the elf, his guild crush. He wondered where she went off to as he cleaned himself up. Soon he heard a loud 'Clank' and opened his eyes. Pandora set off a bare trap and now requested for Zane's assistance. "I was only waiting for you two to get done chitchat ting." He stepped off the wall and grabbed his sword. Keeping the blade sheathed, he reaches out with his sword and pulls a bear trap carefully off to the side. "You know I can just always cut these traps,but I guess you and your trap fetish won't allow me to." He said with a grin and a chuckled as he pulled yet another trap off to the side.
Loony_Bin Loony_Bin Lotusy Lotusy

Natalia smiled as Jayn said she'll forgive her. She softly placed her hand on Jayn's shoulder and smiled. "Thank you Jayn." She removed her hand and placed it on her thigh. She listened as Jayn went on about how life was much easier for her as a pirate. Shooting anyone she like, for any reason at all. A life like that, could keep someone from ever getting close to anyone. "You know Jayn, there's a few amongst us who actually enjoy some of those things. I love fighting, it's in my blood. I remeber my time back with the Amazons and everyday we'll train and fight. If someone had a dispute with anyone it'll always be fixed with a duel, to get their frustration and anger out. We loved and protected each other. Sometimes I dream about the island." She spoke looking off in the distance as if daydreaming. She then turns her heard towards Jayn. "Why did you leav-" She stopped in her sentence just as Maria kicks open the guild doors.

Natalia looks at her sizing her up and grins and she claims the title as "Worst Nightmare". Natalia always loved strong women, and if Maria keeps up this act, she could actually stay on Nats good side. She then looks at Jayn. "Looks like we have some new recruits. "Why don't we go say hello?" She asked with a smile. Loony_Bin Loony_Bin Lotusy Lotusy
The disrespect! How DARE this woman with good fashion sense just walk in here and beat the living crap out of him with - of all things - a book! Sure, Aril wasn't going to say he didn't deserve something like this, he did plenty of horrible things in his past, like pantsing Kirit every morning for a whole year, but that didn't mean he deserved a fate similar to this! Not only that, but she was accusing him of something he never did. At least, he was pretty sure that he never did it, considering he had the memory span of a decapitated goldfish. Either way, this woman has gone far enough, and it was about time to put her in her place.

"You fool-" he would begin to say, only to be abruptly stopped by the weight of the damn book that was now crushing his arms into the floorboards. His flimsy arms, which haven't been used in what felt like an eternity, couldn't even lift the darn thing off the ground, let alone drag it along to hand off to the one who was slapping him silly with it. Trying to shift the (oddly heavy) book, the man would grunt in agitation before giving up on ever leaving the hellhole that was knowledge. "U-Uhm, I'm sorry to have to ask this of someone that just forgot that she was the one who dropped their damn belongings on me, sort of like a pack mule, but I, er, need some help with getting this thing, you know, off?"

There were plenty of capable people in the guild, but they seemed preoccupied with destroying the guild and talking with each other to bother helping him, so now he was relying on whom he considered his newest rival. The Book Lady. AKA: "The Meanie Pants". Watching as the hardly dressed Amazon and her (not so much of an Amazon) friend walking away from his general location, he would finally understand what it meant to be a Guild Owner. "So, this is how it ends, eh? Your own family turns their back on you and the only thing you have left is some stylish peasant girl that wants to kill you with a book. I knew it was going to happen eventually, but not like this."

HTCOR HTCOR The Elder The Elder Loony_Bin Loony_Bin



  • Tagging: TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity



    The guild, bar

Oh, she dared. She dared indeed, as her pleasant demeanor stayed, causing her to move right back on over. The book wasn't terribly heavy- it's cover may be cast in metal, making it a solid ten pounds, but not any heavier than that. After plucking the book off the ground, she pivoted to face the newcomer - Glory Girl.

She'd hook the Tome back onto her hip, with the Tome getting on the hooks. Her expression soothed into a calming glance, as she tried to trace a few more runes in the air- shifting herself into more casual clothing- none of that tight, formal suit. She never knew why that was always what was conjured first. The suit. She preferred her casual clothing, honestly. More comfortable, less of an issue. Apeiron shook her head, crossing her arms. Her upper body was covered in a green top, with her hair having a large bow to match her eyes. She also wore a pair of jeans covered her feet, as well as a set of soft leather boots. She'd brush her hair out of her eyes, as she looked at the entrance, watching the two.

A few muttered words escaped her, just audible to Aril. "Why I ever decided to punish my sibling, I'll never bother to remember." Her voice would slowly raise to a more conversational level- albeit, probably not heard anyways, with all of the commotion. "I think I should probably start investigating into things, and look into doing contracts..."

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"Stop it Vance, he's in charge of the quest!" Isabel lightly pushes Vance, not meaning any real harm behind it. "I hope this quest doesn't take too long. I'm already thinking you'll start fighting yourselves before the wyverns." Isabel completely left out the fact that she had previously threatened them, fueling that issue. "Can we find something to hitch a ride on? I can't turn into a dragon at all so I'm no use on that front." Glancing at Vance made an idea spark in her mind, as rare as that may be. "Vance, you have a lot of money on you! You can buy us horses if we pass through a town." Isabel said this at a loud volume, making sure everyone within the group heard it. ( GingerBread GingerBread DVationz DVationz Lotusy Lotusy Loony_Bin Loony_Bin Rui Rui DeathValley105 DeathValley105 )
Mammon had been through a lot as an archdemon. There wasn't much he hasn't experienced within his excruciatingly long existence. Kneeling before Lucifer-no the conversation he was having completely broke that belief. Of all the things Mammon has been assigned to do, this was by far the worst task. He'd rather be trapped in a room with 5 virtues than carry out the task. "M'lord, a butler? For Julie?" A harsh squint forms on his face, removing the expression of bewilderment. "I apologize but I don't find your humor...well...humorous." That's when a sharp gaze hit Mammon's eyes, freezing the archdemon under Lucifer's authority. "Yes, yes I understand my task and I shall carry it out without error." With that, Mammon stood and left Lucifer's throne room with a parting bow. "An escort? A butler for that child? I'd rather be damned again than do such a thing. Oh this is going to be nothing but dreadful."

( Short post but meh )

The elf perked up at this. She adored riding horseback, so already this quest was sounding desirable.
"That sounds n-nice." She murmured, her green gaze turning onto Vance, "Thank you!" She smiled sweetly, a blush of gratitude settling on her alabaster cheeks.
"Shall we be setting off now, Isabel?" She asked shyly, making small glances back towards the house. She wished she could see that boy, Zane she reminded herself, before she went. Perhaps less blood soaked than last time. Any way would do...
Isabel nods her head in return towards Isla, lacking the ability to notice meaning behind Isla's glance. Isabel grabs Isla's arm, dragging the half elf ahead of the group. "Hey, I have to tell you something and you've gotta swear you won't tell a soul." These words were spoken at a whisper at Isla's right ear. Isabel took a glance over her shoulder to make sure no one was trying to listen in. "I promised myself I wouldn't tell anyone but on second thought so think I'll tell you." Isabel wrapped her arm around Isla, as if enforcing the fact that what they were saying would be in secret. ( Rui Rui )

"I could do a better job leading this crap, and I don't even want to be hear, nor do I know what we're actually doing" Vance said as he stepped back next to Isabel after she had pushed him. "Hell I could probably do this own my own" He looked over Isabel as she complained about not being able to turn into a dragon once again. "What is your obsession with Dragons?" As she suggested that he buy everyone horses to make the journey quicker, he looked over at her with a raised eyebrow. "I'm sorry? I wasn't aware that I was the guilds personal charity. Besides, He's a fuckhead, he's a stupid mutt, and he's a green piece of shit who thinks he's a chef" Vance said, pointing to Oren, Ryan, and Gurak accordingly. "So, they can all go fuck themselves" Vance then turned his attention towards Isla, who had thanked him prematurely. "I'm not getting you one either. Unless you can give me a good reason to" He then turned his attention back towards Isabel "Isabel. If you really want to get there quicker, why don't you ride bitch boy there... I'm sure that you want to anyway." Vance muttered the last part before shrugging as Isabel went over to talk to Isla.

Light Light Rui Rui Loony_Bin Loony_Bin Lotusy Lotusy DeathValley105 DeathValley105 DVationz DVationz
And follow the golem did, as it always has; the golem stood by Lu's side. This was not due to a sense of loyalty, nor any emotional bond to its creator, but because it existed solely for this purpose. It did not register the harsh conditions it served under, and even if it had it would likely make no difference. After all, the golem lacked the liberty of free thought. What its master willed, it acted in correspondence of, and what its master wanted, it granted. Life for the golem was built upon the foundation of Lu's beck and call, and little over the years deterred this notion. Laborous as it was, the golem was content.

Though the wasteland the couple navigated was all but calm, the golem managed to tow along Lu's luggage without harm. While the common mule would abandon its carriage at the appearance of a wyvern, the golem displayed only the slightest alarm as it hauled its load. Whatever motions the pursuiters made to assault the golem, and its belongings, were suspended by the golem's magic. Whether cataclysm was brought through sharp talons or rancid breath, every attempt was quelled by a barrier of sand. In light of this impenetrable defense, the golem was named Shamira, guardian of Luanach.
"At least I'm a fuckhead who can keep moving instead of stopping every fifteen minutes." Oren would say shrugging off the insult and going to the front of the group, and turning around to face them still flipping the sword. "You guys can go get horses if you want, I'll meet up with you at the cave." He said turning back around and trudging forward letting those behind him to choose and follow or go off to a town, quite frankly he was hoping Vance would change his mind and buy them horses so he would have an excuse to be away from him. Whistling a tune he started to twirl the sword now keeping him awake with his aching arm

Light Light GingerBread GingerBread Rui Rui Loony_Bin Loony_Bin Lotusy Lotusy DVationz DVationz
Ryan Silverthorne Ryan Silverthorne Alt.jpg Ryan sighed... of course Vance was going to be a thorn in everyone's side. There was no avoiding it. "Look, listen or don't listen, either way I'm leading this quest. Also, last time I checked none of you have near as good a sense of smell as myself," He looked to Oren as he commented, "So unless you can smell which caves have wyverns, I'd suggest you don't." Ryan continued moving forward, ignoring Vance's comment about him and Isabel, "As for a ride, don't bother. It's not that far, the time consumption comes in killing off all the wyverns."

Already this group was a disaster. Why did he say yes to a quest with Isabel? Well... that's because she's got a lot of raw power. The only downsides? She was a horrible fighter, and then there's Vance. If it weren't for Isabel's bond to him, perhaps things would be more bearable. "Now could you shut up for five minutes Vance? Save some of that pent up anger for the wyverns..." He almost felt bad for the wyverns... then again, they didn't live with Vance.
Light Light Rui Rui GingerBread GingerBread Loony_Bin Loony_Bin Lotusy Lotusy DeathValley105 DeathValley105

EDIT: Fixed some mistaken information about Isabel.
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Scurrying off into the fortitude of the golem's barrier, Lu kept close to the creature named Shamira, never letting them out of their sight in fear of somehow losing the hulking monster. The way it simply flicked away their attackers was almost awe inspiring to the man, which wasn't saying much do to his own reluctance to activate his own abilities. This went a long way, of course, since he relied on the creature to keep him safe at all times, but it was still something to be marveled over. The fact that Lu had created something as efficient as a living embodiment of a perfect bodyguard. Therefore, the man felt much more at ease when pressured to stay close to his sworn protector, as should be rightly so.

The blank expression asserted by Shamira's composure didn't seem to register in Lu's mind, the man considering the husk to be more than just some abomination that he created on a pure whim. He considered them a friend, rather than something that merely took orders from him. With that in mind, Lu attempted to start a conversation. Of course, he wasn't going to speak to them. That would just kill them both. Instead, he decided to follow through with his writing down of what he wanted to say, deciding it best to be clear and precise when speaking to them:

Shamira, just tell me when you want to stop. We can find some place to hide out, or maybe get some services from a nearby caravan on where our next location is. I think we're finally getting close to finding The Order's guild. I can't wait to show you everything, even though I've heard it has changed drastically since I have last seen it. Anyway, like I said, just tell me when.
Closing the notebook, the hellion would promptly place it back into the small satchel that rested on his person. This was the only thing that the man would carry, forcing the rest of his belongings onto his servant. He constantly asked Shamira if he was truly willing to carry them, but the creature didn't bat an eyelash when asked. It's almost as if Shamira thinks that he needs to do this kind of stuff for him. It didn't matter, though. He was soon to reach that beloved guild that still holds a fond place within his memories. If it was anything resembling what he remembered, he was certain to finally find the place where he belonged. Finally.

LokiPokie LokiPokie
"Oh, ho, ho! Turning your back on me was the worst thing you could've done, missy!" Rising to his feet, the masked chef with his pink apron would prepare for an attack. It was a simple plan that was going to be carried out flawlessly. First, he was going to hit her with that cursed book, and give her a taste of her own medicine. When she knew the horrors that an education truly brought, he would then follow up with something cool, like a roundhouse kick to the temple. Yeah, that'd impress everyone quite a lot, and finally, give Aril some street cred around these parts of the guild. It was important to keep your head held high, even after getting your behind kicked to a whole new low by a peasant/fashionista/brother stealer/librarian.

His preparations were ready. If there was ever a time that Aril was fired up and ready to go, it was now. Slamming his foot onto the ground and prepping himself into a sumo pose, the man would wiggle his behind and let out a loud cackle. "Be warned, random lady! You have only just met what is to be your worst nightmare!" With that, Aril sprung into action, launching at the woman with incredible speeds- he missed. He actually missed. Skidding right past the woman, he was clearly off point, slamming into the table that was once occupied by the Amazon and her associate.

He didn't know what happened. One moment he was locking his sights onto the librarian, and now he was sprawled out on the table. She didn't even move a muscle, standing there with that coy smile and annoying air about her. It was natural what was to come next, too. He couldn't just let people assume he missed. No, he had to come up with some kind of an excuse to make up for such a blunder. Covering the sockets of his mask, Aril would take in a deep breath, making sure to yell loud enough for a majority of the people to hear him clearly. "OH NO, IT SEEMS MY CATARACTS IS ACTING UP. NO WONDER I CAN'T SEE." Yes, this can work. It isn't odd for someone as old as him to have poor eyesight, hence why the whole old man thing was a hit! People loved him! Looking back at Apeiron, he would let out a chortle.


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