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The Once and Future King of the Night

Prince Hal

Itinerant Gentleman-Rogue
@UnwantedTruth ((Here we go, finally starting! Apologies for the late start; I was not satisfied with the prologue but ultimately decided I've delayed you enough.))


It is the 500th Year in the Christian calendar. Our fair island of Britannia lies stricken, not by disease but by war. From the North, the drums beat as the Painted Ones raid the Kingdom of Rheged and Damnonia. To the East, the Saxons march. Their banners number endless across the green fields of central Britain. From the West, Irish pirates plunder the coasts and have forged the kingdoms of Demet and Dal Riata. Many are the despairing masses of Britons. The petty British kingdoms war against one another, and slowly, yet surely, the lights across Britannia dim as the kingdoms fall, one by one. Yet it is from the darkness that perhaps Britannia's only hope lies. Ancient beyond reckoning, the Damned, creatures that drink the blood of the living but gain immeasurable power in turn, are the true power behind the thrones of the British Kingdoms. But can they save Britannia?

Far to the south of Britannia, the ancient Kingdom of Kernow has fallen. A young general, leader of Dumnonia's armies, has united the Cornish. His men, triumphant, crowned this general king of the Dumnonians. The true king of Dumnonia has named this general his heir, gifting the man his daughter, Guinevere in marriage. And so it was that Arthur, the Pendragon, would come to unite Britannia. This is his story, and the story of his warriors, the fearsome Equites, a regiment of horsemen trained in the old Roman fashion.

Our story, however, begins across the Channel, in the Kingdom of Brittany. The Brother Kings, Ban and Bors, have summoned their kinsmen, Lionel, Bors the Younger, and Lancelot of the Lake. Their kingdom newly united, the Breton Kings seek allies, and that ally is Arthur.

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