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Fantasy The Moon's Daughter & Her Soldier Love

Dust Bunnies

Poof I'm in your face...
This is a private role-play for myself and Blue098 Blue098 .

We're following a theme of ancient times filled with mythical characters and beings. Daughter of Artemis, and Soldier Champion to Ares the God of War. Meant to be enemies due to the Soldier's duty, yet fate has another idea about that, which they're yet to find out about.
Background Information:
Born to the Goddess Artemis, when a star exploded and a strand of her hair mixed. Nothing was stopping this child from being born a Goddess until the piece of the star which she was born from fell to Earth and came in contact with one of her mother's follower's. Athanasia was born of the Demi-God race due to this final contact between her human father, and her start fragments that of which she was born from. Upon her birth, the safety of Athanasia was always a risk being with her mother, so Artemis decided to entrust her newborn babe to the human father.

Years passed quickly for the young woman Athanasia became could challenge even the noblest of blood, yet she was kept hidden by her father who had feared her kidnapping or harm. Even after Ares the God of War stood forward in search fo her after the rumours of her existence came to pass. In the wars that lead to her existence being known to the hated God, her father had died in battle. Leaving her alone in a cottage hidden deep within the forest of which Demeter left shortly after her daughter was stolen from her.

To survive Athanasia she has learnt the way of the hunt like her mother before her. Rumours of someone living in the forest only spread to Ares though upon the notice of a young woman with the beautiful features of Artemis hunting in the forest.

Theme Song:
Blue086's Character Sheet
Tykus of Trad
Background Information:
The Champion of Ares, Tykus was a boy of both mythical and dangerous background. From a young age of 6, Ares took in the boy and molded in to be a powerful soldier on the battlefield. He was even given the title of Manslayer for his high kill count in battles all throughout his time being alive.

After multiple victories, and completed quests, He was giving mythical equipment for both his loyalty and reliability to Ares. This time he was given the task to find a Demi-Goddess known as Athanasia. A women who has been under the radar for years, that Ares has finally held sighting of. Determined to please his god he goes to capture her.
The morning passed through the forest which I called my home, with golden glows and beautiful hues of light shining through the dead trees around me. My steps weren't all that quiet wandering through the dead and decaying grass at my feet. Calmly in hand, I held my bow and over my shoulder, my quiver filled with my best handmade arrows. I was out for a hunt, trying to find my meal for the day, as I wandered onto a quieter part of the path watching out for any form of wildlife in the forest. Listening out for any sign of life, being it calls from a bird, steps from a deer or possibly the bouncing sounds of a hare hopping through the grassy plains. Yet, there was nothing, the forest was quiet. Something was off about the presence and aura throughout the forest that morning, it almost had seemed like I wasn't alone.

With a careful mind, I continued to walk through the forest, removing my sandals that protected my feet to limit the noise I made. Curls of ebony covered my eyes slightly, as I continued to walk through long plains of grass that I had used a tool for hunts many times before. Now those blades of grass are keeping me hidden from someone I know not where they're hidden. Calmly I sighed softly, my thoughts whispering quite different tones to me, not all of them tones of comfort. I kept my movements slow when I pulled an arrow from the quiver at my back and loaded my bow, calming my breathing for a few short minutes, pointing my arrow tip slightly out of the tall grass. At my second time exhaling calmly I released the arrow and heard something drop carefully getting to my feet stretching slightly. Looking down to see the fallen stag I sighed softly.

"Life must be lost in order for others to survive, I'm sorry for your death, though I must pull through," I whispered softly carefully pushing the arrow into the stag's chest a little more, as I watched it grow limp. Death taking the stag as its keeper. My eyes glazed slightly, as a small tear slowly rolled down my cheek, just as I carefully closed the large creature's eyes, making out that is was sleeping. My other hand still holding the arrow, blood seeping onto my hand. Making work of cutting the meat and skinning the stag for fur pelts kept me busy. Winter wasn't all too far from us, and I knew one thing, I wasn't going to freeze to death.

Gently I wiped the blood on my cheek shortly after finishing the butcher's work, only really trying to get the sweat I worked up off. Only to end up appearing like I covered my right cheek with some sort of disgusting war paint. The blood on my cheek rubbed into my hair coursing the smell of iron to fill my nostrils, something that wasn't too flattering to me at all. Frowning slightly I walked through the forest once more trying to find the river to wash myself clean. I hated the feeling of blood on my skin and soaked into my hair. It didn't seem long until I got to the water bank, grass plants were growing along the banks. Soon kneeling by the banks, I sighed softly looking at my reflection in the clear water, bloodied cheeks.

Frustration pursued across my face, as I slowly found myself reaching into the water washing my face with cupped hands. Scrubbing angrily at my face and cheeks freeing my cheeks from the stains of blood. Letting my guard down as I scrubbed away in a way of discomfort, I hated blood...

It reminded me of the day my father died... So much blood... So much red.

Without armor:

(OOC: Can post sources to real artist if you want)
Ares looked down upon with me with his massive stature, " you know your quest Tykus, commit to it and see it done. I await your return." The massive man grumbled as he squeezed the armrest of his throne. I slowly bowed to show my acceptance of the quest and walked to the edge, where I would jump off and go to the mortal realm once more.

Walking off the ledge I dove directly into the forest, expanding my wings from the armor right before I hit the ground. Landing softly, I walked slowly through the forest, and saw a dead stag. She couldn't have gone far, and if I'm lucky she will be around the area. Listening intensely I heard the sound of water being tampered with, as I slowly made my way to the sounds,and what I was shocked me. A beautiful women sitting near the lake, softly washing what seems to be the blood of the stag from her skin.

I forgot about the fact she was my target and began to watch and was now in a trance. Moments passed, before I heard a voice in my head, "don't let her beauty fool you, take her in quickly, or she won't hesitate to end you." The voice of Ares spoke angrily. Nodding my head, and breaking from the charm, I walked forward silently and pulled out my spear. Reaching within grabbing distance, I place an arm on her shoulder, " Run and you die, fight and you die. All you need to do is stand up slowly." I spoke in a hushed tone holding the tip of the spear to her side.
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The cool freshness of the water felt crisp on my skin, it was relaxing finally washing my skin free from the stained blood. Closing my eyes listening to the life in the forest, caught my guard as I heard the slightest footsteps wandering towards me. Quickly I went to reach for my bow and quiver, only to be greeted by a hand on my shoulder. My eyes opened, my skin grew cold with shock, not many had ever caught up onto me, and managed to live to tell their tale of it. I felt the warmth of his skin, and then a sharp blade at my side. "If you have intentions, do make them clear, if I'm not to run nor attack, yet behave for you tell me your intentions." My voice was clear, blunt some could say.

"Who sent you here?" I asked as if my tongue was a blade, and as sharp as the one pointed at my side. Slowly I stood listening to his wishes, making sure my movements were carefully planned. Catching a glimpse of who was beside me coursed my body to go into shock. "You're one of Ares men, aren't you?" I spoke bitterly, bile rising up the back of my throat. My thoughts started and wanted me to run, as far and as fast as I could. To get away from Ares' men, and torment. Balling my hands into fists I groaned in anger, no response since my questions started shooting at him. If only they could pierce his armour like my arrows would.

"Tell me what has he planned because I'd much rather died then join him, Ares is scum, the lowest of all the Gods." I spat in a bitter rage, only normal daring to look at the soldier behind me. "You're just a piece in his big game to get what he wants." My eyes of the early night sky glared at the unknown but daring soldier.
I simply sighed at the attitude given to me, and and spoke, " Alright, before you go onto your rant, I could care less what I am to him. He is a father to me, and as all sons do, I wish to please him. What he is going to do to you is sadly beyond my knowledge, he gave me and order to find you and so I did.". As I finished speaking, I was soon caught within her charm, though resisted it as much as I could, "Bring the girl back, and you will be rewarded greatly my champion." After hearing Ares voice, a seed of doubt has seemed to be planted into me.

Either by her words or looks, maybe he even both, I dared to question his motives, "Why do you want her." I spoke out. Within moments a roar could be heard through the skies, "Don't question me!" was all that was heard. I knew I was going to regret asking.

Looking to the girl, I gently spoke, "You heard the big guy, lets get moving before things get ugly." I stated while nudging her forward. If I was lucky, I would only end up getting lesser rations for a month, so the faster I moved the better the chances of that happening.
I frowned in a moment of anger looking to him, sighing softly. "I heard nothing of the man you call your father, only heard you talking to yourself. Are you sure that the voices in your head, isn't telling you to let me go?" I whispered softly looking towards the lake. "But as you say, shall we go," I whispered softly under my breath taking a step closer towards the bank of the water. Taking a deep breathe before slightly into the water, trying to take him with me. Sinking into the deep water I looked through the clean water, before pushing myself to the surface gasping for breath. My long curls of ebony had loosened and fallen at my back. My clothes felt heavy as I pulled through the water, trying to get away from the soldier.

Looking around not able to see him, as I dragged myself through the water. Sighing softly I felt myself looking around for the soldier trying to figure out where he went as I got my foot caught in between two rocks. Gasping at the struggle of trying to get myself free. Only to have a rock in the waters push my foot into the water I sunk a little gasping as my body was scooped under. Blood run from the cuts on my right foot that was caught under a few larger rocks. Trying to pull myself out I cut my ankle more, coursing me to intake water when I was struggling to breathe. My body began to feel icey cold, as my mind began to get lost and confused.
This crazy woman! Out of all times to rebel she just had to do it when I dropped my guard for a slight second. Holding my breathe I began swimming my way back up, though I noticed something was wrong. As I looked around, I see that the woman has gotten herself stuck and was beginning to drown. If I didn't help her she was going to die. I began to swim as fast as I could to her, and grabbed her face and locked my mouth into hers. Sucking up whatever water was in her mouth, and blowing back in air to keep her going.

After a few moments of this, I quickly went under and pushed open the rocks to release her foot. Though with my luck I just might get a kick in the face. Swimming back up, I grabbed her and brought her back to the shoreline, hopefully she is still alive, let alone conscious. I began thinking of all the punishments that I was gonna face for allowing this to happen. Taking in a deep breathe, I decided to stay silent about this event and cross the road when I got there.
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I began to feel tired and cold, as I heard slashing over towards me. Feeling warmth touch my lips, as I felt my mouth clear of water. Then the short breathe that coursed me to cough slightly. My body felt weakened, drained for energy. My lips were changing slowly to blue, as I felt the cold settled in. Feeling my leg get free I gasped, the relief of the pain from the crushing wound. My mind was a blur when I was being dragged back to the shoreline by the soldier. Once on the solid ground, I started shivering, as all my body heat had left my body.

My mind was lost, laying there on the ground I held onto my arms trying to get myself warm. Blood still seeped from the wound on my leg. I heard the sound of throbbing through my head as my brain was starved for oxygen. Moving my hand to my head I closed my eyes trying to calm down. The spinning feeling in my head hadn't stopped and I felt sick because of it. "Why did you save me, you should have just let me die because I'm not going to go with you willingly," I spoke in a hoarse tone of voice, as I coughed, shivering slightly.
I looked at the women, and took off my cloak and wrapped it around her. I wasn't in the mood to listen to what she had to say, I needed her better. Soon enough I grabbed some wrapping from my clothes and used it to clean and cauterize the wound in her leg. "Just keep the cloth there until the bleeding stops alright?" I asked her gently while I looked her. There was something about her that kept sucking me back in, "Why..Why does Ares want you?" blurted out. I quickly regretted asking this, though I guess I can get the answer now.
I felt him wrap his cloak around my body, and I felt some warmth return to me in a moment. Carefully I held the cloth to my wound, watching the blood from my wound soak into the cloth. I nodded softly to what I was told and held the cloth there roughly. Slowly my gaze met his, and I paled hearing about Ares and the young soldier's question. "Honestly, I don't know myself, I'm just a half-cast... Not full god or human..." I whispered softly looking down into my hands with confliction. "I think he wants to gain something from me or my mother, all I know is that I have been hunted since I was a child... I was actually meant to be a Goddess but upon my birth, I came in contact with a human, and that changed everything. Maybe it's something to do with that, or I have gained his fancy, I don't know?" I whispered softly looking down softly. Drawing away slightly, blushing lightly as I had never been this close to a man before.
As she blushed, I inched closer, "Your telling me, he is just doing this for fuck all? Your not some evil witch, or anything of the sort. Just some girl that was born?" I could barely believed my ears. Ares always told me what I did made the world safer, but how is capturing this girl is has done nothing wrong accomplishing that. I grabbed the girls, hand and felt how cold they were.

Standing back up, I went out to grab wood, "I'll be right back just stay here alright?" With moments passing, I was collecting kindle and wood, to start a fire. All I thought about was why she was being taken away, it made no sense, and was honestly sickening.

Once I collected enough resources, I began walking back and heard a voice in my head, "What is taking you so long, bring...the...girl. This is your final warning." Shaking it off, I decided to ignore him.
"I don't know how I would be a witch, my only abilities are of the hunt, maintaining the natural environment, I also have the ability to bring on the night before the day is over, though that's only a spell I can use on people who threaten me. It allows me to steal their sight from them, cursing them to fall into the darkness of night, it blocks the sun and clarity from their gaze." I whispered softly looking down as my blushing cheeks began darker as he inched closer. I felt his hands take mine and his warmth lingered in my palms, as I watched him stand. When he told me to stay I gave a nod, I knew he meant no harm, and that it would mean more harm to get up and start running.

I decided to sit quietly looking around the forest, as I saw the dying scenery around me. "I really need to try and polish this place, make it what it once was..." I commented softly as I carefully looked around. Humming a soft tune to myself I reached out to a dying bush that had the bush had beautiful flowers and watched it grow back to life and it's once beautiful state.

I saw the young soldier walk back over to where I sat, though I continued to hum softly feeling the grass underneath me become as beautiful and lush as it was whenI was a child. Some years before my father was killed by Ares. "You know, my father was killed by Ares... I remember how mad I was when I saw him, something took over me. My father was on the ground at Ares's feet, you know I never thought I could hurt a God like I did that day." I laughed slightly looking down into my hands. "It was like an angry filled me, I treated him like he was my pry and I was hunting him. First I cut off his sight, letting him wander around blind and alone. I stalked him from the trees, my hound went for his legs as I went for his head. I missed because he moved, though I did manage to claim his hand."
I listened to the goddess' story and I realized right then and there that she just wanted no trouble. Hell her dad was killed by Ares, a man who I thought stood for justice. For once in my life a dark emotion took over me that was directed towards him, "I wanna ask you one thing, and its very important. Everything you speak about my master has all been negative things, and some of it almost impossible to understand.

The Ares I knew would never commit such acts, and always upheld justice when need be. Though here you are telling me he is anything but just, and that he is a brutish god only out for his own gain." I placed my hands on the demi goddess', "Look me in the eyes and tell me what you say is true, so I may know my next course of action. To see if it just your deception for survival, or the earnest truth that you speak." As I spoke this my arm guard began to glow from my forearm, it was something Ares gave to me to extract the correct info during interrogation. Sadly it only worked if complete eye contact was made with the individual.
I watched the young soldier come into reality slowly on the topic of his master Ares, and I sighed softly. I pitied him for what all he believed has been wrong for far too long. He looked lost, and I didn't blame him, his life had seemed to turn upside down. Slowly, I shifted my gaze to his eyes and searched his emotions. "My words speak no lie, Ares is the God of War. He gains pleasure from the shedding of blood, and deaths of innocent lives. He's my uncle, through to blood of Zeus. All the things I have told you of him are the full truth, and I have no need to lie about a person like him." I whispered softly looking to him in a saddened manner.

I felt an emotion of pity and sadness for him. The man he had been devoted to for so long, was a fake, and what he believed was a false image. Calmly I looked at him, touching his cheek. Feeling his warmth in the palm of my hand. "If I could show you my memories I would make you believe me, though that is your decision to believe now. Since our minds are ruled by beliefs to keep us living, you need to take your own time to process this. Withdrawing back I looked around the forest letting him have some time to himself, as I went to the pile of wood he had placed on the floor beginning to light a fire.
I stood up while looking at the ground, allowing my confusion and rage to build up, "Ares I denounce you and your name! I Tykus of Trad will no longer be your champion! But instead your enemy for as long as I live!" I roared out, not even moments passed before the sky's darkened and began to contort and Twist. Soon enough a man dress in full clad armor slammed to the ground in front of me, "Then your life shall be short lived " he yelled out in anger while kicking me with all of his force, sending me flying through a tree. The pain was unspeakable, though I was somehow still alive, as I looked up Ares was there in front of me once again, "I treated you like a son, and this is how you repay me!" He began yelling as he struck me with his mace with all of his power, shattering my helmet, and leaving me dazed. Before I could recover though, he lifted me up and slammed me down, destroying my armor, and forcing me to cough blood.

Grabbing tightly to my spear, I thrust the spear as hard as I could into his thigh, though sadly it snapped like a twig before it could penetrate. Ares began gripping my throat tightly and brought me close to his face, "You are nothing but a worm to me now" As he squeezed harder, he dropped his mace from his robotic hand and began punching my sides. Unable to breathe and in pain, I felt darkness and death's embrace beginning to surround my body.
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I watched the darkness fill the sky before, I turned to see Ares a distance from me. My eyes grew wide at the scene unfolding in front of me. It wasn't long before the air grew colder than my body temperature, and the atmosphere smelt of death. Tykus, as I learnt the was the soldier's name was thrown into the tree not too far away from us. Ares presence was as terrifying if not more than when I remembered. Shakingly I pulled myself to my feet, I knew I needed to help Tykus before he was killed and mangled begun the form of a human.

Limping weakly to my bow and quiver I strung it over my shoulder, kept going taking an arrow in my hand. Before quickly charging for Ares, as hard as I could I dug the arrow right into his back. Even when the body of the arrow broke I groaned in anger, beginning to smash my palm into the arrow's head pushing it deeply into his shoulder blade. "Let him go you scumbag, you have no right to own him, or kill him!" I yelled into Ares's ears, before digging my teeth into his earlobe, tearing my head away ripping a gaping wound into his ear.

I watched Tykus's body go weak and worry filled my expression, as I began to rip at his hair. "You're looking for me, here I am! Leave the mortal out of this." I commented glaring at Ares, as his blood rolled down my cheek.
Barely conscious I see the girl fighting for me with everything she could. The grip around my neck was finally loosened and with time was released entirely. I fell to my knees, and could barely see or hear straight, as well as feel my arms. Ares soon threw off the Goddess, and was about to charge at her. Though before he could I grabbed his mace and did what I thought was impossible. Standing onto my feet, I swung the mace with all my force at the god's head. A loud Thu'um sound could be heard throughout the forest. Ares was dazed, I injured a god.
I sat there in shock looking towards Ares charging towards me, as I gasped for the pain of being thrown off him. Before my gazed went to Tykus picking up Ares mace and swinging it as hard as it seemed he could being a mortal. Though it was enough for the God to drop to the ground for some time. Quickly I moved over to Tykus's side looking to him, looking towards him with clear worry. "You look terrible, you need to rest. Come with me, to somewhere safe." I whispered to him softly.

Carefully I touched his cheek looking into his eyes, kissing him. "You need to rest you've been wound pretty badly."
I began to chuckle, "Now isn't the time for romantics, maybe after we survive." as I stated this I began to cough up blood, "Alright let's get moving" I spoke out, while stumbling my way through the forest with the demi goddess at my side. If it wasn't for the circumstances it was a beautiful hour to be in the forest. Though sadly it was one I wouldn't be able to enjoy for long, I began to fall and more blood came out with every cough, by the feel of things, I punctured a lung.
"I don't understand what you mean by romantics, it was gratitude for saving me," I commented walking through the beautiful forest, though I have more things to worry about with Tykus coughing up blood. Monitoring his movements and condition which seemed to be worsening quickly, and there wasn't any sign of improvement anywhere near. The closer it grew to my home, I noticed that the sky was beginning to darken, and the air grew still. Looking to Tykus I noticed that he had fallen and began to cough up horrible amounts of blood.

Kneeling by his side I rubbed Tykus's back looking towards him, noticing with pure worry about his condition. "You've got internal bleeding Tykus's, please whatever you do try not to cough. You need to breathe for me." Carefully I rested him back against a tree, taking off his cloak folding it up placing it behind his head looking into his eyes with a worried expression. "I'm just going to check for bruising where you are being from..." Gently I pulled his tunic up looking at his stomach area, carefully pushing my hand to his wound. Finding where he was bleeding, I looked to him in a worried manner. "I need to get you to a healer quickly," I whispered softly to him.

Knowing the most important thing to do was to make him comfortable I check him over for fever, as I loosen all the tighter clothing around the wounded area a bit. "I need you to stay still please, I'll make you better." I whispered softly wiping a few beads of sweat away from my brow looking down at him with clear worry.
Being placed on the tree, I began to chuckle a bit more, "Never thought dying took so damn long" after stating this more blood soon came out. I reached for her hand, Its alright, you can't save everyone goddess. I brought this upon myself, Hell I'm just glad I got he last hit on the asshole before croaking." With this his eyes began to fade into a grey color, as the sisters of fate were about to cut his strings. Though before doing so they realized the fate that was in store before him. They quickly changed around and began weaving as hard as they could. They needed to make sure he lived, or the world as they know it will change forever. Though maybe it already has.
"It will take a while, especially for those with internal bleeding." I watched him cough up more blood and my eyes began to water. "Hush now please, try to stay comfortable." I spoke soothingly towards him, stroking his cheek. Feeling tears roll down my cheeks as I heard him tell me it wasn't any use.

His eyes started to fade into a shade or deathly grey and my heart began to ache. Gently I pressed my forehead to his softly singing him a calming lullaby that her mother once sung to her many... Many years ago.

Paling chalky grey, his skin began to grow cold as my warm tears guided down his cold dead skin. "You took a chance, you should be able to make it through this. You deserve to survive and defeat Ares. Become the trur hero you're meant to be." I whispered softly looking down into his eyes, gently touching his cheek in a saddened manner.

Leaning down kissing his forehead. As cold as his skin seemed, and as dead as he really looked. The slightest pulse remanded holding onto dear life with a great deal of strength. "You will pull through, but you must rest for now."
As the darkness filled me and my vision, Hades was waiting for my arrival, "Well isn't it soldier boy, by the looks of things you really screwed up this time." Hades chuckled a bit, "Well I'm here to tell you it ain't your time kid, not yet anyways. The sisters of fate were kind enough to leave your strings attach just a little bit longer. Hell if I didn't know better I would say they changed your fate entirely. Well enough of that, time for you to head back. See you around kid." After Hades finished speaking it was back to a black void. It was quiet boring, though the demi goddess was by my side for most of it, so it wasn't all that bad.

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