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Fantasy The New Generation (OOC)

Restful Restful are you still accepting and if so do you need more protectors or new generation? I can fill the void

Yes I am still accepting! I do need more protectors, but if you wanted to make a new generation you could always double up!

Restful Restful Do our characters need to be confirmed? ^^

Nope! If I had issues with any character I would have messaged that person. Everyone is automatically accepted if I don't message them.
Yes I am still accepting! I do need more protectors, but if you wanted to make a new generation you could always double up!

Nope! If I had issues with any character I would have messaged that person. Everyone is automatically accepted if I don't message them.

Oh cool. I was wondering about that
Guess who's doing that really important a-level coursework that is basically 60% of my mark in one evening *Finger guns*
That's always the best, isn't it? *dab*
Avoiding adult responsibilities like a boss
Are you still accepting? Protector or New Generation? Tell me what you'd prefer and I'll edit my character to the position if I get accepted!

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