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Realistic or Modern The Living Among The Dead

@Hollowed Kadaver


As surprising as the situation was, Blake did not see the man. Something else was in fact making noise, towards the back of the shop in the storeroom. He thought it was in fact the man from earlier. This stuff on the shelves was no good. It had been worn down by exposure to the elements, while storeroom goods tend to be less sought after. In a brief moment, Blake was outside of the storeroom, weapon at the ready.

Who was Blake? This was not an easy question to answer. Was he one of good intent? Or was he no innocent being. Why bother staying alive? Surely there was something worth living for. The truth was: he had a daughter and wife still out there. He had friends, surely, whom he would want to see again.

Yet, his fate lay inside the storeroom.
Mikhail hept his eyes and his nail trained on the stranger before him, it was obvious that it wasnt a living corpse, so who was this guy? It had been so long since he last saw another living individual, another survivor just like him. Mik stood there for a few more seconds, why isnt he turning around? Does he not know Im standing right here? Thats when he heard it, a sound in the back room. It was now that he could sneak out, but he desperately needed that tire pump. A decision was made and Mikhail then cleared his throat, "slowly turn, i see your rifle isnt drawn lets keep it that way."

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@Hollowed Kadaver

Even though the sound of what could in all likely be danger had worried Blake, a new sound erupted from behind him. Quite obviously, the sound was a human voice. The demand to turn around and surrender had surprised Blake. Was this truly how people were? Was this reality? This guy probably'd try and kill him, but they had an issue. Nonetheless, he complied, holding his arms out and slowly turning to face him. Looking into the face of the man, Blake saw the pain he so shared. It was one of loss, one of depression at the situation. "Finger's on the trigger. Take it off, man," said the man in an attempt to stall him.
Mikhail made no noise, only keeping his nail gun trained on the stranger. "If it makes you feel better, the next trigger pull isnt for you....its for whatever is back there. I just need you back me up and gurantee that you wont try to attack me." It was odd actually talking again, he talked to himself all the time but it was a quiet one sided coversation majority of the time. Mik snapped back to reality readjusting his goggles with his freehand. "Now do I have your word?"

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"Use your head - cut off theirs."

-Max Brooks

"Well, shit."

A group of walkers found their home at the trunk of a tree - their fingernails clawing at the rough surface, jaws clashing up and down, trails of blood flowing freely from their fingertips and wounds as they attempted to attack the tree in order to get the human above them. Kat crouched on a higher branch, her weight balanced precariously as she leaned forward slightly to get a better look at the zombies down below her. How she had gotten herself into this mess, well, that is an interesting story in itself. She had been recently raiding a decently manicured house in an expensive neighborhood, and hadn't realized that the house had been a hideout for many people, until they all turned - naturally. She could tell by watching the walkers they had been rich in a past life: a pearl necklace dangled from the neck of the one smashed against the tree by the other walkers, her jaw appeared to be dislocated, hanging awkwardly against her neck, yet still attempting to gnash her teeth. It was a horrid sight, and almost made Kat nauseated. Almost. She had realized that being weak would only get her killed, but being careless could also get her killed, like today's previous lesson. So, what was a girl to do? Should she wait until the walkers caught a scent of something else? As she pondered her thoughts, more walkers collected at the sounds of the others' moaning in unison, and silently grimaced to herself. She fingered her short blade on her side, chewing her lip thoughtfully, and decided she would wait with a firm nod.

Dirty, matted, and faded pink hair caressed her cheeks as the wind blew across the top of the tree: it was almost comical how quickly she climbed the tree, especially when fear for her own life had been a major factor. She couldn't give up, especially knowing that her father and twin brother were out there somewhere. "
Please be alive," she whispered into the wind, her eyes casting upward at the sun, who blared its sunlight unforgivably, as if laughing at her feeble attempt of surviving all this time alone.

Sam sat in the floor of the garage, embracing the cold concrete on her skin as she arranged the food supplies in a orderly fashion. Vegetables/fruit , water, canned meat, and finally, Sauces. There were a lot of sauces. While she arranged everything, Christopher was clearing the rest of the houses by himself. She trusted him, and knew he would get back to her safely. She preferred this job a lot more anyway, she got to sit down, and that was a rare luxury. The hot sun beamed outside of the garage, and even though the concrete kept her cooler, Sam was sweating like crazy. She took the liberty of stealing one of the bottles of water they had found and drank the whole thing. She could do that now that they found this place. As it turns out, Rich folk loved to keep their food stock up. Even before the world died out, Sam would've killed to have this much food in the house. Even with her and Christopher's money combined, they could hardly afford a nice house. It doesn't matter now though, nobody can afford to stay in a house anymore, and it wasn't because of money. Behind her, she could hear loud footsteps, pretty close too. By now she had memorized how her husband sounded, and this wasn't him. Sam jumped up in time to see a biter rounding the garage. This one was fresh too. It's skin was just barely rotted, and if she didn't know any better, she would've thought it was just a sick person. She shuffled around for a moment, looking for her gun when she realized she hadn't grabbed it. Christopher still had it. Shit.

The biter was getting closer now, and Sam could see all of it's features. Before, it had been a good looking young man, but now he was pale and soulless. She reached behind her and grabbed the closest object, which was, of course; a can of veggies. Sam held the can in both hands and began to slam it down on the Biters soft skull, and it worked for a moment; until the can busted.

Christopher was on the fifth house in the row, and had long since let his guard down. This was a easy task, and no biter could change his mind. He had killed countless by now, and no longer felt the guilt that had overwhelmed his early on. He whistled as he walked into the dining room of the place, tapping his fingers on the grey walls as he walked along them. On the table, there was a dead floral arrangement and a book titled The Lord of The Ring, he picked it up and flipped it over, reading the back before shoving it in his bag. Sam loved books like that. He moved on to the kitchen area, where he began by opening each cabinet. Macaroni, Dry noodles, moldy bread, cake mix, veggies, and soup. The usual. He took everything out of the cabinets and placed it on the floor, where Sam would come to grab it later to take it to the supply garage. He walked up the stairs to the second story and noticed there were paintings everywhere. The one he noticed the most was a small child with a balloon. Much to his dismay, he would never have a child with Sam. After years of trying, doctors had proved her to be sterile. Which sucked for them, but it was okay. Christopher wasn't that good with kids anyway. He reached up and grabbed the painting off the wall, making the picture side face the wall so he wouldn't have to look at it again when he came down.

Nathan had begun to put his knife completely away when he heard the bullet ring out from from behind him. He jumped, and his eyes grew wide. He didn't want to turn around and see what happened, and right now, his only comfort was looking at the boy in front of him. He lowered his voice and shut his eyes softly, "Everything's okay.". He opened his eyes and turned around, what he saw was a relief, but also frightful. His brother, Red, had dropped his gun, and now had his eyes closed. He took in the stranger now, who was still standing, but on his left arm there was a bloody scratch. "Red, take this kid to the truck." he said, tugging on his sleeve a bit and pushing him in the direction of it. Nathan picked up Red's gun and held unto it as he waited for the stranger to speak.

(@planetic )
pinkwaffle said:

"Use your head - cut off theirs."

-Max Brooks

"Well, shit."

A group of walkers found their home at the trunk of a tree - their fingernails clawing at the rough surface, jaws clashing up and down, trails of blood flowing freely from their fingertips and wounds as they attempted to attack the tree in order to get the human above them. Kat crouched on a higher branch, her weight balanced precariously as she leaned forward slightly to get a better look at the zombies down below her. How she had gotten herself into this mess, well, that is an interesting story in itself. She had been recently raiding a decently manicured house in an expensive neighborhood, and hadn't realized that the house had been a hideout for many people, until they all turned - naturally. She could tell by watching the walkers they had been rich in a past life: a pearl necklace dangled from the neck of the one smashed against the tree by the other walkers, her jaw appeared to be dislocated, hanging awkwardly against her neck, yet still attempting to gnash her teeth. It was a horrid sight, and almost made Kat nauseated. Almost. She had realized that being weak would only get her killed, but being careless could also get her killed, like today's previous lesson. So, what was a girl to do? Should she wait until the walkers caught a scent of something else? As she pondered her thoughts, more walkers collected at the sounds of the others' moaning in unison, and silently grimaced to herself. She fingered her short blade on her side, chewing her lip thoughtfully, and decided she would wait with a firm nod.

Dirty, matted, and faded pink hair caressed her cheeks as the wind blew across the top of the tree: it was almost comical how quickly she climbed the tree, especially when fear for her own life had been a major factor. She couldn't give up, especially knowing that her father and twin brother were out there somewhere. "
Please be alive," she whispered into the wind, her eyes casting upward at the sun, who blared its sunlight unforgivably, as if laughing at her feeble attempt of surviving all this time alone.

10:36 A.M

Nicollas opened his eyes slightly,the few light that got past the planks on the window besides his bed suddently felt like a lighthouse.

He got up from his bed,not entirely awaken,yet,he still hoped that it was all just a really big and realistic nightmare.

He walked over to the small kitchen on the apartment he was,he opened a can of beans,he sighed.

"Well,from bacon and eggs to beans.."

He started eating.

His peacefull breakfast was ruined by groans,Nicollas ran over to a window to check.

A horde of zombies was approaching.

Nicollas was scared by the ammount of flesh eating monsters coming directly at him,after a few moments,he rusehd to grab as many things as he could fit in his backpack.

He then lifted a finger to his chin as he thought.


He took a blood bag he found in an abandoned hospital,it was a relief he didn't have to use it on himself.

He spilled the red liquid on his bed.The plan was:

The zombies will have a hard time breaking through the barricades.

Then,they will be attracted by the smell of blood.

They will be confused,for long enough for our little friend to make his great escape.

Some hours of running later (Okay,he walked,zombies are slow,anyways.)

Nicollas passes by an expensive neighborhood,he saw in the distance zombies attacking a tree,it looked more like they were trying to push it down than to climb it,he simply assumed it could be someone in danger,he pulled his rifle from his back,aiming carefully.

A shot can be heard,there was brains on the tree.

The zombies near the turn around,as they are easily distracted,

It was the perfect time to shoot,they were confused,looking for where the noise came from,they also stopped swinging their arms like crazy.

Nicollas pulled the trigger a few times.

After four or five shots,they were all lying on the ground,with their heads missing

He then thought about the ammo wasted on what could be someone putting a knife on his back.

He facepalmed

After some seconds of avaliating the odds of backstabbing,he started walking towards the tree

"H-Hello ? Is someone there ? Please tell me I did not waste my precious ammo saving a piece of meat or something."
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Shaye was going to kill her dad.

Not literally, of course- No, she was going to do that mentally. She was going to slam his ass on the pavement with the variety of creative and colorful words she had in store for him. She was going to lecture him so thoroughly and so vulgarly, she'd probably make Coach Freeman, her P.E teacher from when the world was still sane and less apocalypse-ish who also had nerves of steel, flinch from how harsh and sharp (and crass) it'd be. Many would probably wonder what the hell he did to ignite this outrage and anger from Shaye, asking why she would say such things to her father, the sweet man who had a heart of gold and could never do wrong. Well, there were a few reasons, but there were twi that stood out the most at the moment, such as:

A.): He gave Shaye a fucking heart attack when she woke up. He had not been in the truck when she awoke from dream land, hadn't left her any note saying that the car had ran out of gas, or that he was stepping out for a moment, or wake her up that way she could- You know- protect her and Danny from being killed by practically everything. He had left the two asleep, with the truck's driver side door wide open- Allowing practically anyone and everything to kidnap/maime/kill them. And also allowing Shaye's thoughts/paranoia to go fucking crazy with ideas of what might've happened, and why her dad was not there, and why the door was, you know, wide open. There might've been some scenarios, and now she might not be able to sleep for the next few nights, but that's just another reason to add onto why she was going to chew her father's ass out.

And B.): Her dad was being an idiot. An absolute imbecile. Besides the fact that he scared Shaye shitless and allowed her self-diagnosed case of hypervigilance to settle in quite nicely along with the paranoia, and also the fact that he left them exposed and defenseless to everything and everyone, and- Holy fuck she hadn't thought about this one either!- Had all of the weapons that she could've used to protect her and her brother tightly packed away in his backpack because he thought it was a great idea to 'pretend it's like an every day normal drive', and that of course meant losing her one way of security. No, he was being a total knuckleheaded, thick skulled moron because of this reason, and this reason alone:

He stupidly and naively had thought that it'd been a good idea to talk to a completely random stranger, who at any moment decide could to kill them.

And that's why Shaye, who currently working on less than 4 hours of sleep, was now currently glaring at her father through the truck's window, imagining various ways of how to hand her father's ass to him... Verbally. She huffed a breath of frustration, picking up a still sleeping Danny off of her lap and into her arms and resumed glaring at her father through the window, hoping he could feel her infuriated gaze.

She was going to absolutely murder him.



John could actually feel Shaye glaring at him.

He tensed up, knowing he was in for one hell of a talk if he got back in the truck, but quickly shook it off, sighing in relief when the woman in the car didn't run him over immediately. She looked nice, if not exhausted, and maybe just a little bit warry of John's form- But more importantly, she didn't look psychotic. He gulped, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly as the woman responded.

"Heh, it's okay," He started. "it's really of easy to miss, altogether...." He looked back at the truck, noting it's small size and it's already dark gray hue that almost blended in with the road. And now, in the absence of light in the already darkening sky, it camouflaged perfectly in the night. You'd have to be pretty close to notice it.

He looked back at the woman, who sat in her car uncomfortably and looked like she wanted to bolt from the scene. He could understand why, with all the nutjobs in the world now who wanted to rather kill you or use you as a play-toy for their sick amusement. He sighed, playing with his sleeves nervously. "Um, you wouldn't happen to have a gas can, would you?" He asked. "Our truck ran out, and we're trying to get out of the area as fast as we can." He said awkwardly, trying to explain their predicament without giving away the part about insane murderers chasing them. The woman gave him a questioning glance, like she was trying to figure out if he was being honest or if he was trying to lure her into a trap of some sorts. He only prayed that she would help.


( @planetic )
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Kat The woman, who was perfectly content on waiting the zombies out for the night, sat crouched in the tree.... completely and utterly stunned. She had not seen another living person since the virus spread, and to say she was surprised was an understatement. Kat watched as each bullet entered the walkers' brains - entering from one side like a hot knife slicing through butter - just to escape from the other, clean with precision. Their lifeless, disgusting bodies dropped the moment the bullet exited, all lying on top of each other, and the neighborhood went eerily silent. Kat glanced down, noticing the one female walker, the pearls around her neck, and a blanket of goose bumps covered Kat's arms. The dead woman's eyes were still open, staring directly at Kat; her jaw hanging sideways from her face. It was a grotesque image.

She heard a man calling out for her, which caused her to jerk her head up abruptly. Her mind had been busy watching the walkers and hadn't realized that the gun had such a brave owner. Crouching even more, body hidden within the tree, she watched him approach the trunk looking up.

Suddenly, and without thinking clearly, Kat jumped, pulling her short sword from within its constraints of the scabbard on her right side. She landed on top of him HARD, sending them both sprawling to the ground, and pushed her sword against his throat. "Who are you?" she hissed. Kat would do anything she could to not be captured like she had when the world first went into chaos. She had been held by a military prison, trying to "protect" her, but they did more harm than good. If this man was intent on capturing her, he had another thing coming for him.

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pinkwaffle said:
Kat The woman, who was perfectly content on waiting the zombies out for the night, sat crouched in the tree.... completely and utterly stunned. She had not seen another living person since the virus spread, and to say she was surprised was an understatement. Kat watched as each bullet entered the walkers' brains - entering from one side like a hot knife slicing through butter - just to escape from the other, clean with precision. Their lifeless, disgusting bodies dropped the moment the bullet exited, all lying on top of each other, and the neighborhood went eerily silent. Kat glanced down, noticing the one female walker, the pearls around her neck, and a blanket of goose bumps covered Kat's arms. The dead woman's eyes were still open, staring directly at Kat; her jaw hanging sideways from her face. It was a grotesque image.
She heard a man calling out for her, which caused her to jerk her head up abruptly. Her mind had been busy watching the walkers and hadn't realized that the gun had such a brave owner. Crouching even more, body hidden within the tree, she watched him approach the trunk looking up.

Suddenly, and without thinking clearly, Kat jumped, pulling her short sword from within its constraints of the scabbard on her right side. She landed on top of him HARD, sending them both sprawling to the ground, and pushed her sword against his throat. "Who are you?" she hissed. Kat would do anything she could to not be captured like she had when the world first went into chaos. She had been held by a military prison, trying to "protect" her, but they did more harm than good. If this man was intent on capturing her, he had another thing coming for him.

Nicollas fell with his back to the ground,his rifle falling from his hand,he let out a little grunt as he hit the ground.

"Im glad that was not a waste of bullets."

Even after all the blodshed,the person almost slitting his throat open,he still kept a calm voice,it was kind of comforting.

He reached the woman's hand,pushing the blade out of his neck calmly,he then threw both arms back,pushing himself out of her arm's range,he got up,tapping some dust and blood out of his hoodie,he did just get thrown on the ground full of contamined blood and brains.

He ducked down,taking his rifle and placing it between his back and his backpack.

He reached his hand to her,offering help to get up.

"I am Nicollas,nice to meet you."

He had a smile on his face,it didn't look like a threat,it was innocent,pure.

Kat allowed the strange man to push her hand away, watching him with wide eyes as he calmly reacted to her attack. So, he wasn't military, and if he was, he wasn't trying to attack her. Why had he rescued her then? Didn't everyone have an ulterior motive? Kneeling in the blood stained grass, she watched him pick up his rifle and reach out a hand to assist her in standing up. She narrowed her eyes then, jutting out her chin in determination.

"I don't need your help, and I sure as hell didn't need it then. Why did you do that?" she motioned with her hand to the pile of dead walkers as she slowly got up, making it very obvious she rejected his offer to help her up. The blood had seeped through the knees of her jeans, leaving splatters of blood all down her legs. She didn't really care about the blood, but these were definitely a favorite pair of hers. Since he had put his weapon away, she followed suit and threw her sword back into its scabbard, safe and secure. She then folded her arms across her chest, taking a few steps away from him. Should she trust him?

"I'm Kat," she narrowed her eyes at him again. "Again, why did you help me?"

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(In case you didn't notice, he is 13 years old.)

He put his hand back into his hoodie's pocket.


He said before sighing.

"There aren't alot of "alive" people around here, the life of one person really counts, I know most of them don't think about it like that, so It's okay to be creeped out or something."

He stopped talking for a moment. A small breeze came by.


It sounded like he was going to say something important.

"I wouldn't be able to loot the place with the feeling of one of those being behind me." He pointed at the pile of dead corpses, he soon noticed all of his shots hit the head perfectly, he was really surprised.

He crouched down to look at it better.

After a few seconds he got back up.

"So, uhhhh.."

He looked around at the houses.

"The loot is mine !"

His voice was now childish, like the entire chaos the world is was just a joke.

He ran off into a house.
Louis had been finding it more and more difficult to get around nowadays. He hadn't showered in about two weeks, felt absolutely disgusting. He had two pieces of beef jerky left and about half his bag of trail mix. He was hungry, thirsty, and dirty. Needless to say, he was in a horrible mood. However, he was trying to make the best of it. There was no need to linger on things. Right now he just needed to find some more food, more clean water, maybe a place to stay. He hadn't slept in a real bed in a week. He sort of wished he'd just stayed in his apartment, but it was too late to go back now. He had run out of food there anyway.

He'd been walking for a few hours, trying to find his way out of the main city without a map. To his own surprise and delight, he came upon a neighborhood - It was large, the houses were clean and posh and were sure to have some wonderful, helpful things in them. Most of all, the neighborhood was gated. He could have dropped to his knees and thanked the heavens. He decided that could come later, though, and decided on actually getting into the community. He couldn't squeeze under or through the gate, so with a lot of time-consuming difficulty, he scrambled his way over it. He very nearly ripped his pants on the fancy iron gating, but after about ten minutes, he got through.

This place looked like a paradise. As he walked down the street, it seemed almost normal - The grass was spectacularly green, hardly overgrown, there was no moaning or groaning. There was an odd pile of dead biters, but he overlooked that in favour of stopping at a house. To his knowledge, there weren't even any people left around here. Biters were his only worry.

Upon jiggling the doorknob, he found it wasn't locked, and quietly made his way into the house. His steps were light on the wood floors, taking care to not make any noise. He didn't want to alert a biter, not yet. He didn't think he was ready to stab one, and he was half sure his gun didn't even have ammo. Not that he knew how to check.

Wandering into the kitchen, he saw an array of foods lined up on the floor - It was weird, but he was hungry, and this place was pretty much a paradise in his eyes. He didn't think he'd seen this much food in over a month, before the whole apocalypse thing even happened. He ran a hand through his greasy hair and made a soft noise as he bent down, searching through the cans. He felt like crying with relief.

Christopher had been digging through the contents of the main bedroom's closet. Mostly everything had been name brand, and there was a lot. He had just began to pull out a soft black winter coat when he heard the front door creak open. He laid the coat down carefully on the floor, moving slowly to the side of the bedroom door to ensure he made no noises. He knew that whoever was downstairs wasn't Sam, as she still had three more house's supplies to grab before she made her way over to this one. He slid off his shoes, and began to walk through the upper floor quietly, clutching the his small hunting knife tightly right hand as he did so. The stairs of the house led right into the kitchen, so Christopher could see the intruder hunched over the cans before he was even half way down the steps. "Shit.." he mumbled under his breath. He closed his eyes tightly in order to think before completing the rest of the walk down. The person had been so indulged in the food, that they didn't even seem to notice Christopher standing right in front of him. He observed the person for a moment, taking in his youthful features and tired posture. "I won't hurt you, but I'd like you to show me your weapons; if you have any." he said speaking for the first time.


Sam struggled even more with the Biter, practically dancing with it as it made its attempts to grab her. She managed to slide around it's sides and was not backing out of the garage. The sun now barred down on her as she continued backwards down the driveway. If only she had remembered to grab her gun. She barely had time to think as she caused the Biter to fall backwards unto the hot pavement. Though her shoes weren't made for it; she began to stomp on it's head.
Louis was so involved in the food, looking through the cans for some things he might be able to take, that he hadn't even seen the man come up before him. So when the voice made itself known he practically jumped out of his skin, standing up straight and taking a hurried step backwards. It had been so long since he'd seen another person (if a week could count as "so long"), and he was definitely a little freaked out. He considered running, he did - However, the man didn't seem particularly hostile. He was tall as hell, practically towering over Louis, but he didn't have any weapons drawn and his face was oddly calm. Maybe they could be friends, or something. Internally, Louis rolled his eyes at himself. You don't make friends in the apocalypse, dummy, He thought, It's just a partnership or something. Team? "Uh." Louis blinked unceremoniously. If this man had intended to kill him, he probably could have done it just then. Idiot. It didn't take much thought for him to pull out his small pistol and butterfly knife. It wasn't like he'd miss them if they were stolen, anyways. He hadn't used either one. "This is all. I'm sorry, this - Is this yours?" He asked, nodding towards the food on the ground. "I was just.. Well, really, I was probably going to take it. But.. We could share?" He chewed at the inside of his cheek, expression as hopeful as he would allow. He was hungry, okay? It was a miracle he wasn't just bitching at the guy and being a brat. He was also a little scared, but he'd keep that to himself.

Christopher blinked for a moment. He hadn't really planned out what to say next and was now in shock like It's a person! It speaks! It wants food! "Oh, well, take what you need. I have plenty.." It had been a whole month since he had interacted with anyone other than Sam, and dare he say it, but she was driving him crazy at this point. "If that's not enough, I can get you more, I mean.. I've been through a lot of houses." Listen to yourself, Christopher. You're practically begging the kid. "I'm Christoper, by the way." he said, allowing the words to slip out of his mouth cooly, attempting to regain posture. The last person he had met had been an elderly woman, and she had taught him how to can his own vegetables; in the case that he ever came across any. This was until, of course, she had been almost completely devoured by the Biters. The best thing he and Sam could do for her at that point was put a bullet through her skull and say "Amen".


The Biter's head now laid splattered on the boiling concrete driveway. Sam had successfully stomped it's brain enough to cancel out it's ability to function, and in any case, come back to life. She grabbed unto it's feet and dragged it through the road to the Biter pile that she and Christopher had created. She had been lucky this time, but she needed to get her gun just in case there was a next time.
Louis visibly began to relax as the man spoke. He was nice, Christopher was nice, Louis would be okay. He let out a slow breath as he replaced his weapons back to their original spots, a tiny sort of smile appearing on his face. He was a people person, always had been, and to have some company finally was a miracle. The fact that said company was a decently attractive man who wasn't a dickhead helped, as well. "I'm Louis," He introduced, bending down to pick up a tab-open can of green beans. He'd probably eat straight up Spam right now. "Thank you, really, I sort of thought you were going to kill me or something," He admitted, fitting his finger under the tab and opening the can. He didn't really have the patience to wait right now. "I'll help, if you want? To pay you back, I guess. It's really good of you. Are you here alone?" He asked. He was still sort of in that awkward, I-just-met-you-so-I'm-going-to-be-polite-and-not-die stage. He just wanted a friend, someone to talk to and spend some time with during this horrible time. He didn't want to get himself chased off by being a brat.

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Christopher pulled himself up on the counter and sat down while they talked. The kid didn't seem half bad, but looks could always be deceiving. "Nah, I only kill out of sympathy, never that unnecessary shit." he said, beginning to fiddle with a cabinet door. It was partially broken, and had a crack at the bottom. "I could use the help, if i'm being honest here. I counted a total of 36 houses, and I've only cleared eighteen; it's me and my wife by the way. She's with the other supplies that I mentioned earlier." He wasn't sure what he planned to do after the houses were all cleared, but he knew that this place was the closest thing to safe he has experienced in a while; maybe they could stay here for a while, at least until the supplies ran out. Which would, of course, be months considering there were only three of them. Wherever the wind blows, I suppose. "So, you look young? How old are you anyways?" he asked, cocking his head a bit with the question.


Samantha grabbed the bag she had been using the transfer food to the garage and started towards the new row of houses that Christopher was working on. She'd move the supplies first, then get her gun. After all, she knew the houses would be clear, she just hoped the road was as well. As she walked, she observed each passing house. There was an array of colorful houses, but most of them were a dark grey; all of them were concrete/brick. She wondered how long they would be able to stay there until biters; or people, drove them out. She hoped it would be a long time, as her intentions were to make a home out of this place.
Louis poked around some drawers once his can was opened, looking through a few different ones until he found a fork. Might as well be classy while he had the chance. He couldn't remember the last time he washed his hands, so he wasn't exactly keen to be sticking his fingers into his food. He was almost tempted to ask if Christopher had any children, though he figured they would have been mentioned if he did. What could he say - Louis had a soft spot for children. "24," He answered, fluttering his eyelashes in an almost playful way as he swallowed a mouthful of food. "Good to know I still look young. I feel like a dirty hobo. Though.. I guess, technically, I am now." He chuckled, leaning back on the counter in front of Christopher. "You're really tall. Like, jolly green giant tall. If age was measured by height you'd be, like, fifty or something." He smiled, his first genuine smile all week. It felt good to have someone to talk to. "You definitely look too good to be fifty, though. You're probably.. Thirty? No more, I'm sure." He tilted his head, feeling just a little bit cheeky. If he were honest, he hadn't been sure he'd ever meet a nice person again. "Where's your wife?"

"Ah 24. So your AREN'T a kid, then.", he smiled. He jumped off the counter and decided to be nosy. On the fridge, there was photo memories galore. Who would've thought that fridge magnets would be the future of meeting your neighbors. Or dead neighbors at that.. "Hey, we're all dirty hobos at this point. I haven't seen any water for miles, so I'm pretty grungy myself." he chuckled, this was nice. "Your pretty close, I'm 34. Meaning I could totally be your father; if I had been that much of a player at ten, that is." He began flipping over the family photos so that only the white back of them showed. It was a thing of respect. "I had a pretty tall family. My wife, who is, like I said, arranging the supplies; came from a short family. I'm a whole 9 inches taller than her." he said, smiling proudly. "What about you? Where's the family? Do you know?" he asked, hoping not to intrude. He opened the fridge, and started to dig through it. He hadn't really though to check the fridges, but now he saw why. Moldy cheese. He reached in and grabbed a water that was on the top shelf and started to drink up. The house didn't have electricity, so the water wasn't exactly cold, but it was good to him. Sam should be here by now... "Hey, how about you take some food to go and we go find my wife. I'm sure she'd like to meet you, if you're up for it."

Louis laughed quietly, sort of under his breath when Christopher said he could be his father. Not by a long shot, definitely. It didn't really matter, though. He figured most survivors were likely to be older - At least, that's what it seemed to be to him. Then again, maybe he'd just walked by a bunch of hiding people without noticing. That seemed unlikely though. "That's cute. I'd like to think I'm average, but pretty much everyone tends to be taller than me. Men, anyways. The women where I worked usually had an inch or two on me, even." He tilted his head a little, finishing off his green beans. It was sort of weird, thinking about his internship in the past tense. He'd always thought he would be stuck doing that for a year or two, then would finally move up in the line of work, get a clothing line or something. That didn't seem extremely likely now. "Family's a sore spot. I'd rather avoid that," He admitted. His mood would definitely turn sour should he start talking about that. "Yeah, wife sounds good. I'd like to meet her. If she's anywhere near as great as you, I think I'll have two new best friends," He joked. He decidedly just grabbed a can of Kidney beans, pulling the lid off before adjusting the bag on his shoulders and heading to the door. It was funny to think he'd been a picky eater a few weeks ago.

"Alrighty, I'm gonna go ahead and grab the rest and carry them to the supply garage then; save Sam some trouble. That's her name by the way, Sam." he bent over and started stuffing his backpack with the leftover food. Most of it fit easily, but he had to squeeze in the rest. He laid the backpack down on the floor and darted upstairs, where he grabbed his shoes that he had slipped off earlier. When he finally pulled on his shoes and backpack, he headed over to the door and walked outside. Down the street a bit, he could see a figure walking down the street, lugging a large bad over their shoulder. "I think that's her down there." he said, speaking to Louis. She wasn't all that far from where they were, it's just that the heat waves were sort of blurring her out. "Hey, Sam! I found someone!" he yelled, shielding his eyes with his hand to see past the blaring sun.

Sam was lugging a heavy bag down the street when she heard Christopher's voice calling her in the distance. She sat down the heavy bag and stretched a bit, waiting for him to get closer. Wait, did he say he found someone? She must have heard him wrong, as they hadn't seen anyone besides each other for miles. Sure enough, though, when she turned around to face him, there was someone standing beside him. She squinted her eyes and walked towards the two, concern spreading along her face as she made out the shorter figure. "Whose this?" she asked as she got closer.

@planetic hope this was ok, I just wanted to go ahead and kill off that character because the player dropped out.)

Nayla started to whine, she could see the creepy humans surrounding the truck and growled as some of them got closer to her spot, clawing at the sides. One of the Masters came over and cleared out the monsters and climbed in, but they were soon replaced with more. The dog paced back and forth in the back, only able to go as far as her leash would allow. She snarled and barred her teeth as some tried to get in there with her. These were not normal people. She backed herself into the center of the truck, up against the cab's window. The dog cried out loudly for her masters and covered her body with her tail, frightened. Soon, she heard a loud squeak behind her and jumped back to see that the smallest human had opened the window, and was now calling her name. The dog wagged her tail gratefully as she struggled to slip herself through the small hole. Soon, she was inside, and her master unhooked the thing that was holding her down and closed the window behind her the dog climbed into the larger girl master's lap and laid there, both nervous and happy from the rescue.
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Kiara and Logan were walking through the woods on the outskirts of town. Each of the two had their weapons raised, in case anyone or anything tried to attack them.

Logan was in front of his wife, shielding her and his unborn child from the dangers of the current world. He made a motion that the coast was clear, after surveying the area, and let her come forward.

There was snarling from behind them. The young couple turned around to see a small horde of about four Biters slowly creeping towards them.

Kiara felt her stomach churn as the putrid odor of death reached her nose. Her skin went pale, and she gagged, looking away and squeezing her eyes shut as Logan killed off the vile creatures.

When it was over, she ,collapsed to her knees and was promptly sick. When she was done, she shakily stood up and wiped her mouth.

There was a rustling in the trees. Too big to be an animal, but the lack of snarls alerted them that it wasn't a Biter.

Logan raised his weapon. "Who's there?" He called out, yet not loud enough to attract Biters.

Receiving no answer, he assumed it was a large animal or something passing by. He lowered his weapon and grabbed his wife's duffle bag and his own backpack onto his shoulder, while supporting her.

"Can you walk?" He asked Kiara, who gave a weak nod. She was still pale and shaky, but she would manage.

He helped her walk, slowly at first, then they picked up the speed. The two were used to the constant sickness that Kiara experienced. According to old medical books the two had found, it may have meant that their baby was coming soon

Even though the world they lived in was shot, they were still excited. First time parents almost always were, unless something went wrong.

As they exited the trees, they were met with the sight of a large group of Biters surrounding a vehicle, which had people and a dog inside.

It was a long shot, but they would try to help them. Seeing that the group of creatures was distracted, they snuck out of the trees. They made sure the humans could see them.

It wouldn't be that hard, since Kiara was supporting a rather large abdomen, but what they worried about now was this: would the humans be safe?

They could only hope that they would decide to help the couple, who was obviously welcoming a new member. They couldn't be that cruel. Right?

The small woman watched as the boy sprinted toward a house, claiming the loot was his. So, he wasn't trying to harm her, steal from her, or capture her - so what was his deal? He was young, too young to be going through this, and it made Kat feel guilty. She slowly walked behind him, avoiding blood splatters on nearby gardens, her eyes shifting side to side, as if her apprehension were getting the best of her. She watched as her feet walked - right foot, left foot - and wondered how she got to the point. She had been a lively teenager, a rebel without a cause, someone who hadn't let the world affect her. She was Kat, and no one could change that. But the world had other plans - plans to destroy everything around her, her entire life, and everything she had ever accomplished. Would it ever be the same?

Kat approached the house gingerly and cautiously, her right hand resting gently on her hip, as if prepared for a walker at any moment. She normally didn't search houses like this - the last time she did, she ended up in a tree. She would rather not fight the walkers if she didn't have to. Unnecessary risk. "Er, Nicollas? Where are you?" she called quietly into the house, growing anxious at the silence.

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Nicollas was upstairs, he heard the woman call for him.

His steps could be heard, as he approached the stairs.

"Oh hello the-" He tripped on a skateboard near the stairs,rolling down them.

They were some rather small stairs, so he didn't get much damage.

He got back on his feet,with one of his hands on his back, he then let go of his back as the pain stopped.

"What is it ?"

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