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Fandom The 'Not So Normal' High School (ALWAYS OPEN)-CS

Considering hes already been accepted, i think that his characters staying as they are is fine
this was a recent decision - and this is me saying what the GM told me...so...like I said, it's ultimately up to the GM - I just enforce what Intelligence says to me. And she says to me that she'd prefer it if everyone had one staff max and for people who have two staff I just try and nudge them to do the one.
like I said, its preferred that people didn't have two staff. besides, its probably more fun to have a student anyways - but yeah. we'd prefer it if you didn't have two staff. take it up with Peach Tea Peach Tea if you wish but this is what ive been told by the GM so...you know.
Ok, well, I ran both of them through her and she approved of them both (and requested Gordon Ramsay)
So i think we gud
Hey guys, I'm gonna have to Drop this roleplay. Sorry for the inconvenience, I hope your roleplay goes well.

Feel free to have someone else play my characters, or to have them be used as NPCs.
Can we have Palpatine as Student Body President?
And Darth Jar Jar as class advisor of the Naboo
"Mesa propose... to give immediately emergency powahs... to tha student president!"
IMG_9062.JPG (The girl not sasuke It's the only pic I found that I liked)

Name:Sasuke Uchiha

Nickname: duckbutt


Species:human? With visual jutsu



Grade: 9th grade (freshmen)

Mannerism: she has a habit of sayibg 'hn' all the freaking time!! It's like she don't got no vocabulary.

Appearance: her height is 5'1, weight? Well I don't know let's just say she's light, she has rosy cheeks.

Personality: She is really a mystery, she doesn't ever show her emotions for certain reasons (which will be explained in her back story) she never really let someone in, she is always aspiring to be better and better, she always trains all the time, she seems emotionless, but inside she's dying, she seems rude at times, and she doesn't really smile, but at the times she does, it's truly amazing. (Cause she literally doesn't smile!)

Backstory: One day sasuke was running back home because he was late, but then he saw something horrific, the memebers of his clan was all sluttered, she continued to walk back to her house, she opened the door slowly, shouting her parents names, she looked all over the house, and then there was one room left, she opened the door slowly and there she saw her beloved parents lifeless body on the floor, she broke down crying, and the person who killed her clan, was none other than her brother, Itachi Uchiha.

Favourite class: training (you know like combat)

Teacher or Student: student

Likes: doesn't particularly like anything

Dislikes: dislikes a LOT of things

Fears: not accomplishing her dream ( which is to kill her brother Itachi Uchiha)

Favourite food: tomatoes
Theme song:

Peach Tea Peach Tea
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View attachment 340020 (The girl not sasuke It's the only pic I found that I liked)

Name:Sasuke Uchiha

Nickname: duckbutt


Species:human? With visual jutsu



Grade: 9th grade (freshmen)

Mannerism: she has a habit of sayibg 'hn' all the freaking time!! It's like she don't got no vocabulary.

Appearance: her height is 5'1, weight? Well I don't know let's just say she's light, she has rosy cheeks.

Personality: She is really a mystery, she doesn't ever show her emotions for certain reasons (which will be explained in her back story) she never really let someone in, she is always aspiring to be better and better, she always trains all the time, she seems emotionless, but inside she's dying, she seems rude at times, and she doesn't really smile, but at the times she does, it's truly amazing. (Cause she literally doesn't smile!)

Backstory: One day sasuke was running back home because he was late, but then he saw something horrific, the memebers of his clan was all sluttered, she continued to walk back to her house, she opened the door slowly, shouting her parents names, she looked all over the house, and then there was one room left, she opened the door slowly and there she saw her beloved parents lifeless body on the floor, she broke down crying, and the person who killed her clan, was none other than her brother, Itachi Uchiha.

Favourite class: training (you know like combat)

Teacher or Student: student

Likes: doesn't particularly like anything

Dislikes: dislikes a LOT of things

Fears: not accomplishing her dream ( which is to kill her brother Itachi Uchiha)

Theme song:

Peach Tea Peach Tea

read the rules, please.
Photobucket is... just the most amazing thing ever. This time I'm sorry but I actually can't because... Photobucket is probably just the worst thing possible and I can't really do anything else than just post a link because if I just do the image itself, it won't work.. Sorry
The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
I feel like it's more likely to be the fact Windows 10 is a piece of arse, but I understand. But, I do ask that you try to get an image that does work XD
again, sorry about all of this, but you know... :P
Ughhhhhhhhh (CRUELTY THY NAME IS PHOTOBUCKET (and the image was perfect too..))

I'll find another

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