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Fantasy The Liberated

<p>Sorry but I'm dropping out of this one </p>


<img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/sad.png" alt=" :( " srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/sad@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p>


<a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/19194-verifiedkat/" data-mentionid="19194">@verifiedkat</a></p>
Hey @Dkingow , not trying to sound rude or anything but I don't see how a girl who is 110lbs be able to lift 200lbs if she isn't physically fit or on a huge adrenaline rush.
<p>You dont have to be physically fit to be able to carry. But I understand what you mean. I meant she isnt like buff, like she doesnt look like she weight lifted looks physically fit, abs and ceps and all</p>
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@Fuzziestudios Unfortunately, I can't accept your character at this time. First, there are no mythical creatures, only humans with powers. And, your character has no drawback to using his power. This is essential so you can't use your power constantly and everything you do has to be calculated
Thanks @verifiedkat , Rinon looks like she'll be fun to engage with too. Another question though (sorry for asking so many), what are the rule on weapons? How many? What types?
@Redrobinwing I'd prefer if people used modern weapons like guns for this rp. Knifes are ok if your character doesn't know how to use a gun just as long as you aren't using a broadsword or katana type weapon.
@Dkingow I'm 90% sure that he's a child anyway, and that the age he posted is a lie. The other 10% is me thinking he may be autistic, which mind you isn't exactly a bad thing.
@Dkingow Yes but children are ignorant and rude its just how they are until they begin to hit their teens, and if he's autistic, he has a mental disability although a minor one compared to a lot of other disabilities its not his fault.
Wow. You actually said something nice. You arent an asshole like SachiGirl.

Thank you.

I shall be taking my skills somewhere else!
[QUOTE="Caffeine Freak]I commend you for your high tolerance. Something forum websites aren't exactly rolling in.

This is why I just have patients not tolerance.
Dkingow said:
This is why I just have patients not tolerance.
People with patience type slow enough to avoid typos.

The trick is to get high on caffeine, that way your mind is working too fast to make typos anyway - so you can be as impatient as you want.
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