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Fantasy The Liberated

Danny Jackson

Age: 19

-Sexual Orientation- Homosexual

Picture/ Description: 5'4''



Gender: Male


Danny is a quiet kid who doesn't really show much emotion. He has them but he thinks that it's a lone road for few people left on the world.

Before the Plague:

Danny was a nobody. Waking up; saying hey to his mom; going to school; skating down the halls; breaking a few rules; acing math; going to band practice, half the time not showing up; going home; eating cold pizza; not doing homework and going to bed. He had no real purpose so when the plague broke out he didn't really care. It wasn't as if he was missing anyone.

Location before heading west: New Jersey

Power: None

-Weapons- Aluminum Baseball Bat

Strengths: Rollerskating, Guitar, Math

Weaknesses: Needles, Spiders, Emotionless
Name: Satan “Steven” Morn

Age: 24

Picture/ Description:

Gender: male

Personality: He’s a reserved fellow, but still quick with emotions. He doesn’t like seeing abuse and is quick to throw a punch.

Before the Plague:

Steven was born to two young people obsessed with the nineties Norwegian metal scene. This unfortunately meant that they literally named their kid Satan, which also meant that the kid was picked on until he learned to just call himself Steven. His dad was a junkie but an alright human being outside of that. Steven’s mom may or may not have tried to burn a church down and rename herself Judas Iscariot. He ended up not being able to go to college since no college was about to admit “Satan,” and unfortunately he couldn’t get the signatures to change his name. He ended up getting an apprenticeship and later became a mechanic. He moved from Atlanta Georgia to Austin to set up his own Mechanics shop, and in doing so cut himself off from his family. He had been going to therapy to deal with his psychological issues.

Location before heading west: Austin Texas

Power: Pyromancy, the control of fire.


Has pyromancy

He grew up in a rough family of metalhead anarchists and knows how to use a gun and explosives

Strong guy generally speaking

Mechanicy skills


Deeply psychologically scarred,

Not quick to open up,

Quick to throw punches at anyone he thinks is being an ass


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Name: Gabriel Anderson

Age: 27

Picture/ Description:

Gender: Male

Personality: A very introverted person. Doesn't show much emotion. Is mostly out for himself, but has bee know to have his rare kind moment.

Before the Plague: Not the nicest guy. Gabriel grew up in a boring family in a boring were boring things happened. He was never the brightest kid. He had skills though. Like he could create light. That was... something. He didn't really show that many people. Moved away. Travelled around. He was a bouncer,bartender and even a hunter, that was an odd time. He also drank. Alot. As in enough to drown a fish. Before the world went bomb he was making his way back home.

Location before heading west: Carson City, Nevada

Power: He can create light, either as a beam or as a a ball.

Strengths: Tough, Knowledge of firearms and isn't a bad talker.

Weaknesses: Loner, Somewhat selfish and Pessimistic

Equipment : Always wears goggles for some reason...

Has a rifle, pistol and a bag full of stuff.
Name: Alyssya "Lyssa" Woods

Age: 18 1/2

Picture/ Description:
Alyssya wears blue contacts but she has brown eyes

Gender: Female

Personality: Alyssya is pretty serious when it comes to older people, but when she can, she'll be pretty silly

Before the Plague: Alyssya had a great life before the plague, Great friends, a great family, not to mention she was rich.

Location before heading west: Longview, Texas

Power: Alyssya is able to turn into a handful of animals but it makes her exhausted.

Strengths: She is very creative, so she can get ideas for really anything, and she is smart, plus she is an engineer.

Weaknesses: She is boy crazy so that doesn't help. She can sometimes sleep for almost a whole day and wake up at night, getting her sleeping off.

Other: Her parents died due to the plague and she has a little sister.

Name: Kymber "Kym" Woods

Age: 16 1/2

Picture/ Description:

Gender: Female

Personality: Kymber is pretty immature for her age, since she still sleeps with stuffed animals

Before the Plague: Pretty same as Alyssa

Location before heading west: Longview, Texas

Power: She can make her penguin become real O_O, but if she does it for too long she can start becoming a penguin from the inside out. Plus when she is done making her penguin real, if any damage was done on the inside or out, it will be reversed until she makes the penguin real again.

Strengths: The night, Being smart, her creativity

Weaknesses: She is Immature, also she is physically weak

Other: She has a stuffed penguin she can NOT live without. Here is a picture:

*Lets say in the penguin picture, the woman holding the penguin was Alyssya and Kymbers mom and the penguin was bought when Kymber was 12*
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