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Fantasy The Lost Book

The Lost Book IC
  • "I need more power...." Calcifer growled at his servant who stood before him quivering in fear.

    The sorcerer had been gaining power by any means necessary breaking nearly every rule and code in Ariael's existence. Very few sorcerer's and even magic users remained in the kingdom, the majority of them fled in fear of their lives. No one was able to defeat Calcifer as he took over the entire realm of Ariael's. With the royal family unseen most presumed them to be dead the people bowed down before their new sorcerer king, Calcifer. With greed in his heart still hungered for more.

    The servant, Ashton, looked about the library in which they both were in search of something they had possibly missed. "May I s...sssuuu...."

    "Ugh... spit it out already your stammering is bothersome!"

    Ashton swallowed hard and looked down taking a moment to compose himself. "May I....sss.... suggest...." Calcifer locked eyes with his servant staring at him harshly as he waited to hear this suggestion. "What if we brought other magic from another world."

    The sorcerer laughed for a moment but then paused to actually ponder his servant's suggestion. "That could be chaotic... it would mean unknown magic...." he whispered before walking over to a small shelf where an antique looking book remained covered in dust. "However It may just be what we need." he concluded.

    Ashton sighed in relief glad that his master agreed with his suggestion otherwise it could have meant another lashing. "Sha....sh..... shall I prepare the sss...sssp..spell casss....cast?" the young man asked all too eagerly excited. Calcifer didn't utter a word just simply lifted his hand and gave it a slight wave. Ashton simply bowed and left to go prepare the spell to send the books out.

    After much preparation and patience waiting for the full moon to cycle it was finally ready. Calcifer and Ashton along with his followers stood outside on the terrace where a symbol was drawn and candles were lit. They knew of other worlds that existed in their universe but never thought of the consequences of opening the door way to them by magic. Calcifer stood in the center of the circle in his sorcerer garments clutching his staff that had 5 crystals embedded at the top each crystal filled with the power of other magic users. His followers took an oath of undying loyalty, if they were to ever betray him they would simply drop dead and he would gain their power. He had 20 agree to this. With them was a young witch caught in her attempted escape of the capital.

    "Bring her." Calcifer beckoned of the followers who held her still while she desperately struggled "Shh.... there there my pet..." Calcifer whispered to her stroking her long red hair. "Just think your death is of great honor." he whispered into her ear. Before she could speak he took a decorative dagger and began carving symbols into her exposed right arm. The witch screamed and cried in pain but was forced still. "Silence... or I'll cut out your tongue." Calcifer barked at her. With only whimpers heard from the girl he finished cutting into her skin on both arms. The symbols began to glow as the blood dripped into the circle. The followers began their chant and at the end of it Calcifer slit the girls throat. The follower holding her let go letting her drop to the floor as blood poured out onto the circle. Everyone stood back as a blue glow came from the circle and into the sky.

    "Now." Calcifer commanded and the antique book was thrown inside the blue glowing vortex and simply vanished. The vortex lasted for only 10 minutes and when it closed all of them fell to the ground panting heavily.

    "Did it work?" Ashton asked looking over to his master.

    The sorcerer was on one knee his weight heavily on his staff as he stared at the blood covered corpse. "Yes... now we wait." He stated.

    There is much to consider when opening the doorway to other worlds in the universe. The consideration of other dimensions was not fathomed and thus a spell was cast unprepared for such consequences. The doorway to other dimensions is now unlocked and Ariael must face the consequences.

    It is up to you to come up with your grand or not so grand entrance into Ariael. Your introduction will include finding the antique book however you see fit, reading the book, and being sucked inside the book and thrown into Ariael. You will have no knowledge of who did this and why. Any use of Ariael citizens npcs none of them are magic users but know of magic... please have them respond properly. This world has only ever seen humans and various beast like creatures. You may fall into the specified 3 parts I had mentioned or come up with other areas upon my approval.

    Let the play BEGIN!
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