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Fantasy The New Gods - OOC

Autumn McJavabean Autumn McJavabean
I had several working ideas. I'll ask you for which you'd prefer for the roleplay. Not sure if these are possible, so that's why I'm asking:

- God of Something
Literally, a God of "Something." Nothing in particular. Because of his nature, every time people refer to him, they call him "something else." One time, a friend will call him William Jackson, and the other time, a friend will call him "Teddy Bear" because he isn't one particular existence. He's just "something." More a force of nature than something in particular. The kind of "Bigfoot is my drinking buddy" character. Technically a cryptid.

- God of Melodramatic Villainy
You can see where this goes. Twirly mustache, dark cloak, long staff, a tophat. That's right, the most cliche turn of events ever, when he ties a random woman to the traintracks and tells everyone how evil his genius plan is! Then he'll go off to monologue for ten minutes about his convoluted world domination plan, allowing his nemesis to find an equally convoluted way of escaping unnoticed and saving the day. Yes, I know, this idea is worthy of 2017's Munchkin Award, but it would make for some gaggerific moments and a good source of comic relief in an otherwise dark world.

- God of Candles
Just an idea I had. Candles are neat. They carry light into the darkness and burn with hope. They are for wishing on during your birthday, but they are also what we use to mark the departure of loved ones. It's a really clean concept, that I think is interesting.

- God of Headaches
Came up with this one a while ago when I hit myself on the head and asked God why he'd do something like this to me. *Shrugs*

- God of Donuts
I'm just imagining a mighty, fat guy in a crown putting a case of 'em in the oven, and saying: "Thou art my children; thou art donuts. Donuts must be baptized in fire, and lo; thou shall be consumed by lawkeepers (read: fat cops) of the prosaic world. And thou shall be tasty and scrumptious. And thou shall always desire glaze and sprinkles; as will thou be soft and porous. Lastly, thou will always honor thine fat and oil and you never will let cholesterol overcome thine resolve."
You're fine, I figured you'd use some animalistic instinct and push her on the floor. I honestly was trying to get things started and that was the best I had in mind. lol
Oh no, you sure did great yourself!
I just made it less of an impact so it was my fault, sorry,,
but yeah, I think Autumn still got hit? but without Seb noticing because, as mentioned, his "animal instincts" are greatly weakened when in crowded urban areas as nature is more of his terrain

Seb was probably focused more on the big picture that why (trying to make something up for my mistake djdddmds)
Oh no, you sure did great yourself!
I just made it less of an impact so it was my fault, sorry,,
but yeah, I think Autumn still got hit? but without Seb noticing because, as mentioned, his "animal instincts" are greatly weakened when in crowded urban areas as nature is more of his terrain

Seb was probably focused more on the big picture that why (trying to make something up for my mistake djdddmds)
Autumn didn't get hit, the other season did. :P

OK, I'll post now.
Autumn McJavabean Autumn McJavabean
I had several working ideas. I'll ask you for which you'd prefer for the roleplay. Not sure if these are possible, so that's why I'm asking:

- God of Something
Literally, a God of "Something." Nothing in particular. Because of his nature, every time people refer to him, they call him "something else." One time, a friend will call him William Jackson, and the other time, a friend will call him "Teddy Bear" because he isn't one particular existence. He's just "something." More a force of nature than something in particular. The kind of "Bigfoot is my drinking buddy" character. Technically a cryptid.

- God of Melodramatic Villainy
You can see where this goes. Twirly mustache, dark cloak, long staff, a tophat. That's right, the most cliche turn of events ever, when he ties a random woman to the traintracks and tells everyone how evil his genius plan is! Then he'll go off to monologue for ten minutes about his convoluted world domination plan, allowing his nemesis to find an equally convoluted way of escaping unnoticed and saving the day. Yes, I know, this idea is worthy of 2017's Munchkin Award, but it would make for some gaggerific moments and a good source of comic relief in an otherwise dark world.

- God of Candles
Just an idea I had. Candles are neat. They carry light into the darkness and burn with hope. They are for wishing on during your birthday, but they are also what we use to mark the departure of loved ones. It's a really clean concept, that I think is interesting.

- God of Headaches
Came up with this one a while ago when I hit myself on the head and asked God why he'd do something like this to me. *Shrugs*

- God of Donuts
I'm just imagining a mighty, fat guy in a crown putting a case of 'em in the oven, and saying: "Thou art my children; thou art donuts. Donuts must be baptized in fire, and lo; thou shall be consumed by lawkeepers (read: fat cops) of the prosaic world. And thou shall be tasty and scrumptious. And thou shall always desire glaze and sprinkles; as will thou be soft and porous. Lastly, thou will always honor thine fat and oil and you never will let cholesterol overcome thine resolve."
Lol I don't know which. The second is interesting.
Autumn didn't get hit, the other season did. :P

OK, I'll post now.
go d fdkfs
You Silvana Silvana jumped in fine, though I had a question.

for now he will keep his presences unknown by using the power of the void to make his appear smilier to that of a human so that if it is a god, they will only mistaken him as a human.

So... John's power has to do with seeing briefly into a possible future (among other things). If Angel is masking himself to seem like a human so no god would see him coming, would John be able to see a possible future where Angel shows up? I just want to get your opinion on how your character's powers would interact with mine.
I'm writing a lore page so information is available to everyone, but there may be some minor tweaks and vital info that would be useful to everyone here.
Oh I am sorry. I had thought that was your signature under what you said. XD

It really depends. Since Angel hasn't fully reached his full potential as a god of void, I would say that John would be able to see a future like what you asked. But at the same time, time doesn't flow through "nothing" (the void) so I would say that he would see him but as a blurry image an it will be up to him to try to discover who the blurry image is. Though when Angel reaches his full potential then that is where John is not able to see a future with Angel in it. Since Angel's power makes him non-existent or "nothing" when he is at his full potential, you can't really "see" a future where "nothing" exist. If that makes any sense.
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The original intent was people inherited powers from real mythos Gods, like the Greeks, but that didn't happen so I'm trying to do what I can.
Lol. Don't worry. I really like it. After all, the "void" is weak right now after being forgotten for so long throughout time that it seemed to lost most of its power since no one remembered it.
If you guys have ideas or suggestions for the lore of the universe, feel free to pitch in. It's slightly inspired by an old RP I did years ago and something like Fate/Stay.
Why not add something like "since the Void is weak due to losing almost all of its power, many of the terrors that were banished to it are now wondering the world in secret. Forgotten terrors that once had tremendous power that they almost overthrew the gods themselves."
Finally figured out how to use spoilers. So now my OC has a picture for anyone who wants to see what he looks like!
*eyes shine brightly for his success*
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