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Fantasy The Liberated

@Eric Hayes Okay, then he's accepted. Since we already had the timeskip, if your first post could include your character recollecting the dream, that would be great.
verifiedkat said:
@AlekaXKaden Everyone is human in this rp. They only develop powers after the plague and they have to have heavy consequences
Oh ok. I was just thinking a little wrong. I'll edit my post alright?

Edit: Alyssya can turn into animals but it makes her exhausted and Kymber and make her penguin real but she can possible turn into a penguin if she does it too long
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AlekaXKaden said:
i dont understand by "Recollect" Sorry :P
If I could step in for a moment, basically she'd like a description of a dream as well as your character waking up and stumbling across the house everyone's in.

The dream can be whatever you want, just make sure it includes a woman promising something to your character if they find her.
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[QUOTE="Caffeine Freak]If I could step in for a moment, basically she'd like a description of a dream as well as your character waking up and stumbling across the house everyone's in.
The dream can be whatever you want, just make sure it includes a woman promising something to your character if they find her.

Oh alright

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