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Fantasy The Magicians of Highbell (OOC)

Was listening to a playlist on 8tracks and the cover reminded me a lot of the RP..soooo, thought I'd share it here :)

That looks wonderful! Was the music fitting as well?

That actually reminds me that I have quite a bit of potentially fitting music I could share, so I'll start dripping things in bit by bit sometime soon.
That looks wonderful! Was the music fitting as well?

That actually reminds me that I have quite a bit of potentially fitting music I could share, so I'll start dripping things in bit by bit sometime soon.
Oh!!! Please do! I feel like the right music always gets my creativity going. And yes, I think it was quite fitting!
Here's a few to start then! I'll likely drop in more as we go along, either here or into IC posts themselves.

Title Sequence, The Magicians of Highbell:

A Trio of Departures:

First View of Highbell:

A Town of Smiles and Steam:

Marabelle's First Marching Band:

A Fanfare for Color Day:

Odd-jobs Around the City / Fanfare for Machinery Row:
YES Little witch academia took over my life for a brief period of time. I'll definitely start going through these!
I really really REALLY wish there was a Season 2 in the works but I doubt it. I loved it though! Hopefully someday Studio Trigger will revisit the setting at the very least.
I really really REALLY wish there was a Season 2 in the works but I doubt it. I loved it though! Hopefully someday Studio Trigger will revisit the setting at the very least.

I TRULY HOPE SO!!! I feel like there's still so much they can do with the characters and the plot, so it would be a shame not to get a second season :(

I need more sucy in my life xD
Hi everyone!

Gosh, I've been busier these past few days than I thought I'd be. Thanks for keeping each other entertained! I love the media you both shared. Chips, that album art is gorgeous! Line, I haven't listened to all the tracks you shared yet but I will. Unless it's in a Ghibli movie, I don't ever listen to Japanese music. Not as a matter of principle, I just seek other kinds of music instead. But the songs you picked are suiting to our Ghibli-inspired story, and they're wonderful.

Chips, I think we'll all be okay if we introduce pieces of the world (setting, events, NPCs, etc.) to each other and then expand upon what we've created in the role play. But I agree, we can and should absolutely discuss details here if we need clarification or have suggestions on how to build upon it.

Since we're a small group, I figure that if we aim to post once a week, then we can proceed without a set posting order. If anyone feels compelled to write more than one post per week, let's say we can post twice before everyone has responded, but we must wait until everyone has had a chance to say their piece before we post a third time. For example:

Magnolia - Chips - Magnolia - Chips - Line: Good
Magnolia - Line - Magnolia - Line - Magnolia: Bad (I shouldn't have posted a third time because Chips hasn't had a chance to respond yet)

Does that make sense? I know you're both good about waiting for everyone to contribute to planning before moving on and I'm sure that's something you'll carry through into the role play. I just wanted to make sure we're all on the same page in terms of how much we can write before we pause for someone else.

All right! I'm excited to begin! This Kiki idea has been kicking around in my head for a while, so it'll be fun to finally execute it. I'll start working on my first post today, but it may be a couple more days before I officially post. I will, however, try to get a little scene-setting intro up so any one of us can respond to it in any order to begin!
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Oh, I almost forgot. I'll be busy this weekend so you may not see me at all. And I'll be out of town and away from the internet during the second week of May. So, I'll briefly be totally inactive, but I will return!
Thank you both for your patience! The main RP thread is finally up. You can find the link at the top of this thread. It isn't a true character post, but I wanted to get something up so we could start to imagine the same setting and have some details to play with if needed.

If the way I described Color Day isn't how either of you imagined it, please let me know! I can edit my post so it better reflects what you both had in mind.

Feel free to post whenever! You can start with your standard introductory post, showing us your character's departure from home to their arrival in Highbell or you could plop your character in the city right away and start making waves. I'm looking forward to getting my first glimpse at everyone's character in action!

I had another thought about posting as well: If you've read a post and would like to reply to it first, just leave us a message here saying you'd like to reply next. That way, two people aren't both trying to reply at the same time. I know that can get messy and cause continuity issues.

All righty. I'm off to bed. Hope you both have a splendid weekend!
Hey guys, sorry for the delay in my post! My studies have been kicking my butt as of late so I might be a wee bit late with my reply (It'll probably be up either Monday/Tuesday evening). Thanks for understanding :)
Hey guys, sorry for the delay in my post! My studies have been kicking my butt as of late so I might be a wee bit late with my reply (It'll probably be up either Monday/Tuesday evening). Thanks for understanding :)

All good! Looking forward to it either way!
Hello all! Hope you both had a wonderful weekend. My plan was to get my post up sometime today, which may still happen, but I am wiped out. If not today, then I'll have it up tomorrow.
Hello all! Hope you both had a wonderful weekend. My plan was to get my post up sometime today, which may still happen, but I am wiped out. If not today, then I'll have it up tomorrow.

No worries Magnolia!! I've also had my hands full with exams so I understand!

Edit: My post might be up later than I would prefer, but I'm always keeping up to date with the ooc!! I apologize again with the delay!
Hey all! No rush, just wanted to check up on everyone and make sure everyone's doing okay! Totally cool if people need more time.
Hey all! No rush, just wanted to check up on everyone and make sure everyone's doing okay! Totally cool if people need more time.

Still here!!!!! I've got one last exam tomorrow morning and then I should be all set!! Again, I apologize for keeping you both waiting!!!
Hello! Sorry sorry sorry for disappearing for a couple extra days there. I've been getting things in order before I go on my trip, and that involved a surprise doctor's appointment (fun). I'm absolutely still here and excited about our role play, but unfortunately I don't think I'll have a post up before I leave. Chips, it's totally cool. Good luck on your last exam! Line, thank you so much for your patience. Again, I'll be back on the 11th, but probably won't have time to write until the 13th.

Have a marvelous week, you two! I'll try to pop in here during some downtime on my trip, in case either of you have suddenly come up with ideas for our role play.

Happy writing/reading/watching/living!
Good to hear everyone! I'll probably come up with some more ideas in the meantime to keep the place warm. Good luck with exams and have fun on the trip (hopefully it's a vacation to begin with)!

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