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Multiple Settings Oath of Ash - A 1x1 RP search! (+more)


Author and seamstress.
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello! My name is Methalis, though you are more than welcome to call me Nicole. I am a... well... I won't say my age but I am old enough to have been alive in the 90's so there is that. I was born and raised in the USA, specifically North Carolina, but I have lived in Florida, New Mexico, and now Kentucky with the high likelihood that I will move again in a few years for work. I've been in the RP scene since about 2014 and, in that time, have experienced a wide variety of RPs. My most successful one, beginning in 2016, developed into my gaining full rights of the world and characters to develop it into my personal novel and short story writing projects where I have had the pleasure of working with so many talented voice actors! Though the RP aspect of that world has come to an end, the partner and I are still very good friends, and the world continues to be written in by myself! You can find links to all that in my bios if you want to hear the audiobooks. Anyway. My primary language is English. I also speak a little Swedish (jag pratar lite svenska) but not enough to fully use it in RP. I am actively taking lessons, so maybe one day.

As far as my writing goes, I will try to mirror you but will likely limit it to <5 paragraphs. I’m an author, yes, and words are my specialty, but I can only do so much at a given time! It is something we can talk about!

I will play a lot of characters… usually male. I like to have a rather well-rounded deck of personalities and histories to draw on to tell a story.

I prefer to have control over the setting and create scenarios for you to interact with. A bit like a DM for D&D except without quite as much chance and it’s only us. I will give control over, though, if desired. Just communicate with me. RP is a give and take exchange!

I am comfortable RPing in DMs, forums, or via Discord. Just let me know what you are most comfy with!

Romance isn’t a big thing for me. If it develops, cool, and I am willing to try planning for it. I am comfy writing MxM and MxF, but I have absolutely no experience with FxF so please bare with me! I won’t do any graphic stuff, either, and cursing will be extremely limited on my end.

Now for the fun stuff… plots!

I will be editing and adding more as time progresses. Feel free to reach out with any ideas you might have, too!

Fandom – No canon characters

Star Wars
  • Any era – At an unspecified time in the future, time and space have been cleaved in two, opening wormholes into other timelines. My character, Akkari, a Togruta Jedi from the late Prequels era with a rather lackluster fighting ability but considerable command of the Force has been tossed into a Force-destined meeting with your character from….
  • Shenanigans ensue. They have to find a way to get back home whether they like each other or not. Or, perhaps, find themselves fond of this new timeline and willing to abandon their true futures. Who knows!
  • This allows us to play around with dynamics a lot. Who is your character? Where are they from? What is their alignment? It could create some really unique opportunities for us!
  • Open to your plot suggestions.
Dragon Age
  • I am new to the Dragon Age series (relatively), having only completed Inquisition and currently trying to play Origins despite the bugs. I would love to write something in this wonderful world, though, if you have plots in mind! Just ask! In this scenario, I’ll probably play someone who doesn’t know a lot about the world so I can learn (Circle Mage?) with them and give you most of the “DM” control.
How To Train Your Dragon (Movies/TV)
  • I really enjoyed this series. No plots in mind… just make suggestions, I guess!
Dragon's Dogma
  • My all-time favorite game/game series. I absolutely adore the world of DD. Ideas include two Arisen meeting, an Arisen and Pawn, etc.


Oath of Ash - Fantasy world plagued by war where your character might just be the last hope thanks to an ancient ritual called the Oath of Ash. Dragons, dragon riders, gryphons, kings and queens, etc!
  • The Osledian Empire, Osledia, is your home. A coastal kingdom sheltered by high mountains to the north, serves as the stronghold of worship for Sira, the Sun, and Oira, the Moon. Each ruler before you have received the blessing of one God before ascending the throne, and now it is your turn. As the heir to the throne, you have been preparing for the moment your parent handed off the crown to you since you were born… yet this was not the way you envisioned it.

    War is on the horizon; threatening to destroy and burn everything you have ever cared about as the neighboring kingdom plans its takeover. Amid it all, your last remaining parent has fallen ill. You had expected a few more years, anticipated it even, before you were given the chance to sit on the throne but now you are racing against time to prove yourself worthy of inheriting the crown before either the war begins, or your beloved parent passes from this world.

    How does one prove their worth, however? Through the Trial of Ashes which, ultimately, leads up to the Oath of Ashes.

    The trial and, by extension, oath, is a time-honored tradition for new rulers to-be. It is a quest that can only be taken on once the individual in question is at least 20 and is ready to become ruler.

    Your character will begin their journey with a boat, a pack of supplies estimated to last a week, and a mentor/representative from their parent’s court to seek out and capture a young dragon and bring it back home.

    From there a choice must be made.
    • Spare the dragon and earn the favor of Oira, the Moon: a blessing expected to grant prosperity, safety, and an age of wealth and excess.
    • Kill the dragon, thus earning the favor of Sira, the Sun: a blessing which grants the breath of fire to the future ruler, as well as strength in combat.
    • Or… is there another way?
    • Your character must be 20 at a minimum but is allowed to be up to 30!
    • I anticipate this plot to be quite lengthy and last quite a while. The adventure is only the beginning, and I have quite a few twists and turns!
    • You can play any type of character you want and craft the history of you and your character’s parents how you wish. I will weave it into the story.
    • You are more than welcome to play multiple characters. I will be playing the mentor/representative and a whole host of others too!
    • Expect very dark themes, angst, fluff, politics, etc. We are dealing with a world torn apart by war and a moral dilemma that your character must face. Be warned, what is advertised on the tin about the Trial/Oath of Ashes may not be the full story…
    • Possibility for some romance here. Potential options include:
      • Royalty x Shape Shifter
      • Royalty x Advisor
I am completely open to new plot suggestions too! I really just want to tell a good story with someone. If you have an idea, please do not hesitate to reach out so we can chat and consider!
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Updated Oath of Ashes plot info. That's the one I am most interested in for sure, but I definitely am looking for interest in the others, too. :)

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