• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy The Magicians of Highbell (OOC)

As am I!! I may return tomorrow to make a couple of edits, hopefully it wasn't too crazy a read. An odd place to end a post, but I didn't want to drag it out for too long hahaha
Line and Chips, I am so, so, so sorry for disappearing! After I got back from my trip I found I had a lot more on my plate than I thought so I completely forgot about our RP and the site. My bad! I sincerely apologize for my absence and thank you both once again for your patience. Unfortunately, I still have quite a lot on my to-do list that I must concentrate on now. I wish I had more time to dedicate to this RP, but I'm afraid I have none at the moment.

If you'd both like to continue on without me, please feel free! Invite your friends if you'd like a larger group. I feel it would be best if I duck out now so neither of you are waiting for a reply I cannot promise at this time.

I wish I had timed this a little better. You two are such great partners and I really enjoy our group dynamic. Hopefully, I'll be able to return to the site soon, but for now I have to focus on real life things (ew).

Best to you both! Happy writing (and reading)!
- Magnolia
It's okay! I hope that everything goes alright for you, and if things are still going by the time that you manage to get back, I'm sure we can keep your seat warm!

ch1ps ch1ps , do you want to keep going?
I'm fine with either, though I think considering the way the RP is laid out, it'll be best to keep the group small either way. How are you feeling about it?
I wouldn't mind staying as a duo for the time being! If we do recruit maybe just one more might do. We could get the word out for now and see how things go? Above all I'm honestly just really excited to really get into the rp, so definitely don't want to do anything to stunt the progression of things ahahah
I'd be fine with one more! That way if Magnolia manages to come back to us, we'd be back at four again, which is pretty healthy as far as things go. Should we give it a while before we look for people, or do we want to just put a thread saying that we're looking for one more, and then see what responses we get? We could also use the original sheet, assuming Magnolia Magnolia doesn't mind.
A thread sounds great! The sooner the better, assuming that it'll probably take up to a week or even three for people to respond and start getting character sheets it :)
Sounds good to me then! I'll see if I can get to putting something together for it today. I can post it here first if you want to check it over and think of things to add.
A little late, but how does something like this sound?

Hey everyone! We're looking for one more person to join a small roleplay named The Magicians of Highbell, a Ghibli-esque coming of age story about a group of magic-users in an expansive, industrial city by the lakeside. Taking cues from films such as Kiki's Delivery Service and Howl's Moving Castle, we're aiming for a relaxed yet magical atmosphere, complete with collaborative storytelling, worldbuilding, and brainstorming. At the moment, our pace is a little more leisurely, and our individual posts are on the longer side (several healthy paragraphs each). If you're fine with roleplay of this nature, read on!

As is the case in Kiki's Delivery Service, our characters have left home to begin their training as proper magicians, as well as find their place in the world as young adults. In our specific setting, witches and wizards leave home at 17, as opposed to the far younger age stated in the film.

If you're interested, you can find out more about the setting and the roleplay by reading our brainstorming sessions in this thread, but I'll post a little bit about the city and two current characters below:

The City of Highbell is a colorful, joyful city known for its relaxed way of life, modern developments, seasonal festivals, and hundreds and hundreds of belltowers. Once a simple paper-milling town, Highbell blossomed into the city it is today after becoming a popular stop for refueling airships, leading travelers of all stripes and cultures to settle in the previously-humble town. The city's many bells ring for just about every conceivable reason, with many shops and businesses possessing their own belltowers for the sake of drawing the attention of passerby--it's just as common for a bakery to ring a bell to announce fresh bread, or for a fishery to ring in the day's freshest catch, as it is for bells to ring for things as simple as the time of day.

Our cast arrives at Highbell during the famed Color Festival, a day of colored paper and ticker-tape strung through the streets, flowering plants, artwork and merchandise of every conceivable color, and brightly-dyed clothes of every shape and form. It's easy to get lost in the midst of what is likely the city's largest festival, but on the other hand, what better day to see the city for the first time?

-- Mora Delay is the puzzle-loving, fine-dining, confectionery-craving daughter of an extremely pragmatic family of magicians. Though she views magic as more of a tool than anything else, she certainly puts said magic to good use; having perfected the act of stopping, starting, and speeding time, Mora can turn a day spent in the kitchen--or just about anywhere else--into a few mere minutes. She's a determined and persistent girl, all-in-all, and such traits certainly come in handy when dealing with the ever-present nagging of her parrotlet companion, Linger.

-- Marabelle Mabel takes equally after her mechanic father and her magical mother. Though disappointed with her gift of Thing-Witchery, the ability to interact with inanimate objects, Marabelle does her best to make due with what she's got. An excellent repairman, Marabelle rarely backs down from unsolved problems, especially those of the mechanical variety, and hopes to prove to herself that her area of expertise is one worth having after all. Supporting her quest--along with the many voices of everything she owns--is her foxhound pup and best friend, Baxter.

If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, feel free to fill out the sheet in the spoiler below! There's some important things to keep in mind while filling this out:

-- You'll notice that the sheet is actually rather simple. We're not looking for paragraphs in each section so much as 3-5 short phrases that best describe each major aspect of your character. If you've ever played a FATE Core game, you'll notice that it's basically the same deal! If you haven't, no worries; all that's important is that you keep things short, snappy, and to the point.

-- Contrary to the way things usually go, we're not looking for images, at least not on the sheet (if you have one you like, you can always post it later). Describe your character in the appearance section the same way that you would for everything else--that is to say, in short, succinct phrases.

-- A little bit of personal fun-facts are included at the end of the sheet so that we know whether or not our roleplay styles would work well together. Don't stress out too much about them, though!

-- If you want full sheet examples, you can find some in the first post of the brainstorming thread. If anything seems confusing or you're not sure how something works, feel free to ask is, and we'll help you as best we can. You can also find a full breakdown of the character sheet, along with some more examples, right here.


[SIZE=5][U]Basics[/U] (Self-explanatory)[/SIZE]


Gender (non-binary welcome):

(Age): Remember, your character is 17

[SIZE=5][U]Personality[/U] (Significant traits and beliefs)[/SIZE]







[SIZE=5][U]Background[/U] (Significant events relating to education, upbringing, and skills)[/SIZE]








[SIZE=5][U]Noticeable Features[/U] (Most distinctive physical features)[/SIZE]








[SIZE=5][U]Magic[/U] (The fun bit)[/SIZE]


Animal Companion (species and name - optional):[/tab]

[tab=You]This section is meant to help me get to know you and to assess whether we would be good writing partners. Just be honest, be yourself, and fingers crossed we'll be a good match.

[size=5][u]General Info[/u][/size]

Preferred name (if something other than your screen name):

Preferred pronouns (should I, for any reason, refer to you indirectly, I want to make sure I use pronouns you identify with):

[size=5][u]Writing Info[/u][/size]

How often do you post?

How much do you tend to write per post?

Does poor spelling/editing bother you?

Do you enjoy contributing ideas in the OOC thread?

If you won't be able to post for a long time or need to drop the RP, what would you do?

[size=5][u]Fun Info[/u][/size]

What genres of RP do you love the most?

What is your favorite Ghibli film?

What book are you currently reading?

What is your favorite food?[/tab][/tabs]

If you have any further questions, feel free to post below, or reach out in PMs to either myself or ch1ps ch1ps . We'd be happy to help! Thanks for reading and considering joining us!
A little late, but how does something like this sound?

Hey everyone! We're looking for one more person to join a small roleplay named The Magicians of Highbell, a Ghibli-esque coming of age story about a group of magic-users in an expansive, industrial city by the lakeside. Taking cues from films such as Kiki's Delivery Service and Howl's Moving Castle, we're aiming for a relaxed yet magical atmosphere, complete with collaborative storytelling, worldbuilding, and brainstorming. At the moment, our pace is a little more leisurely, and our individual posts are on the longer side (several healthy paragraphs each). If you're fine with roleplay of this nature, read on!

As is the case in Kiki's Delivery Service, our characters have left home to begin their training as proper magicians, as well as find their place in the world as young adults. In our specific setting, witches and wizards leave home at 17, as opposed to the far younger age stated in the film.

If you're interested, you can find out more about the setting and the roleplay by reading our brainstorming sessions in this thread, but I'll post a little bit about the city and two current characters below:

The City of Highbell is a colorful, joyful city known for its relaxed way of life, modern developments, seasonal festivals, and hundreds and hundreds of belltowers. Once a simple paper-milling town, Highbell blossomed into the city it is today after becoming a popular stop for refueling airships, leading travelers of all stripes and cultures to settle in the previously-humble town. The city's many bells ring for just about every conceivable reason, with many shops and businesses possessing their own belltowers for the sake of drawing the attention of passerby--it's just as common for a bakery to ring a bell to announce fresh bread, or for a fishery to ring in the day's freshest catch, as it is for bells to ring for things as simple as the time of day.

Our cast arrives at Highbell during the famed Color Festival, a day of colored paper and ticker-tape strung through the streets, flowering plants, artwork and merchandise of every conceivable color, and brightly-dyed clothes of every shape and form. It's easy to get lost in the midst of what is likely the city's largest festival, but on the other hand, what better day to see the city for the first time?

-- Mora Delay is the puzzle-loving, fine-dining, confectionery-craving daughter of an extremely pragmatic family of magicians. Though she views magic as more of a tool than anything else, she certainly puts said magic to good use; having perfected the act of stopping, starting, and speeding time, Mora can turn a day spent in the kitchen--or just about anywhere else--into a few mere minutes. She's a determined and persistent girl, all-in-all, and such traits certainly come in handy when dealing with the ever-present nagging of her parrotlet companion, Linger.

-- Marabelle Mabel takes equally after her mechanic father and her magical mother. Though disappointed with her gift of Thing-Witchery, the ability to interact with inanimate objects, Marabelle does her best to make due with what she's got. An excellent repairman, Marabelle rarely backs down from unsolved problems, especially those of the mechanical variety, and hopes to prove to herself that her area of expertise is one worth having after all. Supporting her quest--along with the many voices of everything she owns--is her foxhound pup and best friend, Baxter.

If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, feel free to fill out the sheet in the spoiler below! There's some important things to keep in mind while filling this out:

-- You'll notice that the sheet is actually rather simple. We're not looking for paragraphs in each section so much as 3-5 short phrases that best describe each major aspect of your character. If you've ever played a FATE Core game, you'll notice that it's basically the same deal! If you haven't, no worries; all that's important is that you keep things short, snappy, and to the point.

-- Contrary to the way things usually go, we're not looking for images, at least not on the sheet (if you have one you like, you can always post it later). Describe your character in the appearance section the same way that you would for everything else--that is to say, in short, succinct phrases.

-- A little bit of personal fun-facts are included at the end of the sheet so that we know whether or not our roleplay styles would work well together. Don't stress out too much about them, though!

-- If you want full sheet examples, you can find some in the first post of the brainstorming thread. If anything seems confusing or you're not sure how something works, feel free to ask is, and we'll help you as best we can. You can also find a full breakdown of the character sheet, along with some more examples, right here.


[SIZE=5][U]Basics[/U] (Self-explanatory)[/SIZE]


Gender (non-binary welcome):

(Age): Remember, your character is 17

[SIZE=5][U]Personality[/U] (Significant traits and beliefs)[/SIZE]







[SIZE=5][U]Background[/U] (Significant events relating to education, upbringing, and skills)[/SIZE]








[SIZE=5][U]Noticeable Features[/U] (Most distinctive physical features)[/SIZE]








[SIZE=5][U]Magic[/U] (The fun bit)[/SIZE]


Animal Companion (species and name - optional):[/tab]

[tab=You]This section is meant to help me get to know you and to assess whether we would be good writing partners. Just be honest, be yourself, and fingers crossed we'll be a good match.

[size=5][u]General Info[/u][/size]

Preferred name (if something other than your screen name):

Preferred pronouns (should I, for any reason, refer to you indirectly, I want to make sure I use pronouns you identify with):

[size=5][u]Writing Info[/u][/size]

How often do you post?

How much do you tend to write per post?

Does poor spelling/editing bother you?

Do you enjoy contributing ideas in the OOC thread?

If you won't be able to post for a long time or need to drop the RP, what would you do?

[size=5][u]Fun Info[/u][/size]

What genres of RP do you love the most?

What is your favorite Ghibli film?

What book are you currently reading?

What is your favorite food?[/tab][/tabs]

If you have any further questions, feel free to post below, or reach out in PMs to either myself or ch1ps ch1ps . We'd be happy to help! Thanks for reading and considering joining us!

Oh my goodness this is wonderful!! Thanks for taking the initiative with this!
Someone suggested that we make a discord for quick OOC chats, so I went ahead and created one! Here's the link

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