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Fandom The 'Not So Normal' High School (ALWAYS OPEN)-CS

{Teen Titans}
Raven - Student

Rachel Roth | Demon of Azarath

Age: Seventeen

Species: Half-Azarathian [her homeworld] & Half-Demon

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Grade: 11th Grade - Junior

Mannerisms: Raven has the habit of covering her face with her hands or, most notably, her hood whenever she feels any kind of emotion of or relating to distress. She also has the tendency to 'shut people up' or walk out of a conversation she isn't enjoying.​

Appearance: Raven was never on the tall side, standing at 5'4", nor was she very heavy, weighing around 115lbs. She has a very small frame with a tight waist and a mid-sized chest. Compared to the rest of her body her thighs and hips are the biggest as they flare out from her waist, giving her that 'hourglass' appearance. Her skin is almost a deathly pale as if there was no warmth or pigment in her body. Her eyes are a deep purple-ish blue identical to her cloak. Her hair is jet black just like a raven and most of her apparel.​

Personality: Rae is the literal embodiment of the deadly sins, often times she is referred to as Pride itself. That being said, her emotions are quite unstable and hard to keep under wraps. At times of weakness or great distress, they tend to slip out taking over her form depending on her emotions. Due to the fear of losing control over herself, she keeps herself stoic and distant from all extreme feelings. More often than not she is seen with a blank expression and distant eyes. From all her time practicing control she now prefers it this way, increasing her maturity.
Now just because she prefers to be emotionally detached from herself doesn't mean she isn't capable of expressing other emotions. Her true self is sarcastic, light-hearted, compassionate, and loyal to a fault. There's not a time where she can't find a witty remark to say before then giving the same person the best advice they ever heard. For her friends, she will do anything for, even die if they asked her. She loves them as if they were her true family but if that trust is broken it's terribly hard to earn back. Overall, Raven is extremely unpredictable.​

Backstory: Born from the demon warlord Trigon and Azarathian Arella Roth and raised in her homeworld Azarath by the great monks. With only her father still alive he was the only influence in her life, trying to turn her into his evil successor. The monks shielded her from most of his grasps, teaching her ways to keep the demons she held inside locked away with her abilities. After a confrontation with her father, Raven fled to Earth at age fourteen where she met her band of companions. Beast Boy was always her favorite deep down even though he annoyed her whole soul whenever he would call her RaeRae or tell one of his 'terrible' jokes. Nonetheless, she appreciated his company and efforts in making her feel welcome. Starfire became more like her blood sister and best friend throughout their adventures, bonding and understanding unlike anyone else she has ever met. Robin and Cyborg were like the brothers she never truly had and cherished their friendship and opinions. This was her family that brought the smile she never had to her face even while faced with adversity. Her new life was saving others who couldn't defend themselves with a band of adolescents who called themselves the Teen Titans but now she goes to high school since the world's a little safer.​

Favorite Class: Psychology & English

Likes: Teas of various kinds | Horror movies | Meditation | Reading & Literature | Pretty Pretty Pegasus [her favorite being Butterbean & Sparkleface] | Creepy Places

Dislikes: Loud/Sudden noises | Breaking her space bubble | Trigon [daddy issues] | People touching her things | Suspect/Untrustworthy people | Chickens [highly allergic]

Fears: Becoming the murderous demon her father wants her to be | Losing all control of her emotions | Her nightmares/visions | Hurting someone she cares for
Theme Song:

Inside her mind lives her actual emotions, each one with their own quirks. Whenever she wears her cloak it changes color according to the emotion along with the color of her eyes.

Happiness: Wears/likes pink - loves sunshines, dolls [namely Pretty Pretty Pegasus] and extremely childish
Timid: Wears/likes grey - afraid of its own shadow, very apologetic and cries a lot
Bravery: Wears/likes green - completely fearless and confident but makes very irrational decisions
Rudeness: Wears/likes orange - no filter whatsoever, blunt with no guilt or compassion, and does whatever it wants whenever it wants
Rage: Wear/likes red, has four red demon eyes - the embodiment of complete and utter anger, hatred and destruction, wants nothing more than to hurt those around it, and likes to break things for no reason
Knowledge: Wears/likes yellow, has round glasses - brainiac mind and very nerdy
Love: Wears/likes light purple/violet - Extremely affectionate and flirtatious, carefree and appreciative, and loves hugs and kisses
Sloth: Wears/likes brown - lethargic, lazy, laid-back, and inattentive
These are all of the expressions most commonly seen on normal Raven without her craziness. Plus I thought it was cute.
Empathy- Psionic ability to absorb emotions, enabling her to experience the feelings of others. She can receive precognitive flashes of the future when exposed to extreme emotion. By using her empathy to guide her, she can track others with her soul-self.


Teleportation- Raven's soul-self is able to envelop her (along with at least four other people) and travel to other dimensions or places on Earth. She can pass through walls and obstacles by simply teleporting past them.

Telekinesis- Raven can merge a small part of her soul-self into objects in order to take control of them, with the object essentially becoming an extension of her soul-self. Whenever she takes control of something, it is covered in the same dark energy that composes her soul-self.

Darkness/Shadow Manipulation- Raven has the power to create and control the element of pure Darkness and shadows and bend it to her will; usually using it in conjunction with her telekinesis. She typically creates giant claws to grab things, giant fists to defeat enemies, and platforms to carry people on.

Soul-Self/Astral Projection- The basis of almost all of Raven's powers are derived from her soul-self. She is able to project her own spirit from her body into a ghostly form, using it to interact with the physical world and affect others mentally. It normally takes the form of either her human shape or a giant raven. She is capable of changing its shape and mass at will and can alter her own appearance with her soul-self, like increasing her size or making her face hideous. Through the use of her soul-self, Raven can project her consciousness into the mind, for therapeutic purposes (to aid in her own meditation or to help calm an agitated ally), or for offensive attacks. Though normally composed of energy that is colored black, Raven's soul-self can change color depending on her emotional state.

Sorry if she got a lot going on. I only picked her most notable abilities and made them less overpowered out of all her extra abilities. I especially picked the ones that are basically the same thing.
I guess if I gotta pick my actual favorite food it'd be my momma's baked ziti with meat in it.

Peach Tea Peach Tea
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{Teen Titans}
Raven - Student

Rachel Ross | Demon of Azarath

Age: Seventeen

Species: Half-Azarathian [her homeworld] & Half-Demon

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Grade: 11th Grade - Junior

Mannerisms: Raven has the habit of covering her face with her hands or, most notably, her hood whenever she feels any kind of emotion of or relating to distress. She also has the tendency to 'shut people up' or walk out of a conversation she isn't enjoying.​

Appearance: Raven was never on the tall side, standing at 5'4", nor was she very heavy, weighing around 115lbs. She has a very small frame with a tight waist and a mid-sized chest. Compared to the rest of her body her thighs and hips are the biggest as they flare out from her waist, giving her that 'hourglass' appearance. Her skin is almost a deathly pale as if there was no warmth or pigment in her body. Her eyes are a deep purple-ish blue identical to her cloak. Her hair is jet black just like a raven and most of her apparel.​

Personality: Rae is the literal embodiment of the deadly sins, often times she is referred to as Pride itself. That being said, her emotions are quite unstable and hard to keep under wraps. At times of weakness or great distress, they tend to slip out taking over her form depending on her emotions. Due to the fear of losing control over herself, she keeps herself stoic and distant from all extreme feelings. More often than not she is seen with a blank expression and distant eyes. From all her time practicing control she now prefers it this way, increasing her maturity.
Now just because she prefers to be emotionally detached from herself doesn't mean she isn't capable of expressing other emotions. Her true self is sarcastic, light-hearted, compassionate, and loyal to a fault. There's not a time where she can't find a witty remark to say before then giving the same person the best advice they ever heard. For her friends, she will do anything for, even die if they asked her. She loves them as if they were her true family but if that trust is broken it's terribly hard to earn back. Overall, Raven is extremely unpredictable.​

Backstory: Born from the demon warlord Trigon and Azarathian Arella Roth and raised in her homeworld Azarath by the great monks. With only her father still alive he was the only influence in her life, trying to turn her into his evil successor. The monks shielded her from most of his grasps, teaching her ways to keep the demons she held inside locked away with her abilities. After a confrontation with her father, Raven fled to Earth at age fourteen where she met her band of companions. Beast Boy was always her favorite deep down even though he annoyed her whole soul whenever he would call her RaeRae or tell one of his 'terrible' jokes. Nonetheless, she appreciated his company and efforts in making her feel welcome. Starfire became more like her blood sister and best friend throughout their adventures, bonding and understanding unlike anyone else she has ever met. Robin and Cyborg were like the brothers she never truly had and cherished their friendship and opinions. This was her family that brought the smile she never had to her face even while faced with adversity. Her new life was saving others who couldn't defend themselves with a band of adolescents who called themselves the Teen Titans but now she goes to high school since the world's a little safer.​

Favorite Class: Psychology & English

Likes: Teas of various kinds | Horror movies | Meditation | Reading & Literature | Pretty Pretty Pegasus [her favorite being Butterbean & Sparkleface] | Creepy Places

Dislikes: Loud/Sudden noises | Breaking her space bubble | Trigon [daddy issues] | People touching her things | Suspect/Untrustworthy people | Chickens [highly allergic]

Fears: Becoming the murderous demon her father wants her to be | Losing all control of her emotions | Her nightmares/visions | Hurting someone she cares for
Theme Song:

Inside her mind lives her actual emotions, each one with their own quirks. Whenever she wears her cloak it changes color according to the emotion along with the color of her eyes.

Happiness: Wears/likes pink - loves sunshines, dolls [namely Pretty Pretty Pegasus] and extremely childish
Timid: Wears/likes grey - afraid of its own shadow, very apologetic and cries a lot
Bravery: Wears/likes green - completely fearless and confident but makes very irrational decisions
Rudeness: Wears/likes orange - no filter whatsoever, blunt with no guilt or compassion, and does whatever it wants whenever it wants
Rage: Wear/likes red, has four red demon eyes - the embodiment of complete and utter anger, hatred and destruction, wants nothing more than to hurt those around it, and likes to break things for no reason
Knowledge: Wears/likes yellow, has round glasses - brainiac mind and very nerdy
Love: Wears/likes light purple/violet - Extremely affectionate and flirtatious, carefree and appreciative, and loves hugs and kisses
Sloth: Wears/likes brown - lethargic, lazy, laid-back, and inattentive
These are all of the expressions most commonly seen on normal Raven without her craziness. Plus I thought it was cute.
Empathy- Psionic ability to absorb emotions, enabling her to experience the feelings of others. She can receive precognitive flashes of the future when exposed to extreme emotion. By using her empathy to guide her, she can track others with her soul-self.


Teleportation- Raven's soul-self is able to envelop her (along with at least four other people) and travel to other dimensions or places on Earth. She can pass through walls and obstacles by simply teleporting past them.

Telekinesis- Raven can merge a small part of her soul-self into objects in order to take control of them, with the object essentially becoming an extension of her soul-self. Whenever she takes control of something, it is covered in the same dark energy that composes her soul-self.

Darkness/Shadow Manipulation- Raven has the power to create and control the element of pure Darkness and shadows and bend it to her will; usually using it in conjunction with her telekinesis. She typically creates giant claws to grab things, giant fists to defeat enemies, and platforms to carry people on.

Soul-Self/Astral Projection- The basis of almost all of Raven's powers are derived from her soul-self. She is able to project her own spirit from her body into a ghostly form, using it to interact with the physical world and affect others mentally. It normally takes the form of either her human shape or a giant raven. She is capable of changing its shape and mass at will and can alter her own appearance with her soul-self, like increasing her size or making her face hideous. Through the use of her soul-self, Raven can project her consciousness into the mind, for therapeutic purposes (to aid in her own meditation or to help calm an agitated ally), or for offensive attacks. Though normally composed of energy that is colored black, Raven's soul-self can change color depending on her emotional state.

Sorry if she got a lot going on. I only picked her most notable abilities and made them less overpowered out of all her extra abilities. I especially picked the ones that are basically the same thing.
I guess if I gotta pick my actual favorite food it'd be my momma's baked ziti with meat in it.

Peach Tea Peach Tea

Accepted!!! Raven is the best!!



Name: Grayson Anthony Bell
Nicknames: Gray
Age: 17
Species: Demon
Grade: 11th/Junior

Mannerisms: Constantly runs his hands through his hair
Weight: 140lb
Body Type:Average

Personality: Grayson is your typical bad boy.He has little respect for rules or people in general. He can be very arrogant with high levels of sarcasm.But although he can be a major ass, he's loyal and reliable to the few people he let's close to him.
Backstory: Grayson was born half demon half human.His mother is human. Soon after his birth his dad abandoned them leaving his mom a single mother. She usually had to work long hours to take care of them. in school Grayson was often bullied for being poorer than the rest. That's how he began to steal and get into fights.
He learned to take care of himself.He didn't bother to listen to rules or authority anymore.The only person he worried about was himself. He did whatever he wanted and treated people anyway he wanted without much care for others feelings.
Favorite Class:Gym
Teacher or Student:Student
Likes:Music,the color red,movies,snakes
Dislikes: eggs,cats,authority
Fears: Confined places

**Uses cursing and explicit words**

Other: Lasagna is life​



Name: Grayson Anthony Bell
Nicknames: Gray
Age: 17
Species: Demon
Grade: 11th/Junior


Mannerisms: Constantly runs his hands through his hair
Weight: 140lb
Body Type:Average

Personality: Grayson is your typical bad boy.He has little respect for rules or people in general. He can be very arrogant with high levels of sarcasm.But although he can be a major ass, he's loyal and reliable to the few people he let's close to him.
Backstory: Grayson was born half demon half human.His mother is human. Soon after his birth his dad abandoned them leaving his mom a single mother. She usually had to work long hours to take care of them. in school Grayson was often bullied for being poorer than the rest. That's how he began to steal and get into fights.
He learned to take care of himself.He didn't bother to listen to rules or authority anymore.The only person he worried about was himself. He did whatever he wanted and treated people anyway he wanted without much care for others feelings.
Favorite Class:Gym
Teacher or Student:Student
Likes:Music,the color red,movies,snakes
Dislikes: eggs,cats,authority
Fears: Confined places


**Uses cursing and explicit words**

Other: Lasagna is life​

Is this a WIP?



Name: Grayson Anthony Bell
Nicknames: Gray
Age: 17
Species: Demon
Grade: 11th/Junior


Mannerisms: Constantly runs his hands through his hair
Weight: 140lb
Body Type:Average

Personality: Grayson is your typical bad boy.He has little respect for rules or people in general. He can be very arrogant with high levels of sarcasm.But although he can be a major ass, he's loyal and reliable to the few people he let's close to him.
Backstory: Grayson was born half demon half human.His mother is human. Soon after his birth his dad abandoned them leaving his mom a single mother. She usually had to work long hours to take care of them. in school Grayson was often bullied for being poorer than the rest. That's how he began to steal and get into fights.
He learned to take care of himself.He didn't bother to listen to rules or authority anymore.The only person he worried about was himself. He did whatever he wanted and treated people anyway he wanted without much care for others feelings.
Favorite Class:Gym
Teacher or Student:Student
Likes:Music,the color red,movies,snakes
Dislikes: eggs,cats,authority
Fears: Confined places


**Uses cursing and explicit words**

Other: Lasagna is life​

I can see it now XD

Oo he's hot! .0.

[color= green]Lifty[/color]
  • [color= white]
    [color= lightgreen]"Hm? My name? Lifty Lovelace.""[/color]
    Lifty Lovelace

    [color= lightgreen]"What? Who's the older one? We're twins, we're the same age!"[/color]
    18, thirteen minutes younger than Shifty

    [color= lightgreen]"I'm a pretty girl, ain't I?"[/color]

    [color= lightgreen]"What's that supposed to mean? I'm clearly a raccoon."[/color]
    Half raccoon.

    [color= lightgreen]"I'm straight... To the bank with all this cash, bitch I'm rich. Jokes aside, I'm bisexual."[/color]

    [color= lightgreen]"About ready to get out of this Hell they call a school"[/color]
    12th, Senior

    Favourite Class:
    [color= lightgreen]"Well, there's a reason I'm frequently covered in oil."[/color]
    Auto Technology

    Student or Teacher:
    [color= lightgreen]"How about you take a guess as to which an eighteen year old is?"[/color]

    [color= lightgreen]"You ask that when you're looking at me?"[/color]
    Lifty is a tad shorter than his twin brother, Shifty, though otherwise he's the perfect mirror image of him. His hair is grassy green in colour, that reaches a bit past his shoulders at the longest point with bangs that are long enough to cover his eyes if he doesn't move them out of his face. Coming out of this hair are two soft raccoon ears. If you can get his hair out of his eyes, underneath he has two pretty purple eyes. When he's in a good mood, he generally has a lopsided grin, as if he doesn't have a care in the world. From his tailbone extends a long, striped green tail.

    Due to the fact that when he dies his body puts itself back together perfectly, he doesn't have any scars on him apart from his belly button. He doesn't know if it would be possible for him to permanently scar. He's died more times than he can count and his body is still the same, so he assumes not. Then again, Russel and Handy are missing limbs...

    When it comes to clothes, he doesn't have any staple accessories or clothes. What does he look like, an anime character? He prefers button ups to regular t-shirts, but that's the only thing that's relatively consistent. Notably, he never wears hats, so that he's not confused for his brother.

    Happy Tree Friends

My favourite food has gotta be Cosmic Brownies
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in that case, Peach Tea Peach Tea , can I bump Tails down to junior? just since currently both of my characters are in the same year they'd probably have to interact...and I don't like interacting with myself
Osamu Ito
[ N A M E ]

[ A G E ]
[ S P E C I E S ]
[ G E N D E R ]
[ S E X U A L I T Y ]
[ G R A D E ]
[R O L E]



[ M A N N E R I S M S ]




[ L I K E S ]


[ D I S L I K E S ]


[ F E A R S ]


[ F A V O R I T E
C L A S S ]


[ O T H E R ]

right-o, I've updated Tails. I've also mentioned in his Powers/Abilities his Titan form, even though it will never appear, because I find it funny how powerful Tails is compared to everyone else in the Sonic universe.
say, Peach Tea Peach Tea , we've got a fair few people and characters now - I don't wish to seem like i'm trying to rush you or anything, but do you have any ideas on when the RP will start (since a few of us have been waiting for like a couple of weeks or so :P)

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