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Realistic or Modern the mystery club — temporary ooc

now for the ultimate struggle: finding a good faceclaim
I have zero ideas for Memphis rn but I know she is going to be a disaster ❤️
might shoot for the nerd because i love the idea of some ghost loving goofball just being there for good vibes and good times tbh
luella is up, i might code her thingy but don't bet on it, i have a tentative backstory for her but i need to flesh some things out
Hello all! I am looking at maybe making a reckless, "I think its fun to tempt fate," and "no pain no gain" bait girly!
Hihiii! I just went ahead and joined the ooc I hope thats ok 👀 I’ma have a CS up soon-ish
She's giving silly goofy oldest child and I love it~ I might post up her WIP soon
i am currently squinting at perhaps the journalist or something- just a silly lil guy
I love her sm omg
Thank youuu! I love her too, I feel like she could be fun! I am also so much better at HCs than personality paragraphs, so I am making up for my lack of with my HCs haha
braeden's form is up! i'll finish the last couple of details in the next couple of days

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