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Fandom The Legend of Zelda × The Golden Wars

carrot said:
Hahah, you're both welcome to!
Ok! I think I'll do something non-combat. Maybe a Zora fisher-woman/merchant? Unless you're up for having a skull-kid...

...or the Happy Mask Salesman.
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@Red Thunder --

I'd love to have some Zora! Skull-kids I'm a little iffy on, and the Happy Mask Salesman is so specific to Ocarina and Majora's Mask so I'm gonna say no to him.
@Red Thunder --

HNNN I LOVE INNOCENT KIDS IN DANGEROUS SITUATIONS. That makes me sound like a horrible person but I'll stand by it. If you follow through with that, I have a feeling Zelda's gonna end up REALLY protective of them, hahah.
carrot said:
@Red Thunder --
HNNN I LOVE INNOCENT KIDS IN DANGEROUS SITUATIONS. That makes me sound like a horrible person but I'll stand by it. If you follow through with that, I have a feeling Zelda's gonna end up REALLY protective of them, hahah.
Oh, definitely. Plus I am a huge fan of the "horror of innocence" trope. Granted, it doesn't really fit into this setting, but giving a kid a touch of Happy Mask mysteriousness? (>>)
I DID IT I FIXED THE CODE and found typos I missed whups. Now I'm gonna go make another cup of coffee and get to work on the introduction! c:

I found one, question: I found an image of a set of Armor that could potentially fit a Goron, is that acceptable? Or should I settle for the whole 'Merchant' look from Wind waker?
@Ashman74 --

A Goron can definitely wear armor. You can also go Twilight Princess style and have them be a little more distinct.
I was planning on using something like the DarkNut armor. (Seems large enough, and looks pretty badass.) Will do.
I found one I like, but they're good...Though the last one reminds me of a lizard.


Could I take the role of the Sage of fire? Seems fitting. (Cause goron.)
Assuming I do a Zora side character, which pic do y'all prefer?



If you even have a preference. I think is my first time doing a true secondary character that is independent of the primary, so I'm a little nervous.

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