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Fantasy The Order - Character Sheet [Reboot]



RP Junkie
Notable Equipment/Inventory:
Music Theme ( Optional ):
History ( Optional ):

You must be approved by two GMs, or unapproved by two. GMs, you must be approved by two other GMs. In the case of contention between the GMs, a vote will be called between the five GMs.
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Vance Hendrickson




lol I got nothing




Power source
Faith mana

His weapon of choice is a dagger

Vance is for lack of a better word, an arsehole. He doesn't particularly care for the feelings of others, and will routinely say things that will probably anger or upset others. Vance prefers to be blunt about topics and rarely beats around the bush. Vance doesn't care particularly for the lives of others. Under most circumstances he won't help people, unless it benefits him, even then sometimes he won't help people just because he doesn't like them, even if it's detrimental to himself.

Though when Vance does actually decide to do something, he normally gets it done well. He doesn't like half arsing things, even though it can appear that he's not trying. Vance also likes to talk shit to other people, no matter the situation; Vance doesn't care if someone is more powerful than him, or if he's in a life threatening situation.

Although Vance normally has an uncaring demeanor, he does have his moments when he'll get serious, though they tend to be few and far between. Those moments tend to occurs when someone manages to anger him. Vance has no qualms about killing someone. Though that's not to say he enjoys killing people. He just has no problems with it.

To be added


Shadow step

When stepping into a shadow, Vance has the ability to become invisible. This will only last for as long as he's in direct contact with the shadow and any part of him that leaves the shadow will become visible once again. Or at least until it's back inside the shadow


Vance is able to create a small force-field around himself, others and objects that aren't bigger than an average person. This force-field stops any sound waves that originated inside the force-field from escaping while still allowing sounds to come in through the force-field. Though Vance is only able to create one of these force-fields at a time.

Enhanced perception

Vance’s perception is far greater than that of an average person. This allows him to notice small details that others would normally overlook, which can help him predict the actions of others. Though this power isn't just limited to his eyesight, it also affects his other senses. His hearing is a lot.keener, allowing him to notice quite sounds easier than most. His sense of smell is improved as well, allowing him to all smells, whereas most would just notice the strongest smell. Vance’s taste is also improved, allowing him to pick up on all the different flavours in whatever he eats or drinks. The downside to this is that Vance is unable to stop using this power, as it is constantly active.

Darkness manipulation

Vance is able to manipulate and shape the darkness around him. From making weapons that are as hard and durable as steel out of it. To creating walls and other structures out of the darkness, among other similar things. Though to be able to use this power, Vance must be at least in contact with a shadow with some part of his body. And if there are no shadows around, then he'll be unable to utilize this power.


Vance has a dagger that he always keeps on him. He also has two small throwing knifes that he keeps strapped to his left arm. Vance also carries a small pouch full of various sizes of rocks. He also carries around 50 silver with him at all times, just in case he ever needs it


  • Maria Guerra

    Age: 25
    Gender: Female
    Ethnicity: Spanish
    Species: Human, Attachment Spirit/Daemon
    Sexuality: Heterosexual + Celicasexual
    Mana: Energy & Anger

    "En Garde!"
    Maria has a fiery personality, fiercely passionate and fully set on whatever she sets her mind to. Raised around bullfighters, and brought up on tales of brave, agile, underdog battlers set against raging behemoths, stories of Davids and Goliaths, Maria found one of her favorite activities before she even gained the power to supplement it: pissing people off. Something about the act (and usually, the accompanying scuffle) gives Maria a rush - and although that's due to the anger siphoning that's part of her nature, Maria interprets it as her true calling. She can be brash, mocking, and annoying when she wants to be - partly because it's her nature- but also just to try to infuriate whoever she wants to.

    Even more important than pissing people off, however, is the battle Maria incites soon after. Treating it almost like the bullfights and stories of her youth, Maria enjoys mocking the strong and powerful, and especially so in the act of kicking them down a notch. The pride she gains in her many wins, and the pride she takes from her many infuriated opponents both fuel her ego and push her to continually chase these fights through her sometimes-obnoxious actions.

    Despite all of this, Maria still loves the image of an honorable duel and a noble fighter, and when she's not actively taunting an enemy, she still tries to keep up the likeness of righteous swordswoman. Whether it's through singling out arrogant assholes to fight, keeping he fighting clean of underhanded tricks, or even (ironically), paying respect to the enemy she'd just recently told that his mother had the face of a pig, an honorable image is Maria's secondary goal. Through her perspective, it sort of works alongside her specialty too. No shortage of heroic tales and daring quests fail to capture Maria's passion, especially when big, angry beasts and baddies are involved. Propelled by the spirit of adventure and enemies to fight, Maria tries her best to carve out her place in the world as yet another brave, noble warrior deserving of a story.

    Ultimately, Maria sees herself as someone as brave as a bullfighter, as nimble and precise as a fencer, and with the righteousness of Robin Hood - but deep down, she's really just an asshole.
    Human Physiology
    Certain daemonic traits, including:
    -Emotion draining (Can only drain anger)
    -Telepathy (Limited to one person, and can only send thoughts)

    Powers, Abilities, and Equipment:

    Anger siphon - gains power from angry enemies, growing faster, stronger, and gaining faster reflexes. She also has the ability, as an attachment spirit, to invade an unguarded enemy's thoughts and possibly arouse anger to gain power from. All types of anger can be siphoned - from annoyance, to jealousy, and even battle rage. She can feed off of multiple people - however, maintaining multiple bonds proves exhausting unless all those she is connected to have anger to draw from.

    Devil's Edge - Her aptly-named sword, claimed to be forged in fires hotter than those of hell - though that's probably just a bit lie. It does, however, contain magical properties no matter how it was forged. The sword can take and store anger that Maria had previously siphoned, making the sword lighter and easier to wield, yet still as durable. Stored anger also makes the blade sharper, and can amplify the force behind Maria's swings. Eyewitness accounts even say enemies pierced by Devil's Edge find wisps of red energy traveling between themselves and Maria upon the blade - a phenomenon explain by the fact that the sword can act as a conduit to increase Maria's mind-invasion powers and the energy she receives from inciting anger.

    (Thanks to @LokiofSP, I've set up a system to determine exactly how powerful/fast Maria can get, and exactly what qualities of her sword she can enhance.)

    Anger system - Any person, when angered, can have that anger taken away by Maria and used to bolster herself or her sword. Additionally, for simplicity's sake, each person's anger can be thought of as three "points" to be invested in the following categories.

    For Maria:
    Speed - Under the assumption that Maria's speed is average, (9 mph), with the anger of one person, a quick sprint of hers can reach 14 mph, eventually reaching 24 mph at max (Olympic sprinters can hit 27-28 mph, and while these are certainly inhuman powers, such a speed from a dead standstill would be nearly impossible.)
    Strength - Determining the power behind a sword slash would be hard, but we'll just use a punch force to determine this. The average, untrained person's punching strength would be 50-100 pounds for one blow, so I'd put Maria at a good 75 pounds. One person's anger would make it 150 pounds behind a punch, and so on (with intervals of 75) until reaching 425 pounds behind one punch. (For comparison, elite boxers can it with ~770 pounds of force but that's a bit excessive).
    Reflexes - This one's tricky as hell to quantify, but I'll try. A quick google search says, "The average reaction time for humans is 0.25 seconds to a visual stimulus, 0.17 for an audio stimulus, and 0.15 seconds for a touch stimulus." Each bit of anger invested would lower her reaction time by 0.4 seconds, but she can only do this twice - since these fractions of a second are still quite useful.

    For Devil's Edge:
    Sharpness - Usually something better kept up by maintenance, Maria can use one person's anger to temper her blade to its peak - not much room for other improvement here.
    Amplify force - While the sword itself can't get "stronger" as Maria can, it can increase the force at which Maria swings - by a multiplier of 1.05x, all the way up to 1.2x by increments of 0.05.
    Weight - The average weight of a sword is said to be between 2.5-3.5lbs, we can put Devil's Edge at a decent 3.0lbs. Every bit of energy invested makes it feel 0.1 pounds lighter - and though there is no limit, it could be potentially dangerous to have a feather-light sword to fight with.

    Bullfighter's cloth - the red cloth draped around her hand, when waved in front of an opponent, can nullify the force of an attack by meeting and dispelling it with the magic it's been charmed with. A punch, for example, would meet it as if the cloth was a wall, while projectiles lose their momentum and magic fizzles out.

    Weaknesses & Limits:

    Anger siphon - While Maria does have the power to enter someone's mind and taunt them, she has no control over their reaction. A calm enough enemy would be able to withstand her taunts without feeding her their anger. The connection by thoughts is also limited to one person at a time, even if she can siphon energy from multiple people. Additionally, due to only being of half-daemon heritage, she is limited to only feeding off of anger. Other emotions cannot be preyed upon.

    Devil's Edge - While the sword can amplify some of its abilities, it is ultimate just a light sword. No amount of anger can allow it to cut through thicker objects, or slice heavy armor, and against larger and bulkier targets, Maria's only option it to make multiple small cuts and blows before she can finish a fight decisively. (For reference, steel takes 40,000 psi to cut, and even with maximum strength and the sword's best amplification, it's still impossible).

    Anger system - As previously mentioned, one person's anger cannot completely power up Maria, and she has to choose carefully between strengthening herself and her sword. Additionally, all positive effects - decrease in weight included - wear off after 10 minutes of not fighting. Dulling of the blade occurring during the fight would still stay.

    Bullfighter's cloth - The cloth's main weakness is a flurry of successive attacks, or attacks from opposite directions, as the cloth can only dispell one attack at a time. Additionally, after the countering force of the cloth is used once, it must be "reset" by flicking the cloth as a bullfighter would (and in Maria's case, also yelling "Olé!") While the cloth may still protect itself from wear and tear, a successive attack without its guarding magic would blow it away and leave Maria open to attack.

    Maria - due to the nature of her equipment and powers, Maria works best in one-on-one duels. Multiple enemies and multiple attacks at the same time would render her cloth's defensive powers useless, and her sword can only swing so fast to attack enemies.
    "Fight me, bastard!"
    Being raised by a single parent is tough. Being raised by a single father in totally unfamiliar territory is even worse. Being raised by a single father, impregnated by an anger daemon and stuck in America - well, that's just the worst-case scenario...

    I think that deserves a bit of explanation, doesn't it?

    When Leon Guerra learned he would be sent to the New World along with a group of other soldiers in the glorious name of Spain, he was ecstatic. A proud man and veteran of a recent war, this trip and chance to build a whole new life was supposed to be a reward in exchange for his years of service to Spain. Thus, it sort of rained on his parade when he became possessed by a local attachment spirit as a curse from disgruntled locals. Given the still-abundant sources of pride and anger in the man, combined with the subtle whispering of the spirit, Leon's life began its downward spiral of anger and violence. From barfights to brawls in the street, the one-proud soldier picked more and more fights until it reached a boiling point. The daemon, content with the pain it had inflicted, finally released Leon from its grip, and purged him of his furious, self-destructive tendencies by taking them by taking them and forming it into a human child - Maria - comprised of a small fraction of the spirit and Leon's burning, powerful emotions.

    The now-meek Leon, drained of the anger and rage that drove his life downward, took raising Maria as his saving grace. Although the disgraced was the furthest from a good father to Maria, he certain wasn't the worst. Still influenced by the war, when it came time to tell his daughter stories, Leon weaved wonderful tales from his victories in the past, sprinkled among other tales of grandeur that would eventually capture Maria's heart. Both father and daughter were entranced by tales of arduous quests, brave knights and terrifying monsters, heroism, bravery, and all their ilk - that there was no shortage of material to keep their imaginations burning. Many of these tales became responsible for shaping Maria as she's known today, drawing from noble and honorable heroes and their grand stories to build a future swordswoman in their image.

    Then, for her tenth birthday, Leon brought Maria to her first bullfight. Although she had felt connections to her angry classmates or the seething anger of passerby every once in a while, nothing made Maria's blood race like the seething anger of the bull in the ring - desperately slamming, charging, and fighting for its life. In that fight, another figure captured her attention too - a masked man, waving around a small red cloth, gracefully dodging its attacks and angering the bull to no end. While the bull ended up dying, Maria walked out impressed, exhilarated, and full of a drive to return to that ring. While Leon grew older and less accustomed to that sort of violence, his daughter became enchanted by it. As she grew up, the annual bullfight became a staple of her life, and finally, at the age of 18, gutsy and determined to learn more about the strange thrill of the bullfight, she snuck into the arena alone.

    Maria remembered that fight vividly. She remembered sneaking around the ring to the hushed amazement of spectators, watching the masked man and the bull's standoff with bated breath - and finally, being rooted in place by fear as the bull turned away from the matador and charged towards her. In that moment, Maria found herself filled with energy of the likes she'd never felt before - but at the same time, she remained paralyzed by the intensity of the charging bull's eyes. Then there was a scream and a blur of red, and before Maria knew it, she was standing unharmed between the bull's two horns: one, draped in a red cloth, sat only a few inches from her neck, and on the matador, fatally gored and quickly dying.

    It was then that something clicked inside of Maria. She grabbed the red cloth, and faced off against the bull as it shook its gored victim from its horn and turned back to her. Filled with a determination to avenge the man and unknowingly siphoning the bull's anger, Maria began her deadly dance around the bull - dodging and weaving around it with incredible speed, until the bull fell, exhausted, on the ground. Something about the rush of energy still within her, the hushed audience, and the bull's defeated eyes as she drove the ceremonial sword into its skull preserved that moment in Maria's mind like nothing else ever would. Soon after, fleeing with only a sword and the bullfighter's cloth to her name, Maria sealed her fate as the swordswoman and duelist she would soon become. It's even rumored that she's even found a guild in Cuba which can quench her thirst for battle and adventure today...

    Extra: Hell yea she's extra.

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  • Name: Hans Alister

    Age: 28

    Gender: Male

    Ethnicity: Greek

    Species: Human

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Power Source: The Soul​

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Name: Ryder Loegaire

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Species: Pactborn


Sexuality: Heterosexual/Autosexual

Mana: Faith Mana

Physiology: Demon Physiology

Appearance: The first thing a person notices when gazing upon Ryder is the horns that protrude from his head. Mixed with his disheveled dirty-blonde hair, his background is not difficult to tell. His eyes, a cold and bitter gray, exude his disdain for the world around him. He sticks to wearing worn out clothes in order to avoid restriction. He is typically seen wearing only an unbuttoned beach shirt exposing his chest (and vital organs) to the public, stating how if it is buttoned it restrains his agility in combat, which promptly gave way to the various restraining orders that he has obtained over the years. He stands at a whopping 6'4".

Personality: His life as a Pactborn has had a negative impact on how he views the world today. His sour mood contributes to this, using arrogance as a mean to boost his alienation from the rest of society. His mana, relying only on himself, leaves the man with great pride in his heritage, even when many others had seen it as a curse. While it is true he doesn’t care for most things, he does love his guild, going out of his way to state how confident he is that they’ll rank up in no time. Even if he is stubborn and makes people feel like they’re talking to a wall, the only other thing that can seep its way into his heart is a good womanly companion. Yes, he is what we would call a fuc- a womanizer. Confident in wooing the ladies, this is another contributor to his abilities in combat. He typically forgets the names of men that he meets but can remember any woman’s name by heart.

Notable Equipment/Inventory: Glaive


Ryder Used Harden!: What’s it like to be someone who closes off (most of) their emotions and casts aside any hope for humanity? Enhance himself, of course! Ryder is able to calcify any part of his body if he has the mana to spare. By doing this, he is able to get in close and personal to even those pesky mages that don’t fight fair, shooting their stupid magic spells from a distance. His fortification is resistant to most magical and physical blows, but not invulnerable.

CQC Lover and Strategist: One might be wondering why Ryder is so attached to his glaive? Well, considering his horrible accuracy and physical prowess, he sure loves to punch his foes to death, while still keeping enough distance to not get caught in a flurry of attacks. He is fairly adept at recognizing the flaws and inabilities of others, bringing them to fruition to get an upper hand. I mean, when you’re a half-naked pervert that enjoys getting physical, what could ever go wrong, right?

What A Charmer <3: This isn’t exactly a power, but it is important to Ryder’s ego. No matter the time or place, this man is able to flirt with someone of the opposite persuasion at any time. Be it in the midst of battle or when the world is falling apart, he’ll find a way.

Limits: Fortification is a fickle process. If used too often, Ryder’s body will suddenly lock up, leaving him more as a sitting duck, rather than a potential threat. Even when reinforcing his weapons, if he puts too much strain on them, they will shatter similar to glass. He is also a bit too passionate about his face-to-face skills in combat, willing to give up a possible surprise attack in order to get a good brawl to prove himself to whoever is watching (ladies).Finally, his charm is his biggest downside. If a woman doesn’t seem to show interest, he slowly gets into a depressive state, lowering his abilities substantially.

Music Theme ( Optional ): N/A

History ( Optional ): N/A

Extra: N/A
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Name: Celica Hendrickson

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Ethnicity: Caucasian (what’s new)

Sexuality: Heterosexual + Mariasexual

Mana: Arcane Mana

Physiology: Human Physiology

Appearance: Celica has long raven black hair that reaches down to her waist, where it typically gets caught in crevices, to Celica’s agitation. The small frame of the girl stands at about 5’0”, her size comparatively smaller than that of the average girl. Her complexion is pale in contrast to the fetching dark of her hair, giving an almost ghastly appearance. Despite this, her cheeks are always blemished, as if she is constantly happy, which never seems to change over time. As for clothing, Celica typically enjoys wearing white frilly dresses to go along with her visage; however, she will occasionally wear different styles, especially if her brother recommends it.

Personality: Childlike to her core, Celica enjoys playing games and preoccupying her life with little side-quests of her own whenever the adventurers go out on missions. Always admiring her brother, Vance, she attempts to recreate herself into an image befit of his stature, going to a point of obsession to shape herself into what she believes to be a perfect fit for the younger sibling that won’t put his name to shame. Hardly ever caring for the judgment of others, she usually goes along with whatever comes her way, briskly brushing aside things that cause too much thinking over her shoulder. Overall, she’s an idiot.

Notable Equipment/Inventory: Picture of Vance


Oh God, my eyes!: Celica specializes in the creation of light, and along with this the intensity of it. Letting out a brilliant glow, she can temporarily blind anyone near her basic vicinity for varying amounts of time.

Pasty light bulb: The little girl can create orbs of light that help with navigation. These orbs also act as a personal GPS system, being able to reveal the correct path to take, given she has been in the area before.

Who says tanning is a bad thing?: The rays that Celica creates also hold limited amounts of radiation within them. If exposed to them for too long, there is a good chance of getting a nice tan. Or, y’know, skin cancer.

Limits: Due to a young and inexperienced mind, Celica is unsure of how to limit the consumption of mana, leaving her deposits low in a much quicker time period. She is also affected by the lights she creates, meaning that if she produces too much radiation, she is at risk of skin cancer as much as the next guy. Finally, as said above, her clairvoyance is useless unless she has been in the area before. Without a clear mapping of the area, she has no idea where to go, or where she even is.

Music Theme ( Optional ): N/A

History ( Optional ): N/A

Extra: She’s usually found following Vance around.
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Viktor Rasputin



NAME: Viktor Rasputin
AGE: 102, but appearance in the 30s
Ethnicity: Russian
RACE: Vampire- Dampyr


yes this is Anderson Cooper.
Height: 6'4
Weight: 190lbs
Eyes: Grey
Hair: White
Unusual Marks/Body Modifications: Fang marks from where he was originally bitten on the side of his neck. Burn scar ingulfing his entire right arm from the night he was bitten.
Clothing Style: Usually dones a pair of gold-rimmed glasses to hide what he is, but due to his heighten sense they are not used for vision correction. Wears a long, military overcoat at all times, collared shirts and vests usually accompany. Leather gloves if he is outdoors to protect his skin.

Personality:Viktor is more brains than brawn, seeing as he was a specialist in the military. But usually curt and sardonic, always to the point and with a sting. Cold-hearted, just like the typical vampire stereotype mosf humans hold, Viktor is haunted by his inner demons which has carved him into the man he is today. But he can show rare acts of compassion, since his first instinct is to protect the innocent, though most scorn him for what he is.
Quirks: Has a thick Russian accent. Usually carries a canteen of blood with him, for emergencies if he feels his mana is dropping.
Mana: Emotinal


Short Bio: Viktor was born a Bastard, his mother a tailor in the local village, father a enigma to the small town. Born with solid white hair like his father, but without the vampire gene. His mother learning of his father's disease was the leading factor of his departure. Growing up ostracized by the village only because of his father, Victor found his comfort in the fantasizes of literature. But the hate for a man he never knew grew strong, inspiring his choice later in life. Once 18, Viktor decided to join the Army, hoping to learn the skills to find his father. But his plans were haulted, as he met a lovely girl in the village near his training, named Catalina. The two fell in love, and after he finished training he married the girl, and both began their new life. Paused by being deployed, Viktor returned two years later, to find his wife with child. They had a daughter doning his white hair, which they named Sasha, and she was Viktor's world. But duty called once more, this time knowing his wife was with child, and once he returned for good, Viktor was surprised to have a son, named Ilya. Taking a local job as a librarian in their village, settling down finally. But just as life was turning his way, tradgey struck. His father had found him, and once finding out he was born and had lived 30 years without the vampire gene, he vowed to destroy his life, just like his mother did his. So his only choice, Viktor packed his family off and moved deep into the Russian wilderness, knowing he'd be able to run him out for so long. And the day came when he lost. Away hunting for a deer, Viktor returned home that day to see the cabin was up in flames, and he could hear his children crying for their dad inside. But before he could save them, Viktor's own father restrained him, biting his neck and leaving him at the edge of the cabin, as the man watched from afar. As Viktor layed in the snow, listening to the diminishing cries, his arm closest to the house was afire, his last image was of his father's figure in the distance. Waking up the next morning as a fledgling, his burns only hideous scars, and his neck sore from the bite. But the thing that wasn't healed, his heart or mind. Completing the transformation process by forcing himself to drink the deer he had brought home dry, his hidden vampire gene had awoken. Leaving Russia with only the clothes on his back, Viktor spent the past 20 years scourging the Earth for his father.
Vampire's Perks- Viktor has heightened senses, making him stronger and faster than
humans. He also possesses the ablilty to regeneration.

Solider's Training- Viktor's military training makes him proficient in firearms, as well as ranging into hand-to-hand combat. Carrying his military pistol, and knife, both crafted by a infamous blacksmith in Russia.

Widow's Revenge- His anger to kill his father, and to avenge his family's death powers his mana, along with feeding.

Spells: Viktor has learned to summon elements for his use in battle. (Fire, Lightning, and Earth.) But his magic level is novice, only picking it up at the beginning of his journey twenty years ago.

Regeneration- Though Victor can heal himself if the injury is caused by holy water, a stake in his heart, or fire, the injury cannot be healed.

Feeding- Viktor requires a fresh feed every 12 hours, but his cateen holds enough to last him in between feeds. If Viktor misses a feed, his mana begins to drastically lower, and his misses his second feed, he will die.

The Sun- Sunlight dampens and weakens Viktor's magical abilities, which is why he wears heavy and long clothing. He relies heavily on his gun and knife during the day. But if he is in sunlight for more than an hour, he will grow weak and need to drink blood. If he doesn't drink, the same affects of missing a feed will occur.

Viktor carries a single-bolt revolver, and Bowie knife that were given to him during his service. Along with nessicary items such as a map, and compass. Some of the more personal items he has is a small picture of his family, which now is worn with age.

Code Shamelessly "borrowed"|| thanks StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 !

[bg=#060b05][bg=grey][bg=#475149][h][bg=#060b05; width: 75%; margin: auto;][FONT=Macondo][COLOR=grey]NAME[/COLOR][/FONT][/bg][/h]
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Name: Sede Siediti seat sit

Age: 28 just older than the guild owner :^ )

Gender: Male is the only gender

Species: Hoomin

Ethnicity/Layer: Regular grounds, ITALIANO

Mana: Energy

Physiology: Humid

Appearance: The guy wears boxer briefs and bunny slippers, so you can guess what kinda lifestyle he has. You'd assume he was overweight because he stays in a chair 24/7, however this is simply not the case! Anyone with a decent knowledge of shopping channels KNOWS that the chair is the best place to start a core body exercise. In consideration of this, Sede has built his body up with numerous chair manuevers that keep him in peak condition, which is beneficial considering Ryder and he have consistently struggled to prove their superiority over one another. (As everyone knows, Sede is older and slicks his hair back, so that immediately makes him cooler.)

Personality: Everything he says has to be emphasized by arm movements, and he wears sunglasses indoors. Think of the average Italian New Yorker.

Notable Equipment/Inventory: An antique office chair.


Exponential Velocity: The faster Sede spins, the greater the power of his strikes.

True Guild Owner: Ryder and Sede are in a constant state of competition in order to determine who would make a better guild owner.

Limits: Becomes motion sick very easily

Music Theme:

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Viktor Rasputin



NAME: Viktor Rasputin
AGE: 102, but appearance in the 30s
Ethnicity: Russian
RACE: Vampire- Dampyr


yes this is Anderson Cooper.
Height: 6'4
Weight: 190lbs
Eyes: Grey
Hair: White
Unusual Marks/Body Modifications: Fang marks from where he was originally bitten on the side of his neck. Burn scar ingulfing his entire right arm from the night he was bitten.
Clothing Style: Usually dones a pair of gold-rimmed glasses to hide what he is, but due to his heighten sense they are not used for vision correction. Wears a long, Russian military overcoat at all times, collared shirts and vests usually accompany. Leather gloves if he is outdoors to protect his skin.

Personality:Viktor is more brains than brawn, seeing as he was a specialist in the Russian military. But usually curt and sardonic, always to the point and with a sting. Cold-hearted, just like the typical vampire stereotype mosf humans hold, Viktor is haunted by his inner demons which has carved him into the man he is today. But he can show rare acts of compassion, since his first instinct is to protect the innocent, though most scorn him for what he is.
Quirks: Has a thick Russian accent. Usually carries a canteen of blood with him, for emergencies if he feels his mana is dropping.
Mana: Emotinal


Short Bio: Viktor was born a Bastard, his mother a tailor in the local village, father a enigma to the small town. Born with solid white hair like his father, but without the vampire gene. His mother learning of his father's disease was the leading factor of his departure. Growing up ostracized by the village only because of his father, Victor found his comfort in the fantasizes of literature. But the hate for a man he never knew grew strong, inspiring his choice later in life. Once 18, Viktor decided to join the Army, hoping to learn the skills to find his father. But his plans were haulted, as he met a lovely girl in the village near his training, named Catalina. The two fell in love, and after he finished training he married the girl, and both began their new life. Paused by being deployed, Viktor returned two years later, to find his wife with child. They had a daughter doning his white hair, which they named Sasha, and she was Viktor's world. But duty called once more, this time knowing his wife was with child, and once he returned for good, Viktor was surprised to have a son, named Ilya. Taking a local job as a librarian in their village, settling down finally. But just as life was turning his way, tradgey struck. His father had found him, and once finding out he was born and had lived 30 years without the vampire gene, he vowed to destroy his life, just like his mother did his. So his only choice, Viktor packed his family off and moved deep into the Russian wilderness, knowing he'd be able to run him out for so long. And the day came when he lost. Away hunting for a deer, Viktor returned home that day to see the cabin was up in flames, and he could hear his children crying for their dad inside. But before he could save them, Viktor's own father restrained him, biting his neck and leaving him at the edge of the cabin, as the man watched from afar. As Viktor layed in the snow, listening to the diminishing cries, his arm closest to the house was afire, his last image was of his father's figure in the distance. Waking up the next morning as a fledgling, his burns only hideous scars, and his neck sore from the bite. But the thing that wasn't healed, his heart or mind. Completing the transformation process by forcing himself to drink the deer he had brought home dry, his hidden vampire gene had awoken. Leaving Russia with only the clothes on his back, Viktor spent the past 20 years scourging the Earth for his father.
Vampire's Perks- Viktor has heightened senses, making him stronger and faster than
humans. He also possesses the ablilty to regeneration.

Solider's Training- Viktor's military training makes him proficient in firearms, as well as ranging into hand-to-hand combat. Carrying his military pistol, and knife, both crafted by a infamous blacksmith in Russia.

Widow's Revenge- His anger to kill his father, and to avenge his family's death powers his mana, along with feeding.

Regeneration- Though Victor can heal himself if the injury is caused by holy water, a stake in his heart, or fire, the injury cannot be healed.

Feeding- Viktor requires a fresh feed every 12 hours, but his cateen holds enough to last him in between feeds. If Viktor misses a feed, his mana begins to drastically lower, and his misses his second feed, he will die.

The Sun- Sunlight dampens and weakens Viktor's magical abilities, which is why he wears heavy and long clothing. He relies heavily on his gun and knife during the day. But if he is in sunlight for more than an hour, he will grow weak and need to drink blood. If he doesn't drink, the same affects of missing a feed will occur.

Extra stuff i might put here later idk.

Code Shamelessly "borrowed"|| thanks StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 !

[bg=#060b05][bg=grey][bg=#475149][h][bg=#060b05; width: 75%; margin: auto;][FONT=Macondo][COLOR=grey]NAME[/COLOR][/FONT][/bg][/h]
I approve of everything except the mana. If you don't mind getting in touch with a few GM's, we can work out the specifics of his emotional mana. Other than that, I really like it.
I approve of everything except the mana. If you don't mind getting in touch with a few GM's, we can work out the specifics of his emotional mana. Other than that, I really like it.

I am right now, contact Ciphrus if u want to be in the convo.

  • Ryan Silverthorne
    Ryan Silverthorne.jpg

    Gender: Male
    Species: Beastborn
    Ethnicity: Irish
    Mana: Energy
    Physiology: Beastborn
    PERSONAL INFORMATIONPersonality: Ryan grew up in harsh conditions, and as such had to be adaptable and alert. He also understands the importance of various situations and is both calm and focused. He can be helpful if asked for, but typically he's independent. Methodical in preparations and hobbies, he has become perceptive. Ryan is also resourceful, able to use unconventional methods to do the job. He's a clean freak, and as such is very tidy. Due to his quiet tendencies, he's cautious and cynical, even a bit irritable. Above all else though, he is secretive of his history.

    Notable Equipment/Inventory: Clothes, Dual daggers, Personal Note, Protection Amulet

    Powers: Two Forms, *Heightened Senses, Increased Durability, *Increased Endurance, *Increased Strength, *Increased Agility (*Marked only works in alternate form), Protection Amulet - Protects Ryan from magic by dampening the damage slightly. (EXAMPLE: Hit by a spike made of ice, it won't impale him, but it'll still puncture him and hurt like hell)

    Limits: His alternate form comes at a cost. That cost is the loss of his humanity. While he is in a wolf state, his humanity is drained and replaced by the instincts and habits of a wild animal. Upon losing a certain amount of his humanity, he will begin to forget various things, such as how to speak, what is right or wrong, and other human thought processes. (Each post in wolf form will decrease 2-5% of his humanity) The effects of his sanity loss can be undone, however, it requires EXTREME amounts of magic in order to reverse. Also while in wolf form, Ryan is unable to use things a human could use such as swords, and complex devices. He is also unable to wear armor that is not specifically outfitted for his alternate form.
    EXTRA INFORMATIONMusic Theme (Optional):
    History (Optional): WIP
    Alternate Form
    View attachment 325369

I think I covered everything (T_T)
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  • .

    Isabella Van Fenrir

    True Name
    Adonchqae ( Uh-Dawn-Sh-K)




    Hell layer


    Faith Mana

    Displays a demonic outer appearance. Angelic traits aren't visible. This makes her easily mistaken as a pure blood demon. Lacks wings. Nephalem Physiology.



    Isabel is a prideful being who loves her younger sister Julie, deeply. She's extremely grateful towards Vance even though she rarely expresses it. Whenever she can't express it in words, she tries to exert it with her competitive nature. Isabel would set up mock competitions so she could spent extra time with him in a fun way. Some of these competitions consist of witty banter and shit talking. Despite how most would take Vance's attitude, Isabel thinks it's quite funny. Which gives her even more reason to bite back when he insults her. Dangerously sarcastic. Isabel doesn't like girl things since she's slightly a 'hang out with the guys', type of girl. The only thing that can be considered girly on her part is her love for gossip and the trouble it makes. She isn't very interested in dating since she believes she has zero time for it in her life. At times Isabel can get pretty rowdy. Roughhousing, parties, and a dash of trouble making are the ingredients to her favorite drink.

    Isabel is hesitant on whether or not she wants to become the heir to hell once her father steps down. She still doesn't want to put that pressure on her younger sister though. Instead of focusing on who will inherit his throne, Isabel wishes Itami would pay more attention to his kids. The random and brief visits at home aren't enough in her eyes to fill the countless days of his absence. This is why she works hard, so she can both impress and surpass her father so she can get him to pay attention to her no matter what. She also works hard to make her mother proud. Internally, Isabel feels guilty about what happened to her mother. She feels like her mother might resent her and Julie in secret. If she hadn't of been a thought in Itami's mind then maybe her mother wouldn't have gone through what she did. Isabel often thinks that a simple visit hurts their mother, especially since they're half demonic. Sometimes she thinks about the way angels in heaven might look at her mother because of her decision to be apart of their lives. When alone and brooding Isabel may sometimes think that her mother may be better off if they simply cut ties. These thoughts are exactly why Isabel tries to stay preoccupied so she can ignore them. She may not always participate in a mass conversation but she'd definitely love to stand within it. It's much better off than being alone with her thoughts. It's an impossible wish but she still thinks of it from time to time. Isabel wishes that one day, her mother would forgive her father so they can all be a family. Despite how old Isabel is, she still has a lot to learn.

    Divine and Demonic Aura Manipulation

    The ability to gather demonic or divine aura from others or herself to use in various forms. If one has made good life choices then they possess divine aura. If one has made bad life choices, they possess demonic aura. If one is divine they cannot be helped or harmed by demonic aura she uses. If one is demonic then they cannot be helped or harmed by divine aura she uses. She can create spheres, beams, a small shield, and heal. When making a small shield, depending on the aura she crafts it with. Isabel can physically block beings coated in the opposite aura. If they are of the same aura of the shield, they can pass through. When healing with demonic aura, she can only heal those with demonic aura. When healing with divine aura, she can only heal those with divine aura. If she tries to heal someone with divine aura, nothing will happen. When attacking someone with divine aura, they have to be of demonic aura or else nothing will happen. Divine aura cannot harm someone of divine aura. Demonic aura cannot harm someone of demonic aura. They can only harm the opposite.

    Divine and Demonic Enchants

    Isabel can strip demonic or divine items of their aura and enchant. She can then use that aura in the form of a beam with the enchant on it. The type of aura would be limited to what the enchant was attached to.


    Limits were typed in powers


    Isabel was born as an intentional rape-child due to her mother being a prisoner of war. She was born in the hell layer under the custody of her father since her mother was still a prisoner there. Her father, Itami, had become the new ruler of Hell once his father Lucifer stepped down. This meant very little time was spent with her father. Occasionally, angels underneath a POW deal had to take her up to heaven when her time in hell was up. Despite her only being 1 year old, due to her species she was able to develop fast enough to retain these memories. When she was 2 years old, her sister Julie was born a month after her mother's release. Both Isabel and Julie continued to go back and forth between Heaven and Hell, feeling quite lonely-until they both met Vance when Isabel was 15. Vance was taken in under a contract to serve Isabel once they found him during a trip on the mortal layer. From then on, life wasn't so empty. It just got way too eventful.


    Isabel holds a master-slave contract with Vance. This contract started at the age of 15. Vance is bound to carry out every order she makes until she releases him from the bond. Vance is to protect her from bodily and emotional harm as well. Once you learn a nephalem's true name they either owe you a favor or their most precious item.
    Their father: View attachment 325437

    Music Theme



  • .

    Isabella Van Fenrir

    True Name
    Adonchqae ( Uh-Dawn-Sh-K)




    Hell layer


    Faith Mana

    Displays a demonic outer appearance. Angelic traits aren't visible. This makes her easily mistaken as a pure blood demon. Lacks wings. Nephalem Physiology.



    Isabel is a prideful being who loves her younger sister Julie, deeply. She's extremely grateful towards Vance even though she rarely expresses it. Whenever she can't express it in words, she tries to exert it with her competitive nature. Isabel would set up mock competitions so she could spent extra time with him in a fun way. Some of these competitions consist of witty banter and shit talking. Despite how most would take Vance's attitude, Isabel thinks it's quite funny. Which gives her even more reason to bite back when he insults her. Dangerously sarcastic. Isabel doesn't like girl things since she's slightly a 'hang out with the guys', type of girl. The only thing that can be considered girly on her part is her love for gossip and the trouble it makes. She isn't very interested in dating since she believes she has zero time for it in her life. At times Isabel can get pretty rowdy. Roughhousing, parties, and a dash of trouble making are the ingredients to her favorite drink.

    Isabel is hesitant on whether or not she wants to become the heir to hell once her father steps down. She still doesn't want to put that pressure on her younger sister though. Instead of focusing on who will inherit his throne, Isabel wishes Itami would pay more attention to his kids. The random and brief visits at home aren't enough in her eyes to fill the countless days of his absence. This is why she works hard, so she can both impress and surpass her father so she can get him to pay attention to her no matter what. She also works hard to make her mother proud. Internally, Isabel feels guilty about what happened to her mother. She feels like her mother might resent her and Julie in secret. If she hadn't of been a thought in Itami's mind then maybe her mother wouldn't have gone through what she did. Isabel often thinks that a simple visit hurts their mother, especially since they're half demonic. Sometimes she thinks about the way angels in heaven might look at her mother because of her decision to be apart of their lives. When alone and brooding Isabel may sometimes think that her mother may be better off if they simply cut ties. These thoughts are exactly why Isabel tries to stay preoccupied so she can ignore them. She may not always participate in a mass conversation but she'd definitely love to stand within it. It's much better off than being alone with her thoughts. It's an impossible wish but she still thinks of it from time to time. Isabel wishes that one day, her mother would forgive her father so they can all be a family. Despite how old Isabel is, she still has a lot to learn.

    Divine and Demonic Aura Manipulation

    The ability to gather demonic or divine aura from others or herself to use in various forms. If one has made good life choices then they possess divine aura. If one has made bad life choices, they possess demonic aura. If one is divine they cannot be helped or harmed by demonic aura she uses. If one is demonic then they cannot be helped or harmed by divine aura she uses. She can create spheres, beams, a small shield, and heal. When making a small shield, depending on the aura she crafts it with. Isabel can physically block beings coated in the opposite aura. If they are of the same aura of the shield, they can pass through. When healing with demonic aura, she can only heal those with demonic aura. When healing with divine aura, she can only heal those with divine aura. If she tries to heal someone with divine aura, nothing will happen. When attacking someone with divine aura, they have to be of demonic aura or else nothing will happen. Divine aura cannot harm someone of divine aura. Demonic aura cannot harm someone of demonic aura. They can only harm the opposite.

    Divine and Demonic Enchants

    Isabel can strip demonic or divine items of their aura and enchant. She can then use that aura in the form of a beam with the enchant on it. The type of aura would be limited to what the enchant was attached to.


    Limits were typed in powers


    Isabel was born as an intentional rape-child due to her mother being a prisoner of war. She was born in the hell layer under the custody of her father since her mother was still a prisoner there. Her father, Itami, had become the new ruler of Hell once his father Lucifer stepped down. This meant very little time was spent with her father. Occasionally, angels underneath a POW deal had to take her up to heaven when her time in hell was up. Despite her only being 1 year old, due to her species she was able to develop fast enough to retain these memories. When she was 2 years old, her sister Julie was born a month after her mother's release. Both Isabel and Julie continued to go back and forth between Heaven and Hell, feeling quite lonely-until they both met Vance when Isabel was 15. Vance was taken in under a contract to serve Isabel once they found him during a trip on the mortal layer. From then on, life wasn't so empty. It just got way too eventful.


    Isabel holds a master-slave contract with Vance. This contract started at the age of 15. Vance is bound to carry out every order she makes until she releases him from the bond. Vance is to protect her from bodily and emotional harm as well. Once you learn a nephalem's true name they either owe you a favor or their most precious item.
    Their father: View attachment 325437

    Music Theme


Isabel is rejected. I'll accept Julie tho

Isabel 1/2
Julie 1/2
LokiPokie LokiPokie

You're a meme. Why? You're a fidget spinner.

Light Light

In the name of the eternal lord of Potatoes...I accept thee into the light. Unless you're Isabella. Then you can heck off.

Both characters approved, and ready for RP.
Never send a man to do a woman's job.
Natalia Redd
Natalia Redd
Greek/Deity Layer
Demigod(daughter of Ares)

Power Source:
Deity Mana

Natalie is not just a petite woman with long beautiful red hair and sparkling red eyes. Nor is she truly a proper and polite noblewoman she tries to appear as. Natalia is truly an intelligent, very temperamental, and passionate woman. She can never keep up her lady act up because she is easily angered and quick to resort to violence if talking isn't getting anywhere. Natalie's loves the thrill of fighting, always having a devilish, psychotic smile on her face.

Natalie is very passionate about women's equality. She feels that a women can do anything men can and better. She gets angered whenever she sees women basically throwing themselves towards men for comfort or love. She loves encountering strong willed woman, who doesn't really much on men.

Amazon Physiology
DemiGod Physiology

Enhanced strength and durability
Weapon Manipulation
Natalia can control up to three weapons, whether they're bladed weapons, blunt weapons, or ranged weapons. Though having control over them doesn't grant her absolute proficiency over said weapon. When Natalia is controlling a weapon she can morph a weapon changing it into another form of its class. So a bladed weapon can be changed into another bladed weapon, and the same goes for blunt weapons and ranged weapons. Though the change isn't instant, it'll take a minimum of two post. She can only morph the weapons into other weapons she's either seen or wielded. If Natalia is wielding a weapon in her hand then that'll count as one of her three. If Natalia decides to pick up another weapon then she'll lose control of one of the weapons she was controlling. Natalia is also capable of controlling properties of weapons, changing the weight, and sharpness; though she can only change the properties of one weapon. If she tries to change another the properties on the first weapon will revert back to normal. Natalia's influence over her opponents weapon can only happen when she makes direct contact with that weapon, after that the weapon will he come hers.

Theme and Why:
Natalia was born and raised as the child of Ares. Her father trained and raised her within the deity layer. She's proven to him on many occasions that she's truly his offspring. With her rage, strength, and skill; it'll be hard not to see it. When Natalia become 16, the queen of the amazons found an interest in Natalia and recruited her to join the Amazons. While training under the Amazons she became a better fighter and strategist. When Natalia become 21, she took a break from both the Amazons and the deity layer ,and now spends her time within the mortal layer where she performs mission within a guild.

Natalia, being both a child of Ares and an Amazon, is a formidable woman. She both strong, emotionally and physically, while also being a excellent warrior. Her sword and shield is a gift from her father and 9/10 it's attached to her back. Her Amazon training has made her proficient with swords, shields, bows, and spears.
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Zane O’Conner
African American
Human with the soul of a Dragon
Power Source:
Soul Mana

Zane is mostly a laid back, fun loving person. It isn't until his hungry when he enters a hangry state. He'll start spewing out words that he doesn't even mean. Zane enjoys traveling, meeting new people and trying out knew things, hence why he joined the guild. Another thing he enjoys is opening a cold one with the boys. He's proffered drink is an Irish beer.
Dragon Physiology

Enhanced Strength
Dragon Soul
-Within Zane’s body is the soul of a lightning dragon. That very soul allows Zane to use that very dragon’s element, draconic energy, and morph into a dragon himself. However Zane's true power is locked away. He can't access the dragon’s power without unsheathing his sword which is too connected to the dragon itself. Once unsheathed the sword gives Zane limited access to the dragon's abilities. Abilities like electricity manipulation. To gain more abilities Zane must find and become one with the dragon he's connected too. Then and only then will Zane be able to unlock his other abilities. When Zane does unlock his other abilities he'll be able to morph into an Anthropomorphic lightning dragon, and gain more control of electricity. Without drawing the sword Zane is granted an enhanced condition which has proven its use in his previous battles.

Electricity Manipulation
-Once the sword is drawn, he can infuse himself and other metal/conductive objects he's touching with lightning. This gives them an Lightning aura that'll mostly shock others who touch it. When Zane losses contact with an object the lightning aura fades after a couple of seconds of no contact. When infused with lightning Zane speed is increased, being double his natural speed. Though his speed only last for two post per fight.

Theme and why:
Residing within Zane is not only the soul of dragon but also the mind of the dragon he's connected too.

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