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Fandom The 'Not So Normal' High School (ALWAYS OPEN)-CS

Don't know who she is. Also why are you taking a picture from (who i assume to be) a idol. that's somewhat...ehh, weird...
Ah, fuck it. Everyone else is doing this, I might as well
View attachment 334373
Name: Keith Fetus
Nicknames: Dr. Fetus
Age: 0 (fuck you)
Species: Male
Gender: Fetus
Grade: Again, he's a fucking fetus.
Mannerisms: Trys to kill people with sawblades, rocket launchers, demons and other shit. You know, normal things.
Appearance: It's a fetus in a jar. Not much to say here.
Personality: He's a fucking asshole that wants people dead.
Backstory: Stole Meat Boy's girlfriend, Meat Boy got it back, now he's stuck teaching for a while to get enough money to afford more things to kill Meat Boy. Right now he's probably good to keep him busy for a while, but he still hasn't killed all of his students...yet.
Favorite Class: No class
Teacher or Student: History teacher that probably is the kind that kills their students.
Likes: Murdering people, sawblades, making deals with demons, owning a salt factory, flooding hospitals, burning down forests
Dislikes: Meat Boy, anything even somewhat related to him in a positive light
Fears: Meat Boy kicking his ass
Theme Song:

Was this really necessary .-.

Name: Vera Bradley

Nicknames: Squishy, Chaos, Ver

Age: fifteen, nearly sixteen

Species: Mutant (she has telekinetic powers)

Gender: female

Sexuality: bisexual

Grade: tenth, sophomore year

Mannerisms: Vera has a habit of constantly running her hand through her hair when she is nervous, bored, or in any circumstance really. Also, when she is really upset, she tends to do, what she calls, "psychotic" cleaning and organizing. Also,sometimes when she's bored, she absent mindedly plays around with her powers.

Appearance: Vera is 5'4. Her hair is obviously dyed and changes around every once and a while.

Personality: Vera is the kind of person that can act like anybody cause she has so many aspects to her and cause her core personality traits are wide between. She usually comes off as the sarcastic or rude type. Vera is a little closed off st first, and she typically doesn't like the idea of letting anyone become close to her, so she almost "protects" herself from that with the use of dry humor, sarcasm, and sass. She might seem apathetic, but she is actually very sympathetic and empathetic,just rarely shows it. When a person gets to know her they find out her true personality. Turns out, Vera is quite the adorable character. She's actually sweet to those she cares for, and has a humor that isn't- GASP- dry. It all depends on the person and the circumstance.

Backstory: Vera was a mutant born into a perfectly normal family. When she first started showing her telekinetic powers and when signs came up that she's a mutant,her whole family reacted differently. Her younger brother,enthralled by the idea of superpowers,of course thought that his eleven year old sister was epic. Her mother was terrified that what if these powers endangered her or others? Her father,however, was absolutely livid, and to this day, Vera still doesn't understand why he was so angered when he found out she is a mutant.

Favorite Class: history or music

Teacher or Student: student

Likes: Listening to music, noise, nighttime, the dark, dyeing her hair, swimming, singing and composing, painting

Dislikes: irritating noises, bubble gum,bright lights, dead silence, cliches and stereotypes

Fears: heights, being left alone, hurting someone, bananas(long story)

Theme Song: Rise Up by Andra Day

mmm, macadamia nut cookies are just :hearteyes:

Peach Tea Peach Tea
that's a bit of a exaggeration, no? i put alot of effort into that. plus if we can have gordon ramsay we can definitely have dr fetus.
No. Listen there's an age limit, and I had a conversation about having a Gordon Ramsey. So unless you're going to take the 100% seriously then please don't bother.
No. Listen there's an age limit, and I had a conversation about having a Gordon Ramsey. So unless you're going to take the 100% seriously then please don't bother.

you're upset about some age limit? the guy still acts much like a adult, i dont understand how filling things out for specification's sake is a problem
you're upset about some age limit? the guy still acts much like a adult, i dont understand how filling things out for specification's sake is a problem
Is it that hard to take a CS seriously and not just make a half-assed character for the fun of it?
Name: Captain Viridian

Nicknames: Viridian

Age: 32 (not specified but for specification's sake)

Species: Villi

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Grade: Astronomy Teacher, Notsonormal School

Mannerisms: N/A

Appearance: N/A

Personality: Viridian is a adventure-loving captain. He will stop at nothing to rescue his crewmates, even going through labyrinths to help them from their predicaments. He is also very positive, but sometimes dwell on the fact he may not rescue all of his friends throughout the main story of VVVVVV

Backstory: (credit to the vvvvvv wiki)
When the D.S.S. Souleye was trapped in Dimension VVVVVV after hitting the "Ninstar Elevator Defense," Viridian and the five members of his crew were all seperated and teleported to seemingly random places in the dimension. Viridian then embarked on a perilous journey through the dimension to rescue his crew and find his ship.

After making it through Space Station 1, he soon found Violet and the Souleye. Violet informed him that a bizarre signal was interfering with their equipment, and caused the Souleye to lose its quantum position and collapse into Dimension VVVVVV. She also said that they should be able to fix the Souleye and escape Dimension VVVVVV, as long as they could find the rest of the crew, which could be anywhere. Viridian then asked Violet if the crew could teleport to the ship. Violet didn't think so, as the crew had no way to communicate with them, they couldn't pick up the crew's signal, and they couldn't teleport to the ship unless they knew where it was.

Indeed, the crew was not able to teleport to the ship, and Viridian was forced to rescue them after Violet sent him to look for them. The order in which they were rescued is unknown, as it is up to the player to decide which of VVVVVV's multiple scenarios occured. The player has some clues with which to aid Viridian's search; just before Viridian left the ship, Violet showed him fifteen points on his map, represented by question marks. Violet said that they appeared on her scanners as high energy patterns, and speculated that they were teleporters, which, in fact, they were. She further speculated that they were probably built near something important, and possibly very good places for Viridian to look for his crew. She wasn't entirely correct, however; most of them led to nowhere.

Favorite Class: Astronomy

Teacher or Student: Astronomy Teacher

Likes: Space, his crewmates, the S.S. Souleye

Dislikes: Spikes, enemies, getting stuck in dimensions

Fears: Getting spiked, getting hit by a enemy

Theme Song:

View attachment 334391
Name: Captain Viridian

Nicknames: Viridian

Age: 32 (not specified but for specification's sake)

Species: Villi

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Grade: Astronomy Teacher, Notsonormal School

Mannerisms: N/A

Appearance: N/A

Personality: Viridian is a adventure-loving captain. He will stop at nothing to rescue his crewmates, even going through labyrinths to help them from their predicaments. He is also very positive, but sometimes dwell on the fact he may not rescue all of his friends throughout the main story of VVVVVV

Backstory: (credit to the vvvvvv wiki)
When the D.S.S. Souleye was trapped in Dimension VVVVVV after hitting the "Ninstar Elevator Defense," Viridian and the five members of his crew were all seperated and teleported to seemingly random places in the dimension. Viridian then embarked on a perilous journey through the dimension to rescue his crew and find his ship.

After making it through Space Station 1, he soon found Violet and the Souleye. Violet informed him that a bizarre signal was interfering with their equipment, and caused the Souleye to lose its quantum position and collapse into Dimension VVVVVV. She also said that they should be able to fix the Souleye and escape Dimension VVVVVV, as long as they could find the rest of the crew, which could be anywhere. Viridian then asked Violet if the crew could teleport to the ship. Violet didn't think so, as the crew had no way to communicate with them, they couldn't pick up the crew's signal, and they couldn't teleport to the ship unless they knew where it was.

Indeed, the crew was not able to teleport to the ship, and Viridian was forced to rescue them after Violet sent him to look for them. The order in which they were rescued is unknown, as it is up to the player to decide which of VVVVVV's multiple scenarios occured. The player has some clues with which to aid Viridian's search; just before Viridian left the ship, Violet showed him fifteen points on his map, represented by question marks. Violet said that they appeared on her scanners as high energy patterns, and speculated that they were teleporters, which, in fact, they were. She further speculated that they were probably built near something important, and possibly very good places for Viridian to look for his crew. She wasn't entirely correct, however; most of them led to nowhere.

Favorite Class: Astronomy

Teacher or Student: Astronomy Teacher

Likes: Space, his crewmates, the S.S. Souleye

Dislikes: Spikes, enemies, getting stuck in dimensions

Fears: Getting spiked, getting hit by a enemy

Theme Song:


Thank you, and accepted

Name: Isaiah Benjamin Kim

Nicknames: Isa

Age: seventeen

Species: mutant, pyrokinesis

Gender: male

Sexuality: bisexual

Grade: twelfth grade, senior year

Personality: Isaiah is much cheerier than his friend Vera. He's still just as sarcastic and sassy, if not more, but definitely the friendlier of the two. Isaiah is easy to talk to, especially if you need some major cheering up. He knows how to lift spirits, and is just as good at intimidating people. While he's usually an adorable sarcastic fuzz ball, he's buff and is smart enough to know exactly when something is going wrong, and yes he will fight you if he must.

Background: When Isaiah's family found out about his pyrokinesis, they weren't all that shocked. His older sister had been a mutant too, being able to teleport. His grandmother had geokinesis as well. When they found out, his parents were at first scared at what might happened, but the family got accustomed to it.life was fairly normal until a devastating airplane crash that killed Isaiah's mother who was on a business trip. After that, his father turned cold and barely came out of his study to talk to his family. Isaiah and his sister were basically all they had for each other, but Isaiah never lost his bold spirit.

Favorite Class: English

Teacher or Student: student

Likes: daytime, laughing, jokes, running, trivia and logic, having company, cats, most animals

Dislikes: small dogs, sweltering heat, the dark, loud noise, mellow music, annoying people, people that take things too seriously or literally

Fears: burning, drowning, spiders, losing someone he loves

Theme Song: Its Time by Imagine Dragons

Still love cookies :ghostv:

Peach Tea Peach Tea

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