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The Lost Knight in the New World (N0VA x Kurayami)


All grown up
The sounds of swords and guns ringed through the desert landscape as a violent and bloody battle took place. A vast army spread across the desert had raged battle for two days now... men feel and other took up their place as the relentless Orcs kept pressing on the Emperor's men. Relentlessly the Black Templars butchered through the Orcs like they were nothing but wood standing in their way, the Emperor's Champion Sigismund Von Mortifer led the Templars across the desert fields into direct assault with the Orcs, not one of his soldiers had weathered and fell, they clashed with the Orcs until each and every one of them fell to the ground tasting the sand.

Sigismund spotted the Orcs leader and dashed towards him but his violent dash was interrupted when the ground startled trembling and the earth fell into a dark pit beneath him. He gripped his sword and bolter tightly as he fell through the pit, he cursed at the hole as he thought of his soldiers leaving them leaderless. As he fell into the dark pit a glimmer in the end of the pit caught his eye, he thought it was water but as he fell closer it appeared that it was something else, something like an eldar portal of sorts, when he got close it sucked him in and shifted him into another world far from his.

He woke to the chirping of birds and in the shade of trees, to the previous scenery this looked like heaven to him, he opened his eyes and slowly rose up with the support of his sword. He carefully looked around, not being able to spot anything brought ease to his mind but worry was not far behind as he then sheathed his sword and strapped his bolter. Looking around even further he couldn't see one sign of civilization, it seemed he was alone... he was not able to even contact his fellow brethren which meant he was completely alone and isolated. He began exploring the forest, wood broke under his mighty feet as he walked through the forest.
"Annabella Marie Novella Lynnesse Johannason!!! Get down here now!" The voice of King Richmond sounded through the castle. Annabella sat in her room and sighed, standing up and stealthily going to the stables. She gets on her horse, and starts to leave the castle grounds. She takes a secret passage and when she gets out of the castle grounds, deep in the woods, she gets off her horse and has him tied to a tree. She holds up her dress and starts to walk through the woods.

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As Sigismund moved through the forest he spotted a fair maiden in the distance as he got off her horse. He was confused at first she did not seem to be of the order of the sister 'nor did she look anything human to him, she had pointy ears which resembled the Eldars but far from it she was too tiny to be one of them. He decided to reveal himself to her and took a step out of the darkness of the forests and in-front of her "Good day fair maiden." he said with his deep rugged voice that his helmet turned into a slightly scary one.
She gasps slightly seeing this man in front of her. She takes a few steps back in fear, but she doesn't run away. She looks over her shoulder slightly to see where she left he horse.

"Who are you....?" She asked, feeling a bit paranoid. She takes a few more steps back
He chuckled as he removed his helmet to reveal his battered face "Easy now lass, easy... I will not hurt you." he said as he dropped down and sat on a tree that had fallen. He continued to look at her, in comparison to him she looked very small and fragile... she seemed to look distressed, like she had been running away from something, but Sigismund didn't want to inquire on the girls past... he embedded his sword in the ground right in front of him and looked back at the girl "Where is this lass, what is this placed called?" he said.
She looks at him, wondering if she should answer him

"The enchanted forest...." She replied. She looked at him, taking another step back. Her red hair fell over her shoulder, contrasting with the black dress and dark green and brown forest
The enchanted forest? What? Were the thoughts running through his head, he was in another world which was very different from his. Instead of war it was all serene and quiet, the birds chirped in the trees and the wind blew through the forest "Who's world is this lass? Do you have any ruler? King? Someone who you follow?" he asked trying to see if there was some kind of civilization, the girl looked too well dressed to be a barbarian so there might be some place, some kingdom from which she yields from.
She sighs

"You don't want to under the rule of my king......he's a horrible person, a monster. You'd be better off in Snow White and Charming's kingdom.....they welcome anyone."

((Is it okay if I add some fairy tale characters into this?))
He chuckled then began to laugh, as he returned to a sharper more look he stared at the girl "There are all kinds of monsters in this land..." he paused smiled shortly then returned back to his serious face "...or should I say in these worlds. But as old time say, the head of the hydra will be chopped off now matter how much more would grew back up." he took a look at his helmet and placed it back on his head "Take me to your king."
She gets a nervous look on her face

"No, I'm not bringing you to him. He doesn't take well to people from other places...."
He looked at her and rose from the wooden tree he was sat upon, looking at her he picked up his sword slowly placing it in its sheath on his back "Why do you refuse me? Is there a reason you protect the one you call a monster?" he looked through his helmet confused, the girl acted weird. Firstly she calls him a monster, but now he protects him.
She looks away, not wanting to look him the eye

"He took over the kingdom, rules harshly, kills multiple people everyday, murderd my father, and has forced me to be his queen so he can rightfully rule. If he does, all his men are to kill all the children, rape all the women and burn my kingdom to the ground. It is why no one has assassinated him yet, and I won't let you do it, for the sake of my people....I will do whatever I can to keep them as safe as I can. Things would be so much worse if I wasn't there...."
Sigismund walked over to her, his frame standing tall in-front of her blocking the sunlight that shined behind his back. He lifted her chin with his finger and gazed in her eyes through his helmet "I have slayed serpents, demons and aliens... I don't think a fat king can do much to me. I can rip a tree out of the ground, toss buildings into the air... there is nothing that I cannot do if I put my mind to it. What if I would help you restore your rule? Would that change a thing?" he said as he looked at her, in a place he knew... he would probably not say those things. But seeing how he now is stuck in a land which is foreign to him, he needed to stand for something... and this girl perhaps is the key to that.
She looks away, " if the king dies, I die, my people die, my kingdom dies along with us all. I will not let my people go through that suffering......" She looks at him. "No, my people will not die, because of an outsider killing the king, and knowing what will happen when he does
He looked at her as he moved back "Listen to me lass, currently I am with no master and no king... I follow no-one. And I would prefer if that would change, because a soldier without orders is no soldier, but a mere mortal. If you have anyway for me to help you I will... but when the king dies, the one who kills him get's the crown, no? If I am not mistaken that's the way things go..." he said then paused as he turned back to the girl "...what is this kings power if your so afraid of him." he said as he gazed into her eyes.
she looks the other way, turning to the north and points to the tops of a tower of a castle. "that is my home, my kingdom. You can become a soldier of his army, but it takes a lot. And when the king dies, yes the one who killed him gets the crown IF there is no successor to the throne. So if this king dies, and he has not picked an heir, than the throne goes back to me. But that will not happen, given that if he dies, everyone will also die.................."

she looks the other way, turning to the north and points to the tops of a tower of a castle. "that is my home, my kingdom. You can become a soldier of his army, but it takes a lot. And when the king dies, yes the one who killed him gets the crown IF there is no successor to the throne. So if this king dies, and he has not picked an heir, than the throne goes back to me. But that will not happen, given that if he dies, everyone will also die.................."
He mused over the things that the girl said, it made no sense... was someone controlling the king behind the scene or was she just overly thinking it "I don't see how the army that bows down to a king that is dead and accepts the one that rises to the throne will kill without command. That's more of a fanatical thing than anything else, I think that you are over-reacting and a wee bit too emotional lass. Even if the army does move in on the inhabitants is not like they are going to kill them if they are small, when the king dies only a small hand of soldiers will be left and those are nothing but a spec of dust on the map. I fail to comprehend the words that are coming from you, have you even thought of it how that would be possible." he spoke, he sat back down on the same tree and continued to look at her. The girl didn't appear very smart but alas that's what the pretty ones always lack, a sense of mind.
She looks at him

"I know what I am talking about! If you don't want to listen to me, go ahead and be the reason an entire kingdom is wipped out."

She turns and starts to walk back to her horse

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