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Fandom The Legend of Zelda × The Golden Wars

@Red Thunder --

I was thinking that we would keep posting order to the order characters were approved in, but if everyone would prefer first-come-first serve on securing order, that would be fine with me.

What does everyone think?
carrot said:
@Red Thunder --
I was thinking that we would keep posting order to the order characters were approved in, but if everyone would prefer first-come-first serve on securing order, that would be fine with me.

What does everyone think?
I'm good for keeping things tidy by CS approval order. Or whatever. I'm just excited for this RP.
I mean we could maybe keep intro posts to acceptance order but later on it might just get in the way.
The notification system of this website sucks, so I'm wondering if some of the other accepted players haven't gotten the heads up about the continued conversation here... ( O.o )
This thread is a little outdated, but has a lot of helpful info about alerts. The most important thing is it reminding you that you can check your watched threads manually here, and you probably should do that once daily so you don't miss much. You can access that page through the navbar by hovering over Forums and then clicking Watched threads. Also, your notification settings have a checkbox for persistent alerts, which will send you alerts for a thread even if you haven't looked at it since the last alert.
Why yes. Just sitting here waiting. Care to wait with me?

Yes! I put together my macro yesterday. Today ended up being stupid so I haven't been able to get around to an actual post, but it's at the top of my RP to-do list! It's kind of late here now, so I don't know that it'll happen tonight, but sometime tomorrow for sure.

I'm very excited. :D
Unlike Anomaly, I'm a pretty slow writer, so forgive me if I'm not burning tracks with my posts. Hype as I am, I'm just not a speed demon when it comes to writing.
No worries. I tagged you because the notification system sucks and wasn't sure you were up to date on everything that had been said.
The notification system is exactly as I explained it above. :P It's very reliable and predictable and trustworthy - you just need to be sure to check your watched threads in case you missed a notif, not because it malfunctioned, but because it doesn't flood you needlessly.
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I've been crazy busy too, but feel free to start posting! I'll post Zelda last to restart the turn order and get things rolling. c:
Acceptance order! Since some of the posts got accepted in a little bit of an odd order, just go by the order of posts in the character thread.
Whoops, sorry guys, was gonna get a post up but I had to go for someone's baptism.

Namely, mine.

It was a five hour affair, but it was great, and my name's Isaac now. Officially simi22.
Yeah I know. Between work and being sick I just haven't made it to a computer yet
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