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Fandom The Legend of Zelda × The Golden Wars

Anomaly said:
Oh. Oh god. Are you BBCoding with RTE turned on? Please stop that.
Like, now. xD
I . . . . never even realized there were two different editors. Holy shit, that might actually prevent half the problems I have involving BBCode xD

Edit: Weird, they're showing for me, save for the one that screwed up yet I couldn't remove.
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KageYuuki said:
I . . . . never even realized there were two different editors. Holy shit, that might actually prevent half the problems I have involving BBCode xD
Yes! Turning off RTE is so, so important. It doesn't recognize what BBCode is, so a lot of times it tries to like.... format it.... and it just freaks out. You can disable it permanently in your user preferences.
I'm probably not gonna end up doing this, the role I planned for my character got taken, which kinda screws my whole idea for it up. I don't feel like making another either.
@Ashman74 --

It's up to you. The Fire Sage position is still open, but if you'd rather wait, or not join at all, that's fine.

Been a bit distracted. Weekends are a weird time for me -- usually my busiest. Yesterday was the first meet up for a tabletop group I'm in. Hopefully by Friday I can get the first post up for y'all. c:

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