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Fantasy The New Generation(Character Sheets)


Just Me
(For the powers of the New Generation I will allow them to be considered OP. BUT you have to grow into the powers, your character cannot be perfect, I expect checks and balances in you characters. They will be kill able. And if I find you are not using your OP power wisely I will ask you to change, or leave. Please keep this fun for everyone. AND remember that the protectors are extremely fast, smart, agile and considered perfect in many ways. THEY ARE NOT AN EASY FOE.)

[Character Sheet]





Who do you work with(New Generation or Protectors)-




Power(if new generation)-

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"No one knows the truth behind death."

Avery Lincoln

Only goes by Ghost




New Generation

Avery was born to class, royalty in her own rights. Her father was and still is the reigning president over all of Sylia. Avery, nor her parents knew that they had the old protector blood running through their family, thus they never expected their only daughter to come into her powers. Unlike other new generation members being taught their powers and how to kill, Avery was taught how to be a lady, and that she would wed one day and take her purpose just like the rest of the members of the new world. Everything changed on her fifteenth birthday. She was attacked in the hallway by a New Generation member, on the verge of death Avery heard a whisper in her head, and suddenly she lashes out and kills her attacker. She is found by another New Generation member, her eyes glowing and strange words leaving her mouth. She was immediately smuggled from the city to Bristly. Ever since she has had to hide her true identity under a mask, and is seemed to be an outcaste by even the New Generation.

Avery's power is able to have a ghost enter into her body and then possess new attributes that the ghost had while living. Only issue is, when they possess her she has sometimes very little to no control over her body. If the spirit is extremely strong then it is almost impossible to remove the ghost from inside of her and regain control. If Avery is able to connect fully with the spirit she will keep their attributes, if not then she must fight to keep control of her own body.

Caspian Lexly

Is most known by the name Psycho





Caspain Lexly, a name that is whispered through the halls of those training to become a protector. He is said to have the blood of a demon and the powers of a god. In truth Caspian just excelled in all capacities that it took to become a protector that he was the youngest to be given the implant to make him a Protector. He was one of those men that lived for blood lust, adventure and anything to get his heart beating. And his ability to kill without remorse, no his ability to kill with a certain look in his eyes is what gave him the name Psycho.

Kasch Hardt Reinhard









Who do you work with:

New Generation


His family were once prestigious Protectors, until the day his ancestors decided to settle and have families. Those descendants carrying on a bloodline, which would prove to be the future undoing of such a peaceful society. It was slow at first, discluding them from the main society, till they were evidently placed in Bristly to avoid having them mix with the local populace. Demonised by propaganda, and seen as unwanted genetic faults in a gene pool they'd fumbled in to pull out 'Super Soldiers' as if it was some goddamn comic. Well, it appeared that wasn't the case anymore. It seemed they wanted to play the creators once more, and make themselves judge, jury, and executioner.

Kasch was born into a hard working family, who supported the ideals possessed by the rising revolutionaries. Something which had him take a keen interest in fighting - or sometimes poaching outside the city zones. Sneaking away under the cover of night to hunt. He began getting mixed up with rebels, protests, even being taught by a few of the ex-military supporters of the cause. Excelling in hand-to-hand combat above all else, but still handy with a gun. His parents weren't happy about it, no parent would be when the possibility of your only son dying was very real.

On his twenty-first birthday, the real ascent into manhood and the epitome of becoming an adult - he was gifted his great-great grandfather's equipment. Pre-dating most Protectors today, with old technology and inherited long coat. As if mocking the current Protectors as to what they've become, by wearing a former symbol of who the organisation once was. The mask came later, cobbled together by what they could find to make the perfect disguise for espionage. Or at least to give the Protectors something to chase.


Kasch is a strongly opinionated young man, believing the truth of the government is false and the Protectors an overused set of hounds. Joining more than one radical movement which resulted in killing either one another or any sympathisers to the government cause. These gangs, who ran in the lawless streets of Bristly, taught him how to murder a man. Of course, murder comes with guilt, yet ambition caused him to overlook the fundamental laws of caring. Being more than once a vigilante, abandoning his family to keep them safe from his extracurricular activities.

Rough, tough and ready for a fight, Reinhard isn't one to back down but stubborn and bull-headed to the extent of stupidity. The care he has for his friends is ultimate and loyal, as a tenacious and loose-cannon character. Often quiet, but his words listened to when speaking, Kas is seen as an older somewhat respected figure of the 'good fight'. A guy who has more connections than he can count, due to his years as both a mercenary and rebel gang member.

Sly, cunning, and sarcastic are prevalent in his persona, never minding honesty. But getting past the layers of self-loathing, irritability and general disgruntlement leave you with a humorous, kind, and caring man. If not somewhat wounded by the past victims of his blade he attempts to push out of his mind.


Standing at the tall height of 6'4", Kasch is somewhat lithe yet broad. Weighing in muscle, he isn’t someone you’d like to meet on a dark night. With tan skin, evidently accounting to a heavy European lineage; thick chestnut locks fall around high cheekbones and sturdy, lightly bearded jaw. Cinnamon eyes are framed by black lashes, becoming both cutting and warm with a word. Angular nose, slightly crooked from being broken one too many times, whilst his hands are rough and calloused from years of both boxing, fighting, and assorting with more unwanted groups.


Teleportation and disguise through shadows -
- The power is specific to having seen the said place, and to have a shadow on the other side (Or completely dark room). Only used through touch or contact. Disguising himself in the pools of darkness comes as a benefit. However, it's easy to trap in a well-lit room. The bigger the distance is, the more exhausting it causes each shift to be.
- Usually at the height of his powers during the night for obvious reasons.
- Kasch, possesses no shadow. Thus having no failsafe.


"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak."
Martin Niemöller (1892–1984)
Restful Restful
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Marina Patterson




New Generation

Even from a young age, Marina’s parents knew there was something off about her. They had recently heard news of children being taken away from their homes due to the children having special ‘talents. Realizing that Marina was one of those special children, they hid her from the outside world. They did not allow her to have any contact with other people in fear of losing her.

For the first couple of years it was quite easy to keep her hidden. They taught her the things they deemed necessary, which ultimately led to her being well versed in areas of combat and controlling her powers, but oblivious to things most children would learn in school.

As Marina got older, she started to question why her parents never let her outside, she would see other children playing and having fun, this just made her yearn to be with others. Throughout her teenage years, she and her parents fought almost everyday until Marina decided she was tired of it. Shortly after her 19th birthday she left her home.

It was the middle of the night and all she had with her was a book bag filled with supplies and her parents necklaces. While moving underneath the cover of darkness, she heard whispers of a place called Briskly, which is where all of the children with powers lived. The New Generation.

Marina does not fancy getting to know people, she does not enjoy the socializing part of being in public. She would rather watch people go on about their day and analyze how they handle different situations. Mostly, she will not speak to you unless you seem interesting to her. Even then, it is likely that she will just let you do all of the talking so she can listen thoroughly to what you are saying. Marina is not typically a fighter, she has little interest in hurting people unless she has a need to. She is quite skilled in the art of combat, but knows that winning a fight would be a challenge for her, considering how unpredictable people tend to be.

At 5’4 and 137 Lbs, Marina is not what you might call ‘A force to be reckoned with’ her somewhat short height and normal frame does not intimidate hardly anyone. Her face, on the other hand, can be quite intimidating. She has delicate pink lips paired with a small nose all set on a diamond shape face.. Her eyes though, filled with a orange color have a fierce type of look. Her skin is pale with pink undertones, which match well with her almost white-blonde hair.

Feather Manipulation - Can shape, move, color, or animate feathers for multiple uses

Able to control light feathers, and shoot them as piercing projectiles that are almost like bullets. Can also group feathers together to create a shield type object in order to protect the user from harmful things. Possibly able to use feathers as camouflage, though quite difficult.

Downfalls: Feathers are flammable and only able to generate a certain amount of feathers at one point.

(If I need to change anything please tell me!)

Christopher Erickson


Calls himself Eric


19, coming on 20





Who do you work with(New Generation or Protectors)-

New Generation


Shhhh. Thats a secret.





Power(if new generation)-

Transmutation, the ability to transform, alter or transmute matter, energy, elements, objects, beings (animals, aliens, mythical beings, etc.), etc into anything else, either completely or partially, permanently or temporarily.


While possible, Eric refuses to use his abilities on flesh,even healing purposes.
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Cicili Ode Issa

Cily, Ode, or Amp




Who do you work with(New Generation or Protectors)-
New Generation

History(Optional)- TBR

Cicili is quirky. She is an enigma. She is unpredictable. And independent. she doesn't take kindly to people telling her what to do. But if you need help, she is a true humanitarian who is ready and willing to assist someone who might be short on cash or down on their luck. She'll also dole out sound advice. She cares about her fellow man, woman, child, animal, and environmental cause. Cicili tends to mingle with people from all walks of life. She tends to greet and interact with people the same way, no matter what their age or background. While she loves to progress, on a personal level, she doesn’t like change. It has to do with her loyalty, her attachment to the past, and her memories, so even though she has the courage to look ahead, usually with optimism, and see the best things in store, she still likes to know where she has come from and who she is.While most may very well keep their promises in their relationships, Cicili can take loyalty to a different, deeper level. She will stay loyal to anyone unless of course they truly prove themselves unworthy. Plus she's a bit of a hopeless romantic.

Cicili only stands at 5'2" and weighs around 105 lbs. Her height causes her to be often over looked, people pushing her aside believing she is not a real threat. Her overall appearance does not by anymeans place the fear in someones eyes. The way she looks is quiet peculiar, between her pinkish blonde hair and vivid green eyes, Cicili aquires many looks when walking down the street.

Power(if new generation)-

Cicili can create, shape and manipulate electricity, a form of energy resulting from the movement of charged particles (such as electrons or protons, allowing control over electric fields, all charge carriers (Ions, Electrons, Protons, and Positrons), electronics, and electromagnetic forces. She literally has energy flowing through her, therefor she is a living tazer. Now she is able to turn of the feild of electricity around her so people can touch her and not get knocked out. She draws energy from things around her and can not make it out of thin air.

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Jacqueline Peters

Jack, Frost, Jackie




Who do you work with-
New Generation


To be played out

Jacqueline is what you would call attractive. Whether it be her proportional face with strong but fememine features; bright blue eyes with long lashes. Long, soft light brown hair, and naturally soft and pinkish lips. Her toned hourglass figure, with wide hips, slender waist, and D cup bust. Nice legs and booty, or the warm glow coming from her, shes just a really attractive girl. Jacqueline stands at about 5'5", weighing around 135 pounds, and though she like to wear fake ones, she has no need for glasses. Now, for some other detail. She has a button nose, heart shaped face, and proportional lips, but soft peircing upward turned eyes. There's a scar on her left eyebrown and chin, and she has a few freckles, but Thats about it. There are more scars on her body. Small, circular burns on her arms, small to medium scars on her shoulders, and other small and faded miscellaneous scars on her legs and torso.

Power(if new generation)-

Cyrokensis, Ice Control, Frost Manipulation. What ever you want to call it, Jack can create, shape and manipulate ice, water frozen into a solid state and appears naturally in forms of snow, hail, icicles, ice spikes and candles, glaciers, pack ice, frost, and polar ice caps, and cold by reducing the kinetic energy of atoms and thus making things colder, for various effects and combinations. Its generally a few degrees colder around her, making her almost ice cold to the touch. Yet, doesn't have complete control. Her powers can go out of balance during times where her negative emotions are running high. She's also particularly weak against fire and/or other sources of extreme heat, though she's find during a warm day.


Totally may have a thing for Kasch ( idalie idalie )

Restful Restful
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Meyer Allego

8 years old


Meyer will not come into play till a little bit longer into the rp, his powers will remain a secret for most of it. What is known is that he must be protected at all costs.
Miguel Iglesias.jpg


code by pasta

"The God of the Seas. Not too bad."

Name: Damien Minerva Lex

Age: 21

Sexuality: Straight

Gender: Male

Personality: Damien is a cool, calm and collected guy, with a warm, and fun persona. His mood slightly differs like the waves, but he is most of the time a pretty good guy. But he is also horribly flirtatious. He loves to meet new women, and he loves to do something more with said women. He can barely stay in one place at once, and is horrible at keeping promises.

Side: New Gen

Ability: Aegios - Aegios has three "Modes" If you will. But is based around the Term "Defense".
Mode 1, is the nullification of another ability, mode 2, is the creation of force fields, and the 3rd, is the creation of sharp and hard shards.

Likes: The House of Order, His company

Dislikes: Losing loved ones


History: WIP

Family: Damien the 1st

History: WIP



Rosalie Lionheart

Rose or Eagle Eye





All that is known is that she was recruited from an orphanage and trained at a young age. She advanced quickly through the academy because she excelled at sharp shooting and sniping. She has advanced knowledge of new world technology and no one has ever seen her miss her target once that trigger is pulled. She sees the government as the absolute authority that only wants the world to like in complete peace and happiness and the new generation is a band of rebels that seek to distort that vision. She has no recollection of who her family was and has no desire to know the ones that abandoned her.​
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Felix Peters





Who do you work with-


To be played out

Felix, like his sister, would be considered attractive. He stands at 6'4, cutting a toned muscular body. He has strong features, deep blue eyes, and chestnut hair.

Power(if new generation)-

He has a sister
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Name:Verity Amor LeKlair
Sexual Orientation:Bisexual
Works For:New Generation

Vi is rather quiet, and at times can be emotionless. She enjoys her space and would much rather be reading a book than socializing with the others. Independence is key in her eyes. Getting attached to others shows vulnerability, and she is definitely not one to show even the slightest bit of weakness. With Protectors set to kill her and all like her, getting attached was not an option. Her tone is almost always sarcastic, though her high intellect shines high among the rest of her persona.

Verity is strikingly beautiful, but takes no pride in that factor of herself. Her soft pink hair is almost always put into two low tails, her straight cut bangs messily resting on her forehead. Her large crimson eyes are her most striking feature, almost glowing at times. She stands at about 5'6 with an athletic body.
Vi is usually clad in her normal orange bodysuit, most of her front bare. Large flowers adorn the sides as well as long tassels flowing from her hips and back.

To be revealed later
Telepathy: Able to retrieve information from the minds of others.
Bloodbending: Able to telepathically manipulate fluids within the human body, almost like a puppeteer.


Sylar Pic.jpg

Name - Alec Sage

Nickname - Alec

Age - 30

Gender - Male

Sexuality - Straight

Who do you work with - New Generation

History - To be Revealed

Personality - To be Revealed

Looks - Height = 6'2, Weight = 183, Eye Color = Brown, Hair Color = Black, Muscular Tone = Above Average

Power - Alec possesses the power known as Intuitive Aptitude. Here is a basic description of the gift: "Intuitive aptitude is the ability to understand the structure and operation of complex systems without special education or training."

So, all-in-all, Intuitive Aptitude can result in understanding more complex things in a matter of minutes or even seconds such as high-tech weaponry, scientific equations, and even the human brain (Although, with each human brain being individually different and special in their own way, it takes more time to understand a certain individual's mind and how they tick).

With this power being quite advanced, however, there are some dangerous and even fatal side-effects, these potential side-effects causing danger towards both Alec and other people. Before this danger is explained, there is one thing that should be known about Intuitive Aptitude: Even though it's more often used to understand things like weaponry, machinery, and other complicated things, Alec can also use it to understand New Gen's abilities (NOTE, HE HASN'T ACTUALLY DISCOVERED THIS YET). And, once he understands that power, he can then use that power himself. Overall, the more he understands the power, the more of that power he copies off of and absorbs. Here is a basic summary of why this power is dangerous, specifically to New Generations: "Intuitive Aptitude compels the holder to understand as much as they can, resulting in a 'hunger' which can manifest a need to understand, which can possibly cause Alec to kill other evolved humans and acquire their abilities."

Judging from that summary and the basics of Alec's power, if he wants to absorb someone else's ability, he has two choices: Get to know them and attempt to understand every little quirk about them and their power until the power itself is absorbed, or cut the evolved person's head open and poke around their brain until they "find" their power and proceed to absorb it. Now, just to be clear, Alec hasn't exactly begun to experience the "hunger" yet, and is unaware about the fact that he can even absorb New Gen's abilities in the first place, but as the power develops, this ideology of the "hunger" may or may not come into play further into the Roleplay.

Other - If Alec does begin showing signs of the "hunger" and he discovers that he can absorb people's powers, I'll be sure not to abuse it and to not make it too OP. He will always have weaknesses both physically, mentally, and genetically?... I guess??? Basically what I'm trying to say is that his power will always have specific weaknesses as well.​
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(Done in the style of a Personnel Profile made by a New Generation archivist. Thought it might be interesting... Also, ik his power pretty much straight-up violates the rule of being unkillable...but I vow to be wise, I have some experience with these kinds of characters. It's more about his characterization than the power itself. If I misuse it, I swear I'll excuse myself immediately. Plus, I do intend for their to be a way found to kill him...I just haven't decided what it is yet. )

Nicholas Benedict

His callsign as an Operative is "Gray."

Unknown, roughly 200. Physically appears to be in his late 20's.


Unclear. There are no known records of romantic inclination, though Psych suggests that this is due to personal trauma and his mental state rather than orientation (or lack thereof).

Who do you work with-
New Generation

Personal History-
Nicholas claims to be incapable of recalling his childhood, and despite the diligent work of New Generation archivers, his lineage cannot be traced to any known Protector family. Records trace his presence all the way back to the early days of the New Generation, and he seems to have been somewhat of a folk figure. Apparently, he was a very important operative in the early days of the New Generation, undertaking several important missions. About 75 years ago, though, he was captured by the Protectors while on a mission. He's generally unwilling to talk about this time, but after the recovery of files of the Protectors, it's evident that they both tortured him and attempted to kill him in that time. He was recovered from their hands 32 years ago. Since then, given his propensity for travel and his...unstable nature, he's been instituted as a trainer for new operatives, and moves between settlements very frequently.

(OOC note: More of his backstory will be revealed in play, hopefully.)

Psych Profile-
Ooh, boy. The guys I talked to down in Med had a lot to say about this. This guy is jacked up seven ways from Sunday. First though, let's go over the basics:

-Friendly enough, in day-to-day life
-Generally gives an appearance of happiness, and seems to be good natured.
-Highly intelligent
-Seems to enjoy teaching others, particularly new operatives
-Resentful of authority
-Early reports say that he was once extremely optimistic about the New Generation and where we're heading. In recent years, however, this has turned to bitter cynicism.
-Fond of travel, rarely stays in one location for long
-Keeps a journal, and goes through notebooks at a quick rate. According to an old analysis of one (while he was [Information Redacted]), he takes extensive notes on everyone around him, and often sketches important areas and events to a startling level of detail.
-His mind has grown increasingly unstable in recent years. The Psych boys theorize that it's due to his capture by the Protectors, but they didn't feel confident enough to say for sure. What they do know though, is that being 200 years old is not something the human mind is designed to handle. There's simply too many memories, too much competing information, and being through all the trauma that Nicholas has doesn't help. The effect is that he's, in short, going crazy. The majority of the time, he's fine. But, he occasionally suffers sudden mood swings, becoming either completely apathetic and ineffective, or dangerously confident. Psych posits that, due to his ability, he's losing his ability to assess risk. They also state that in addition to these mood swings, he quite possibly suffers from general depression, though it's evident that he's going to great lengths to hide this fact from the higher-ups, and given his unwillingness to talk when questioned, it's difficult to say for sure. If he wasn't as valuable an operative as he was, he likely would, and should, have been pulled off active duty a long time ago.

(I can't find a good picture for the life of me. I'll give a rough description, so there's something to write off of, but I'm still open to good suggestions =) )
Appears to be a male in his late 20's, with matching physical characteristics. He has unkempt black hair, gray eyes, sharp features, and a lean build.

Ability and Skills-
Nicholas seems to be incapable of dying. Virtually every known method of ending someone's life has been attempted on him, largely at the hands of the Protectors. This includes, but is not limited to: suffocation, destruction or partial destruction of vital organs, decapitation, induced cerebral hemorrhage, excessive blood loss, falling from heights exceeding 30,000 feet, a plethora of different poisons, lobotomization, eating raw cookie dough, electrocution, crushing, heating metal in a microwave, induced myocardial infarction, starvation, various illnesses, and running with scissors.

In addition to his power, Nicholas is well versed in the skills needed for an operative, stealth and combat. Given his ability, he was heavily utilized in many operations, ranging from high-risk stealth missions to combat intensive assignments. Now, however, he is very rarely used for operations given his instability. Most often, he serves as a teacher, moving to where new recruits most need training.
Restful Restful Is this character okay?...
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Name- Magnus Singer

Nickname- Mag,

Age- 23

Gender- male

Sexuality- straight

Who do you work with(New Generation or Protectors)- New Generation

History(Optional)- Magnus had a happy enough childhood in the beginning. It didn't take long for he and his family to figure out his ability and try to keep it under wraps as much as possible. Unfortunately being naturally curious Magnus kept using his ability in order to understand it and that's when the first mutation happened. Magnus' normally white skin turned darker. At that point his parents had to pull him out of school and teach him at home, but at that point the damage was done. The new protectors had already been watching his family closely, already armed with the information of the New Generation, and once they had their proof they moved in. Magnus' parents were no match for the new and improved protectors, but they did hold them off long enough for Magnus to escape. Now the ten year old Magnus had a new problem. He was being hunted. Scared and alone Magnus turned to his ability for comfort and help. Magnus would evade and survive in the streets for ten years until he managed to over hear something about a radiation filled part of the city everyone avoided. It was then that he meet up with and joined the new generation.

Personality(Optional)- Magnus is generally a quiet and kind individual, but suffers from bouts of rage, his mind just as unstable as his DNA. He holds a grudge against the city for the loss of his parents, who he assumes are dead, and tries to cause problems for the new protectors as much as he can when he goes out. Magnus doesn't trust himself in positions of power and so avoid leader roles as if they were the plague, but he is more than happy to assist a team however he can.


Power(if new generation)-
Corruption of the Abyss- Magnus' ability is to control Shadow even being able to give darkness physical properties. As long as Magnus has a clear image of what he wants he can pretty much do so long as there is enough darkness in an area to bend and shape.
However Magnus' DNA is horribly unstable and the more he uses his ability the his body mutates and changes.

Other: Magnus lost the use of his left arm after a run in with a new protector. He barely managed to escape and his arm is mangled beyond repair.
Yes, just make sure you read the ooc and get caught up on everything. And you can get the link in the first page of the RP.

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